Simulation demo

Simulated tutorial is given below for the image analysis part: detectability and GREIT.

Here are several simulated examples for the detectability of a single object. Simulations are shown below for detectability analysis in 2D and 3D (sim_2D_params.m, sim_Det_3D.m) beside GREIT parameters for a single object in 2D

Detectability and GREIT parameters for a single object (2D)

2D model created using Netgen:
function [DET, greit_para]= sim_2D_params
% sim_2D_params calculates detectability values and GREIT measures
% for a single object moving from center to edge of the tank

% (C) 2011 Mamatjan Yasheng. License: GPL v2 or v3

XPos = [0:0.2:0.8]; idx=0;
for ctrx= XPos; idx=idx+1;
    ctry = 0.0; brad = 0.1;
    extra={'ball',sprintf(['solid ball = cylinder(', ...
        '%f,%f,0;%f,%f,1;%f) and orthobrick(-1,-1,0;1,1,0.05) -maxh=0.10;'], ...
        ctrx, ctry, ctrx, ctry, brad) };
    [fmdl, img] = create_2D_model(extra);
    ctr = interp_mesh(fmdl);
    ctr=(ctr(:,1)-ctrx).^2 + (ctr(:,2)-ctry).^2;
    % calculate detectability value
    DET(idx) = calc_detect_val(img, brad, ctr);
    % calculate simulated voltages and reconstruct images
    img.elem_data = 1 + 0.01*(ctr < brad^2);
    imgr(idx) = calc_volts_inv(img)
imgr(1).elem_data = [imgr(:).elem_data];
figure; show_slices(imgr(1));

%% calculate and plot GREIT parameters
YPos=zeros(1,idx); ZPos=zeros(1,idx);
xyzr_pt = [XPos;YPos;ZPos;ones(1,idx)*brad];
greit_para = calc_greit_para(imgr, xyzr_pt, XPos);

%% plot the detectability parameters
plot(XPos, DET/max(DET),'linewidth',2);
ylabel('Normalized Distinguishability {\it z}');

function [fmdl, img] = create_2D_model(extra)
% create 2D model

fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models(0,[16],[0.1,0,0.02],extra);
img= mk_image(fmdl,1);
[stim,meas_sel] = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,[0,1],[0,1],{'no_meas_current'},1);
img.fwd_model.stimulation= stim;


function greit_para = calc_greit_para(imgr,xyzr_pt,XPos)
% calculate and plot the GREIT PARAMETERS
greit_para = eval_GREIT_fig_merit(imgr(1), xyzr_pt);
p_names = {'AR','PE','RES','SD','RNG'};
for i=1:5; subplot(5,1,i);
    plot(XPos,greit_para(i,:)); ylabel(p_names{i});
    if i<5; set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]);end
xlabel('Radius fraction');

function DET = calc_detect_val(img, brad, ctr)
% calculate the detectability parameters
vol= get_elem_volume(img.fwd_model);
contr = 1e-2;
indx = zeros(size(vol));
indx(ctr < brad^2)=+ contr;
J  = calc_jacobian( img );
Jr = J*indx;
DET = 1e6*sqrt( Jr'*Jr );

function imgr = calc_volts_inv(img)
% calculate simulated voltages and reconstruct images
imgh= img; imgh.elem_data(:) = 1;
% calculate voltages
vi = fwd_solve(img);
vh = fwd_solve(imgh);

imdl= mk_common_model('c2c2',16);
[stim,meas_sel] = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,[0,1],[0,1],{'no_meas_current'},1);
imdl.fwd_model.stimulation = stim;
imdl.fwd_model.meas_select = meas_sel;
imdl.hyperparameter.value = .001;
imgr = inv_solve(imdl,vh,vi);

Figure: 2D model with 16 electrodes
2D simulation is performed below for a target moving from center to the edge. This code includes 3 sub-functions: (i) Simulated voltages and image reconstruction, (ii) GREIT analysis, (iii) detectability for a target moving from center to the edge.

GREIT analysis includes the figures of merit based on the GREIT algorithm (Adler et al 2009) such as (1) amplitude response (AR), (2) position error (PE), (3) resolution (RES), (4) spatial distortion (SD) and (5) ringing (RNG).

Figure: Left: Reconstructed images for the object moved from center to the edge of the tank Mid: figures of merits - GREIT Right: Detectability values for the object moved from center to the edge of the tank

For better performance, it is desirable for AR, PE and RES to be constant, while PE, RES and RNG should be as small as possible for any target position. With real-measurements, these parameters are calculated from an average of multiple measurements for each position.

Detectability of a single object (3D)

3D model created using Netgen. A cubic target was moved in the saline solution according to the predefined movement protocols horizontally in central-plane (z=0) and off-plane.

