//-*-c++-*- #ifndef DYNAMICCANCELLATION_CC #define DYNAMICCANCELLATION_CC // Copyright (c) 1994,1995 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // $Id: DynamicCancellation.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(LAZYCANCELLATION) || defined(LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION) #include "DynamicCancellation.hh" #ifdef PERMANENTLYSET LazyAggrTimeWarp::LazyAggrTimeWarp():measurementCycle(PERMANENTSETVAL) #else LazyAggrTimeWarp::LazyAggrTimeWarp():measurementCycle(FILTER_DEPTH) #endif { comparisonResults = new int[measurementCycle]; currentMode = AGGRESSIVE; hitCount = missCount = 0; lazyAggrHit = lazyHit = false; hitRatio = 0.0; noOfComparisions = 0; for(int i=0;i < measurementCycle; i++){ comparisonResults[i] = 0; } #ifdef PERMANENTLY_AGGR permanentlyAggressive = false; #endif #ifdef PERMANENTLYSET modePermanent = false; #endif } LazyAggrTimeWarp::~LazyAggrTimeWarp() { delete [] comparisonResults; lazyAggrQ.gcollect(PINFINITY); } void LazyAggrTimeWarp::executeSimulation() { TimeWarp::executeSimulation(); #if defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { if((suppressMessage & LAZYAGGRCANCEL) || (suppressMessage & LAZYCANCEL)) { setCancellationMode(); } } #elif defined(PERMANENTLYSET) if(!modePermanent) { // call setCancellationMode() only when we are recovering from a // rollback - otherwise we are just wasting time calling it. if((suppressMessage & LAZYAGGRCANCEL) || (suppressMessage & LAZYCANCEL)) { setCancellationMode(); } } #else if((suppressMessage & LAZYAGGRCANCEL) || (suppressMessage & LAZYCANCEL)) { setCancellationMode(); } #endif } bool LazyAggrTimeWarp::suppressMessageTest(BasicEvent *toSend) { // Aggressive Cancellation without checkpointing (optimizations). if(suppressMessage == NONE) { return false; } if(suppressMessage == COASTFORWARD) { return true; } #if defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) // Skip this if the hitRatio drops below the THIRD_THRESHOLD if(!permanentlyAggressive) { if(suppressMessage == LAZYAGGRCANCEL) { checkForLazyAggrHit(toSend); return false; } } #elif defined(PERMANENTLYSET) // Skip this after PERMANENTSETVAL comparisons if(!modePermanent) { if(suppressMessage == LAZYAGGRCANCEL) { checkForLazyAggrHit(toSend); return false; } } #else if(suppressMessage == LAZYAGGRCANCEL) { // Do a passive compare while sending out the anti-messages checkForLazyAggrHit(toSend); return false; } #endif bool suppressDecision = false; if(suppressMessage == LAZYCANCEL) { suppressDecision = LazyAggrTimeWarp::lazyCancel(toSend); } return suppressDecision; } void LazyAggrTimeWarp::checkForLazyAggrHit(BasicEvent *toSend) { BasicEvent *lACOutputEvent; lazyAggrHit = false; lACOutputEvent = lazyAggrQ.get(); #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ":Start of Lazy Aggressive Cancellation Phase" << endl; outFile << name << ": for message\n" << *toSend << "\nCancelling:" << endl; #endif // Cancel any messages between the last message processed in the output // Queue and the current message to send. while((lACOutputEvent != NULL) && (lACOutputEvent->sendTime < state->current->lVT)) { delete [] (char *)lazyAggrQ.removeCurrent(); lACOutputEvent = lazyAggrQ.get(); } #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ":Done cancelling past messages " << endl; if (lACOutputEvent == NULL) { outFile << name << "lcOutputEvent = NULL" << endl; } else { outFile << name << "Comparing messages to send:\n"; } #endif // Check messages at the current time for lazy aggressive cancellation. while ((lACOutputEvent != NULL) && (toSend->sendTime == lACOutputEvent->sendTime) && (lazyAggrHit == false) ) { #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ": against " << endl << *lACOutputEvent << endl; #endif if(toSend->lazyCmp(lACOutputEvent)) { delete [] (char*)lazyAggrQ.removeCurrent(); lazyAggrHit = true; lACOutputEvent = lazyAggrQ.get(); } else{ lazyAggrQ.seek(1,CURRENT); lACOutputEvent = lazyAggrQ.get(); } } // end of while(....) #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) if(noOfComparisions < measurementCycle) { comparisonResults[noOfComparisions] = lazyAggrHit; } #else comparisonResults[noOfComparisions % measurementCycle] = lazyAggrHit; #endif ++noOfComparisions; if (lazyAggrQ.size() == 0) { // End of Lazy Aggressive Cancellation phase, so set it to normal until // another rollback suppressMessage &= ~LAZYAGGRCANCEL; #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ":Lazy Cancellation Queue Exhausted!" << endl; outFile << name << ":Suppression Flag = " << suppressMessage << endl; #endif } else { // Restore Lazy Aggressive Queue to the first event for next call. lazyAggrQ.seek(0,START); } #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ":End of