/******************************************************************* * * DESCRIPTION: class Parser, SingleParser * * AUTHOR: Amir Barylko & Jorge Beyoglonian * Version 2: Daniel Rodriguez. * Colon bug: Alejandro Lopez * * EMAIL: mailto://amir@dc.uba.ar * mailto://jbeyoglo@dc.uba.ar * mailto://drodrigu@dc.uba.ar * mailto://aplopez@dc.uba.ar * * DATE: 27/6/1998 * DATE: 7/11/1998 (v2) * DATE: 10/6/2001 (Colon bug) * *******************************************************************/ #ifndef __PARSER_H #define __PARSER_H /** include files **/ #include #include #include #include "except.h" // class MException #include "tokit.h" // class TokenIterator /** foward declarations **/ class SyntaxNode ; class RuleNode ; class SpecNode ; /** declarations **/ class SingleParser ; class Parser { public: ~Parser() ; Parser &parse( istream &source, bool printParserInformation, bool parseForPortIn, const string &elseFunction = "" ) ; SpecNode *specification() ; private: friend class SingleParser ; friend int yylex() ; friend int yyerror( const char *s ) ; friend int yyparse() ; // calls addRule Parser() ; // constructor int error( const string &text ) ; Parser &addRule( RuleNode *rule, int Stochastic ) ; // Add a rule. If Stochastic != 0 then // the rule has a function of random type. Parser &reset() ; void parsingForPortIn ( bool pfpi ) ; bool parsingForPortIn ( void ) ; int nextToken() ; int analizeToken( string &token, bool &consumed, string &text ) ; void setTempParsingForPortIn(); void setOldParsingForPortIn(); typedef pair< int, SyntaxNode * > ValuePair ; typedef map< string, ValuePair, less< string > > Dictionary ; TokenIterator *cursor ; Dictionary dict ; string token ; bool read ; SpecNode *spec ; bool printParserInfo ; bool tempOldParsingPortIn ; bool parsingPortIn ; } ; // Parser class ErrorParsingException: public MException { } ; // ErrorParsingException class SingleParser { public: static Parser &Instance() ; private: SingleParser() ; static Parser *instance ; }; /** inline **/ inline SpecNode *Parser::specification() { return this->spec ; } inline void Parser::parsingForPortIn( bool pfpi ) { parsingPortIn = tempOldParsingPortIn = pfpi ; } inline bool Parser::parsingForPortIn() { return parsingPortIn; } inline void Parser::setTempParsingForPortIn() { parsingPortIn = true; } inline void Parser::setOldParsingForPortIn() { parsingPortIn = tempOldParsingPortIn; } #endif // __PARSER_H