% 3D Simulatulation example of system evaluation
% (C) 2011 Mamatjan Yasheng. License: GPL v2 or v3
function [DET] = sim_Det_3D

in_plane_Def=0; % in plane or off-plane
Nelec= 16; Dims = 3; nrings = 1;
opt = {'no_meas_current'};
sp = 1; mp= 1;  % stimulation, measurement

[img, vol, boxidx] = calc_fwd_cube( Dims, Nelec,in_plane_Def);
stim = mk_stim_patterns(Nelec, nrings, [0,sp], [0,mp], opt, 1);
DET = distinguishability_calc( img, stim, boxidx, vol);

function SNR = distinguishability_calc( img, stim, boxidx, vol)
   img.fwd_model.stimulation = stim;
   J  = calc_jacobian( img );
   for ri = 1:length(boxidx);
      idx = boxidx{ri};
      Jr = J*idx;
      SNR(ri) = 1e6*sqrt( Jr'*Jr );

function [img, vol, boxidx] = calc_fwd_cube(Dims, Nelec,in_plane_Def)
% cube moved to 7 position
if in_plane_Def  %% in plane

extra={'boxes', ...
    ['solid box1= orthobrick(-0.1,-0.85,0.9; 0.1,-0.65,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box2= orthobrick(-0.1, -0.6,0.9; 0.1, -0.4,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box3= orthobrick(-0.1, -0.35,0.9; 0.1,-0.15,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box4= orthobrick(-0.1,-0.1,0.9; 0.1,0.1,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...   
    'solid box5= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.15,0.9; 0.1,0.35,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box6= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.4,0.9; 0.1,0.6,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box7= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.65,0.9; 0.1,0.85,1.1) -maxh=0.05;' ...
 'solid boxes = box1 or box2 or box3 or box4 or box5 or box6 or box7;']};
else  %% off plane
extra={'boxes', ...
    ['solid box1= orthobrick(-0.1,-0.85,1.4; 0.1,-0.65,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box2= orthobrick(-0.1, -0.6,1.4; 0.1, -0.4,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box3= orthobrick(-0.1, -0.35,1.4; 0.1,-0.15,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box4= orthobrick(-0.1,-0.1,1.4; 0.1,0.1,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...   
    'solid box5= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.15,1.4; 0.1,0.35,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box6= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.4,1.4; 0.1,0.6,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
    'solid box7= orthobrick(-0.1, 0.65,1.4; 0.1,0.85,1.6) -maxh=0.05;' ...
 'solid boxes = box1 or box2 or box3 or box4 or box5 or box6 or box7;']};

switch Dims;  % dims = 2 (2D) or 3 (3d)
    case 3;             
        fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models(2,[Nelec,1],[0.1,0,0.03],extra);
 %show_fem(fmdl, [1 1 0])
    case 2;
        fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models(0,Nelec,[0.1,0,0.01],extra);
    otherwise; error('huh?');

img= mk_image(fmdl,1);
idx = fmdl.mat_idx{2};
vol= get_elem_volume(fmdl);
ctrs = interp_mesh(fmdl); ctrs = ctrs( idx,: );
rctrs = sqrt(ctrs(:,1).^2 + ctrs(:,2).^2) ;
x= ctrs(:,1); y= ctrs(:,2); z= ctrs(:,3);
contr = 5*1e-3;
area0 = sum(vol(idx));

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx(y < -0.625);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{1} = indx.*vol;

% img.elem_data = boxidx{1};
% show_slices(img,1)

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx( y < -0.375 & y > -0.625);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{2} = indx.*vol;

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx( y < -0.125 & y > -0.375);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{3} = indx.*vol;

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx(y > -0.125 & y < 0.125);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{4} = indx.*vol;

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx( y > 0.125 & y < 0.375);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{5} = indx.*vol;

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx( y > 0.375 & y < 0.625);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{6} = indx.*vol;

indx = zeros(size(vol)); list = idx( y > 0.625);
area1 = sum(vol(list));
indx(list)=+ contr*area0/area1;
boxidx{7} = indx.*vol;

function plott(DET)
ax = [-0.75, -0.5, -0.2, 0, 0.2, 0.5, 0.75];
plot(ax, DET/max(DET),'linewidth',4)
ylabel('Normalized Detectability {\it z}');

Figure: 3D model with 16 electrodes with a cubic object moved horizontally at 7 positions in the central plane.

Detectability analysis for a 3D object moved from center to the edge of the tank:

Set 0 or 1 to the parameter in_plane_Def=1; % 1 for in-plane or 0 for off-plane

Figure: Left: normalized detectability value for a cubic object moved horizontally at 7 positions in the Right: Figure: In-plane: normalized detectability value for a cubic object moved horizontally at 7 positions at the off-plane of h=1.5

Last Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $