/******************************************************************* * Revised By: Qi (Jacky) Liu * * EMAIL: mailto://liuqi@sce.carleton.ca * * Revision Date: Sept. 6, 2005 *******************************************************************/ //-*-c++-*- #ifndef MULTILIST_CC #define MULTILIST_CC // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // $Id: MultiList.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "../../../JackyDebugStream.h" //for jacky-debug-mode template < class Element > inline MultiList< Element >::MultiList(){ } template < class Element > inline void MultiList< Element >::initialize(int numObj) { numObjects = numObj; listSize = new int[numObj]; headObj = new BasicEvent* [numObj]; tailObj = new BasicEvent* [numObj]; findObj = new BasicEvent* [numObj]; insertObj = new BasicEvent* [numObj]; currentObj = new BasicEvent* [numObj]; lVTArray = new VTime[numObj]; idleObjArray = new bool[numObj]; for (int i = 0; i < numObj; i++) { listSize[i] = 0; headObj[i] = NULL; tailObj[i] = NULL; findObj[i] = NULL; insertObj[i] = NULL; currentObj[i] = NULL; lVTArray[i] = ZERO; idleObjArray[i] = false; } } template < class Element > inline MultiList< Element >::~MultiList(){ delete [] listSize; delete [] headObj; delete [] tailObj; delete [] findObj; delete [] insertObj; delete [] currentObj; delete [] lVTArray; delete [] idleObjArray; } template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::findFirstAtTime(Element* current){ Element* firstGuy = current; while(firstGuy->prev != NULL && current->recvTime == firstGuy->prev->recvTime) { firstGuy = firstGuy->prev; } findPos = firstGuy; return firstGuy; } template < class Element > inline VTime MultiList< Element >::findPrevTime(int i){ #ifdef MATTERNGVTMANAGER VTime retval = PINFINITY; if (currentObj[i] != NULL){ if(currentObj[i]->prevObj != NULL ) { retval = currentObj[i]->prevObj->recvTime; } else { retval = currentObj[i]->recvTime; } } return retval; #else return lVTArray[i]; #endif } template inline Element* MultiList< Element >::peekPrevObj(){ Element* retval; if (currentPos != NULL) { if(currentPos->prevObj == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { retval = currentPos->prevObj; } } else { retval = NULL; } return retval; } template inline Element* MultiList< Element >::getObj(int id){ Element *retval; if (currentObj[id] == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { retval = currentObj[id]; } return retval; } template inline Element* MultiList< Element >::setCurrentObjToFindObj(int id) { Element *retval; currentObj[id] = findObj[id]; if (currentObj[id] == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { retval = currentObj[id]; } return retval; } #ifdef JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER //[2006-03-15] //function to reset CurrentObj[localId] to a given position in the miniList //this is used in TW::coastForward() template inline void MultiList< Element >::setCurrentObjTo(int localId, Element* target){ currentObj[localId] = target; } #endif //end JACKY_INFREQ_STATEMANAGER [2006-03-15] template inline bool MultiList< Element >::testCurrentObj(int id){ if(currentObj[id] != NULL ){ return true; } else { return false; } } // resetMiniHead moves the head of minilist 'i' to the new position for // garbage collection template < class Element > inline void MultiList< Element >::resetMiniHead(int id, VTime& gtime) { while (headObj[id] != NULL && headObj[id]->recvTime < gtime) { headObj[id] = headObj[id]->nextObj; } if (headObj[id] == NULL) { tailObj[id] = NULL; findObj[id] = NULL; insertObj[id] = NULL; listSize[id] = 0; } else { //headObj[id]->prevObj = NULL; insertObj[id] = tailObj[id]; findObj[id] = tailObj[id]; } } // seekid moves currentPos to one of the following // START + offset : starting from head of minilist spec. by id // CURRENT + offset : starting from currentpos -- no relation to id // END + offset : starting from tail of minilist spec. by id template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::seekId(int offset, listMode_t mode, int id){ Element* retval; int i; if(abs(offset) < listSize[id]) { // check if offset greater than no. of elmts. switch (mode) { case START: if ((headObj[id] != NULL) && (offset >= 0)) { // start at head, move forward by offset elements currentPos = headObj[id]; for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) { currentPos = currentPos->nextObj; } retval = currentPos; } else { retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } break; case CURRENT: if (currentPos != NULL) { i = offset; if (offset >= 0) { while ((i > 0) && (currentPos != NULL)) { // seek forward either the number of steps or until the end currentPos = currentPos->nextObj; i--; } } else { // offset < 0 while ((i < 0) && (currentPos != NULL)) { // seek backward either the number of steps or until the end currentPos = currentPos->prevObj; i++; } } } // Now currentPos is either the desired element, or NULL if (currentPos != NULL) { retval = currentPos; } else { retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } break; case END: if ((tailObj[id] != NULL) && (offset <= 0)) { currentPos = tailObj[id]; for (i = offset; i < 0; i++) { currentPos = currentPos->prevObj; } retval = currentPos; } else { retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } break; default: cerr << "ERROR in MultiList::Seek--Invalid seek mode" << endl; exit(-1); } //end switch } else { // seek is longer than list size retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } return retval; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION // insert newelem into the main list and adjust minilist pointers // insert element means insertion as defined by the compare function // both main and minilist are sorted. // insertPos will point to inserted element. template < class Element > inline void MultiList< Element >::insert(Element* newelem, int listId) { // Mainlist update if (listsize == 0) { // empty list head = newelem; head->prev = NULL; tail = newelem; tail->next = NULL; } else { // insertPos can not be NULL because at least one element exists if(compare(newelem, insertPos) > 0) { // after insertPos //Jacky: newelem >= insertPos // two cases to consider here //[a] newelem has to be inserted after insertPos as compare // returned value > 0 //[b] compare returned 0. In this case, we have to search // for the first element with the same id and time while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem, insertPos) > 0) { insertPos = insertPos->next; } //Jacky: now insertPos points to the FIRST element > newelem, or NULL if(insertPos==NULL){ // tail reached newelem->prev = tail; tail->next = newelem; tail = newelem; newelem->next = NULL; } } else { // before insertPos //Jacky: newelem < insertPos while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem, insertPos) <= 0) { insertPos = insertPos->prev; } //Jacky: now insertPos points to thhttp://www.zaobao.com/e LAST element < newelem, or NULL if(insertPos == NULL){ // head reached newelem->next = head; head->prev = newelem; head = newelem; newelem->prev = NULL; } else { insertPos = insertPos->next; //Jacky: now insertPos points to 1st element >= newelem } } } // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head // and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertPos != NULL ){ newelem->next = insertPos; newelem->prev = insertPos->prev; insertPos->prev->next = newelem; insertPos->prev = newelem; } //Jacky: MainList done! // Minilist update if (listSize[listId] == 0){ // empty list headObj[listId] = newelem; tailObj[listId] = newelem; headObj[listId]->prevObj = NULL; tailObj[listId]->nextObj = NULL; } else { // insertObj can not be NULL because at least one element exists if(compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) > 0) { // after insertPos while(insertObj[listId] != NULL && compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) > 0) { insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->nextObj; } if(insertObj[listId]==NULL){// tail reached newelem->prevObj = tailObj[listId]; tailObj[listId]->nextObj = newelem; tailObj[listId] = newelem; newelem->nextObj = NULL; } } else { // before insertPos while(insertObj[listId] != NULL && compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) <= 0) { if(insertObj[listId]->prevObj != NULL){ insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->prevObj; } else { insertObj[listId] = NULL ; } } if(insertObj[listId]==NULL){// head reached newelem->nextObj = headObj[listId]; headObj[listId]->prevObj = newelem; headObj[listId] = newelem; newelem->prevObj = NULL; } else { insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->nextObj; } } } // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head // and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertObj[listId] != NULL ){ newelem->nextObj = insertObj[listId]; newelem->prevObj = insertObj[listId]->prevObj; insertObj[listId]->prevObj->nextObj = newelem; insertObj[listId]->prevObj = newelem; } insertPos = newelem; listsize++; insertObj[listId] = newelem; listSize[listId]++; } #else //this