//-*-c++-*- #ifndef GVT_MANAGER_CC #define GVT_MANAGER_CC // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // $Id: GVTManager.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "GVTManager.hh" #include "LogicalProcess.hh" #include "SimulationTime.hh" #include "bool.hh" #ifndef MATTERNGVTMANAGER GVTManager::GVTManager(){ gVT = ZERO; //default global virtual time = 0 lGVT = ZERO; //default local estimate of GVT based on the local LP = 0 needAcked.setFunc(AckRecordCompare); //AckRecordCompare to compare AckRecord definedGVT = 0; //default LP0 sets the GVT last time lastReported = ZERO; //the last lGVT value sent to the Central GVT mamanger = 0 lastIdle = false; //our last idle = false lpIdle = false; //OneShot = flase, set when all simuObjs on the LP reported idle tokenPending = false; //no token is pending noOfGVTToSkip = 0; //no GVT skip gvtPeriod = 0; //default gvtPeriod = 0 ranBetweenTokens = false ; //default ranBetweenTokens = false } GVTManager::~GVTManager(){ delete [] simArray; delete [] lastTimeSent; delete [] lastTimeReceived; delete [] dummyPending; #if defined(JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER) && defined(INFREQSTATEMANAGER) //[2006-03-20] ---------------------------- //destroy the array of LAST states' lVT time delete [] lastStateLVT; #endif // end JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER && INFREQSTATEMANAGER //[2006-03-20] ------------------------------------ if (id == 0) { //Only valid for LP 0! //lGVTArray is an array of VTimes containing GVT estimates for ALL LPs delete [] lGVTArray; //idleArray is an array of bool flags delete [] idleArray; } } void GVTManager::initGVTManager( ObjectRecord* tempHandle, CommMgrInterface* comm, int myId, int totalNum, int numObj, int numLogical) { commHandle = comm; // handle to commManager id = myId; // the id of the LP we're on totalObjects = totalNum; // the number of simulation objects in the entire system numObjects = numObj; // number of objects ON THIS LP numLPs = numLogical; // the number of LPs in the system //allocate an array of ObjectRecords for all LOCAL simuObjs! //Jacky Note: // this is different to the simArray for the CommManager, which contain ptrs to all simuObjs in the system simArray = new ObjectRecord[numObjects]; // This array only needs to be local to this LP int i=0; // index variables int j=0; // we want our array to have ONLY the local objects in it since they are the only ones we care about for gVT //Jacky Note: //extract local simuObj records from the whole simuObject array of the LP for(i=0; i using Strategy A!" << endl; } #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG #elif defined(JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_B) //[2006-03-26] =============== //initialize these time to 0 for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ lastStateLVT[i] = ZERO; } #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if( id == 0 ){ cerr << "GVTManager -> using Strategy B!" << endl; } #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG #else //if neither strategy A nor strategy B is defined [2006-03-26] =========== #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if( id == 0 ){ cerr << "GVTManager -> Neither Strategy A nor B is defined! Abort()..." << endl; abort(); } #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG #endif //end JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_A/B [2006-03-26] ================= #endif // end JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER && INFREQSTATEMANAGER //[2006-03-20] ------------------------------------ // all of this stuff is for PGVT without acknowledgement lastTimeSent = new VTime[numLPs]; lastTimeReceived = new VTime[numLPs]; for(i = 0; i < numLPs; i++){ lastTimeSent[i] = PINFINITY; lastTimeReceived[i] = PINFINITY; } dummyPending = new bool[numLPs]; for(i=0;ideliver(event); } //Jacky Note: this function is to calculate the estimate of GVT for the local LP //LP calls this function at the end of simulation cycle every MAX_GVT_COUNT iterations, //it sends a message to the central manager void GVTManager::calculateLGVT( ){ // we only need to do this if we were the critical path... if(lastReported == gVT || (id == 0 && lastReported > LogicalProcess::SIMUNTIL) ){ //Jacky Note: //if our last lGVT value sent to the central gVT Manager is the gVT (global virtual time), or //I am the central manager, and my last lGVT value is greater then LogicalProcess::SIMUNTIL VTime newLGVT = PINFINITY; int i; bool allIdle = true; // 1> calculate the simulation object's estimate for(i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ //loop over all LOCAL simuObjs //Jacky: // 1. "iRanLastTime" is true if the simuObj has just executed an event which causes the // lVT in the simuObj's current state advances to a new time // 2. inputQ.getObj(i) returns the currentObj[i] for simuObj with localId = i if( simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true || simArray[i].ptr->inputQ.getObj(i) != NULL ){ //Jacky: //inputQ.findPrevTime(i) simply returns the value of lVTArray[i] of the inputQ newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, inputQ.findPrevTime(i)); if(newLGVT < gVT) newLGVT = gVT; allIdle = false; simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime = false; } //end if } //end for #if defined(LAZYCANCELLATION) || defined(LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION) //[2006-03-20] //Jacky Note: if LAZY strategies are used, we need to check the local objects' lazyQueues. //the new MIN time among the original newLGVT & the minTime of the lazyQueues among these local simuObjs //will be the new estimate of the LGVT. // 2> peek into the lazyCancelQ - // we might have output messages which might be less than(!!) the LVT when a GVT cycle is initiated. for(i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ if(simArray[i].ptr->getLazyQSize() > 0){ newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, simArray[i].ptr->getLazyQMinTime()); //cout << "simArray[" << i << "].ptr->getLazyQMinTime() = " // << simArray[i].ptr->getLazyQMinTime() << endl; } //end if } //end for #endif //end LAZYCANCELLATION || LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION // 3> take into account the valley messages that we have that are unacknowledged newLGVT = MIN_FUNC( newLGVT, lowestUnacknowledged ); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "(check lowest) newLGVT 1 : " << newLGVT << endl; #endif // 4> all of the messages on the outgoing AND incoming channel VTime preLoop = newLGVT; for ( i = 0; i < numLPs; i++ ) { //loop over all LPs newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, lastTimeReceived[i]); newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, lastTimeSent[i]); } #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "(check channels) newLGVT 2 : " << newLGVT << endl; #endif // here's the plan - send a dummy event, and receive it back to clear the channel. // When received, set last time received for that channel to PINFINITY ( since the channel is fifo ) static int count; if( preLoop > newLGVT ) { //Jacky: there are VTimes in lastTimeReceived/lastTimeSent array that are less than preLoop newLGVT //That is, there are messages on the in/out channel with time < the preLoop newLGVT count++; if( count > 100 ){ for( i = 0; i < numLPs; i++ ) { //loop over all LPs if( dummyPending[i] == false && //No dummy msg is pending in the channel (lastTimeReceived[i] == newLGVT || lastTimeSent[i] == newLGVT ) ){ //Jacky: send a DummyRequestMsg to that LP DummyRequestMsg *dummy = new DummyRequestMsg; dummyPending[i] = true; dummy->destLP = i; sendEvent(dummy); // now we need to set this communication channel's time to PINIFINITY - // this is the whole point of the dummy stuff... lastTimeSent[dummy->destLP] = PINFINITY; delete dummy; } //end if } //end for count = 0; } //end if count > 100 } else { //now preLoop <= newLGVT count = 0; } //Jacky: this will set the calculated newLGVT as the new internal estimate of the gVT! setLGVT(newLGVT); // set lpIdle appropriately if( checkIdle() == true && needAcked.size() == 0 ){ lpIdle = true; if(id == 0 && tokenPending == false && checkIdle() == true) { if (numLPs > 1) { //more than 1 LPs in the simulation startToken(); } else { //only a single LP setGVT(PINFINITY); newGVTMsg* gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = getGVT(); sendEvent(gVTMsg); delete gVTMsg; } //end LP number > 1 } //end if } else { lpIdle = false; } if( (newLGVT < lastReported) || (newLGVT < gVT && gVT != PINFINITY) ){ #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "LP " << id << ": something is foobar! newLGVT : " << newLGVT << " lastReported :" << lastReported << " gVT : " << gVT << endl; for(int k = 0; k < numObjects;i++){ *lpFile << inputQ.lVTArray[k] << " "; } *lpFile << endl ; needAcked.print(); #else cout << "LP " << id << ": something is foobar! newLGVT : " << newLGVT << " lastReported :" << lastReported << " gVT : " << gVT << endl; needAcked.print(); #endif calcMin(); terminateSimulation("something is wrong with GVT"); abort(); } //end if if ( (lastReported == gVT) && ( newLGVT != lastReported || lastIdle != lpIdle )) { #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "lastReported : " << lastReported << " gVT : " << gVT << "\nnewLGVT : " << newLGVT << endl; #endif // we are (one of) the LP(s) furthest behind AND either 1) we've not reported this new value // 2) we're idle, so we need to report it... // To send new GVT information, We also need to make sure that if all of our processes are idle, // that we send a PINIFINITY message LGVTMsg* newMsg = new LGVTMsg; newMsg->lGVT = newLGVT; newMsg->lpIdle = lpIdle; sendEvent(newMsg); delete newMsg; lastReported = newLGVT; lastIdle = lpIdle; } //end if #ifdef LPDEBUG else { if(lastReported != gVT) { *lpFile << "lastReported : " << lastReported << " gVT : " << gVT << endl; } else if(lastReported == newLGVT) { *lpFile << "already reported : " << newLGVT << endl; } } #endif } //end if we were the critical path } //Jacky Note: [2006-03-20] //This function is called automatically when a LGVTMsg or LowerLGVTMsg is received from the LP that //was further behind the last time GVT was calculated! //It calculates the new gVT based on all lGVTs of all LPs, if there is a gVT advance, it broadcast the //new gVT to all LPs. The broadcast causes the following consequences: // 1. sendEvent(newGVTMsg*) // -> 2. commHandle->recvMsg(newGVTMsg*) // -> 3. remoteSend() / deliver() // -> 4. GVTManager::recvMsg(newGVTMsg*) // -> a) set the new gVT in this GVTManager // b) if the gVT has been advanced noOfGVTToSkip times // (noOfGVTToSkip defaults to 0, i.e. each gVT advance counts!) // => call GVTManager::gcollect() void GVTManager::calculateGVT(){ // Note! this should only get called in LP #0 int i; static int gvtcount2 = 0; static int gvtcount = 0; static VTime avgGVTinc = 0; VTime oldGVT = getGVT(); //previous gVT value VTime newGVT = PINFINITY; bool simDone = true; for( i = 0; i < numLPs; i++ ){ //loop over all LPs VTime tempGVT = newGVT; newGVT = MIN_FUNC(newGVT, lGVTArray[i]); //min among the LGVT of all LPs if(newGVT < tempGVT) { definedGVT = i; // this guy (or guys) defined gVT (record the LP id) } if(idleArray[i] == false) { // if any LP is not idle, then the simulation has not yet done simDone = false; } } //Jacky: now, "newGVT" is the MIN time among all LGVTs in array lGVTArray[], // -> i.e. it is the MIN time among all LPs' local GVT estimation; // "definedGVT" identifies the LP whose LVT is the smallest one, // -> i.e. this LP defined the new gVT! // "simDone" is false if any LP is not idle if(newGVT > oldGVT){ // Jacky: GVT has advanced! gvtcount++; if (gvtcount > 2) { avgGVTinc = avgGVTinc * (gvtcount - 1) /gvtcount + (newGVT - oldGVT)/gvtcount; } //Jacky: set the newGVT as the new global virtual time setGVT(newGVT); //Jacky: broadcast the new GVT to all LPs newGVTMsg* gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = getGVT(); sendEvent(gVTMsg); delete gVTMsg; //setGVT(newGVT); extraneous call gvtcount2++; if (gvtcount2 == 1000) { cout << "gVT: " << getGVT() << "\n"; gvtcount2 = 0; } } //end GVT advanced } void GVTManager::terminateSimulation(char *msg){ TerminateMsg termMsg; strcpy(termMsg.error, msg); commHandle->recvMsg(&termMsg); } bool GVTManager::checkIdle(){ bool allIdle = true; // First, calculate