//-*-c++-*- // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // // $Id: config.hh,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //The following section allows the configuration of the warped kernel. In //each section, several choices are available. For each category, two //symbols must be defined. The first symbol must be defined to be the //name of the class being instantiated. The second symbol is the class //name, all in uppercase. This is to allow the appropriate header files //to be included. //Jacky: , , , , , // , , , , , // , , , //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The different schedulers we support. Supported schedulers: // we only support the LTSFScheduler. //Other schedulers (such as the Round Robin schedulers) have been discontinued. //end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //2. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Uncomment the following define for turning on "message aggregation" optimization // #define MESSAGE_AGGREGATION //#define STATS #ifdef STATS // [Stats] ======================================================================= // if STATS is defined, then this flag gives the user the option of either viewing the stats results // in a file or on the screen // Setting FILE_OUTPUT to zero => output printed to stdout // Setting FILE_OUTPUT to one => output printed to file #define FILE_OUTPUT 0 #ifdef MESSAGE_AGGREGATION // [Agg-size] ================================================ // define MAX_AGGREGATE_SIZE for different aggregates sizes accumulated in the simulation #define MAX_AGGREGATE_SIZE 500 #endif //end [Agg-size] ================================================================= #endif //end [Stats] =========================================================================== #ifdef MESSAGE_AGGREGATION // [Agg-Strategy] ============================================ //Uncomment the aggregation strategy that you want: //The default strategy is SAAW, also called MEAN_OF_FACTORS //WARNING: Two strategies should not be enabled #define MEAN_OF_FACTORS //#define FIXED_PESSIMISM //#define FIXED_MSG_COUNT //#define PROBE_SEND_RECEIVE_MESSAGES //#define ADAPTIVE_AGGREGATION #endif //end [Agg-Strategy] ============================================================= //end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The different state managers we support: // StateManager, InfreqStateManager, LinStateManager, NashStateManager, CostFuncStateManager //a> traditional state manager (save state every event) #define STATE_MANAGER StateManager //class name #define STATEMANAGER //type //b> infrequent state manager //#define STATE_MANAGER InfreqStateManager //#define INFREQSTATEMANAGER //c> Lin state manager //#define STATE_MANAGER LinStateManager //#define LINSTATEMANAGER //d> Nash state manager //#define STATE_MANAGER NashStateManager //#define NASHSTATEMANAGER //e> cost function state manager //#define STATE_MANAGER CostFuncStateManager //#define COSTFUNCSTATEMANAGER //end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The different fossil collection managers we support. // Supported fossil managers: GVTManager and MatternGVTManager #define FOSSIL_MANAGER GVTManager #define GVTMANAGER //end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following defines control infrequent polling of the Message Communication Subsystem. // For using infrequent define INFREQ_POLLING and then define ONE of // INFREQ_STATIC or INFREQ_FXD_INCREMENT or INFREQ_VAR_INCREMENT. // #define INFREQ_POLLING // #define INFREQ_STATIC // #define INFREQ_FXD_INCREMENT // #define INFREQ_VAR_INCREMENT // To get traces define INFREQ_TRACE and/or MCS_TRACE // #define INFREQ_TRACE // #define MCS_TRACE //end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The different Memory Manager Supported are: // GlobalMemoryManager, BuddyMemoryManager, SegregatedMemAlloc, BrentMemAlloc // #define MEMORY_MANAGER BrentMemAlloc // #define BRENTMEMALLOC //end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Uncomment the following define for turning on "one anti message" optimization // #define ONE_ANTI_MESSAGE //end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //8. