Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
94.521 Computer Communication Networks (Tu, Thu 19:30-21:00)
Winter 2002- Course Handout
TA Hours:
Tu and Thur: 6:30 to 7:30pm. ROOM ME4290 BBN Laboratory
I am interested in simulating the SRP protocol. I would like to suggest
the following project. This project can give up to 5 additive
points to your final grade. Also I would like to have groups of 3-4
people for each final report.
Goals and Deliverables:
a) Simulate the SRP protocol under different loads. You may use OPNET
or plain C. However all code should be documended and
delivered with the final report.
b) Examine how accurate are the formulas we derived in class and compare
them to the formulas given in one of our textbooks (Saadawi).
Results should be always compared with simulations
c) See how and if you can relax the roundtrip and low probability of
error assumptions we made in the class! Again compare with simulations.
The project is open for experimentation and intuition. Therefore, your
motivation and intuition/ingeniouity (sp?) will be appreciated and
appropriately graded. Please go through the material on ARQ's
I added in the section of "supplementary material"
Goal of the course and Prerequisites:
The course will focus on performance issues of traditional and broadband
networks therefore it requires mathematical maturity and in particular
knowledge of elementary stochastic processes and
queueing theory.
Course on Statistics
Virtual Laboratories
in Probability and Statistics
The course will not put emphasis on practical/implementation issues of networks although motivation for theoretical studies may come from such issues. The course will not discuss details of standards or RFC?s however substantial motivation may come from such areas.
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 19:00-19:30pm (i.e. just before lectures) and 21:00-22:00 pm (i.e. immediately after lectures)
Additional references:
Web Site:
All course-related material and announcements will be appearing on this course web site. A pointer will be available at my web page Students are expected to visit that site regularly for updates on the course, deadlines etc.
We will have three exams for this course:
Marking Scheme:
Ashraf Matrawy, e-mail at
Office hours: To be announced.
slides showing the US Bell Digital TDM rate system
The slides come from the book: "Understanding SONET/SDH and ATM: Communications
for the next millenium" by
Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, IEEE Press (Book is highly recommended!!)
Store and Forward Principle (Transparencies)
and Multiplexing
from the textbook by Varayia and Walrand on page 58)
good paper on Bits, Hertz and their relation to bandwidth!! (Highly Recommended)
Thanks to student A. Abdelsayed who found it. (He will get 1% additive
bonus to his final mark)
repeat request protocols (ARQ)
Some slides from Walrand's book (Supplementary reference 1)
Protocols. Principles and Performance
This material comes from the book Communication Networks: A First
Course, by J. Walrand
Additional Material for ARQ's
This material is influenced from the book Communication
Networks: A First Course, by J. Walrand and come from notes of
a TA (N. Vladjic) for 94.462 during Fall 1999.
graphs for ARQ's
The graphs show the efficiency of an ABP protocol and of a sliding
window protocol as a function of the parameter a and the window size W.
These can be found in the book High-Speed Networks: TCP/IP and ATM
Design Principles,W. Stallings, Prentice-Hall, 1998 in page 231,232,233.
I suggest that you consult this book!
are all 4 cases for the study of the SRP protocol that we DID NOT fully
presented in class.
Due to time restrictions I was not able to cover all cases in the class.
As promised here are the graphs explaining the operation of the protocol
in detail.
for the lecture for TCP
Slides were taken from the book
Computer Networking: A top Down Approach Featuring the
by J.F. Kurose and K.W Ross
Addison Wesley
on IEEE-802.3 (Ethernet) and LLC
Figures come from the book by Walrand (Additional
Reference 2)
Notes on: High Speed/Switched Ethernet Voice Grade LANs IEEE-802.11Wireless LANs
on Token Ring Networks
From the book by Walrand (Additional Reference
With an explanation (by example) of the traffic
prioritization and scheduling
Example of Hierarchical Routing
and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
From the book by Computer Networks,
A. S. Tanenbaum, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1996
on Congestion Control (Please
bring with you in class)
on Quality of Service (Please
bring with you in class)
on Routing and Adressing in IP
(Please bring with you in class)
material is from the bookComputer Networking: A
top down approach featuring the Internet, by Kurose/Ross
From the book by Tanenbaum (reference #5)
#1 (Due Feb. 12)
#2, (Due March 19th)
#3, (Due March 29th)