the simulation object's estimate if(simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.get() != NULL // Because if end time is reached the process is also idle && simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.get()->recvTime <= LogicalProcess::SIMUNTIL){ allIdle = false; } if(allIdle == true && needAcked.size() == 0){ lpIdle = true; } else { // I do this because if allIdle is true then let's set that sucker // to false. I hope this doesn't break anything else. lpIdle = false; } return lpIdle; } void GVTManager::startToken(){ static int tokenCount; tokenCount++; lpIdle.reset(); currentToken = tokenCount; CheckIdleMsg *checkIdle = new CheckIdleMsg; checkIdle->senderLP = 0; checkIdle->destLP = 1; checkIdle->tokenNum = tokenCount; checkIdle->numCirculations = 0; checkIdle->cancel = false; sendEvent( checkIdle ); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << id << " dispatching idle token at time " << simArray[0].ptr->getLVT() << endl; #endif tokenPending = true; delete checkIdle; } VTime GVTManager::getGVT(){ return gVT; } void GVTManager::setGVT(VTime newGVT){ gVT = newGVT; #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Setting gVT to " << gVT << "\n"; #endif } void GVTManager::setLGVT(VTime newLGVT){ lGVT = newLGVT; } VTime GVTManager::getLGVT(){ return lGVT; } //Jacky: Fossil collection! #if defined(JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER) && defined(INFREQSTATEMANAGER) //[2006-03-26] ------------------------------------- //We can use Strategy A or Strategy B for InfreqStateManager! #if defined(JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_A) //[2006-03-26]======================================================== //For Strategy A, we use the MIN among LAST states' lVT in array "lastStateLVT" to do fossil collection VTime GVTManager::gcollect() { register int i; VTime lowestTime, restoredTime; //Jacky: an array of BasicEvent* for each local simuObjs BasicEvent** inputQptr = new BasicEvent*[numObjects]; //InputQ //Jacky: an array of Container* for each local simuObjs Container** outputQptr = new Container*[numObjects]; //OutputQ #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager gcollecting for gVT:" << gVT << endl; #endif lowestTime = gVT; //lowestTime is the current global virtual time //for InfreqStateManager using Strategy A, this block of codes is added to get the MIN time that we can use to //do fossil collection //Jacky Note: //If InfreqStateManager is used, we cannot use the current gVT as the time for fossil collection! //Here, we need to ask each local simuObj about the lVT time of the LAST state on their stateQ that //is less than the current gVT. The MIN time among these lVT times is assigned to "lowestTime" and //used to do garbage collect. //let's record the current gVT VTime currentGVT = gVT; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); jacky_os << endl << "-----[AAA]----------- GVTManager::gcollect() for gVT = " << currentGVT.asString() << "-------------------------------------" << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG //If current gVT is infinity, we can safely do fossil collection, don't calculate MIN lVT among LAST states //if current gVT is ZERO, we will not do fossil collection, thus no need to calculate MIN lVT as well if( (currentGVT != PINFINITY) && (currentGVT != ZERO) ) { //query local simuObjs about the lVT of the LAST state that has been saved before gVT for(i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ //Important: //In calculating the MIN time among lVT of LAST states, we must exclude those //simuObjs that do not actually participate in the simulation. //These simuObjs include: // 1. ParallelMCoordinator (obsolete) // 2. ParallelSCoordinator (obsolete) // 3. ParallelRootCoordinator (if the model under simulation has no output) // //These simuObjs should have an empty inputQ! Their lVTArray[] value in MultiList //should always be 0! if( simArray[i].ptr->skipCalculateLVT == false ){ //skip all ParallelCoordinators, and Root if TOP has no output port! //save simuObj's LAST state lVT into the lastStateLVT array lastStateLVT[i] = ((TimeWarp*) simArray[i].ptr)->getLastStateTimeBefore(currentGVT); #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t====> set lastStateLVT[" << i << "] = " << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << endl << endl << flush; #endif } else { lastStateLVT[i] = PINFINITY; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //print out the current stateQ simArray[i].ptr->state->printQ(jacky_os); jacky_os << "\t->TW[" << simArray[i].ptr->id << "](localId=" << simArray[i].ptr->localId << ")" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\t\t====> set lastStateLVT[" << i << "] = INFINITY!" << endl << endl << flush; #endif } } #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //show the array jacky_os << endl << "[GC]----[AAA]----- lastStateLVT array -----------------" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "< " << flush; for( i = 0; i < numObjects; i++ ){ jacky_os << "[" << i << "]" << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << " " << flush; } jacky_os << ">" << endl << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG //now we want to get the MIN among the elements in array lastStateLVT[] for(i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ if( lastStateLVT[i] < lowestTime ){ //we get a state's lVT < lowestTime //set lowestTime to this lastStateLVT[i] lowestTime = lastStateLVT[i]; } } //Now, lowestTime is the MIN time among the gVT and the lVT of all local simuObjs' LAST state before gVT //we can do fossil collection using this lowestTime! #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG cerr << "GVTManager[" << id << "] GC time: " << currentGVT.asString() << " -> " << lowestTime.asString(); if( lowestTime != ZERO ){ cerr << " / GC!" << endl; } jacky_os << endl << endl << "[GC] GVTManager[" << id << "] GC time: " << currentGVT.asString() << " -> " << lowestTime.asString() << flush; if( lowestTime != ZERO ){ jacky_os << " / GC!" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << " / NO gc." << endl << flush; } #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG }//end if gGVT is not PINFINITY or Zero //do fossil collection only if lowestTime != ZERO if( lowestTime != ZERO ){ //Jacky: call stateGcollect() on all local simuObjests for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { //loop over all local simuObjs //Jacky: call stateGcollect() on the local simuObj restoredTime = simArray[i].ptr->stateGcollect(lowestTime, inputQptr[i], outputQptr[i]); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << simArray[i].ptr->name << " Saving state before gvt with timestamp " << restoredTime; if (simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true) { *lpFile << " & I ran last time "; } if (simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL ) { *lpFile << " & inputQ is NULL"; } *lpFile << endl; #endif } //end for stateGcollect() //Jacky: call stateClear() on all local simuObjects // we'll call clear function of stateQueue here (instead of after inputgcollect) to null out // the outputQPtrs of the events we are going to gcollect in the outputQueue. This saves us an FMR. for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->stateClear(); } //end for stateClear() #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "lowest time among states " << lowestTime << endl; #endif //Jacky: call outputGcollect() on all local simuObjects for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->outputGcollect(lowestTime, outputQptr[i]); } //Jacky: call gcollect() on the CommManager now // The commManager needs to know that he can gcollect as well... commHandle->gcollect(lowestTime); //Jacky: call inputGcollect() on all local simuObjects for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->inputGcollect(lowestTime, inputQptr[i]); } } //end if lowestTime != ZERO #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG else { // lowestTime == ZERO cerr << "\tlowestTime = 0, No GC!" << endl; jacky_os << endl << endl << "[GC] GVTManager[" << id << "] -> lowestTime=0, No GC! " << endl << flush; } jacky_os << endl << "---------------------- GVTManager::gcollect() for gVT = " << currentGVT.asString() << " END! --------------------------------" << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG delete [] inputQptr; delete [] outputQptr; return(lowestTime); } #elif defined(JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_B) //[2006-03-26]====================================================== VTime GVTManager::gcollect() { register int i; VTime lowestTime, restoredTime; //Jacky: an array of BasicEvent* for each local simuObjs BasicEvent** inputQptr = new BasicEvent*[numObjects]; //InputQ //Jacky: an array of Container* for each local simuObjs Container** outputQptr = new Container*[numObjects]; //OutputQ #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager gcollecting for gVT:" << gVT << endl; #endif lowestTime = gVT; //lowestTime is the current global virtual time //for InfreqStateManager using Strategy B, this block of codes is added to find the fossil collection time //for each local simuObj! //Jacky Note: //If InfreqStateManager is used, we cannot use the current gVT as the time for fossil collection! //Here, we need to ask each local simuObj about the lVT time of the LAST state on their stateQ that //is less than the current gVT. Each local simuObj will use its LAST state's lVT to do garbage collect. //for Strategy B, the lastStateLVT array is initialized to ZERO, we simply fill it with the LAST states' lVT //for all local simuObjs VTime currentGVT = gVT; //record the current gVT #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); jacky_os << endl << "-----[BBB]------------ GVTManager::gcollect() for gVT = " << currentGVT.asString() << "-------------------------------------" << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG //If current gVT is infinity, we can safely do fossil collection, don't calculate MIN lVT among LAST states //if current gVT is ZERO, we will not do fossil collection, thus no need to calculate MIN lVT as well if( (currentGVT != PINFINITY) && (currentGVT != ZERO) ) { //query local simuObjs about the lVT of the LAST state that has been saved before gVT for(i = 0; i < numObjects; i++){ //save simuObj's LAST state lVT into the lastStateLVT array lastStateLVT[i] = ((TimeWarp*) simArray[i].ptr)->getLastStateTimeBefore(currentGVT); #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t->TW[" << simArray[i].ptr->id << "](localId=" << simArray[i].ptr->localId << ")" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\t\t====> set lastStateLVT[" << i << "] = " << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << endl << endl << flush; #endif } //END FOR //lastStateLVT[i] is ZERO (if no state has lVT < gVT) or the actual lVT of the LAST state saved before gVT #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //show the array jacky_os << endl << "[GC]---[BBB]----- lastStateLVT array -----------------" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "< " << flush; for( i = 0; i < numObjects; i++ ){ jacky_os << "[" << i << "]" << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << " " << flush; } jacky_os << ">" << endl << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG } //end if //Now, we can do fossil collection using the time saved in lastStateLVT array if it is not ZERO! //Jacky: call stateGcollect() on all local simuObjests for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { //loop over all local simuObjs //Jacky: call stateGcollect() on the local simuObj if its lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO if(currentGVT == PINFINITY){ restoredTime = simArray[i].ptr->stateGcollect(currentGVT, inputQptr[i], outputQptr[i]); } else if(lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO){ #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tlastStateLVT[" << i << "] = " << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << " => call TW[" << simArray[i].ptr->id << "].stateGcollect()"<< endl << flush; #endif restoredTime = simArray[i].ptr->stateGcollect(lastStateLVT[i], inputQptr[i], outputQptr[i]); } //end if lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << simArray[i].ptr->name << " Saving state before gvt with timestamp " << restoredTime; if (simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true) { *lpFile << " & I ran last time "; } if (simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL ) { *lpFile << " & inputQ is NULL"; } *lpFile << endl; #endif } //end for stateGcollect() //Jacky: call stateClear() on all local simuObjects // we'll call clear function of stateQueue here (instead of after inputgcollect) to null out // the outputQPtrs of the events we are going to gcollect in the outputQueue. This saves us an FMR. for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { if(currentGVT == PINFINITY){ simArray[i].ptr->stateClear(); } else if(lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO){ simArray[i].ptr->stateClear(); } //end if lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO } //end for stateClear() //Jacky: call outputGcollect() on all local simuObjects for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { if(currentGVT == PINFINITY){ simArray[i].ptr->outputGcollect(currentGVT, outputQptr[i]); } else if(lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO){ #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << endl << "\tlastStateLVT[" << i << "] = " << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << " => call TW[" << simArray[i].ptr->id << "].outputGcollect()"<< endl << flush; #endif simArray[i].ptr->outputGcollect(lastStateLVT[i], outputQptr[i]); } //end if lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO } //Jacky: call gcollect() on the CommManager now // The commManager needs to know that he can gcollect as well... //commHandle->gcollect(lowestTime); //Jacky: call inputGcollect() on all local simuObjects for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { if(currentGVT == PINFINITY){ simArray[i].ptr->inputGcollect(currentGVT, inputQptr[i]); } else if(lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO){ #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << endl << "\tlastStateLVT[" << i << "] = " << lastStateLVT[i].asString() << " => call TW[" << simArray[i].ptr->id << "].inputGcollect()"<< endl << flush; #endif simArray[i].ptr->inputGcollect(lastStateLVT[i], inputQptr[i]); } //end if lastStateLVT[i] != ZERO } #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << endl << "---[BBB]------------- GVTManager::gcollect() for gVT = " << currentGVT.asString() << " END! --------------------------------" << endl << flush; #endif //end JACKY_DEBUG delete [] inputQptr; delete [] outputQptr; return(lowestTime); } #endif //end JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_A & JACKY_FOSSIL_COLLECTION_STRATEGY_B // [2006-03-26]================== #else //if StateManager is used //[2006-03-20] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VTime GVTManager::gcollect() { register int i; VTime lowestTime, restoredTime; BasicEvent** inputQptr = new BasicEvent*[numObjects]; Container** outputQptr = new Container*[numObjects]; #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager gcollecting for gVT:" << gVT << endl; #endif lowestTime = gVT; for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { restoredTime = simArray[i].ptr->stateGcollect(lowestTime, inputQptr[i], outputQptr[i]); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << simArray[i].ptr->name << " Saving state before gvt with timestamp " << restoredTime; if (simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true) { *lpFile << " & I ran last time "; } if (simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL ) { *lpFile << " & inputQ is NULL"; } *lpFile << endl; #endif // if( simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true || // simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() != NULL || // simArray[i].ptr->useTimeForGcollect() == true) { // lowestTime = MIN_FUNC(restoredTime, lowestTime); // } } // we'll call clear function of stateQueue here (instead of after inputgcollect) to null out // the outputQPtrs of the events we are going to gcollect in the outputQueue. This saves us an FMR. for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->stateClear(); } #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "lowest time among states " << lowestTime << endl; #endif for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->outputGcollect(lowestTime, outputQptr[i]); } // The commManager needs to know that he can gcollect as well... commHandle->gcollect(lowestTime); for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->inputGcollect(lowestTime, inputQptr[i]); } delete [] inputQptr; delete [] outputQptr; return(lowestTime); } #endif //end StateManager OR InfreqStateManager //[2006-03-26] ----------------------------------------------------------- //Jacky: when we receive a new GVT via a newGVTMsg, we set the gVT to this new global virtual time, // increase the number-of-GVT-received conunter, and if the counter is greater than noOfGVTToSkip, // we reset the counter to 0 and invoke the gcollect() function! void GVTManager::recvMsg( newGVTMsg *msg ){ static int noOfGVTRecv = 0; setGVT(msg->newGVT); // Find the lowest state before GVT and only gcollect for times greater // than that on this LP, since we pass pointers to events between // simulation objects on the same LP. This is only necessary for periodic // checkpointing. // this has to be done in two loops, because events are passed as pointers // as opposed to copies of the data. Conceptually, the outputQ contains // the data, and the inputQ can contain pointers into another object's // outputQ. inputGcollect cleans up the inputQ containers, and gcollect // cleans up containers and stored data in the stateQ and outputQ. noOfGVTRecv ++; if (noOfGVTRecv > noOfGVTToSkip){ noOfGVTRecv = 0; gcollect(); } } void GVTManager::sendEvent(LGVTMsg *msg){ msg->senderLP = id; msg->destLP = 0; commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } void GVTManager::sendEvent(newGVTMsg *msg){ commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } void GVTManager::sendEvent(CheckIdleMsg *msg){ commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } //Jacky: this should never been called! void GVTManager::sendEvent( BasicEvent* event){ cout << "called sendEvent(BasicEvent* ) in