/******************************************************************* * * DESCRIPTION: class nTupla * * AUTHOR: Daniel A. Rodriguez * * EMAIL: mailto://drodrigu@dc.uba.ar * * DATE: 25/04/1999 (v2) * *******************************************************************/ /** include files **/ #include "ntupla.h" // class nTupla #include "strutil.h" // string functions /** methods **/ nTupla::nTupla( const nTupla &pos ) { valTupla = new int[ size = pos.dimension() ]; // Copy the elements of Pos to ValTupla for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) valTupla[i] = pos.valTupla[i]; canonizada = pos.isCanonizada(); valTotalElem = pos.totalElements(); } nTupla::nTupla( unsigned dim, int value ) { valTupla = new int[ size = dim ]; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) valTupla[i] = value; canonizada = false; valTotalElem = size * value; } nTupla::nTupla( const string &str ) :canonizada(false) { valTupla = new int[1]; size = 0; parseString(str); calcTotalElements(); } void nTupla::add( int n ) { int *valAux = new int[size+1]; // Backup the tupla register unsigned i = 0; for (; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i]; valAux[i] = n; // Adds the element delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reasigns the tupla canonizada = false; size++; valTotalElem *= n; } void nTupla::add( int n1, int n2 ) { int *valAux = new int[size+2]; // Backup the tupla register unsigned i = 0; for (; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i]; valAux[i++] = n1; // Adds the elements valAux[i] = n2; delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reasigns the tupla canonizada = false; size += 2; valTotalElem *= n1 * n2; } nTupla *nTupla::addFirst( int n ) { int *valAux; valAux = new int[++size]; // Backup the tupla valAux[0] = n; // Adds the element in the front for (register unsigned i = 1; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i-1]; delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reasigns the tupla canonizada = false; valTotalElem *= n; return this; } nTupla *nTupla::addFirst( int n1, int n2 ) { int *valAux; size += 2; valAux = new int[size]; // Backup the tupla valAux[0] = n1; // Adds the elements in the front valAux[1] = n2; for (register unsigned i = 2; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i-2]; delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reasigns the tupla canonizada = false; valTotalElem *= n1 * n2; return this; } void nTupla::setElement( unsigned pos, int n ) { if (pos < size) { if (valTupla[pos] == 0) { valTupla[pos] = n; calcTotalElements(); } else { valTotalElem /= valTupla[pos]; valTotalElem *= n; valTupla[pos] = n; } } else // Debo agregar mas elementos { int *valAux = new int[pos+1]; // Backup the tupla int prevSize = size; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i]; // Adds 0 to complete while (size < pos){ valAux[size++] = 0; valTotalElem = 0; } valAux[size++] = n; valTotalElem *= n; if (prevSize != 0) delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reassigns the tupla } canonizada = false; } int nTupla::get( unsigned n ) const { MASSERTMSG( n < size, "Attemp to get an element not contained in the tupla."); return valTupla[n]; } nTupla &nTupla::canonizar( const nTupla &dim ) { if (canonizada) return *this; MASSERTMSG( size == dim.dimension(), "Can't standarizate two tuples with different dimensions"); valTotalElem = 1; for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { register int dimVal = dim.valTupla[i]; while (valTupla[i] < 0) valTupla[i] += dimVal; valTupla[i] %= dimVal; valTotalElem *= valTupla[i]; } canonizada = true; return *this; } void nTupla::calcTotalElements() { valTotalElem = 1; for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++ ) valTotalElem *= valTupla[i]; } bool nTupla::operator == ( const nTupla &t ) const { if ( size != t.dimension()) return false; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++ ) if ( valTupla[i] != t.valTupla[i] ) return false; return true; } bool nTupla::operator < ( const nTupla &t ) const { if ( size != t.dimension()) return false; //Compare coordinate to coordinate. for ( unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ( valTupla[i] > t.valTupla[i] ) return false; else if ( valTupla[i] < t.valTupla[i] ) return true; } return false; } bool nTupla::operator <= ( const nTupla &t ) const { if ( size != t.dimension()) return false; //Compare coordinate to coordinate. for ( unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { if ( valTupla[i] > t.valTupla[i] ) return false; else if ( valTupla[i] < t.valTupla[i] ) return true; } return true; } nTupla *nTupla::operator += ( const nTupla &t ) { MASSERTMSG( size == t.dimension(), "Attemp to sum tuples of different dimension"); valTotalElem = 1; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { valTupla[i] += t.valTupla[i]; valTotalElem *= valTupla[i]; } canonizada = false; return this; } nTupla *nTupla::operator -= ( const nTupla &t ) { MASSERTMSG( size == t.dimension(), "Attemp to substract tuples of different dimension"); valTotalElem = 1; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { valTupla[i] -= t.valTupla[i]; valTotalElem *= valTupla[i]; } canonizada = false; return this; } string nTupla::print() const { string s = "("; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { s += int2Str( valTupla[i] ); if ( i != size-1 ) s += ","; } s += ")"; return s; } bool nTupla::includes( const nTupla &pos ) const { MASSERTMSG( size == pos.dimension(), "Attemp to compare tuples with different dimension, in nTupla::includes method"); for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++ ) if ( pos.get(i) >= valTupla[i] || pos.get(i) < 0 ) return false; return true; } bool nTupla::isInRegion( const nTupla &firstCell, const nTupla &lastCell) const { MASSERTMSG( size == firstCell.dimension(), "Attemp to compare tuples with different dimension, in nTupla::isInRegion method"); MASSERTMSG( size == lastCell.dimension(), "Attemp to compare tuples with different dimension, in nTupla::isInRegion method"); for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++ ) if ( valTupla[i] < firstCell.get(i) || valTupla[i] > lastCell.get(i) ) return false; return true; } long nTupla::calculateIndex( const nTupla &dim, bool validateIncludes = true ) const { //MASSERTMSG( dim.dimension() == size, "Attemp to calculate an Index for a tuple with different dimension size"); if (dim.dimension() != size) return 0; if (validateIncludes) MASSERTMSG( dim.includes(*this), "Attemp to calculate an index of a tuple outside the dimension."); register int previous = dim.valTupla[0]; register long index = valTupla[0], multip = 1; for (register unsigned i = 1; i < size; i++) { multip *= previous; index += valTupla[i] * multip; previous = dim.valTupla[i]; } return index; } bool nTupla::contains( int elem ) const { for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++ ) if ( valTupla[i] == elem ) return true; // element found return false; // element not found } void nTupla::minCoordToCoord( nTupla &t1, nTupla &t2 ) { MASSERTMSG( t1.dimension() == t2.dimension() && t1.dimension() == size, "Attemp to use tuples with different dimension, in nTupla::minCoordToCoord method"); for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) setElement(i, t2.get(i) < t1.get(i) ? t2.get(i) : t1.get(i)); canonizada = false; } void nTupla::maxCoordToCoord( nTupla &t1, nTupla &t2 ) { MASSERTMSG( t1.dimension() == t2.dimension() && t1.dimension() == size, "Attemp to use tuples with different dimension, in nTupla::maxCoordToCoord method"); for ( register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) setElement(i, t2.get(i) > t1.get(i) ? t2.get(i) : t1.get(i)); canonizada = false; } nTupla &nTupla::operator = (const nTupla &nt) { if (size > 0) delete [] valTupla; valTupla = new int[ size = nt.dimension() ]; valTotalElem = 1; for (register unsigned i = 0; i < size; i++) { valTupla[i] = nt.valTupla[i]; valTotalElem *= valTupla[i]; } canonizada = false; return *this; } /******************************************************************* * Function Name: parseString * Jacky: the cellStr should in the format of "(x0,x1,...,xn)" ********************************************************************/ nTupla &nTupla::parseString( const string &cellStr ) { char auxi[128], num[15], *curs = auxi; strcpy(auxi, cellStr.c_str()); register int posi; while (*curs != '(' && *curs != 0) curs++; MASSERTMSG( *curs == '(', string("Invalid cell string format, '(' missing in " ) + cellStr ) ; curs++; while ( *curs != ')' && *curs != 0 ) { // get the number posi = 0; while ( *curs != ')' && *curs != ',' && *curs != 0 ) { num[posi++] = *curs; curs++; } num[posi++] = 0; this->add( str2Int( num ) ); // Si hay una coma, la salteo if (*curs == ',') curs++; } MASSERTMSG( *curs == ')', string("Invalid cell string format, ')' missing in " ) + cellStr ) ; return *this ; } /******************************************************************* * Function Name: set * Description: Adds n values to the CellPosition ********************************************************************/ void nTupla::set( unsigned n, int value ) { int *valAux = new int[size+n]; // Backup the tupla register unsigned i = 0; for (; i < size; i++) valAux[i] = valTupla[i]; size += n; for (; i < size; i++) { if (valAux[i] == 0) calcTotalElements(); else { valTotalElem /= valAux[i]; valTotalElem *= value; } valAux[i] = value; // Adds the element } delete [] valTupla; valTupla = valAux; // Reasigns the tupla canonizada = false; } /******************************************************************* * Function Name: next * Description: Calcula el siguiente (incremento en 1), considerando * la dimension para poder hacer los carry de la suma * Devuelve TRUE si se produjo un overflow, o false * si es posible hacer la suma ********************************************************************/ bool nTupla::next( const nTupla &dim ) { MASSERTMSG( dim.dimension() == size, "The dimension of the tuples must be equal in method NEXT"); register int cant, posUlt = size - 1; register bool incremento = true; while ( posUlt >= 0 && incremento ) { if ((cant = valTupla[posUlt] + 1) >= dim.get( posUlt ) ) setElement( posUlt--, 0); else { setElement( posUlt, cant); incremento = false; } } // if posUlt < 0 then occurs an Overflow return posUlt < 0 ? true : false; } /******************************************************************* * Function Name: fill * Description: Sets the first n values ********************************************************************/ void nTupla::fill( unsigned n, int value ) { for (register unsigned i=0; i