Instructions For Using The Submit Program

Download the submit program to your computer and run it.
The first time you use the submit program, you must create a submit account.
Follow the instructions for submitting assignments or changing your password/e-mail address below.

Creating a Submit Account

To create a submit account, run the submit program, enter your student number, and press the "register" button. Then

  1. Select a password - make sure you choose one that is easy to remember.
  2. Enter your name.
  3. Enter your email address. We need this in case we need to send you any important announcements during term. If you need to change your email address later, follow the instructions under changing your password or email address.
  4. Press OK. You can now submit your assignments electronically.

Submitting Assignments

The exact method you'll use for submitting assignments depends on how your instructor has set up the system.

  1. In all cases, run the submit program, enter your student number, password, and the assignment number, then press the "submit" button.
  2. Once you've selected your file/folder, the contents of your file(s) will be displayed. Verify that the files shown are in fact what you want to submit.
  3. When you are ready to submit, press the "submit" button.
  4. If you are unable to submit your program because of technical difficulties or because you forgot your password, send your program to your instructor as an email attachment. This will not be accepted as a submitted program, but may help give you an extension so you can come see your instructor to fix the problem.
  5. You can press the "View" button to view your submitted files.
  6. If, after submitting, you discover an error in your program, you can resubmit at any time before the deadline. Only the last version you submit will be marked.

Changing your Password or Email Address

  1. In the submit program, enter your student number and password, then press the "update" button.
  2. Enter your new password and email address.
  3. Press OK.

Viewing your Marked Assignments

  1. In the submit program, enter your student number, password, and the assignment number, then press the "view" button.
  2. Your mark is shown at the button of the screen.
  3. Press the "marker" button to see the name and email address of the person who marked your assignment.
  4. Press the "save" button to save a copy of your marked files. These files are saved in enhanced metafile format (EMF). EMF files can be viewed with software that comes with Windows XP. For older versions of Windows you'll need to find and download a free EMF viewer from the web.