package; import gui.InformDialog; import gui.graphEditor.Layoutable; import; import; import gui.model.Expression; import gui.model.model.AbstractModel; import gui.model.port.AbstractPort; import gui.model.unit.AbstractModelUnit; import; /** * @author Administrador * * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment": * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates. * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation. */ public abstract class AbstractCoupledLink extends AbstractLink { private Object uniqueId; private Expression startExpression; private Expression endExpression; private boolean showPorts; AbstractCoupledLink(){ } AbstractCoupledLink(Layoutable start, Layoutable end, Object id){ super(start, end, id); } public String getDescription(){ return getShortDescription(); } public String getShortDescription(){ StringBuffer linkString = new StringBuffer(); if (this.getStartExpression() != null) { linkString.append("(" + this.getStartExpression().getShortDescription() + ")"); } else { linkString.append("()"); } linkString.append(" -> "); if (this.getEndExpression() != null) { linkString.append("(" + this.getEndExpression().getShortDescription() + ")"); } else { linkString.append("()"); } return linkString.toString(); } public String getLinkLabel() { StringBuffer retr = new StringBuffer(); String startHalf; if(getStartExpression().equals(getStartLinkPlugable())){ startHalf = getStartExpression().getShortDescription(); } else{ startHalf = getStartExpression().getShortDescription() + "@" + getStartLinkPlugable().getName(); } String endHalf; if(getEndExpression().equals(getEndLinkPlugable())){ endHalf = getEndExpression().getShortDescription(); } else{ endHalf = getEndExpression().getShortDescription() + "@" + getEndLinkPlugable().getName(); } retr.append(startHalf); retr.append(" "); retr.append(endHalf); return retr.toString(); } public void setEndExpression(Expression endExpression) { this.endExpression = endExpression; } public void setStartExpression(Expression startExpression) { this.startExpression = startExpression; } /** * Returns the uniqueId. * @return Object */ public Object getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } /** * Sets the uniqueId. * @param uniqueId The uniqueId to set */ public void setUniqueId(Object uniqueId) { this.uniqueId = uniqueId; } public Expression getEndExpression() { return endExpression; } public Expression getStartExpression() { return startExpression; } public void unlink(Expression ex){ if(ex.equals(this.getStartExpression())){ this.setStartExpression(null); } if(ex.equals(this.getEndExpression())){ this.setEndExpression(null); } } /** * check if start and end could be the edges of a Link * @param start * @param end */ public static boolean checkLinkEdges(Layoutable start, Layoutable end, AbstractModel aGraph){ // Port Self In not used with Port Self out // Port Self In not used with Inner Port In // Inner Port out not used with Inner Port In // Inner Port out not used with Port Self Out boolean retr = true; if(start instanceof AbstractPort){ //Port Self In .... if(((AbstractPort)start).getInOrOut().equals("In")){ //ok, continue //..not used... /* if((aGraph.getIncidentLinks((Port)start).size()) > 0){ //used!!! retr = false; (new InformDialog("The source port of a new connection must not be already used.")).setVisible(true); } */ //...Port Self out //... Inner Port In if(end instanceof AbstractPort){ //...Port Self out if(((AbstractPort)end).getInOrOut().equals("Out")){ //ok. Thats it } else{ ///ARRRGGG retr = false; (new InformDialog("The destination port of a new connection must be an output port.",null)).setVisible(true); } } else{ //its a model. Depends on the linking. } } else{ //Port Self Out. Cancel retr = false ; (new InformDialog("The source port of a new connection must be an input port.",null)).setVisible(true); } } else{ //Model. Continue. Depends on the linking //however, if the end is a port, must be an output port if(end instanceof AbstractPort){ //...Port Self Out if(((AbstractPort)end).getInOrOut().equals("Out")){ //ok } else{ //arrgghh retr = false; (new InformDialog("The destination port of a new connection must be an output port.",null)).setVisible(true); } } else{ // up to here, everithing is ok } } return retr; } public void saveTo(CommentBufferedWriter writer) throws IOException { writer.increaseTab(); writer.increaseTab(); super.saveTo(writer); if (getStartExpression() != null) { getStartExpression().saveObjectOrReferenceTo(writer); } else { //print a blank. //when loading a file, a blank means no connection to port writer.writeln("StartExpr null", ""); } if (getEndExpression() != null) { getEndExpression().saveObjectOrReferenceTo(writer); } else { //print a blank. //when loading a file, a blank means no connection to port writer.writeln("EndExpression is null", ""); } writer.decreaseTab(); writer.decreaseTab(); } public void loadOtherLinkDataFrom(CommentBufferedReader reader, AbstractModel graphContainerOfLink) throws Exception { //Expressions and values //These have to been looked for inside the Graphs that contains the Expressions. //if the Link is plugged to a ModelUnit if(getStartLinkPlugable() instanceof AbstractModelUnit){ this.setStartExpression(Expression.loadOrFindFrom(reader,((AbstractModelUnit)getStartLinkPlugable()).getModel())); } //if the Link is plugged to a Port else if(getStartLinkPlugable() instanceof Expression){ this.setStartExpression(Expression.loadOrFindFrom(reader,graphContainerOfLink)); } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Not supported type"); } //if the Link is plugged to a ModelUnit if(getEndLinkPlugable() instanceof AbstractModelUnit){ this.setEndExpression(Expression.loadOrFindFrom(reader,((AbstractModelUnit)getEndLinkPlugable()).getModel())); } //if the Link is plugged to a Port else if(getEndLinkPlugable() instanceof Expression){ this.setEndExpression(Expression.loadOrFindFrom(reader,graphContainerOfLink)); } else{ throw new RuntimeException("Not supported type"); } } /** * @return Returns the showPorts. */ public boolean isShowPorts() { return showPorts; } /** * @param showPorts The showPorts to set. */ public void setShowPorts(boolean showPorts) { this.showPorts = showPorts; } }