package gui; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.HeadlessException; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; /** * @author * This is a JDialog with a return state. */ public class OkCancelJDialog extends JDialog implements KeyListener { public static final int UNDEFINED_RETURN_STATE = -1; public static final int OK_RETURN_STATE = 1; public static final int CANCEL_RETURN_STATE = 2; public static final int CLOSED_RETURN_STATE = 3; private JButton okButton; private JButton cancelButton; /** * The state that sais if the dialog was closed by OK button, Cancel Button or Closed */ private int returnState = UNDEFINED_RETURN_STATE; /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog() throws HeadlessException { super(); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Dialog arg0) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Dialog arg0, boolean arg1) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Frame arg0) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Frame arg0, boolean arg1) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Dialog arg0, String arg1) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @param arg2 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Dialog arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1, arg2); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Frame arg0, String arg1) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } /** * Constructor for OkCancelJDialog. * @param arg0 * @param arg1 * @param arg2 * @throws HeadlessException */ public OkCancelJDialog(Frame arg0, String arg1, boolean arg2) throws HeadlessException { super(arg0, arg1, arg2); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } protected void jbInit() throws Exception { okButton = new JButton("OK"); okButton.setMnemonic('O'); okButton.setDefaultCapable(true); okButton.setName("OK"); cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel"); cancelButton.setMnemonic('C'); cancelButton.setName("Cancel"); this.connectActionPerformedListeners(); this.connectWindowClosingListeners(); this.connectKeyListeners(); } /** * Connect the buttons to the default listeners * This is encapsulated in a method so the subimplementor can overwrite it */ protected void connectActionPerformedListeners() { //I'm my own KeyListener so I can press //the OK button on Key-Enter Typed okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { okButtonClicked(); } }); cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { cancelButtonClicked(); } }); } /** * Connect the window to the default listeners * This is encapsulated in a method so the subimplementor can overwrite it */ protected void connectWindowClosingListeners(){ addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { OkCancelJDialog.this.windowClosed(); } }); } /** * Connect the buttons to the default key listeners * This is encapsulated in a method so the subimplementor can overwrite it */ protected void connectKeyListeners() { getOkButton().addKeyListener(this); getCancelButton().addKeyListener(this); } /** * Returns the returnState. * @return int */ public int getReturnState() { return returnState; } /** * Sets the returnState. * @param returnState The returnState to set */ protected void setReturnState(int returnState) { this.returnState = returnState; } /** * The OK or Connect or whatever "OK" button was pressed * Set OK_RETURN_STATE and exit */ protected void okButtonClicked() { this.returnState = OK_RETURN_STATE; dispose(); } /** * The Cancel or whatever "FAIL" button was pressed * Set CANCEL_RETURN_STATE and exit */ protected void cancelButtonClicked() { this.returnState = CANCEL_RETURN_STATE; dispose(); } /** * The Window is closed * Set CLOSED_RETURN_STATE and exit */ protected void windowClosed() { setReturnState(CLOSED_RETURN_STATE); dispose(); } /** * Returns the cancelButton. * @return JButton */ protected JButton getCancelButton() { return cancelButton; } /** * Returns the okButton. * @return JButton */ protected JButton getOkButton() { return okButton; } /** * Sets the cancelButton. * @param cancelButton The cancelButton to set */ protected void setCancelButton(JButton cancelButton) { this.cancelButton = cancelButton; } /** * Sets the okButton. * @param okButton The okButton to set */ protected void setOkButton(JButton okButton) { this.okButton = okButton; } /** * Invoked when a key has been typed. * This event occurs when a key press is followed by a key release. * If the cancell button has the focus: cancell * else: ok */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { if (cancelButton.hasFocus()) { cancelButtonClicked(); } else { okButtonClicked(); } } } /** * Invoked when a key has been pressed. */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } /** * Invoked when a key has been released. */ public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } }