Authors: | Brian Brown
Date: | 27th November 1981
Brief Description: |
Data were recorded from Rod Smallwoood's arm on the 27th
November 1981; the dot matrix image which shows the ulna
and radius bones. We made a 'radiotherapy type' mould of the
arm and then put drawing pins through the plastic (pin head
inwards) as electrodes. There two sets of data. One is recorded
from the arm and the other is with saline filling the mould.
The data were published in:
License: | Creative Commons Artistic License (with Attribution)
Attribution Requirement: |
Use or presentation of these data reference this publication:
D.C. Barber, B.H. Brown, and I.L. Freeston,
"Imaging spatial distributions of resistivity using applied
potential tomography", Electronics Letters,
19(22):933-935, 1983
Format: |
Data are handwritten and scanned into the linked pdf file.
The adjacent drive/receive data sets for both the
Uniform(Saline) and Arm data and these are included in the
attached Excel file. The are 6 columns of data in the xls file. The
first three are for the uniform case and give the two reciprocal
data sets and the mean of the two. Columns 4-6 are for the arm. I
did a quick reconstruction using columns 3 and 6 as ref and data
respectively and it looked OK.
Methods: |
The pdf file that is attached shows the line printer output of the
data we recorded from Rod Smallwoood's arm on the 27th
November 1981 and the dot matrix image which shows the ulna
and radius bones. We made a 'radiotherapy type' mould of the
arm and then put drawing pins through the plastic (pin head
inwards) as electrodes. There two sets of data. One is recorded
from the arm and the other is with saline filling the mould. The
pdf file also shows my plot of the XY position of the electrodes.
Now the data set on the line printer is a complete data set i.e. Drive 1/2 then 1/3 then 1/4 etc for every combination. I could only find the print out for one of the data sets. However, I found my notebook with the adjacent drive/receive data set and this is page 7 of the pdf file. I have extracted the adjacent drive/receive data sets for both the Uniform(Saline) and Arm data and these are included in the attached Excel file. The are 6 columns of data in the xls file. The first three are for the uniform case and give the two reciprocal data sets and the mean of the two. Columns 4-6 are for the arm. I did a quick reconstruction using columns 3 and 6 as ref and data respectively and it looked OK. The first column of data is 104 point as follows. The second column is the other reciprocal set.Drive 1/2 receive 3/4 Drive 1/2 receive 4/5 etc Drive 1/2 receive 16/1 Drive 2/3 receive 4/5 Drive 2/3 receive 5/6 etc Drive 2/3 receive 16/1 Drive 4/5 receive 6/7 Drive 4/5 receive 7/8 etc Drive 4/5 receive 16/1 etc etc Drive 14/15 receive 16/1 I think these data are the ones used to produce the image in the Electronics Letters paper of 1983 - page 1 of my pdf file. |
Data: |
Data (xls format - 19kB),
Data (xls format - 7.3MB)