package gui; import gui.javax.file.JFileChooser; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JColorChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.text.Document; /* * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Inprise Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * This SOURCE CODE FILE, which has been provided by Inprise as part * of an Inprise product for use ONLY by licensed users of the product, * includes CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY information of Inprise. * * USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS * OF THE LICENSE STATEMENT AND LIMITED WARRANTY FURNISHED WITH * THE PRODUCT. * * IN PARTICULAR, YOU WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD INPRISE, ITS RELATED * COMPANIES AND ITS SUPPLIERS, HARMLESS FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS * OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, OR DISTRIBUTION * OF YOUR PROGRAMS, INCLUDING ANY CLAIMS OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF * OR RESULTING FROM THE USE, MODIFICATION, OR DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS * OR FILES CREATED FROM, BASED ON, AND/OR DERIVED FROM THIS SOURCE * CODE FILE. */ public class TextEditFrame extends JFrame { //IntlSwingSupport intlSwingSupport1 = new IntlSwingSupport(); JPanel contentPane; JMenuBar menuBar1 = new JMenuBar(); JMenu menuFile = new JMenu(); JMenuItem menuFileExit = new JMenuItem(); JMenu menuHelp = new JMenu(); JMenuItem menuHelpAbout = new JMenuItem(); JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); JButton jButton1 = new JButton(); JButton jButton2 = new JButton(); JButton jButton3 = new JButton(); ImageIcon image1; ImageIcon image2; ImageIcon image3; JLabel statusBar = new JLabel(); BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); JScrollPane textAreaScrollPanel = new JScrollPane(); JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(); JMenuItem jMenuItem1 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuItem jMenuItem2 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuItem jMenuItem3 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuItem jMenuItem4 = new JMenuItem(); //FontChooser fontChooser1 = new FontChooser(); JMenu jMenu1 = new JMenu(); JMenuItem jMenuItem5 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuItem jMenuItem6 = new JMenuItem(); JMenuItem jMenuItem7 = new JMenuItem(); JFileChooser jFileChooser1 = new JFileChooser(); String currFileName = null; // Full path with filename. null means new/untitled. boolean dirty = false; Document document1; //DBTextDataBinder dBTextDataBinder1 = new DBTextDataBinder(); // True means modified text. //Construct the frame public TextEditFrame() { enableEvents(AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); try { jbInit(); updateCaption(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param string * @return */ private ImageIcon getIcon(String imageName) { URL imageURL = null; imageURL = getClass().getResource(imageName); return new ImageIcon(imageURL); } //Component initialization private void jbInit() throws Exception { image1 = getIcon("openfile.gif"); image2 = getIcon("closefile.gif"); image3 = getIcon("help.gif"); contentPane = (JPanel) this.getContentPane(); document1 = textArea.getDocument(); contentPane.setLayout(borderLayout1); this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 300)); this.setTitle("Text Editor"); statusBar.setText(" "); menuFile.setText("File"); menuFileExit.setText("Exit"); menuFileExit.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_menuFileExit_ActionAdapter(this)); menuHelp.setText("Help"); menuHelpAbout.setText("About"); menuHelpAbout.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_menuHelpAbout_ActionAdapter(this)); jButton1.setIcon(image1); jButton1.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jButton1_actionAdapter(this)); jButton1.setToolTipText("Open File"); jButton2.setIcon(image2); jButton2.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jButton2_actionAdapter(this)); jButton2.setToolTipText("Close File"); jButton3.setIcon(image3); jButton3.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jButton3_actionAdapter(this)); jButton3.setToolTipText("About"); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setWrapStyleWord(true); textArea.setBackground(Color.white); jMenuItem1.setText("New"); jMenuItem1.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem1_actionAdapter(this)); jMenuItem2.setText("Open"); jMenuItem2.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem2_actionAdapter(this)); jMenuItem3.setText("Save"); jMenuItem3.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem3_actionAdapter(this)); jMenuItem4.setText("Save As"); jMenuItem4.