Andy Adler: Research Group
This page contains general information for students
in Andy Adler's research group.
Group Meetings
Group meetings take place on Tuesdays at 12:00.
SVN Access
I have implemented a subversion software and document
repository for the research group.
You should be able to access it from both inside and
outside SCE using your SCE username and password.
For windows access:
- Install Tortoise SVN
( www.tortoisesvn.org/downloads):
- Reboot after install
- Right Click on
"TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> General ->
"Subversion configuration file" -> Edit"
- Add the following text to the file (in the section [tunnels]).
Save and Quit.
adler01ssh=$ADLER01SSH tortoiseplink -P ##
(Replace ## with the correct port number (ask)
You may also put your password like this:
adler01ssh=$ADLER01SSH tortoiseplink -P ## -pw ##YOURPASSWD##
Note that this is less secure. Anyone who can access your computer
can now get your password.
To Check out a project (PROJ):
Right click in an empty folder to select SVN Checkout
In URL of repositorywrite
(Replace USERNAME with your username, and PROJ with the project name)
There are currently two PROJECTS:
proj for software and documents
data for recorded data
For unix access, use:
- Edit the file $HOME/.subversion/config
- Add the following text to the file (in the section [tunnels]).
Save and Quit.
adler01ssh=$ADLER01SSH ssh -p ##
(Replace ## with the correct port number (ask)
To Check out a project (PROJ):
svn checkout svn+adler01ssh://USERNAME@adler-server.sce.carleton.ca/svn/PROJ
Check out the projects "data" and "proj".
You may also checkout "testproj", as a place to try
various experiments with SVN.
Setup SSH agent in windows
The use of the ssh agent means that you don't have to type
in your password all the time with CVS. Its a little
complicated to setup, but these instructions should help:
- Run
- Generate a SSH v.2 key (this will also work for other keys,
but the instruction are for this one)
- Enter your passphrase (suggestion, your SCE unix password)
- Save private key (suggestion: to My Documents/putty-private-key)
- Select public key; type CTRL-C to copy
- Use
Putty.exe to log into
(at the port ## given)
- Type these commands
mkdir .ssh
chmod go-rwx .ssh
cat > .ssh/authorized_keys
EDIT −> PASTE the public key
chmod go-rwx .ssh/authorized_keys
- Download and save
to C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
- Run Pageant.exe
- Click Add Key
- Select private key (My Documents/putty-private-key)
- Close
Now, pagent will popup once at startup, and afterwards you
shouldn't need type the password each time.
Setup SSH agent in unix
- To generate the key type:
ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t DSA -C EMAILADDRESS
The key will be in $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub
- Copy the key to the server
scp -P ## $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub USERNAME@adler-server.sce.carleton.ca:
ssh -p ## USERNAME@adler-server.sce.carleton.ca
mkdir .ssh
chmod go-rwx .ssh
cat $HOME/id_dsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod go-rwx .ssh/authorized_keys
Subsequently, you can load the key into the agent using
ssh-add. ssh should no longer ask for passwords.
Running Matlab on adler-server
- Install Cygwin. Make sure
you install the xorg-server and xinit packages.
- Set a shortcut to C:\cygwin\bin\startxwin.exe
- Install Putty
- Make sure the Forward X11 button is clicked
- Log into the server with putty
- Open Matlab
Getting high quality figures into latex
In general, you can't put jpg or png figures into
papers. The quality is too low for publication and
the journal won't accept them. Instead, use the
vector drawing format inherent in exporting to pdf.
Then use pdfcrop (avail in miktex in windows and
in all linux distributions)
- Export the document to pdf
Openoffce -> print to pdf
Matlab: print -dpdf filename.pdf
Other software, install a pdf printer such as
- Use pdfcrop
− pdfcrop filename.pdf filename.pdf
- in latex put
\includegraphics[width= 0.80 \textwidth]{ figures/filename.pdf }
\caption{ \label{fig:Whatever_label_you_want}
Caption text
- Access to adler-server
Choose a VNC server session (ie. #)
On the server, run
rm -f /tmp/.X#-lock ; rm -f /tmp/.X11-unix/X# ; vncserver :# -geometry 1600x1000 -depth 24
From a unix machine, run, first
ssh USERNAME@adler-server -p #### -L590#:localhost:590#
Next run
vncviewer localhost:590#
Last Updated:
$Date: 2020/08/21 22:32:31 $