is Jacky's revision (new element will be inserted at the end of all list elements that are EQUAL) template < class Element > inline void MultiList< Element >::insert(Element* newelem, int listId) { /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); jacky_os << endl << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> toInsert = {" << *newelem << "}" << endl << flush; if(insertPos != NULL){ jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos = {" << *insertPos << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos = NULL!" << endl << flush; } #endif */ // Mainlist update if (listsize == 0) { // empty list head = newelem; head->prev = NULL; tail = newelem; tail->next = NULL; } else { // insertPos can not be NULL because at least one element exists if(compare(newelem, insertPos) >= 0) { // after insertPos //Jacky: newelem >= insertPos /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> toInsert >= insertPos ... move >>>>>>>>" << endl << flush; #endif */ // two cases to consider here //[a] newelem has to be inserted after insertPos as compare // returned value > 0 //[b] compare returned 0. In this case, we have to search // for the first element with the same id and time while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem, insertPos) >= 0) { insertPos = insertPos->next; } //Jacky: now insertPos points to the FIRST element > newelem, or NULL /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(insertPos != NULL){ jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos = {" << *insertPos << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos is beyond the TAIL ..." << endl << flush; } #endif */ if(insertPos==NULL){ // tail reached newelem->prev = tail; tail->next = newelem; tail = newelem; newelem->next = NULL; /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> add toInsert to the end of the list." << endl << flush; #endif */ } //now, insertPos points to the 1st list element that is GREATER than newelem } else { // before insertPos, i.e. newelem < insertPos /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> toInsert < insertPos ... move <<<<<<<<" << endl << flush; #endif */ while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem, insertPos) < 0) { insertPos = insertPos->prev; } //Jacky: now insertPos points to the LAST element <= newelem, or NULL /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(insertPos != NULL){ jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos = {" << *insertPos << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos is before the HEAD ..." << endl << flush; } #endif */ if(insertPos == NULL){ // head reached newelem->next = head; head->prev = newelem; head = newelem; newelem->prev = NULL; /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> add toInsert before the head." << endl << flush; #endif */ } else { insertPos = insertPos->next; //Jacky: now insertPos points to 1st element > newelem } } } /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(insertPos != NULL){ jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> should insert BEFORE insertPos = {" << *insertPos << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertPos = NULL " << endl << flush; } #endif */ // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head // and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertPos != NULL ){ newelem->next = insertPos; newelem->prev = insertPos->prev; insertPos->prev->next = newelem; insertPos->prev = newelem; /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> add toInsert before the insertPos." << endl << flush; #endif */ } //Jacky: MainList done! /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> Main List done!----------------." << endl << flush; #endif */ // Minilist update if (listSize[listId] == 0){ // empty list headObj[listId] = newelem; tailObj[listId] = newelem; headObj[listId]->prevObj = NULL; tailObj[listId]->nextObj = NULL; } else { // insertObj can not be NULL because at least one element exists /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(insertObj[listId] != NULL){ jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertObj[listId] = {" << *insertObj[listId] << "}"<< endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\tMultiList::insert() -> insertObj[listId] = NULL! WRONG!!!!!" << endl << flush; } #endif */ if(compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) >= 0) { // after insertPos while(insertObj[listId] != NULL && compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) >= 0) { insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->nextObj; } if(insertObj[listId]==NULL){// tail reached newelem->prevObj = tailObj[listId]; tailObj[listId]->nextObj = newelem; tailObj[listId] = newelem; newelem->nextObj = NULL; } } else { // before insertPos while(insertObj[listId] != NULL && compare(newelem, insertObj[listId]) < 0) { if(insertObj[listId]->prevObj != NULL){ insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->prevObj; } else { insertObj[listId] = NULL ; } } if(insertObj[listId]==NULL){// head reached newelem->nextObj = headObj[listId]; headObj[listId]->prevObj = newelem; headObj[listId] = newelem; newelem->prevObj = NULL; } else { insertObj[listId] = insertObj[listId]->nextObj; } } } // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head // and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertObj[listId] != NULL ){ newelem->nextObj = insertObj[listId]; newelem->prevObj = insertObj[listId]->prevObj; insertObj[listId]->prevObj->nextObj = newelem; insertObj[listId]->prevObj = newelem; } insertPos = newelem; listsize++; insertObj[listId] = newelem; listSize[listId]++; } #endif //JACKY_REVISION // remove container pointed to by currentPos, returns object pointer // ATTENTION: The minilist pointers need to be updated correctly. // actually resetminihead updates the minilist for us, so this // allows us to blindly call remove template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::removeCurrentObj() { return MultiList::remove(currentPos); } // remove container pointed to by findObj spec. by id, // returns object pointer and // resets findObj of id to NULL template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::removeFind(int id) { Element *removeObj = MultiList::remove(findObj[id],id); findObj[id] = NULL; return removeObj; } // the argument delptr points to an existing element in the list. // also, it is assumed that id matches to the minilist id to which // delptr is pointing. If no id is specified the default argument for // id is -1. Note: This implies no minilist update is done. template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::remove(Element* delptr, int id) { Element *retval; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); #endif #ifdef LPDEBUG if(id >= 0) { // printSmallQ(id); // cout << "Id = " << id << " delptr = " << delptr << endl; } #endif if ((delptr == NULL) || (listsize == 0)) { cerr << "ERROR: MultiList::remove--can't remove NULL elements!" << endl; retval = NULL; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(delptr == NULL){ jacky_os << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- try to remove a NULL pointer, removal failed, NULL returned!" << endl << flush; } if(listsize == 0){ jacky_os << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- try to remove element from an EMPTY list, removal failed, " << "NULL returned!" << endl << flush; } #endif } else { //delptr != NULL && listsize != 0 // list has at least one element and the pointer which is given // as argument is a pointer in the list //Jacky: in fact, we cannot guarantee that the delptr pointing to an element that exists in the list // the contain() function is defined for this purpose #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(!contain(delptr)){ //the pointer cerr << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- try to remove an element that does NOT exist in the list!" << endl; jacky_os << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- try to remove an element that does NOT exist in the list!" << endl << flush; abort(); } #endif //Jacky: now we are sure that the ptr to be removed does exist in the list! // Main list #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (head == tail) { // only one element #else if ((listsize == 1) && (head == tail)) { // only one element #endif // sanity check - can be removed later.... if (delptr != head) { cout << "MultiList: ERROR! Removing element not in list!" << endl; cout << "Element being removed: " << delptr << " " << *(delptr) << endl; print(); abort(); } else { head = NULL; tail = NULL; insertPos = NULL; currentPos = NULL; findPos = NULL; } } else if (head == delptr) { // first element head = delptr->next; head->prev = NULL; if(insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = head; } if(currentPos == delptr){ currentPos = head; } #ifdef JACKY_REVISION //Jacky: I think the findPos should be set to NULL if it is removed! if(findPos == delptr){ findPos = NULL; } #endif } else if (tail == delptr) { // last element tail = delptr->prev; tail->next = NULL; if(insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = tail; } if(currentPos == delptr){ currentPos = tail; } #ifdef JACKY_REVISION //Jacky: I think the findPos should be set to NULL if it is removed! if(findPos == delptr){ findPos = NULL; } #endif } else { // middle delptr->prev->next = delptr->next; delptr->next->prev = delptr->prev; if (insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = delptr->next; } if (currentPos == delptr) { currentPos = delptr->next; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = delptr->next; } #else //Jacky: I think the findPos should be set to NULL if it is removed! if(findPos == delptr){ findPos = NULL; } #endif } //still in if (delptr != NULL && listsize != 0) // mini list if (id >= 0) { // is this if test necessary ? //Jacky: this is a BUG!!! listsize > 0 does NOT necessarily mean that each MiniList is also // non-empty!!! #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (headObj[id] == tailObj[id]) { // only one element #else //Jacky's revision #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //First, we need to make sure that the delptr pointing to an element in the minilist if( (listSize[id] == 0) || !contain(delptr, id) ){ //empty minilist or delptr does not exist in it cerr << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- " << "try to remove an element that does NOT exist in the minilist!" << endl; jacky_os << "ERROR: MultiList::remove -- " << "try to remove an element that does NOT exist in the minilist!" << endl << flush; abort(); } #endif if ( (listSize[id] == 1) && (headObj[id] == tailObj[id]) ){ #endif // sanity check - can be removed later.... if (delptr != headObj[id]) { cout << "MultiList: ERROR! Element not in minilist!" << endl; cout << "Element being removed: " << delptr << " " << *(delptr) << endl; print(); abort(); } else { headObj[id] = NULL; tailObj[id] = NULL; insertObj[id] = NULL; currentObj[id] = NULL; findObj[id] = NULL; listSize[id] = 0; } } else { //more than one elements if (headObj[id] == delptr) { // first element headObj[id] = delptr->nextObj; headObj[id]->prevObj = NULL; if (insertObj[id] == delptr) { insertObj[id] = headObj[id]; } if(currentObj[id] == delptr){ currentObj[id] = headObj[id]; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if(findObj[id] == delptr){ findObj[id] = headObj[id]; } #else if(findObj[id] == delptr){ findObj[id] = NULL; } #endif } else if (tailObj[id] == delptr) { // last element tailObj[id] = delptr->prevObj; tailObj[id]->nextObj = NULL; if (insertObj[id] == delptr) { insertObj[id] = tailObj[id]; } if(currentObj[id] == delptr){ currentObj[id] = tailObj[id]; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if(findObj[id] == delptr){ findObj[id] = tailObj[id]; } #else if(findObj[id] == delptr){ findObj[id] = NULL; } #endif } else { // middle #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (delptr->prevObj != NULL){ delptr->prevObj->nextObj = delptr->nextObj; } #else delptr->prevObj->nextObj = delptr->nextObj; #endif delptr->nextObj->prevObj = delptr->prevObj; if (insertObj[id] == delptr) { insertObj[id] = delptr->nextObj; } if (currentObj[id] == delptr) { currentObj[id] = delptr->nextObj; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (findObj[id] == delptr) { findObj[id] = delptr->nextObj; } #else if (findObj[id] == delptr) { findObj[id] = NULL; } #endif } listSize[id]--; } //end more than one elements } //end if id >= 0 retval = delptr; listsize--; } //end delptr != NULL && listsize != 0 return retval; } // This function calls the backwards search function to find an event // which satisfies the find mode with respect to time and id as given // in the compare function. It is using the findObj pointer if given, // otherwise starts at the tail of the minilist. Note: The function is // using the minilist not the main list. template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::find(Element *element, findMode_t mode, int id){ #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); #endif if( findObj[id] == NULL ) { #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::find() --> findObj[" << id << "] == NULL, search from tailObj[id]" << endl << flush; #endif return findBackwards(element, tailObj[id], mode,id); } else { #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\tMultiList::find() --> findObj[" << id << "] != NULL, search from findObj[id]" << endl << flush; #endif return findBackwards(element, findObj[id], mode,id); } } // This function steps further through the minilist specified