; Auto-generated by EclipseNSIS InstallOptions Script Wizard ; 11 mai 2007 14:01:14 [Settings] NumFields=3 Title=CD++ Builder Toolkit installation directory CancelEnabled=1 CancelShow=1 BackEnabled=0 RTL=0 [Field 1] Type=Label Left=15 Top=102 Right=167 Bottom=111 Text=Destination folder: [Field 2] ;InstallOptions Editor Metadata (DO NOT EDIT): locked=true Type=DirRequest Left=15 Top=115 Right=289 Bottom=128 Flags=NOTIFY|FOCUS Text=Browse Root= State=C:\ [Field 3] Type=Label Left=15 Top=14 Right=289 Bottom=95 Text=Setup will install CD++ Builder Toolkit in the following folder. To install in a different folder click Browse and select another folder. Click Install to continue.