GVTManager! : " << *event << endl; } void GVTManager::sendEvent( DummyMsg* dummy){ commHandle->recvMsg(dummy); } void GVTManager::sendEvent( DummyRequestMsg* dummy){ commHandle->recvMsg(dummy); } void GVTManager::sendEvent( TerminateMsg* terminate){ commHandle->recvMsg( terminate ); } //Jacky: this should never been called! BasicEvent* GVTManager::getEvent(){ cout << "called getEvent in GVTManager!" << endl; return (BasicEvent*)NULL; } //Jacky: this should never been called! void GVTManager::simulate(){ cout << "called simulate in GVTManager!" << endl; } //Jacky: this should never been called! VTime GVTManager::calculateMin(){ cerr << "called calculateMin() in GVTManager!" << endl; return ZERO; } //Jacky: this should never been called! void GVTManager::recvEvent(BasicEvent *event){ cerr << "called recvEvent(BasicEvent *) in GVTManager! :" << *event << endl; } //Jacky: this should never been called! void GVTManager::executeProcess(){ cerr << "called executeProcess() in GVTManager!" << endl; } void GVTManager::msgRecvPeek( EventMsg* eventMsg) { // we need to check if this is a valley message from the LP that sent the message if(eventMsg->recvTime < lastTimeReceived[eventMsg->senderLP]) { // either it's going lower our lGVT and we'll need to report to the // head gVT guy before confirming that we are taking responsibility // for this message, or we'll just need to confirm... // I'm not sure if this test is enough... if( eventMsg->recvTime < lastReported ) { // uh oh... we'd better let the head gVT guy know that we're about lower our estimate. lGVT = eventMsg->recvTime; LowerLGVTMsg* newLGVTMsg = new LowerLGVTMsg; newLGVTMsg->lGVT = lGVT; newLGVTMsg->destLP = 0; newLGVTMsg->lpIdle = false; // now that we've got the message ready to send to the gVT guy, and // the event in hand that's causing us problems, lets create a record // so we can send a message back to the other LP later... AckRecord* newRecord = new AckRecord; newRecord->requestSequence = commHandle->getSequence(0); newRecord->eventSequence = eventMsg->sequence; newRecord->eventTime = eventMsg->recvTime; newRecord->lpId = eventMsg->senderLP; // now we need to remember that we're responsible for this message // so we'll add it to our list of messages waiting for acknowledgment needAcked.insert( newRecord ); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager " << id << ": need ack for (spot 1) " << *newRecord << endl; #endif // (we'll send the ack when we get something back from the head GVT guy... //That's in recvMsg( GVTAckMsg * ) // we'd better note for future gVT calculations that this is our lowest // unacknowledged message. While this is not STRICTLY necessary (since // the other guy is waiting for our acknowledgement, it makes Dale // feel more comfortable that it is here... lowestUnacknowledged = MIN_FUNC( lowestUnacknowledged, eventMsg->recvTime); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "lowestUnacknowledged = " << lowestUnacknowledged << endl; #endif commHandle->recvMsg( newLGVTMsg ); lastReported = newLGVTMsg->lGVT; delete newLGVTMsg; } // if( eventMsg->recvTime < lGVT ) else { // the gVT guy for some other LP thinks that we are going to send him // acknowledgement for this message. We'll have to do it, even though // we aren't sending anything to the head gVT guy.... LPAckMsg * ackMsg = new LPAckMsg; ackMsg->destLP = eventMsg->senderLP; ackMsg->sequenceMsgAcked = eventMsg->sequence; commHandle->recvMsg( ackMsg ); delete ackMsg; } // eventMsg->recvTime isn't < lGVT } // if it's a valley message // set the time of this message as the last time received from this LP lastTimeReceived[eventMsg->senderLP] = eventMsg->recvTime; } void GVTManager::msgSendPeek( EventMsg* eventMsg ){ if( eventMsg->recvTime < lastTimeSent[eventMsg->destLP] ){ // then it's a valley message! ruh roh raggie! // we need to assume responsibility of this message for a little bit // let's check and see if it's the earliest unacknowledged valley message we have if( eventMsg->recvTime < lowestUnacknowledged ) { lowestUnacknowledged = eventMsg->recvTime; } // now we need to keep track of the fact that we're waiting for acknowledgement on this message AckRecord* ackRecord = new AckRecord; // this data isn't really needed except for the fact that it is a // key value for insertion into the list. Both fields having to // do with sequence number are the same ackRecord->requestSequence = eventMsg->sequence; // ackRecord->requestSequence = commHandle->getSequence(eventMsg->destLP); ackRecord->eventSequence = eventMsg->sequence; ackRecord->lpId = eventMsg->senderLP; ackRecord->eventTime = eventMsg->recvTime; needAcked.insert(ackRecord); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager " << id << ": need ack for (spot 2) " << *ackRecord << endl; #endif } lastTimeSent[eventMsg->destLP] = eventMsg->recvTime; } void GVTManager::recvMsg( GVTAckMsg * gVTAck ){ // we're getting acknowledgement from the head honcho that he's updated his lGVT for us. //Now we can send a message back to the LP who lowered our lGVT, saying we've got it under control... // Let's look up the LP who we want to update... AckRecord key; // the records are sorted by MY sequence number... let's get the number from the msg that we received... key.requestSequence = gVTAck->sequenceMsgAcked; AckRecord* recordFound; recordFound = needAcked.find(&key); if(recordFound == NULL){ cout << "[1]GVT Manager " << id << " got gVTAcked for a message that I don't have a record for:\n"; cout << "Mesg : " << *gVTAck << "\n"; cout << "List of unacked messages :\n"; needAcked.print(); inputQ.print(); terminateSimulation("I got acked for a message I have no record of"); } else { // we've got the message, let's generate the acknowledgement for the LP who sent us the valley! LPAckMsg * lpAck = new LPAckMsg; lpAck->sequenceMsgAcked = recordFound->eventSequence; lpAck->destLP = recordFound->lpId; // that's it - now we just need to send it #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "GVTManager " << id << "Ack for (spot 2) " << *lpAck << endl; #endif commHandle->recvMsg(lpAck); delete lpAck; // we also need to get rid of our entry in our list for this guy, and delete the record needAcked.removeFind(); delete recordFound; lowestUnacknowledged = PINFINITY; // now we need to find the next earliest message to worry about being unacknowledged AckRecord* current = needAcked.seek(0, START); while( current != NULL ){ lowestUnacknowledged = MIN_FUNC(lowestUnacknowledged, current->eventTime); current = needAcked.seek(1, CURRENT); } // while ( current!