Lazy Aggressive Cancellation Phase" << endl; #endif } void LazyAggrTimeWarp::cancelMessages(const VTime rollbackTime) { if(currentMode == AGGRESSIVE) { BasicEvent *cancelEvent, *negEvent; // while using infrequent state saving strategies we cannot get // cancelEvent info from state.current so we search the outputQueue // with rollbackTime as search parameter. if(state->getStatePeriod() != -1) { cancelEvent = outputQ.find(rollbackTime, GREATEREQUAL); outputQ.setCurrentToFind(); } else { // Instead of doing this search, we will try to get the outputQ position // through the state. Excluding the first state, outputPos pointer in the // state points to the last event created in the last simulation cycle. // So the event we need to undo is the one next to this one. // Note: Special Case : If the first state is the initial state (namely // state saved at time ZERO or ZERO(1), outputPos pointer points to last // event created. Otherwise if the first state is the first one after the // GVT update (not ZERO, the state right before gvt), outputPos pointer // points to the next event or to the first output event of the following // cycle. Exception in this case: outputPos points to NULL, outputPos is // the first event in outputQ if(state->current->myLastOutput == false){ // if it is NULL, take the head of the queue if (state->current->outputPos == NULL) { if (outputQ.getHead() != NULL) { // check this case cancelEvent = (BasicEvent *) (outputQ.getHead()->object); outputQ.setCurrent(outputQ.getHead()); } } else { cout << "this should never happen !! " << endl; cancelEvent = NULL; } } else { if(state->current->outputPos == NULL) { // Initial state has been restored but myLastOutput is true // cancelEvent = outputQ.getHead()->object; // outputQ.setCurrent(outputQ.getHead()); cancelEvent = NULL; } else { if(state->current->outputPos->next != NULL){ cancelEvent = (BasicEvent *) (state->current->outputPos->next->object); outputQ.setCurrent(state->current->outputPos->next); } else { cancelEvent = NULL; } } } } // at this point cancelEvent points to the first Event sent after // this time #ifdef LPDEBUG if((cancelEvent) && (cancelEvent->sendTime < rollbackTime)){ outFile << name << ":found : " << *cancelEvent << "\n" << "rollbackTime : " << rollbackTime << endl; } #endif if(cancelEvent != NULL) { #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) // Once the mode is set permanently, we don't have do to the passive // comparisions, but we need it till we determine what the permanent // mode is going to be. if(!modePermanent) { suppressMessage |= LAZYAGGRCANCEL; } #elif defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { suppressMessage |= LAZYAGGRCANCEL; } #else suppressMessage |= LAZYAGGRCANCEL; #endif #ifdef LPDEBUG outFile << name << ":Suppression Flag = " << suppressMessage << "\n" << "Inserting events into lazyAggrQ." << endl; #endif while(cancelEvent != NULL && outputQ.size() != 0 ) { // send out the negative messages // the outputQ has the actual data that the pointers in the other sim. // objects' InputQ points to. To send out a negative message, we need // to allocate a new one. int destID = cancelEvent->dest; negEvent = (BasicEvent*) new char[cancelEvent->size]; new (negEvent) BasicEvent(cancelEvent); // send out the -ve message as usual negEvent->sign = NEGATIVE; //negEvent->size = sizeof(BasicEvent); #ifdef STATEDEBUG *lpFile2 << "sending " << endl; *lpFile2 << *negEvent << "Id " << id << endl; // sanity check - compares state outputPos with neg events state->checkEvent(outputQ.getCurrent(), 1); #endif BasicEvent* insertEvent = (BasicEvent*) new char[cancelEvent->size]; new (insertEvent) BasicEvent(cancelEvent); TimeWarp::sendEventUnconditionally(negEvent); // Also insert a copy into the lazyAggrQ #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) if(!modePermanent) { lazyAggrQ.insert(insertEvent); // FMI, insert makes a copy } #elif defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { lazyAggrQ.insert(insertEvent); } #else lazyAggrQ.insert(insertEvent); #endif outputQ.removeCurrent(); if(commHandle[destID].ptr->isCommManager()){ delete [] ((char *)negEvent); delete [] (char*)cancelEvent; } // Get the next one now cancelEvent = outputQ.get(); } } // reset lazyAggrQ to point to the beginning of the queue #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) if(!modePermanent) { lazyAggrQ.seek(0, START); } #elif defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { lazyAggrQ.seek(0, START); } #else lazyAggrQ.seek(0, START); #endif } else { // the "suppressMessage" flag is set to LAZYCANCEL in // TimeWarp::moveMessagesToLazyQueue(), so we don't need to worry about // it here. TimeWarp::moveMessagesToLazyQueue(rollbackTime); } } bool