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Course publications

Extended versions of best term projects in this course have been often been accepted for publication in different venues.


This is a non-comprehensive list (you can find copies of the papers here).

In Journals and Books

- “Introduction to Cellular Automata in Gaming”. G. Wainer, Q. Liu, O. Dalle, B. Zeigler. Simulation and Gaming. Sage Publishers. Vol. 41, No. 6. pp.796-823. December 2010.

- “A survey on the application of the Cell-DEVS formalism in cellular models”. G. Wainer, R. Castro. Journal of Cellular Automata. Vol. 5, No. 6. pp. 509-524. 2010.

- “DEVS modeling of mobile wireless ad hoc networks”. U. Farooq, B. Balya, G. Wainer. Simulation Modeling, Practice and Theory. Elsevier. Vol. 15, No. 3., pp. 285-314. 2007.

- “Creating Spatially-Shaped Defense Models Using DEVS and Cell-DEVS”. R. Madhoun, G.Wainer. In SCS Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation. Volume 2, Issue 3, July 2005. pp. 121-143.

- “A Model-Driven Technique for Development of Embedded Systems Based on the DEVS Formalism”. G. Wainer, E. Glinsky, P. MacSween. In Model-driven Software Development - Volume II of Research and Practice in Software Engineering. S. Beydeda and V. Gruhn eds., Springer-Verlag. 2005.

In Conference Proceedings

- “DEVS Simulation of Peer-To-Peer File-Sharing”. A. Davoust, G. Wainer, B. Esfandiari. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2012). MOSPAS. Madrid, Spain, 2012.

- “Tutorial: Advanced Spatial Systems with Cellular Discrete-Event Modeling and Simulation”. G. Wainer. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference. Berlin, Germany. 2012.

- “Interactive DEVS-based Building Information Modeling & Simulation for Emergency Evacuation”. S. Wang, M. Van Schyndel, G. Wainer, V. Subashini Rajus, R. Woodbury. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference. Berlin, Germany. 2012.

- “Music Generation Using Cellular Models”. H. Morris, G. Wainer. Proceedings of 2012 SCS/ACM/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS’12. Orlando, FL. 2012.

- “Data Mining with Cellular Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation”. S. Jafer, Y. Jafer, G. Wainer. Proceedings of Annual Simulation Symposium (SCS/ACM). Orlando, FL. 2012.

- “GATLAS: Google Earth Visualization For Atlas”. G. Wainer, K. Edwards. Proceedings of 2011 SCS/ACM Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation, TMS/DEVS’11. Boston, MA. 2011.

- “Creation of DEVS models using imitation learning”. M. Floyd, G. Wainer. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. 2010.

- “DEVS-based modeling of a human motion data synthesis system”. S.A. Etemad, G. Wainer. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (WIP session). 2010.

- “Modeling and Controlling a Robotic Arm with E-CD++”. F. Rafsanjani-Sadeghi, M. Moallemi, G. Wainer. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Poster session). 2010.

- “Simulation of Large Wireless Sensor Networks using Cell-DEVS”, B. Qela, G. Wainer, H. Mouftah, Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX. 2009.

- “Aircraft Evacuation DEVS Implementation & Visualization”. P. Castonguay, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium). San Diego, CA. USA.

- “Tools for DEVS Modeling, Simulation and 3D Visualization”. P. Castonguay, T. Pendergast, G. Wainer. Poster Abstract. SIMUTools 2009. Rome, Italy.

- “Cable-Anchor Robot Implementation using Embedded CD++”. Keith Holman, Jeremy Kuzub, Mohammad Moallemi , Gabriel Wainer. Poster Abstract. SIMUTools 2009. Rome, Italy.

- “Modeling a neural decoder based on spiking neurons in DEVS”. Y. Boiko and G. Wainer. In Proceedings of Springsim 2009 (DEVS Symposium). San Diego, CA. USA.

- “Definition of Dynamic DEVS Models- Dynamic Structure CD++”. Monageng Kgwadi, Hui Shang and Gabriel Wainer. Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, Canada. 2008.

- “Design of Persian Tapestry in CD++”. Mohammad Moallemi and Gabriel Wainer. Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, Canada. 2008.

- “Implementing the SCIDDICA Landslide Model in Cell-DEVS”. Brian Webb and Gabriel A. Wainer. Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, Canada. 2008.

- “Modeling quantum dot devices in Cell-DEVS environment”. Yuri Boiko and Gabriel Wainer. Poster Papers Workshop. SpringSim 2008. Ottawa, Canada. 2008.

- “Modelling Tumor-Immune Systems with Cell-DEVS”. G. Wainer, R. Goldstein. Proceedings of the European Modeling and Simulation Conference 2008. Nicosia, Cyprus. 2008.

- “Modeling Robot Path Planning with CD++”. G. Wainer. In Proceedings of ACRI 2006, LNCS Vol. 4173. Perpignan, France. 2006.

- “Improved Cell-DEVS Models for Fire Spreading Analysis” M. MacLeod, R. Chreyh, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of ACRI 2006, LNCS Vol. 4173. Perpignan, France. 2006.

- “Applying DEVS modeling for Discrete Event Multiple Model Control of a Time Varying Plant”. A. Campbell, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of Wintersim 2006. Monterey, CA. 2006.

- “Random Numbers Generation with 2D Cell-DEVS”. A. Al Sanad, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2006 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Calgary, AB, Canada. 2006.

- “Definition of Cell-DEVS Models for Complex Diffusion Systems”. W. Ding, C. Lin, L. Chechiu, X. Wu, G. Wainer. Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Philadelphia, PA. 2005.

- “Simulating Market Dynamics with CD++”. Q. Liu, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Atlanta, GA. 2005.

- “Experimental results on the use of Modelica/CD++”. L. Chechiu, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2005 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference (Student Workshop). Philadelphia, PA. 2005

- “A model of virus spreading using Cell-DEVS”. H. Shang, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Atlanta, GA. 2005.

- “Applying Cell-DEVS in 3D Free-Form Shape Modeling”. P. Wu, X. Wu, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of ACRI 2004. Netherlands. Vol. 3305 Sloot, P.; Chopard, B.; Hoekstra, A. Eds. 2004.

- “A DEVS Library for Layered Queuing Networks”. D. Petriu, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the SCS 1st Mediterranean Multiconference on Modeling and Simulation. Genoa, Italy. 2004.

- “Implementing finite state machines using the CD++ toolkit”. T. Zheng, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2003 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Montreal, QC. Canada. 2003.

- “Modeling of maze-solving problems using Cell-DEVS”. K. Lam, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2003 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Montreal, QC. Canada. 2003.

- “Modeling a sand pile application using Cell-DEVS”. H. Saadawi, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2003 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Montreal, QC. Canada. 2003.

- “Using the CD++ DEVS toolkit to develop Petri Nets”. C. Jacques, G. Wainer. In Proceedings of the 2002 SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. San Diego, CA. U.S.A. 2002.

Student Awards

- “Applying the TPS Method To Modeling And Simulation Of Biological Systems”. R. Goldstein, N. Farran, H. Yigang, S. Lissari, G. Wainer. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM/SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. 2010. (Runner-up for Best Paper Award).

Awards in the Student Paper Contest, SCS Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Montréal, QC, Canada. Advisor: G. Wainer.

  1. “Modeling of Maze-Solving Systems using Cell-DEVS”. K. Lam (Best paper award).
  2. “Modeling a sand pile application using Cell-DEVS”. H. Saadawi (Second runner-up).
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