Explosion of Models

A Coupled Model is composed by Atomic Models and/or Coupled ones. These can be added from the predefined models list or as new models from the tools bar. In both cases, added models may be inspected in order to be defined or modified.

To explode a model, right click on it and choose "Explode" option.



This action opens a new model editor to edit present exploded model and hides the original one. If the model being exploded is an Atomic Model, it will be opened an Atomic Models editor; if it is a Coupled Model an editor for Coupled Models will be opened. Models so defined or edited work exactly the same as any other model except that they do not allow to choose model type under definition.




When exploded model is already defined the editor must be closed to return to the original model. In this, it can be seen that ports defined in model explosion are accesible. See tree at left.



Once defined internal models, Links can be added towards ports defined in them.



If after definition of Links, a model is exploded for modification, system automatically disengages Links from model ports because unpredictable changes may happen.