LazyAggrTimeWarp::lazyCancel(BasicEvent *toSend) { lazyHit = false; lazyHit = TimeWarp::lazyCancel(toSend); #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) if(!modePermanent) { comparisonResults[noOfComparisions] = lazyHit; } #elif defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { comparisonResults[noOfComparisions % measurementCycle] = lazyHit; } #else comparisonResults[noOfComparisions % measurementCycle] = lazyHit; #endif ++noOfComparisions; return lazyHit; } void LazyAggrTimeWarp::setCancellationMode() { hitCount = 0; #if defined(PERMANENTLYSET) // If modePermanent is true then fix the Cancellation mode once and for // all. determineMode() is called only once and that is when // noOfComparisons == PERMANENTSETVAL. if(noOfComparisions == PERMANENTSETVAL) { modePermanent = true; for(int i = 0; i < measurementCycle;i++) { if(comparisonResults[i] == true) { ++hitCount; } } hitRatio = (float)hitCount/measurementCycle; // Now determine what cancellation strategy should be used from now on determineMode(); // if the cancellation mode is decided to be AGGRESSIVE then // suppressMessage = NONE because from now on we don't have to do // passive comparisions. if(currentMode == AGGRESSIVE) { suppressMessage = NONE; } } #elif defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) if(!permanentlyAggressive) { if(noOfComparisions >= measurementCycle) { for(int i = 0; i < measurementCycle;i++) { if(comparisonResults[i] == true) { ++hitCount; } } hitRatio = (float)hitCount/measurementCycle; determineMode(); } } #else if(noOfComparisions >= measurementCycle) { for(int i = 0; i < measurementCycle;i++) { if(comparisonResults[i] == true) { ++hitCount; } } hitRatio = (float)hitCount/measurementCycle; #ifdef STATS dcStatsFile << "@(" << state->current->lVT << ") hitCount = " << hitCount << " hitRatio = " << hitRatio << endl; #endif determineMode(); } #endif } void LazyAggrTimeWarp::determineMode() { register CancellationMode nextMode = currentMode; register bool lazyToAggressive = false; register bool aggressiveToLazy = false; #ifdef PERMANENTLY_AGGR if(INDEX < THIRD_THRESHOLD) { nextMode = AGGRESSIVE; permanentlyAggressive = true; if(currentMode == LAZY) { // Discard all the anti-messages BasicEvent *cancelEvent, *negEvent; // The current ptr of lazyCancelQ has already been set to point to // the 1st event in this queue. cancelEvent = lazyCancelQ.get(); while(cancelEvent != NULL) { int destID = cancelEvent->dest; negEvent = (BasicEvent *) new char[cancelEvent->size]; negEvent->BasicEvent(cancelEvent); negEvent->sign = NEGATIVE; negEvent->size = sizeof(BasicEvent); TimeWarp::sendEventUnconditionally(negEvent); lazyCancelQ.removeCurrent(); if(commHandle[destID].ptr->isCommManager()){ delete [] ((char *)negEvent); delete [] (char*)cancelEvent; } cancelEvent = lazyCancelQ.get(); } // We are done dispatching all the anti-messages at this point suppressMessage &= ~LAZYCANCEL; } // else don't bother } else { #endif if((currentMode == AGGRESSIVE) && (INDEX > AGGRESSIVE_TO_LAZY)) { nextMode = LAZY; aggressiveToLazy = true; #ifdef STATS dcStatsFile << "@(" << state->current->lVT << ") Aggressive Cancellation -----> Lazy Cancellation" << endl; #endif #ifdef PERMANENTLYSET if(!modePermanent) { suppressMessage &= ~LAZYAGGRCANCEL; } #else suppressMessage &= ~LAZYAGGRCANCEL; #endif } else if((currentMode == LAZY) && (INDEX < LAZY_TO_AGGRESSIVE)) { nextMode = AGGRESSIVE; lazyToAggressive = true; #ifdef STATS dcStatsFile << "@(" << state->current->lVT << ") Lazy Cancellation -----> Aggressive Cancellation" << endl #endif } else { } // Dispatch all the anti-messages before changing to Aggressive if(lazyToAggressive) { BasicEvent *cancelEvent, *negEvent; // The current ptr of lazyCancelQ has already been set to point to // the 1st event in this queue. cancelEvent = lazyCancelQ.get(); while(cancelEvent != NULL) { int destID = cancelEvent->dest; negEvent = (BasicEvent*) new char[cancelEvent->size]; new (negEvent) BasicEvent(cancelEvent); negEvent->sign = NEGATIVE; negEvent->size = sizeof(BasicEvent); TimeWarp::sendEventUnconditionally(negEvent); lazyCancelQ.removeCurrent(); if(commHandle[destID].ptr->isCommManager()){ delete [] ((char *)negEvent); delete [] (char*)cancelEvent; } cancelEvent = lazyCancelQ.get(); } suppressMessage &= ~LAZYCANCEL; //suppressMessage |= LAZYAGGRCANCEL; // This may have to be set to NONE } // Flush the lazyAggrQ. if(aggressiveToLazy) { BasicEvent *eventToRemove; // Reset currentPos lazyAggrQ.seek(0, START); eventToRemove = lazyAggrQ.get(); while(eventToRemove != NULL) { lazyAggrQ.removeCurrent(); delete [] (char *)eventToRemove; eventToRemove = lazyAggrQ.get(); } } #ifdef PERMANENTLY_AGGR } #endif currentMode = nextMode; } #endif #endif