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem4_actionAdapter(this)); //fontChooser1.setFrame(this); //fontChooser1.setTitle("Font"); jMenu1.setText("Edit"); jMenuItem5.setText("Font"); jMenuItem5.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem5_actionAdapter(this)); jMenuItem6.setText("Foreground Color"); jMenuItem6.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem6_actionAdapter(this)); jMenuItem7.setText("Background Color"); jMenuItem7.addActionListener(new TextEditFrame_jMenuItem7_actionAdapter(this)); document1.addDocumentListener(new TextEditFrame_document1_documentAdapter(this)); //dBTextDataBinder1.setJTextComponent(jTextArea1); //Turn off right-click file Open... menu item. //dBTextDataBinder1.setEnableFileLoading(false); //Turn off right-click file Save... menu item. //dBTextDataBinder1.setEnableFileSaving(false); toolBar.add(jButton1); toolBar.add(jButton2); toolBar.add(jButton3); menuFile.add(jMenuItem1); menuFile.add(jMenuItem2); menuFile.add(jMenuItem3); menuFile.add(jMenuItem4); menuFile.addSeparator(); menuFile.add(menuFileExit); menuHelp.add(menuHelpAbout); menuBar1.add(menuFile); menuBar1.add(jMenu1); menuBar1.add(menuHelp); this.setJMenuBar(menuBar1); contentPane.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH); contentPane.add(statusBar, BorderLayout.SOUTH); contentPane.add(textAreaScrollPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); textAreaScrollPanel.getViewport().add(textArea, null); jMenu1.add(jMenuItem5); jMenu1.add(jMenuItem6); jMenu1.add(jMenuItem7); } // Display the About box. void helpAbout() { TextEditFrame_AboutBox dlg = new TextEditFrame_AboutBox(this); Dimension dlgSize = dlg.getPreferredSize(); Dimension frmSize = getSize(); Point loc = getLocation(); dlg.setLocation((frmSize.width - dlgSize.width) / 2 + loc.x, (frmSize.height - dlgSize.height) / 2 + loc.y); dlg.setModal(false);; } // Handle the File|Open menu or button, invoking okToAbandon and openFile // as needed. void fileOpen() { if (!okToAbandon()) { return; } // Use the OPEN version of the dialog, test return for Approve/Cancel if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == jFileChooser1.showOpenDialog(this)) { // Call openFile to attempt to load the text from file into TextArea openFile(jFileChooser1.getSelectedFile().getPath()); } textArea.requestFocus(); textArea.setCaretPosition(0); int min = textAreaScrollPanel.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().getMinimum(); textAreaScrollPanel.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel().setValue(min); this.repaint(); } // Open named file; read text from file into jTextArea1; report to statusBar. void openFile(String fileName) { try { // Open a file of the given name. File file = new File(fileName); // Get the size of the opened file. int size = (int)file.length(); // Set to zero a counter for counting the number of // characters that have been read from the file. int chars_read = 0; // Create an input reader based on the file, so we can read its data. // FileReader handles international character encoding conversions. FileReader in = new FileReader(file); // Create a character array of the size of the file, // to use as a data buffer, into which we will read // the text data. char[] data = new char[size]; // Read all available characters into the buffer. while(in.ready()) { // Increment the count for each character read, // and accumulate them in the data buffer. chars_read +=, chars_read, size - chars_read); } in.close(); // Create a temporary string containing the data, // and set the string into the JTextArea. textArea.setText(new String(data, 0, chars_read)); // Cache the currently opened filename for use at save time... this.currFileName = fileName; // ...and mark the edit session as being clean this.dirty = false; // Display the name of the opened directory+file in the statusBar. statusBar.setText("Opened "+fileName); updateCaption(); } catch (IOException e) { statusBar.setText("Error opening "+fileName); } } // Save current file; handle not yet having a filename; report to statusBar. boolean saveFile() { // Handle the case where we don't have a file name yet. if (currFileName == null) { return saveAsFile(); } try { // Open a file of the current name. File file = new File (currFileName); // Create an output writer that will write to that file. // FileWriter handles international characters encoding conversions. FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file); String text = textArea.getText(); out.write(text); out.close(); this.dirty = false; updateCaption(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { statusBar.setText("Error saving "+currFileName); } return false; } // Save current file, asking user for new destination name. // Report