Carleton University 
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering

SYSC 1102 C++ Programming

Winter 2008

Contact Information

Professor: Aysegul Cuhadar



Phone: 520-2600 Ext. 1938

Office: Minto Building, Room 7036

Web page:

Teaching Assistants:   

Jason Rhinelander:

Karen Widish:


            Mondays & Wednesdays 11:35am-12:55pm           AA 508

Lab: Wednesdays 8:35am-10:25am 508 AA

TA Office Hours (Open Labs):  Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm  507AA



 Examples reviewed today (April9th).


 Previous year’s final exam. There will be a lab and a review lecture on Wednesday (April 9th) during regular scheduled hours. During the lab session, you can consult the TAs regarding assignment/lab test solns and/or your marks. During the lecture, I will go over some of the past exam questions.

 Slides from review class on April 2nd (Wednesday) and marks (A1-A9, Test1-5, and Midterm Exam).

 Final exam is scheduled for April 15th 2pm in UC282. Topics covered in chapters 1-16 of the textbook are included in the exam.


Solutions for Midterm exam. As some of you could not make to yesterday’s lab on time due to the winter storm, we will be giving a bonus lab exam in next week’s lab (March 11th). Those of you who wrote this week’s lab exam can use this opportunity to get bonus marks and those who missed the lab test can use this as a lab-makeup exam.

  Midterm exam will be held in ME 3328. Here is last year’s midterm exam with the solutions and the marking scheme. Topics included in the exam: C++ basics, functions, arrays, pointers and C-strings, recursion and objects and classes. You are also responsible for the material covered in assignments 1-5 and lab tests 1 and 2.

 Please note that only the example programs we review in the lectures will be posted; supplemental notes will not be posted anymore.

 Weekly TA office hour (Open lab) is scheduled on Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm in 507 AA. If you have questions or having problems regarding the assignment and/or course material, you can see the TA in 507AA during this time.

 Please Note: Accreditation of our Engineering programs requires that classes and laboratories, tutorials, or problem analysis sessions continue to run through the review period of the winter term. For 2008, the last day of normally scheduled classes (for non-engineering courses) falls on Monday April 7th. Note that all classes/labs/tutorials on this Monday April 7th will follow a Friday schedule (this day makes up for the missed statutory holiday on Friday March 21). Classes laboratories and tutorials will continue for engineering courses on Tuesday and Wednesday April 8th and 9th according to Tuesday and Wednesday schedules, respectively.

 The first lab will be held on January 9th, 2008 (attendance to labs is compulsory).


 Tutorials and sample programming applications for Visual C++ programmers

 Visual C++ tutorials, online books, tips, FAQs and debugging


* Course Outline

* Assignments and Labs

*  Example programs reviewed in the lectures.

*      We will be using Visual C++ as the default compiler for SYSC 1102. Note that you may use whatever C++ compiler you want to write your programs, but you must ensure that your programs can be compiled in the Visual C++ environment provided in the SCE labs.

*      Coding style guide  that should be followed in this course (assignments, tests, and exams).

Last updated April 9, 2008