//-*-c++-*- // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // $Id: MatternGVTManager.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:05 rmadhoun Exp $ // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "MatternGVTManager.hh" #ifdef MATTERNGVTMANAGER #include "SimulationTime.hh" #include "LogicalProcess.hh" void MatternGVTManager::initGVTManager( ObjectRecord* tempHandle, CommMgrInterface* comm, int myId, int totalNum, int numObj, int numLogical) { commHandle = comm; // handle to commManager id = myId; // the id of the LP we're on totalObjects = totalNum; // the number of simulation objects in the // entire system numObjects = numObj; // number of objects ON THIS LP numLPs = numLogical; // the number of LPs simArray = new ObjectRecord[numObjects]; // This array only needs to be local to this LP int i=0; // index variables int j=0; // we want our array to have ONLY the local objects in it since they // are the only ones we care about for gVT for(i=0;icolor == simArray[0].ptr->color + 1) { colorAlreadyChanged = true; int j; #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Changing color to " << eventMsg->color << "\n"; #endif for( j=0;jcolor = eventMsg->color; if (eventMsg->color == RED) { simArray[j].ptr->tMin = PINFINITY; } } } } void MatternGVTManager::deliver(BasicEvent* event) { commHandle->deliver(event); } void MatternGVTManager::calculateLGVT( ){ // okay, time to start off the gvt token // check to see that this is LP0-only LP0 can be the initiator VTime newLGVT = PINFINITY; bool allIdle = true; if(id == 0){ if(numLPs > 1 ){ if(gVTTokenPending == false){ startGVTToken(); // sending gvt token into the ring allIdle = false; } } else { // First, calculate the simulation object's estimate for(int i=0;iiRanLastTime == true || simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() != NULL ){ newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT, inputQ.findPrevTime(i)); // newLGVT = MIN_FUNC(newLGVT,simArray[i].ptr->getTimeOfLastSavedState()); if(newLGVT < gVT) newLGVT = gVT; allIdle = false; simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime = false; } } setGVT(newLGVT); if(gVT > ZERO) { calculateGVT(); gcollect(); } } } else { allIdle = true; for(int i=0;ipeekInputQ() != NULL){ allIdle = false; simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime = false; } } } if(id == 0 && tokenPending == false && checkIdle() == true) { if(numLPs > 1){ startToken(); } else { gVT = PINFINITY; } } else { if(simArray[0].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL){ lpIdle = true; } } } void MatternGVTManager::calculateGVT(){ // Note! this should only get called in LP #0 static int gvtcount = 0; gvtcount++; if (gvtcount == 50) { cout << "gVT: " << getGVT() << "\n"; gvtcount = 0; } } void MatternGVTManager::terminateSimulation(char *msg){ TerminateMsg termMsg; strcpy(termMsg.error, msg); commHandle->recvMsg(&termMsg); } bool MatternGVTManager::checkIdle(){ bool allIdle = true; // First, calculate the simulation object's estimate if(simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.get() != NULL // Because if end time is reached the process is also idle && simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.get()->recvTime <= LogicalProcess::SIMUNTIL ){ allIdle = false; } if(allIdle == true ){ lpIdle = true; } else { // I do this because if allIdle is true then let's set that sucker // to false. I hope this doesn't break anything else. lpIdle = false; } return lpIdle; } // this is the function which sends out the control message to the // other LPs void MatternGVTManager::startGVTToken(){ VTime newLVT = PINFINITY; int localCount=0; MatternGVTMsg *checkGVT = new MatternGVTMsg; for(int i=0;iwhiteMessages; simArray[i].ptr->color = RED; // change to red simArray[i].ptr->tMin = PINFINITY; if( simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() != NULL ){ newLVT = MIN_FUNC(newLVT, inputQ.findPrevTime(i)); } if(newLVT < gVT) { newLVT = gVT; } simArray[i].ptr->whiteMessages = 0; } checkGVT->destLP = 1; // for now assume LP0 starts this always checkGVT->tokenNum = gVTTokenNum++; checkGVT->mClock = newLVT; checkGVT->mSend = PINFINITY; // specified by the algorithm checkGVT->count = localCount; // initialization. sendEvent(checkGVT); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "StartGVTToken called : " << endl; DEBUGSTREAM << "sending token : " << *checkGVT << endl; #endif gVTTokenPending = true; // we have to wait for this guy to go through delete checkGVT; } #ifdef EXTERNALAGENT void MatternGVTManager::startExternalAgent(){ ExtAgentMsg* activateMsg = new ExtAgentMsg; activateMsg->destLP = 1; // for now assume LP0 starts this always activateMsg->eventsSoFar = 0; tokenAlreadySent = true; sendEvent(activateMsg); } #endif void MatternGVTManager::startToken(){ static int tokenCount; tokenCount++; lpIdle.reset(); currentToken = tokenCount; CheckIdleMsg *checkIdle = new CheckIdleMsg; checkIdle->senderLP = 0; checkIdle->destLP = 1; checkIdle->tokenNum = tokenCount; checkIdle->numCirculations = 0; checkIdle->cancel = false; sendEvent( checkIdle ); tokenPending = true; delete checkIdle; } VTime MatternGVTManager::getGVT(){ return gVT; } void MatternGVTManager::setGVT(VTime newGVT){ #ifdef STATS if (newGVT != PINFINITY) { gvtDiffSum = gvtDiffSum + (newGVT - gVT); gvtCycle++; avgGVTUpdate = gvtDiffSum/gvtCycle; if (minGVTUpdate > newGVT - gVT) { minGVTUpdate = newGVT - gVT; } if (maxGVTUpdate < newGVT - gVT) { maxGVTUpdate = newGVT - gVT; } } #endif gVT = newGVT; #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Setting gVT to " << gVT << "\n"; #endif } void MatternGVTManager::setLGVT(VTime newLGVT){ lGVT = newLGVT; } VTime MatternGVTManager::getLGVT(){ return lGVT; } VTime MatternGVTManager::gcollect() { register int i; VTime lowestTime, restoredTime; BasicEvent** inputQptr = new BasicEvent*[numObjects]; Container** outputQptr = new Container*[numObjects]; lowestTime = gVT; #ifdef STATS gcollectCalled++; #endif #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "LP " << simArray[0].lpNum << "'s GVTManager gcollecting for gVT:" << gVT << endl; #endif #ifdef STATEDEBUG cout << "LP " << simArray[0].lpNum << "'s GVTManager gcollecting for gVT:" << gVT << endl; #endif for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { restoredTime = simArray[i].ptr->stateGcollect(gVT, inputQptr[i], outputQptr[i]); #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << simArray[i].ptr->name << " Saving state before gvt with timestamp " << restoredTime; if (simArray[i].ptr->iRanLastTime == true) { *lpFile << " & I ran last time "; } if (simArray[i].ptr->peekInputQ() == NULL ) { *lpFile << " & inputQ is NULL"; } *lpFile << endl; #endif lowestTime = MIN_FUNC(restoredTime, lowestTime); } #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "lowest time amoung states " << lowestTime << endl; #endif for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->outputGcollect(lowestTime, outputQptr[i]); } for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->inputGcollect(lowestTime, inputQptr[i]); } for (i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) { simArray[i].ptr->stateClear(); } // The commManager needs to know that he can gcollect as well... commHandle->gcollect(lowestTime); delete [] inputQptr; delete [] outputQptr; return(lowestTime); } void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent(MatternGVTMsg *msg){ msg->senderLP = id; commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } #ifdef EXTERNALAGENT void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent(ExtAgentMsg* msg){ msg->senderLP = id; commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } #endif void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent(CheckIdleMsg *msg){ commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent(newGVTMsg *msg){ commHandle->recvMsg(msg); } void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent( BasicEvent* event){ cout << "called sendEvent(BasicEvent* ) in MatternGVTManager! : " << *event << endl; } void MatternGVTManager::sendEvent( TerminateMsg* terminate){ commHandle->recvMsg( terminate ); } BasicEvent* MatternGVTManager::getEvent(){ cout << "called getEvent in MatternGVTManager!" << endl; return (BasicEvent*)NULL; } void MatternGVTManager::simulate(){ cout << "called simulate in MatternGVTManager!" << endl; } VTime MatternGVTManager::calculateMin(){ cerr << "called calculateMin() in MatternGVTManager!" << endl; return ZERO; } void MatternGVTManager::recvEvent(BasicEvent *event){ cerr << "called recvEvent(BasicEvent *) in MatternGVTManager! :" << *event << endl; } void MatternGVTManager::executeProcess(){ cerr << "called executeProcess() in MatternGVTManager!" << endl; } void MatternGVTManager::recvMsg( newGVTMsg *msg ){ static int noOfGVTRecv = 0; setGVT(msg->newGVT); oldgVT = msg->newGVT; // if (id == 0) { // cout << "setting gVT to " << gVT << " at cycle " // << ((TimeWarp*) simArray[0].ptr)->lpHandle->cycleCount << "\n"; // } for(int i=0;i < numObjects;i++){ simArray[i].ptr->color = WHITE; //change to WHITE } // Find the lowest state before GVT and only gcollect for times greater // than that on this LP, since we pass pointers to events between // simulation objects on the same LP. This is only necessary for periodic // checkpointing. // this has to be done in two loops, because events are passed as pointers // as opposed to copies of the data. Conceptually, the outputQ contains // the data, and the inputQ can contain pointers into another object's // outputQ. inputGcollect cleans up the inputQ containers, and gcollect // cleans up containers and stored data in the stateQ and outputQ. noOfGVTRecv ++; if (noOfGVTRecv > noOfGVTToSkip && gVT > ZERO){ noOfGVTRecv = 0; //DEBUGSTREAM <<"LP "<newGVT << "\n"; gcollect(); } } #ifdef EXTERNALAGENT void MatternGVTManager::recvMsg( ExtAgentMsg* activateMsg){ // a token is flowing around the ring... When received by an LP, it // waits for the process to execute 1000 events and then calls the // appropriate dynamic optimization routine to perform the required // optimization. The token is then forwarded to the next LP. if(id == 0){ // initiator has received the control message cout << "LP 0 has received the control message back !! " << endl; } else { // someone other than the initiator has received the control message // three actions to perform here // [a] wait for 1000 events so that the changes to the system settle off. // [b] call your decision procedures // [c] pass on the token tokenHasBeenReceived = true; // token has been received delete activateMsg; // we can delete it readyToPassItOn(); // passing it on to another LP } } void MatternGVTManager::readyToPassItOn(){ if(numberOfEvents > MAX_EVENTS_TO_WAIT){ numberOfEvents = 0; cout << "LP " << id << " calling decision procedures" << endl; ExtAgentMsg* newTokenMsg = new ExtAgentMsg; passItOn(newTokenMsg); // passing it on to another LP } } #endif void MatternGVTManager::recvMsg( MatternGVTMsg *gvtMsg ){ // a token is flowing around the ring... When received by an LP, it sets // the process's color to red if it was white. It checks this LP's LGVT // and the minimum timestamp on this LP's queues and this control message // gets forwarded to another LP. If this message is received by the // initiator of the control message(and count == 0), then the initiator // sets the gVT as the control message contains the minimum lGVT. VTime localMin=PINFINITY, locallVT=PINFINITY; SequenceCounter localCount = 0; VTime localgVT = 0; static int gvtcount = 0; int i,j; if(id == 0 ){ // initiator has received the control message for( i=0;iwhiteMessages; simArray[i].ptr->whiteMessages = 0; } // Check to see if the count is zero and this is the second round for // the token. if ( (simArray[0].ptr->color > RED) && ((localCount + gvtMsg->count) == 0) ) { localgVT = MIN_FUNC(gvtMsg->mClock, gvtMsg->mSend); // DEBUGSTREAM << "localgVT is " << localgVT << endl; // sending the new gvt message if(localgVT < gVT){ localgVT = gVT; } if(localgVT > ZERO) { static int printGVT = 0; printGVT++; // send newGVTMsg, only if a new value has been found. // (The above comment is WRONG! we need to turn everyone white // again, so I commented out this check.) // if(gVT != localgVT){ newGVTMsg *gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = localgVT; sendEvent( gVTMsg ); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "GVT is " << localgVT << "\n"; #endif printGVT = 0; delete gVTMsg; // } } gVTTokenPending = false; // end of this gvt calculation cycle } else { // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " Begin lVT " << locallVT << " Min " // << localMin // << "\n"; for( i=0;icolor++; locallVT = MIN_FUNC(locallVT, simArray[i].ptr->getLVT()); localMin = MIN_FUNC(localMin, simArray[i].ptr->tMin); localCount = localCount + simArray[i].ptr->whiteMessages; simArray[i].ptr->whiteMessages = 0; // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " lVT " << locallVT << " Min " // << localMin << " color " << simArray[i].ptr->color // << "\n"; } // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " Done" << endl; gvtMsg->mClock = locallVT; gvtMsg->mSend = MIN_FUNC(gvtMsg->mSend,localMin); gvtMsg->count = localCount; // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " Passing MatternGVTMsg Token\n" // << *gvtMsg << endl; passItOn(gvtMsg); // go for another round } } else { // control message received by another LP ( not LP 0) // okay, two things to do...[a] set color of all objects on this // LP to red // [b] pass on the token to processor(i mod n)+1 // We may have already changed our color for this round, so we may // want to skip the color change. if (colorAlreadyChanged == false) { for (j=0; j < numObjects; j++) { simArray[j].ptr->color++; } } else { colorAlreadyChanged = false; } if(simArray[0].ptr->color == RED){ for( j=0;jtMin = PINFINITY; } passItOn(gvtMsg); } else { for( i=0;iwhiteMessages; } // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " Begin mClock " << gvtMsg->mClock // << " mSend " << gvtMsg->mSend << "\n"; if (simArray[0].ptr->color > RED) { for( i=0;imClock = MIN_FUNC(gvtMsg->mClock, simArray[i].ptr->getLVT()); gvtMsg->mSend = MIN_FUNC(gvtMsg->mSend, simArray[i].ptr->tMin); // DEBUGSTREAM << "process " << simArray[i].ptr->id << " mClock " // << gvtMsg->mClock << " mSend " << gvtMsg->mSend // << " color " << simArray[i].ptr->color << "\n"; } // DEBUGSTREAM << "LP " << id << " end" << endl; } gvtMsg->count = gvtMsg->count + localCount; passItOn(gvtMsg); for( i=0;iwhiteMessages = 0; } } } #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << " Passing MatternGVTMsg Token\n" << *gvtMsg << endl; #endif } // received a MatternGVTMsg token void MatternGVTManager::recvMsg( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg ){ // a token is flowing around the ring... If it has come around twice, // and we're process 0, then we can safely terminate the simulation. // If we're not process zero, we check if we're idle or not, and if // so, forward the token... Otherwise, we send an lGVT message back to // the head honcho with our idle status in it... // a flag ranBetweenTokens is now added to MatternGVTManager class. // This flag is set to false whenever a lp // gets the termination detection token for the first time and the lp is idle. // After setting it to false the lp forwards it to the next lp. When the token // comes around for the second time and if the lp is idle this flag is checked // if it is true that means that some object on that lp ran after the first // visit of the token (even if the lp is now idle). if the flag is false (and // the lp is idle) the lp did not run after the token's first visit and the // token is forwarded to the next lp. In all other conditions the token is // cancelled and returned to lp0 if(id == 0 && idleMsg->cancel == true ){ tokenPending = false; } else { lpIdle = checkIdle(); if (lpIdle == true) { // is this token on its first round? if(idleMsg->numCirculations == 0){ // this is the first time around. Definitely pass it on... currentToken = idleMsg->tokenNum; lpIdle.reset(); ranBetweenTokens = false ; if(id == 0){ idleMsg->numCirculations++; } passItOn(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Passing Token 1st round\n"; #endif } else { // the token is on it's second loop - have we gone active since // it came around the first time? if( idleMsg->tokenNum == currentToken && lpIdle.didItChange() == true) { // ruh roh - we went active since the first pass - time // to start the whole mess over... cancelToken(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Cancelling Token 2nd round\n"; #endif } else if ( idleMsg->tokenNum != currentToken ) { // this is an old token... We'd better delete it and wait // for the new one! // delete idleMsg; cout << "wugga wugga! I shouldn't be here!" << endl; } else if(ranBetweenTokens == true) { cancelToken(idleMsg); } else { // we've received this token before, and we haven't gone idle // since the first round... Pass it on! if(id!