N-CD++: A Tool to Implement n-Dimensional Cell-DEVS models ---------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0-R.45 December-1999 Daniel Rodriguez, Gabriel Wainer, Amir Barylko, Jorge Beyoglonian Departamento de Computacion. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina. Loading models from life.ma5 Loading events from Message log: life.log5 Output to: /dev/null Tolerance set to: 1e-08 Configuration to show real numbers: Width = 12 - Precision = 5 Quantum: Not used Evaluate Debug Mode = OFF Flat Cell Debug Mode = OFF Debug Cell Rules Mode = OFF Temporary File created by Preprocessor = /tmp/fileE6mlzx Printing parser information = OFF Starting simulation. Stop at time: Infinity. before loading top setting position for life(0,0)(0,0) setting position for life(0,1)(0,1) setting position for life(0,2)(0,2) setting position for life(0,3)(0,3) setting position for life(0,4)(0,4) setting position for life(1,0)(1,0) setting position for life(1,1)(1,1) setting position for life(1,2)(1,2) setting position for life(1,3)(1,3) setting position for life(1,4)(1,4) setting position for life(2,0)(2,0) setting position for life(2,1)(2,1) setting position for life(2,2)(2,2) setting position for life(2,3)(2,3) setting position for life(2,4)(2,4) setting position for life(3,0)(3,0) setting position for life(3,1)(3,1) setting position for life(3,2)(3,2) setting position for life(3,3)(3,3) setting position for life(3,4)(3,4) setting position for life(4,0)(4,0) setting position for life(4,1)(4,1) setting position for life(4,2)(4,2) setting position for life(4,3)(4,3) setting position for life(4,4)(4,4) created the cells successfully setting the initial value for (0,0) value of life(0,0) is 0 setting the initial value for (0,1) value of life(0,1) is 1 setting the initial value for (0,2) value of life(0,2) is 0 setting the initial value for (0,3) value of life(0,3) is 1 setting the initial value for (0,4) value of life(0,4) is 0 setting the initial value for (1,0) value of life(1,0) is 1 setting the initial value for (1,1) value of life(1,1) is 0 setting the initial value for (1,2) value of life(1,2) is 0 setting the initial value for (1,3) value of life(1,3) is 0 setting the initial value for (1,4) value of life(1,4) is 1 setting the initial value for (2,0) value of life(2,0) is 1 setting the initial value for (2,1) value of life(2,1) is 0 setting the initial value for (2,2) value of life(2,2) is 1 setting the initial value for (2,3) value of life(2,3) is 0 setting the initial value for (2,4) value of life(2,4) is 1 setting the initial value for (3,0) value of life(3,0) is 1 setting the initial value for (3,1) value of life(3,1) is 1 setting the initial value for (3,2) value of life(3,2) is 1 setting the initial value for (3,3) value of life(3,3) is 1 setting the initial value for (3,4) value of life(3,4) is 0 setting the initial value for (4,0) value of life(4,0) is 1 setting the initial value for (4,1) value of life(4,1) is 1 setting the initial value for (4,2) value of life(4,2) is 1 setting the initial value for (4,3) value of life(4,3) is 0 setting the initial value for (4,4) value of life(4,4) is 0 loaded initial cell values loaded local zones before loading the machine for life loading machine for life(0,0) loading machine for life(0,1) loading machine for life(0,2) loading machine for life(0,3) loading machine for life(0,4) loading machine for life(1,0) loading machine for life(1,1) loading machine for life(1,2) loading machine for life(1,3) loading machine for life(1,4) loading machine for life(2,0) loading machine for life(2,1) loading machine for life(2,2) loading machine for life(2,3) loading machine for life(2,4) loading machine for life(3,0) loading machine for life(3,1) loading machine for life(3,2) loading machine for life(3,3) loading machine for life(3,4) loading machine for life(4,0) loading machine for life(4,1) loading machine for life(4,2) loading machine for life(4,3) loading machine for life(4,4) after loading the machines for life after loading top printing model partition for top generated processor top printing model partition for life generated processor life printing model partition for life(0,0) generated processor life(0,0) printing model partition for life(0,1) generated processor life(0,1) printing model partition for life(0,2) generated processor life(0,2) printing model partition for life(0,3) generated processor life(0,3) printing model partition for life(0,4) generated processor life(0,4) printing model partition for life(1,0) generated processor life(1,0) printing model partition for life(1,1) generated processor life(1,1) printing model partition for life(1,2) generated processor life(1,2) printing model partition for life(1,3) generated processor life(1,3) printing model partition for life(1,4) generated processor life(1,4) printing model partition for life(2,0) generated processor life(2,0) printing model partition for life(2,1) generated processor life(2,1) printing model partition for life(2,2) generated processor life(2,2) printing model partition for life(2,3) generated processor life(2,3) printing model partition for life(2,4) generated processor life(2,4) printing model partition for life(3,0) generated processor life(3,0) printing model partition for life(3,1) generated processor life(3,1) printing model partition for life(3,2) generated processor life(3,2) printing model partition for life(3,3) generated processor life(3,3) printing model partition for life(3,4) generated processor life(3,4) printing model partition for life(4,0) generated processor life(4,0) printing model partition for life(4,1) generated processor life(4,1) printing model partition for life(4,2) generated processor life(4,2) printing model partition for life(4,3) generated processor life(4,3) printing model partition for life(4,4) generated processor life(4,4) getMachine ID was evaluated to 0 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% generated processor Root in sortOutputMessage senderID is 2 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 3 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 4 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 5 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 6 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 7 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 8 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 9 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 10 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 11 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 12 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 13 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 14 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 15 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 17 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 18 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 19 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 20 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 21 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 22 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 23 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 24 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 25 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 2 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 4 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 13 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 21 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (1 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 25 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:000 (0 ) from 26 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:000 Coordinator(life) done count is : 25 at 00:00:00:000 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(0,1) tv: 1 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) in cell: life(0,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 1 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) in cell: life(1,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) in cell: life(1,2) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 1 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) in cell: life(2,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(2,2) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(3,1) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) in cell: life(3,2) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 1 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 1 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(4,1) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) in