to statuBar. boolean saveAsFile() { this.repaint(); // Use the SAVE version of the dialog, test return for Approve/Cancel if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == jFileChooser1.showSaveDialog(this)) { // Set the current file name to the user's selection, // then do a regular saveFile currFileName = jFileChooser1.getSelectedFile().getPath(); //repaints menu after item is selected this.repaint(); return saveFile(); } else { this.repaint(); return false; } } // Check if file is dirty. // If so get user to make a "Save? yes/no/cancel" decision. boolean okToAbandon() { if (!dirty) { return true; } int value = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Save changes?", "Text Edit", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION) ; switch (value) { case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: // yes, please save changes return saveFile(); case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: // no, abandon edits // i.e. return true without saving return true; case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: default: // cancel return false; } } // Update the caption of the application to show the filename and its dirty state. void updateCaption() { String caption; if (currFileName == null) { // synthesize the "Untitled" name if no name yet. caption = "Untitled"; } else { caption = currFileName; } // add a "*" in the caption if the file is dirty. if (dirty) { caption = "* " + caption; } caption = "Text Editor - " + caption; this.setTitle(caption); } //File | Exit action performed public void fileExit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (okToAbandon()) { this.dispose(); } } //Help | About action performed public void helpAbout_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { helpAbout(); } //Overridden so we can exit when window is closed protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { super.processWindowEvent(e); if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) { fileExit_actionPerformed(null); } } void jMenuItem5_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Handle the "Edit Font" menu item // Pick up the existing font from the text area // and put it into the FontChooser before showing // the FontChooser, so that we are editing the // existing / previous font. //fontChooser1.setSelectedFont(jTextArea1.getFont()); // Obtain the new Font from the FontChooser. // First test the return value of showDialog() to // see if the user pressed OK. //if (fontChooser1.showDialog()) { // Set the font of jTextArea1 to the font // the user selected before pressing the OK button // jTextArea1.setFont(fontChooser1.getSelectedFont()); //} //repaints menu after item is selected this.repaint(); //Repaints text properly if some text is highlighted when font is changed. textArea.repaint(); } void jMenuItem6_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Handle the "Foreground Color" menu item Color color = JColorChooser.showDialog(this,"Foreground Color",textArea.getForeground()); if (color != null) { textArea.setForeground(color); } //repaints menu after item is selected this.repaint(); } void jMenuItem7_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Handle the "Background Color" menu item Color color = JColorChooser.showDialog(this,"Background Color",textArea.getBackground()); if (color != null) { textArea.setBackground(color); } //repaints menu after item is selected this.repaint(); } void jMenuItem1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // Handle the File|New menu item. if (okToAbandon()) { // clears the text of the TextArea textArea.setText(""); // clear the current filename and set the file as clean: currFileName = null; dirty = false; updateCaption(); } } void jMenuItem2_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle the File|Open menu item. fileOpen(); } void jMenuItem3_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle the File|Save menu item. saveFile(); } void jMenuItem4_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle the File|Save As menu item. saveAsFile(); } void jButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle tool bar Open button fileOpen(); } void jButton2_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle tool bar Save button saveFile(); } void jButton3_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Handle tool bar About button helpAbout(); } void document1_changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (!dirty) { dirty = true; updateCaption(); } } void document1_insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (!dirty) { dirty = true; updateCaption(); } } void document1_removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { if (!dirty) { dirty = true; updateCaption(); } } }