Importing Models

A Coupled Model is composed by Atomic Models and/or Coupled ones. These can be imported from predifined models from three diferent inputs:

Having a Coupled Model like the following


predefined models can be imported using File -> Import option

This opens an Open File dialog that allows the user to import a .cpp .cdd or .ma file


In this case, a coupled model definition file (.ma) was selected and imported. The imported model appears in the models Tree under the 'coupled' folder. When a Coupled Model Unit based on this imported model is added, it appears with the predifined input and output ports. This Unit cannot be modified


Next, an Atomic Model definition file (.cdd) was selected and imported. The imported model appears in the models Tree under the 'atomic' folder. When an Atomic Model Unit based on this imported model is added, it appears with the predifined input and output ports. This Unit cannot be modified


Next, a register.cpp file was selected and imported. All the models defined in the fiel appears in the models Tree under the 'atomic' folder. When an Atomic Model Unit based on one of these imported models is added, it appears without any predifined input or output ports since the register.cpp dont has this information. Each imported model could be modified right clicking on it to add the ports. This Unit cannot be modified