by the id, // starting with the element specified in findObj[id]. It steps through // the list only as long as there are more events at the same time for this // id. End is signalled by returning NULL. template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::findNext(int id) { Element *retval; // start at list head, if no valid find ptr if (findObj[id] == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { // if findPos->next is the time we're looking for, return it if (findObj[id]->nextObj == NULL) { findObj[id] = NULL; retval = NULL; } else { if (compare(findObj[id], findObj[id]->nextObj) == 0) { findObj[id] = findObj[id]->nextObj; retval = findObj[id]; } else { findObj[id] = NULL; retval = NULL; } } } return retval; } // Starting from the startFrom pointer in the list this function finds // the first occurance of an event with this id and time. From where it // moves depending on the mode. // [10] - [15] - [15] - [16] = all in the same id list // ^ // startFrom and element searched for is 15 EQUAL // ^ = result template < class Element > inline Element* MultiList< Element >::findBackwards(Element *element, Element *startFrom, findMode_t mode, int id){ #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); jacky_os << "\tMultiList::findBackwards() --> " << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\t\t toFind = {" << (*element) << "}" << endl << flush; if(startFrom != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t\t startFrom = {" << (*startFrom) << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t\t startFrom = {NULL}" << endl << flush; } jacky_os << "\t\t localId = " << id << endl << flush; //let's print out the current inputQ BasicEvent* cursor; /* jacky_os << "-------------------- Current inputQ ----------------------------" << endl << flush; cursor = (BasicEvent*)head; while(cursor != NULL){ jacky_os << "<" << " id=" << cursor->eventId << " sign=" << cursor->sign << " " << cursor->sender << "@" << cursor->sendTime << " => " << cursor->dest << "@" << cursor->recvTime << " alreadyProcessed?" << cursor->alreadyProcessed << " >" << endl << flush; cursor = cursor->next; } jacky_os << endl << flush; jacky_os << "-------------------- miniList pointers for localId = " << id << " ---------------------" << endl << flush; if(headObj[id] != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t headObj[" << id << "] = {" << *(headObj[id]) << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t headObj[" << id << "] = NULL" << endl << flush; } if(tailObj[id] != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t tailObj[" << id << "] = {" << *(tailObj[id]) << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t tailObj[" << id << "] = NULL" << endl << flush; } if(findObj[id] != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t findObj[" << id << "] = {" << *(findObj[id]) << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t findObj[" << id << "] = NULL" << endl << flush; } jacky_os << endl << flush; */ jacky_os << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++ miniList for localId = " << id << " ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << endl << flush; //get how many elements in the miniList that are EQUAL to the element if(headObj[id] != NULL){ int equalCount = 0; cursor = (BasicEvent*)headObj[id]; while(cursor != NULL){ jacky_os << "<" << " id=" << cursor->eventId << " sign=" << cursor->sign << " " << cursor->sender << "@" << cursor->sendTime << " => " << cursor->dest << "@" << cursor->recvTime << " alreadyProcessed?" << cursor->alreadyProcessed << " >" << endl << flush; if(compare(cursor, element) == 0){ equalCount++; jacky_os << "\tEQUAL!" << endl << flush; } cursor = cursor->nextObj; } jacky_os << "++++++++++++++ " << equalCount << " EQUAL with toFind in the miniList for localId " << id << "++++++++++++++" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "+++++++++++++ There are 0 EQUAL with toFind in the miniList for localId " << id << "+++++++++++++" << endl << flush; } #endif Element *current; current = startFrom; if (current == NULL) { findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = NULL ; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\tMultiList::findBackwards() --> startFrom = NULL! return NULL" << endl << flush; #endif } else { /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current = startFrom = {" << *current << "}" << endl << flush; #endif */ if( compare(current, element ) >= 0 ) { // the current is greater than or equal to the element we're // looking for - go left.. while((current != NULL) && (compare(current, element) >= 0)) { current=current->prevObj; } /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(current != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current>=toFind, move current <<< to {" << *current << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current>=toFind, move current <<< to NULL (before HEAD)" << endl << flush; } #endif */ // kludge alert... The case stuff (below) needs to be fixed instead // of the following 6 lines... I'l do it later... if(current == NULL) { current = headObj[id]; } else { current = current->nextObj; } /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current adjusted to {" << *current << "}" << endl << flush; //jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> toFind = {" << (*element) << "}" << endl << flush; //jacky_os << "\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> compare(current, element) = " << compare(current, element) // << endl << flush; #endif */ } else { // the current is less than the element we're looking for... while( (current !=NULL) && compare(current, element ) < 0 ) { current=current->nextObj; } /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG if(current != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current>> to {" << *current << "}" << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current>> to NULL (after TAIL)" << endl << flush; } #endif */ } /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << endl << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() --> after moving current to the 1st >= toFind or NULL --> " << endl << flush; if(current != NULL){ jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ current = " << *current << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ compare(current, element) = " << compare(current, element) << endl << flush; } else { jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ current = NULL" << endl << flush; } #endif */ // current is now either the first listelem equal to element (if it // exists), or the first listelem greater than element (if there is // no equal in the list). //Jacky: or NULL if all listelems are less // than element switch (mode) { case LESS: if (current == NULL) { // at end of list findObj[id] = tailObj[id]; findPos = findObj[id]; } else { findObj[id] = current->prevObj; findPos = findObj[id]; } break; case LESSEQUAL: if (current == NULL) { // at end of list findObj[id] = tailObj[id]; findPos = findObj[id]; } else if (compare(element, current) == 0) { findObj[id] = current; findPos = findObj[id]; } else { findObj[id] = current->prevObj; findPos = findObj[id]; } break; case EQUAL: if (current == NULL) { #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> current == NULL, No EQUAL! =========" << endl << flush; #endif findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = findObj[id]; } else if (compare(element, current) == 0) { //Jacky Note: in the previous version, the compare function will // NEVER return 0! So here is unreachable!!! // This will cause that when we try to find the equivalent // (+) msg in the inputQ according to the (-) msg, the // findPos always return NULL (see LTSFInputQueue.cc line // 322). Thus, no msg implosion can be done!!! //I think we have to modify the compare function to return 0 when 2 events //are equal!!! #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> EQUAL! findPos = findObj[id] = " << (*current) << endl << flush; #endif findObj[id] = current; findPos = findObj[id]; } else { // element is greater; so, nothing was found. #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG jacky_os << "\t\t^^^ MultiList::findBackwards() -> No EQUAL! return NULL =========" << endl << flush; #endif findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = findObj[id]; } break; case GREATEREQUAL: if (current == NULL) { findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = findObj[id]; } else { findObj[id] = current; findPos = findObj[id]; } break; case GREATER: // Adjust the list to skip over all list elements equal to element while ((current != NULL) && (compare(current,element) == 0)) { current = current->nextObj; } if (current == NULL) { findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = findObj[id]; } else if (compare(current, element) > 0) { findObj[id] = current; findPos = findObj[id]; } else { //Jacky: I don't this there is such a case! findObj[id] = NULL; findPos = findObj[id]; } break; default: cerr << "ERROR: SortedList::findElement--invalid find