cell: life(4,2) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,4) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 5 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 9 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 12 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 14 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 17 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 18 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 19 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 23 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 5 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (1 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 12 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 14 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 17 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 18 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 19 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 23 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:100 (0 ) from 24 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:100 Coordinator(life) done count is : 25 at 00:00:00:100 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(0,1) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(0,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) in cell: life(1,1) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) in cell: life(1,2) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) in cell: life(2,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) in cell: life(2,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(3,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(3,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(4,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(4,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,2) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,0) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 3 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 6 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 7 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 8 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 9 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 11 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 15 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 20 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 3 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 9 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,2) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 20 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,1) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:200 (0 ) from 22 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:200 Coordinator(life) done count is : 25 at 00:00:00:200 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(0,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) in cell: life(0,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) in cell: life(1,1) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) in cell: life(1,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) in cell: life(2,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(2,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,2) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(3,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(3,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(4,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(4,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(3,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(4,0) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 6 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 7 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 8 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 10 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 11 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 15 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 8 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (1 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,2) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 15 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:300 (0 ) from 16 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:300 Coordinator(life) done count is : 22 at 00:00:00:300 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) in cell: life(0,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) in cell: life(0,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) in cell: life(1,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) in cell: life(1,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) in cell: life(2,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,1) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) in cell: life(2,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 1 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) in cell: life(3,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 6 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 7 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 10 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 11 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,1) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,1) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,1) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 7 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,2) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,2) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,2) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 10 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (0 ) from 11 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:400 (1 ) from 16 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:400 Coordinator(life) done count is : 21 at 00:00:00:400 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) in cell: life(0,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) in cell: life(0,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) in cell: life(1,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) in cell: life(1,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 1 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) in cell: life(2,1) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) in cell: life(2,2) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 1 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,0) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,3) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(1,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 0 ltb: 1 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 1 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 1 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 1 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 1 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 1 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 1 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 1 (1,1) : 0 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 6 in sortOutputMessage senderID is 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(0,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(4,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 6 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(1,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(2,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,0) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,3) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Processor: One message is added to the message bag of life(3,4) at: 00:00:00:500 (0 ) from 16 Coordinator(top) done count is : 1 at 00:00:00:500 Coordinator(life) done count is : 15 at 00:00:00:500 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(0,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(0,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(0,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(1,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(2,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(2,4) in cell: life(3,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,0) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,3) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 executing AtomicCell::localTransitionConfluen localTransitionAdmin:sender is life(0,4) in cell: life(4,4) tv: 0 ltb: 0 neighborhood value of the cell: Neighborhood: (-1,-1) : 0 (-1,0) : 0 (-1,1) : 0 (0,-1) : 0 (0,0) : 0 (0,1) : 0 (1,-1) : 0 (1,0) : 0 (1,1) : 0 IN Root::stop() error while sending message to stop the simulation Simulation ended!