=0){ passItOn(idleMsg); #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Passing Token 2nd round\n"; #endif } else { #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Sending out the PINFINITY message\n"; #endif newGVTMsg *gVTMsg = new newGVTMsg; gVTMsg->newGVT = PINFINITY; sendEvent( gVTMsg ); delete gVTMsg; //#endif } } // we got a token the second time and passed it on } // the token is on the second loop } // if we're idle else { #ifdef LPDEBUG DEBUGSTREAM << "Cancelling token (not idle)\n" << "InputQ size = " << simArray[0].ptr->inputQ.size() << endl; #endif // we're not idle! cancelToken(idleMsg); } // we're not idle } // we're not zero or this wasn't a cancel messgae } // receive a check idle token void MatternGVTManager::passItOn( MatternGVTMsg *gvtMsg ){ if( id != numLPs - 1){ gvtMsg->destLP++; sendEvent(gvtMsg); } // if we not the last guy in the loop else { // send it back to the beginning of the loop... gvtMsg->destLP = 0; sendEvent(gvtMsg); } // if we're the last guy in the loop #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "passItOn : passed it on " << endl; #endif } #ifdef EXTERNALAGENT void MatternGVTManager::passItOn( ExtAgentMsg *activateMsg ){ if( id != numLPs - 1){ activateMsg->destLP++; sendEvent(activateMsg); } // if we not the last guy in the loop else { // send it back to the beginning of the loop... activateMsg->destLP = 0; sendEvent(activateMsg); } // if we're the last guy in the loop #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "passItOn : passed it on " << endl; #endif } #endif void MatternGVTManager::passItOn( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg ){ if( id != numLPs - 1){ idleMsg->destLP++; sendEvent(idleMsg); // this is still the idle message that we originally received from // someone else - we'll let the CommManager delete it... // delete idleMsg; } // if we not the last guy in the loop else { // send it back to the beginning of the loop... idleMsg->destLP = 0; sendEvent(idleMsg); // this is still the idle message that we originally received from // someone else - we'll let the CommManager delete it... // delete idleMsg; } // if we're the last guy in the loop #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "passItOn : passed it on " << endl; #endif } // if the token is on its first loop... void MatternGVTManager::cancelToken( CheckIdleMsg *idleMsg){ // we got a checkidle token and we weren't idle... not good... idleMsg->destLP = 0; idleMsg->cancel = true; #ifdef LPDEBUG *lpFile << "CancelToken : idleMsg sent " << endl; #endif sendEvent(idleMsg); } void MatternGVTManager::setFile( ofstream *file ){ lpFile = file; } // the following two functions are for setting and returning the value // of the flag ranBetweenTokens.This flag is set to false whenever a lp // gets the termination detection token for the first time and the lp is idle. // After setting it to false the lp forwards it to the next lp. When the token // comes around for the second time and if the lp is idle this flag is checked // if it is true that means that some object on that lp ran after the first // visit of the token (even if the lp is now idle). if the flag is false (and // the lp is idle) the lp did not run after the token's first visit and the // token is forwarded to the next lp. In all other conditions the token is // cancelled and returned to lp0 void MatternGVTManager::setRanBetweenTokens(bool flag) { ranBetweenTokens = flag ; } bool MatternGVTManager::giveRanBetweenTokens() { return ranBetweenTokens ; } BasicState* MatternGVTManager::allocateState() { cerr << "MatternGVTManager::allocateState() called.\n"; abort(); return NULL; } #endif // MATTERNGVTMANAGER