mode" << endl; exit(-2); break; } //end switch } //end startFrom != NULL if (findObj[id] == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return findObj[id]; } } template < class Element > ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const MultiList& ml) { register Element *ptr; register unsigned i = 0; int id, j, col; os << (SortedListOfEvents&) ml << "\n\n"; for (i = 0, id = 0; id < ml.numObjects; id++) { os << "MiniList " << id << ": length = " << ml.listSize[id] << "\n"; for (ptr = ml.headObj[id]; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->nextObj) { os << "MiniList[" << i << "] = " << ptr << " " << *(ptr) << "\n"; i++; } if(ml.currentObj[id]) { os << "currentPos : " << ml.currentObj[id] << " " << *(ml.currentObj[id]) <= 64) { os << "\n"; col = 0; } if(ml.currentObj[j] != NULL){ // Chris: This was lVTArray, but I changed it because that was not // being set consistently and I think printCurrentObj should print // either the pointer or some value referenced through currentObj. os << "(" << j << ")" << ml.currentObj[j] << "[" << ml.currentObj[j]->recvTime << "] "; col += 16; } else { col += 5; os << "NULL "; } } os << "\n\nlVTarray:\n"; for(j=0; j< ml.numObjects; j++){ if (j%8 == 0) { os << "\n"; } os << "(" << j << ")" << ml.lVTArray[j] << " "; } os << endl; return( os ); } template < class Element > inline void MultiList < Element >::printSmallQ(ostream& out,int id) { register Element *ptr; register unsigned i = 0; out << "MiniList " << id << endl; out << "length = " << listSize[id] << "\n"; for (ptr = headObj[id]; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->nextObj) { out << "MiniList[" << i << "] = " << ptr << " " << *(ptr) << "\n"; i++; } if(currentObj[id]) { out << "currentPos : " << currentObj[id] << " " << *(currentObj[id]) < inline void MultiList < Element >::printCurrentObj() { // for(int i =0; i< numObjects; i++){ // if(currentObj[i] != NULL && currentObj[i]->prevObj != NULL) // cout << currentObj[i]->prevObj->object->recvTime << " "; // } // cout << endl; int j, col; col = 0; for(j=0; j< numObjects; j++){ if (col >= 64) { cout << "\n"; col = 0; } if(currentObj[j] != NULL){ // Chris: This was lVTArray, but I changed it because that was not // being set consistently and I think printCurrentObj should print // either the pointer or some value referenced through currentObj. cout << "(" << j << ")" << currentObj[j] << "[" << currentObj[j]->recvTime << "] "; col += 16; } else { col += 5; cout << "NULL "; } } cout << endl; } template < class Element > inline void MultiList < Element >::printlVTArray() { int j; for(j=0; j< numObjects; j++){ if (j%8 == 0) { cout << "\n"; } cout << "(" << j << ")" << lVTArray[j] << " "; } cout << endl; } template inline Element* MultiList ::getHead(int id) { return headObj[id]; } #ifdef JACKY_REVISION //========================================================================= //this function is to test whether the given pointer really pointing to an element in the list //used for debugging purpose in remove() function template bool MultiList ::contain(Element* ptr){ int result = 0; //result = 0, default is FALSE if(listsize == 0) { //empty list return false; } else { //non-empty list Element* tempPtr = head; while(tempPtr != NULL){ if(tempPtr == ptr){ //one element found ++result; } tempPtr = tempPtr->next; } } if(result > 1){ //strange: there are 2 or more elements in the list with the same address cerr << "MultiList::contain(ptr) --> more than one elements in the list have the same address!" << endl; abort(); } if(result == 1) { return true; } else { //result = 0 return false; } } //this function is to test whether the given pointer really pointing to an element in the minilist //identified by localId for debugging purpose in remove() function template bool MultiList ::contain(Element* ptr, int localId){ int result = 0; //result = 0, default is FALSE if(listSize[localId] == 0) { //empty minilist return false; } else { //non-empty minilist Element* tempPtr = headObj[localId]; while(tempPtr != NULL){ if(tempPtr == ptr){ //one element found ++result; } tempPtr = tempPtr->nextObj; } } if(result > 1){ //strange: there are 2 or more elements in the minilist with the same address cerr << "MultiList::contain(ptr, int) --> more than one elements in the minilist have the same address!" << endl; abort(); } if(result == 1) { return true; } else { //result = 0 return false; } } #endif //end JACKY_REVISION ============================================================================== #endif //end MULTILIST_CC