package gui.model.unit; import gui.image.Repository; import; import; import gui.javax.util.FileDataPersister; import gui.model.model.AbstractModel; import gui.model.port.AbstractPort; import gui.model.port.CoupledPortContainer; import gui.representation.Image; import gui.representation.ImageFactory; import gui.representation.Representable; import gui.representation.Saveable; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Model; /** * @author * */ public abstract class AbstractModelUnit extends AbstractUnit implements CoupledPortContainer { protected abstract Representable getDefaultImage(); protected abstract AbstractModel createNewModel(File path , File name) throws Exception; /* * Makes a light check of this model to see if my parent (a Coupled model) * is ok to be saved */ public abstract String checkModelForParentSave(); protected Representable getClassImage(){ String imageFilename = FileDataPersister.getInstance().get("unit.class.image.filename", this.getModel().getModelName()); if(imageFilename != null){ File image = Repository.getInstance().getImage(new File(imageFilename)); if(image != null && image.exists()){ return new Image(image); } else{ return null; } } else{ return null; } } /** * @see gui.model.EditableCoupledModel#getImage() */ public Representable getImage() { //if image is null, try to initialize with the image of the class if (super.getImage() == null) { setImage(getClassImage()); //if the class has no image if (super.getImage() == null) { //get the default image of the type setImage(getDefaultImage()); } } //now, i have an image if (!super.getImage().isOK()) { setImage(getDefaultImage()); } this.prepareImage(super.getImage()); return super.getImage(); } public void addPort(AbstractPort port) { getPorts().add(port); } public void addPorts(Collection ports) { Iterator portsIter = ports.iterator(); while (portsIter.hasNext()) { AbstractPort each = (AbstractPort); addPort(each); } } /** * return the ports of type Out */ public Vector getOutPorts() { Vector retr = new Vector(); Iterator ports = getPorts().iterator(); while (ports.hasNext()) { AbstractPort each = (AbstractPort); if (each.getInOrOut().equals("Out")) { retr.add(each); } } return retr; } /** * return the ports of type In */ public Vector getInPorts() { Vector retr = new Vector(); Iterator ports = getPorts().iterator(); while (ports.hasNext()) { AbstractPort each = (AbstractPort); if (each.getInOrOut().equals("In")) { retr.add(each); } } return retr; } public String toString() { return getShortDescription(); } /** * @see gui.model.PortContainer#getPorts() */ public Vector getPorts() { return getModel().getPorts(); } /** * @see gui.model.PortContainer#setPorts(Vector) */ public void setPorts(Vector ports) { this.getModel().setPorts(ports); } protected AbstractModel model; /** * @see gui.model.AbstractModelContainerUnit#getGraph() */ public AbstractModel getModel() { return model; } /** * Sets the model. * @param model The model to set */ public void setModel(AbstractModel model) { this.model = model; /* if (this.getModel() != null) { this.getModel().rebuildTree(); } */ } /** * Save the Unit and also save the image and * the model reference */ public void saveTo(CommentBufferedWriter writer) throws IOException { super.saveTo(writer); /** * Do not ask my model to be saved, otherwise, save how to locate it. * If I ask the model to be saved, it should run deeper than the first level */ File filename = this.getModel().getModelFileName(); if(filename != null && (new File(getModel().getActualPath(), filename.getName())).exists()){ writer.writeln("Filename",filename.getName()); } else{ writer.writeln("fileName",""); } File exportFile = this.getModel().getExportClasspath(); if(exportFile != null){ writer.writeln("export classpath",exportFile.getName()); } else{ writer.writeln("export classpath",""); } ((Saveable)this.getImage()).saveTo(writer); } /** * @see gui.model.AbstractUnit#loadOtherUnitDataFrom(CommentBufferedReader, Model) */ protected void loadOtherUnitDataFrom(CommentBufferedReader reader, AbstractModel graph) throws Exception { String modelClasspath = reader.readLine(); if(modelClasspath != null && !"".equals(modelClasspath)){ this.setModel(this.createNewModel(graph.getActualPath() ,new File(modelClasspath))); } else{ this.setModel(this.createNewModel(graph.getActualPath() ,null)); } String exportClasspath = reader.readLine(); if(modelClasspath != null && !"".equals(modelClasspath)){ this.getModel().setExportClasspath(new File(exportClasspath)); } this.setImage(ImageFactory.loadFrom(reader, graph)); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see gui.model.PortContainer#getEndLinkPorts() */ public Vector getEndLinkPorts() { return getInPorts(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see gui.model.PortContainer#getStartLinkPorts() */ public Vector getStartLinkPorts() { return getOutPorts(); } public String getDescription() { StringBuffer retr = new StringBuffer(); retr.append("Unit Name: " + getName()+"\n"); retr.append("Class: " + getModel().getModelName() + "\n"); if(getModel().getModelFileName() != null){ retr.append("Filename: " + getModel().getModelFileName() + "\n"); } else{ retr.append("Filename: Model not saved yet\n"); } if(getModel().getExportClasspath() != null){ retr.append("ExportClassPath: " + getModel().getExportClasspath() + "\n"); } else{ retr.append("ExportClassPath: Model not exported yet\n"); } return retr.toString(); } public String getShortDescription() { StringBuffer retr = new StringBuffer(); retr.append(getName()); return retr.toString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see gui.model.unit.AbstractUnit#prepareImage(gui.representation.Representable) */ protected void prepareImage(Representable image) { super.prepareImage(image); String text = this.getName()+"@"; if(this.getModel().getModelName() != null ){ text += this.getModel().getModelName(); } else{ text += "NotDefined"; } image.setText(text); } }