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The default cancellation strategy is "Aggressive cancellation" // Uncomment the following define for switching to "Lazy cancellation" // Ezequiel Glinsky, July 2004 : I've tried using LAZYCANCELLATION to workaround the error (CANCEL_MESSAGE) // but didn't work! // #define LAZYCANCELLATION // if you wish to use "dynamically switch" between the two cancellation strategies, //then uncomment the LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION // #define LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION //end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is for the external control optimization // #define EXTERNALAGENT // #define MAX_EVENTS_TO_WAIT 3000 //end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //10. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The different physical communication mechanisms: // These following ICM Strategies work only with TCPMPL (TCP Message passing library) // They do not work with MPICH! // #define CLUMPS_ICM // #define CLUMPS_ICM_IRCM // #define CLUMPS_ICM_ISCM // #define CLUMPS_ICM_CCM // #define CLUMPS_ICM_AGGR_ISCM #ifdef CLUMPS_ICM #ifdef CLUMPS_ICM_IRCM #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsIRCM #elif defined(CLUMPS_ICM_ISCM) #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsISCM #elif defined(CLUMPS_ICM_AGGR_ISCM) #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsAggrISCM #else #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsCCM #endif //end CLUMPS_ICM_IRCM, CLUMPS_ICM_ISCM, CLUMPS_ICM_AGGR_ISCM, CLUMPS_ICM_CCM #endif //end CLUMPS_ICM //#define CLUMPS_DPC //#define CLUMPS_DPC_REG_RETR //#define CLUMPS_DPC_INFREQ_RETR #ifdef CLUMPS_DPC #ifdef CLUMPS_DPC_REG_RETR #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsDPC #elif defined(CLUMPS_DPC_INFREQ_RETR) #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyClumpsDPC #endif //end CLUMPS_DPC_REG_RETR, CLUMPS_DPC_INFREQ_RETR #endif //end CLUMPS_DPC #if !defined(CLUMPS_ICM) && !defined(CLUMPS_DPC) // ========================================================== #ifdef MPI #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyMPI //this is what we use! #elif MPINONBLOCK #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyMPINonBlock #elif TCPLIB #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyTCPMPL #else #define COMMPHYSICAL CommPhyDefault #endif //end MPI, MPINONBLOCK, TCPLIB, Default //end MPI ======================================================== #endif //end !CLUMPS_ICM && !CLUMPS_DPC //end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // The different optimizations at the communication manager level #ifdef MESSAGE_AGGREGATION #define COMMMANAGER CommMgrMsgAgg //this is for msg-agg #else #define COMMMANAGER CommMgrDefault //this is used if no msg-agg #endif //end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //12. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Diplays the simulation configuration i.e. which optimizations/algorithms // are being used for that simulation run. The configuration is displayed // at the begining of the simulation #define DISPLAY_SIM_CONFIG //end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ASSERT #ifdef DEVELOPER_ASSERTIONS #include #include #include #define ASSERT(x) assert(x) #else #define ASSERT(x) #endif #endif //end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This part is related to the cancellation strategies. The default is Aggressive cancellation #ifdef LAZYCANCELLATION //a> Lazy cancellation =============================== // This moves the messages to the lazyCancelQ during lazy cancellation #define CANCEL_MESSAGES(rollbackTime) moveMessagesToLazyQueue(rollbackTime) #define FILL_EVENT_INFO(eventPtr) fillEventInfo(eventPtr) #define LAZY_CANCEL_TEST(eventPtr) suppressLazyMessages(eventPtr) #elif defined(LAZYAGGR_CANCELLATION) //b> Dynamical cancellation ============= #if defined(PERMANENTLY_AGGR) && defined(PERMANENTLYSET) #error The PERMANENTLY_AGGR and PERMANENTLYSET flags are mutually exclusive! #endif // Here, cancelMessages() of LazyAggrTimeWarp (a sub-class of TimeWarp!) is called #define CANCEL_MESSAGES(rollbackTime) cancelMessages(rollbackTime) #define FILL_EVENT_INFO(eventPtr) fillEventInfo(eventPtr) #define LAZY_CANCEL_TEST(eventPtr) suppressMessageTest(eventPtr) #else //c> Aggressive cancellation =========================================== // This dispatches the messages rightaway when it receives a straggler #define CANCEL_MESSAGES(rollbackTime) cancelMessagesAggressively(rollbackTime) #define FILL_EVENT_INFO(eventPtr) fillEventInfo(eventPtr) #define LAZY_CANCEL_TEST(eventPtr) false #endif //end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------