=NULL) } // recordFound!=NULL } // recvMsg ( GVTAckMsg * ) void GVTManager::recvMsg( LPAckMsg * lpAck ) { // some LP is telling us that he has taken responsiblity for some valley message that we sent in the past AckRecord key; // the records are sorted by MY sequence number... let's get the number from the msg that we received... key.requestSequence = lpAck->sequenceMsgAcked; AckRecord* recordFound; recordFound = needAcked.find(&key); if(recordFound == NULL){ cout << "[2]GVT Manager " << id << " got lpAcked for a message that I don't have a record for:\n"; cout << "Mesg : " << *lpAck << "\n"; cout << "List of unacked messages :"; needAcked.print(); terminateSimulation("I got acked for a message I have no record of"); } else { // we also need to get rid of our entry in our list for this guy, and delete the record needAcked.removeFind(); delete recordFound; lowestUnacknowledged = PINFINITY; // now we need to find the next earliest message to worry about being unacknowledged AckRecord* current = needAcked.seek(0, START); while( current != NULL ){ lowestUnacknowledged = MIN_FUNC(lowestUnacknowledged, current->eventTime); current = needAcked.seek(1, CURRENT); } // while ( current!=NULL) } // recordFound!=NULL } // recvMsg ( lpAckMsg * ) void GVTManager::recvMsg( LowerLGVTMsg *lGVTMsg ){ // Receiving this kind of message tells us that the sending LP needs acknowledgment back... // So we'll update the lGVT array, and send back a message... #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "LP " << id << " lowered his lGVT !! " << endl; #endif lGVTArray[lGVTMsg->senderLP] = lGVTMsg->lGVT; idleArray[lGVTMsg->senderLP] = lGVTMsg->lpIdle; // now we will generate the actual response GVTAckMsg * gVTMsg = new GVTAckMsg; gVTMsg->sequenceMsgAcked = lGVTMsg->sequence; gVTMsg->destLP = lGVTMsg->senderLP; commHandle->recvMsg( gVTMsg ); // the CommManager copied it if it needs to be copied delete gVTMsg; // there is no chance in this case that gVT changed, since this guy is LOWERING his estimate... // Also, there is no chance that he could be the only gVT setter at this point. Otherwise, // gVT would have to be going backwards! } void GVTManager::recvMsg( LGVTMsg* lGVTMsg ){ // this is a regular update from this guy... We'll put his new value into the lGVTArray, //and if we need to, we'll calculate a new gVT #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "LGVT Message : " << *lGVTMsg << endl ; #endif if( lGVTMsg->lGVT < lGVTArray[lGVTMsg->senderLP] ) { cerr << "LP " << lGVTMsg->senderLP << " lowering his lGVT with a regular update " << endl; } lGVTArray[lGVTMsg->senderLP] = lGVTMsg->lGVT; idleArray[lGVTMsg->senderLP] = lGVTMsg->lpIdle; if(lGVTMsg->senderLP == definedGVT){ // then we DO need to calculate GVT calculateGVT(); // at the moment this sends out a new message as well // this might not be the best idea... } } void GVTManager::recvMsg( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg ){ // a token is flowing around the ring... If it has come around twice, // and we're process 0, then we can safely terminate the simulation. // If we're not process zero, we check if we're idle or not, and if // so, forward the token... Otherwise, we send an lGVT message back to // the head honcho with our idle status in it... // a flag ranBetweenTokens is now added to GVTManager class. // This flag is set to false whenever a lp // gets the termination detection token for the first time and the lp is idle. // After setting it to false the lp forwards it to the next lp. When the token // comes around for the second time and if the lp is idle this flag is checked // if it is true that means that some object on that lp ran after the first // visit of the token (even if the lp is now idle). if the flag is false (and // the lp is idle) the lp did not run after the token's first visit and the // token is forwarded to the next lp. In all other conditions the token is // cancelled and returned to lp0 if(id == 0 && idleMsg->cancel == true ){ tokenPending = false; idleArray[idleMsg->senderLP] = false; } else { lpIdle = checkIdle(); if (lpIdle == true) { // is this token on its first round? if(idleMsg->numCirculations == 0){ // this is the first time around. Definitely pass it on... currentToken = idleMsg->tokenNum; lpIdle.reset(); ranBetweenTokens = false ; if(id == 0){ idleMsg->numCirculations++; } passItOn(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM<getLVT()<< endl; #endif } else { // the token is on it's second loop - have we gone active since // it came around the first time? if( idleMsg->tokenNum == currentToken && lpIdle.didItChange() == true) { // ruh roh - we went active since the first pass - time // to start the whole mess over... cancelToken(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << id << " Cancelling Token 2nd round at time " << simArray[0].ptr->getLVT() << endl; #endif } else if ( idleMsg->tokenNum != currentToken ) { // this is an old token... We'd better delete it and wait for the new one! // delete idleMsg; cout << "wugga wugga! I shouldn't be here!" << endl; } else if(ranBetweenTokens == true) { cancelToken(idleMsg); } else { // we've received this token before, and we haven't gone idle // since the first round... Pass it on! if(id != 0){ passItOn(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << id << " Passing Token 2nd round at time " << simArray[0].ptr->getLVT() << endl; #endif } else { newGVTMsg *gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = PINFINITY; sendEvent( gVTMsg ); delete gVTMsg; #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Sending out the PINFINITY message at time " << simArray[0].ptr->getLVT() << endl; for (int i=0; i < numLPs; i++ ) { DEBUGSTREAM << "lastTimeReceived[" << i << "] = " << lastTimeReceived[i] << endl; DEBUGSTREAM << "lastTimeSent[" << i << "] = " << lastTimeSent[i] << endl; } // one last check before we terminate int lastCheckForIdle = 0; for (int i=0; i < numLPs; i++ ) { if((lastTimeReceived[i] == PINFINITY) && (lastTimeSent[i] == PINFINITY)){ lastCheckForIdle++; } } if(lastCheckForIdle != numLPs){ cancelToken(idleMsg); } else { newGVTMsg *gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = PINFINITY; sendEvent( gVTMsg ); delete gVTMsg; } #endif } } // we got a token the second time and passed it on } // the token is on the second loop } // if we're idle else { #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Cancelling token (not idle)\n" << "InputQ size = " << simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.size() << "\n need " << needAcked.size() << " Acknowledgements" << endl; #endif // we're not idle! cancelToken(idleMsg); } // we're not idle } // we're not zero or this wasn't a cancel messgae } // receive a check idle token void GVTManager::recvMsg( DummyRequestMsg *dummy){ // the Comm guy is handing us a dummy request... We need to send back a dummy response of our own... DummyMsg *response = new DummyMsg; response->destLP = dummy->senderLP; // now we can modify our outgoing channel for that guy with PINIFINITY lastTimeReceived[response->destLP] = PINFINITY; lastTimeSent[response->destLP] = PINFINITY; sendEvent(response); delete response; } void GVTManager::recvMsg( DummyMsg *dummy ){ // the comm guy has given us a response from a dummy request... we can now set the channel that // we received this message from to PINFINITY since we know that the channel has been cleared (and if he // sends us a lower message in the meantime, he is treating it as a valley now... lastTimeReceived[dummy->senderLP] = PINFINITY; // since we no longer have a dummy message pending on this channel, we should note that as well... dummyPending[dummy->senderLP] = false; } void GVTManager::passItOn( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg ){ if( id != numLPs - 1){ //last LP idleMsg->destLP++; sendEvent(idleMsg); // this is still the idle message that we originally received from someone else - //we'll let the CommManager delete it... // delete idleMsg; } // if we not the last guy in the loop else { // send it back to the beginning of the loop... idleMsg->destLP = 0; sendEvent(idleMsg); // this is still the idle message that we originally received from // someone else - we'll let the CommManager delete it... // delete idleMsg; } // if we're the last guy in the loop #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "passItOn : passed it on " << endl; #endif } // if the token is on its first loop... void GVTManager::cancelToken( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg){ // we got a checkidle token and we weren't idle... not good... idleMsg->destLP = 0; idleMsg->cancel = true; #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "CancelToken : idleMsg sent " << endl; #endif sendEvent(idleMsg); } void GVTManager::setFile( ofstream *file ){ lpFile = file; } void GVTManager::calcMin(){ // figure out WHO caused LGVT to be what it is... VTime newLGVT = PINFINITY; int i; int lowestSimObj = 0; // First, calculate the simulation object's estimate for( i = 0; i < numObjects; i++ ){ if( simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true || simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() != NULL ){ VTime lastLGVT = newLGVT; newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, simArray[i].ptr->calculateMin()); if(newLGVT < lastLGVT){ lowestSimObj = i; } simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime = false; } } VTime afterSimObjs = newLGVT; // Now, take into account the valley messages that we have that are unacknowledged newLGVT = MIN_FUNC( newLGVT, lowestUnacknowledged ); VTime afterLowestUnack = newLGVT; int lowestChannel = MAXINT; // now all of the messages on the outgoing AND incoming channel for ( i=0; iname << " was lowest " << endl; if( simArray[lowestSimObj].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL ){ DEBUGSTREAM << "No events scheduled" << endl; } else { DEBUGSTREAM << "Events to be scheduled" << endl; } if( simArray[lowestSimObj].ptr->iRanLastTime == true ){ DEBUGSTREAM << "iRanLastTime : true" << endl; } else if( simArray[lowestSimObj].ptr->iRanLastTime == false ) { DEBUGSTREAM << "iRanLastTime : false" << endl; } else{ DEBUGSTREAM << "iRanLastTime : undefined" << endl; } // then lGVT was set by object lowestSimObj... lets see what caused that! VTime min1 = simArray[lowestSimObj].ptr->inputQ.calculateMin(); if (min1 == newLGVT) { DEBUGSTREAM << "inputQ.calculate() : " << min1 << endl; } VTime min2 = simArray[lowestSimObj].ptr->getLVT(); if (min2 == newLGVT) { DEBUGSTREAM << "getLVT() : " << min2 << endl; } if(min1!=newLGVT && min2!=newLGVT){ DEBUGSTREAM << "rollbackTime must be the reason : newLGVT : " << newLGVT << endl; } } else if (newLGVT == afterLowestUnack){ DEBUGSTREAM << "lowest unacked : " << newLGVT << endl; } else if (newLGVT == afterCommChannels){ DEBUGSTREAM << "LP" << lowestChannel << "'s channel : " << lastTimeReceived[lowestChannel] << endl; } else { DEBUGSTREAM << "I'm befuddled!" << endl; } } // the following two functions are for setting and returning the value // of the flag ranBetweenTokens.This flag is set to false whenever a lp // gets the termination detection token for the first time and the lp is idle. // After setting it to false the lp forwards it to the next lp. When the token // comes around for the second time and if the lp is idle this flag is checked // if it is true that means that some object on that lp ran after the first // visit of the token (even if the lp is now idle). if the flag is false (and // the lp is idle) the lp did not run after the token's first visit and the // token is forwarded to the next lp. In all other conditions the token is // cancelled and returned to lp0 void GVTManager::setRanBetweenTokens(bool flag){ ranBetweenTokens = flag ; } bool GVTManager::giveRanBetweenTokens(){ return ranBetweenTokens ; } BasicState* GVTManager::allocateState() { cerr << "Error::GVTManager::allocateState() called"; abort(); return NULL; } #endif // not MATTERNGVTMANAGER #endif