Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
TeleLearning Research Laboratory
March 29, 2000
Final Report Project 3.22
in Telecommunications and Their Impact on TeleLearning" by David C.
The TeleLearning Research Laboratory (TL) in The
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering is devoted to the application
of multimedia computer technology and broadband, integrated communication
networks to the delivery and support of distance education.
Emphasis is placed on the application of computer-enhanced video-conferencing
technology to the delivery and support of workplace training, particularly
at the post-secondary level. Activities are focused on the development
of an integrated facility useable by non-technical instructors and students.
Research Program
The major activity in the TeleLearning Research Laboratory is called "TelePresence
Technologies Over Broadband Networks". This research is conducted as Project
6-1-4 of the TeleLearning
Research Network (TL-NCE), a Network of Centres of Excellence, program.
Project Leader: Professor David
C. Coll: (Department of Systems and Computer Engineering)
Principal Investigator: Professor Richard
F. Dillon (Department
of Psychology)
Research Associate: Shuyang Shi (Systems and Computer Engineering)
The TeleLearning Research Laboratory comprises three major components:
the TelePresence Laboratory, a fully equipped interactive video
conferencing facility with multiple cameras and monitors, a 384 kb/s VTEL
H.320 video conferencing system, a large SmartBoard, video projector, and
a computer-controlled audio/video switch.

Connections to OCRINET a fibre-optic ATM network connecting the
major educational and industrial institutions in the Ottawa-Carleton region.
Our OCRINET connections consist of two multiple-processor Sun SPARCStation
20M's, one with SunVideo and the other Parallax video codecs, interfaced
to Newbridge 365150 ATM switches.
Extensive desktop video conferencing facilities attached to local area
networks and the Internet.

Current Activities
MBone multicasting
on Internet of Carleton University Instructional Television courses through
OCRINET and the CANARIE National Test
Development of user-friendly Graphical User Interfaces for control of the
TelePresence environment by non-technical users in distance education applications
Videoconferencing links to the University of Ottawa through the OCRINET
ATM network, using H.320 at 384 kbps over partial T1 or JPEG video
Integration of a wide variety of multimedia systems with the TelePresence
Investigation of a variety of desktop and Internet videoconferencing systems,
and extension of the TelePresence multimedia network across the Carleton
Development of "Remote Office Hours", video mail, and multimedia courseware
development stations in support of remote workplace training and distance
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