/******************************************************************* * Revised By: Qi (Jacky) Liu * * EMAIL: mailto://liuqi@sce.carleton.ca * * Revision Date: Sept. 6, 2005 *******************************************************************/ //-*-c++-*- #ifndef SORTED_LIST_CC #define SORTED_LIST_CC // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // $Id: SortedList.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < class Element > inline SortedList < Element >::SortedList() { head = NULL; tail = NULL; insertPos = NULL; currentPos = NULL; findPos = NULL; listsize = 0; compare = NULL; } template < class Element > inline SortedList< Element >::SortedList(int(*compareFunc)(const Element*, const Element*)) { head = NULL; tail = NULL; insertPos = NULL; currentPos = NULL; findPos = NULL; listsize = 0; compare = compareFunc; } template < class Element > inline SortedList< Element>::~SortedList() { register Container* curptr; // step through the doubly-linked list and delete all elements curptr = head; //Jacky: Unnecessary statement. if (head != NULL) { curptr = head; while (curptr->next != NULL) { curptr = curptr->next; delete curptr->prev; } delete curptr; } } template < class Element > inline void SortedList< Element >::setFunc( int(*compareFunc)(const Element*, const Element*)) { compare = compareFunc; } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList < Element >::front() { if (head == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return head->object; //Jacky: retrieve the BasicEvent* stored in the Container } } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList< Element >::back() { if (tail == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return tail->object; //Jacky: retrieve the BasicEvent* stored in the Container } } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList< Element >::seek(int offset, listMode_t mode) { Element* retval; int i; if(abs(offset) < listsize) { // check if offset greater than no. of elmts. switch (mode) { case START: if ((head != NULL) && (offset >= 0)) { // start at head, move forward by offset elements. //Jacky: currentPos will point to the offset-th element in the list currentPos = head; for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) { currentPos = currentPos->next; } retval = currentPos->object; //Jacky: retrieve the offset-th BasicEvent* } else { //head == NULL OR offset < 0 retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } break; case CURRENT: //Jacky: seek from the currentPos (forward if offset >= 0; backward if offset < 0) if (currentPos != NULL) { //Jacky: currentPos should be non-NULL! i = offset; if (offset >= 0) { while ((i > 0) && (currentPos != NULL)) { // seek forward either the number of steps or until the end currentPos = currentPos->next; //Jacky: if offset is too big, currentPos may be NULL i--; } } else { // offset < 0 while ((i < 0) && (currentPos != NULL)) { // seek backward either the number of steps or until the end currentPos = currentPos->prev; //Jacky: if offset is too big, currentPos may be NULL i++; } } } // Now currentPos is either the desired element, or NULL if (currentPos != NULL) { retval = currentPos->object; } else { retval = NULL; // currentPos = NULL; // Unnecessary statement. } break; case END: //Jacky: seek from the tail if ((tail != NULL) && (offset <= 0)) { //Jacky: tail must be non-NULL, and only seek backward currentPos = tail; for (i = offset; i < 0; i++) { currentPos = currentPos->prev; } retval = currentPos->object; } else { retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } break; default: cerr << "ERROR in SortedList::Seek--Invalid seek mode" << endl; exit(-1); } } else { // seek is longer than list size retval = NULL; currentPos = NULL; } return retval; } template < class Element > inline void SortedList < Element >::setFile(ofstream *outfile) { lpFile = outfile; } // insert element into the queue // Jacky: This function will be overridden in the OutputQueue!!! template < class Element > inline void SortedList < Element >::insert(Element* toInsert) { register Container< Element >* newelem; newelem = new Container; newelem->object = toInsert; // Initialization necessary here since it is removed from Container() newelem->next = NULL; newelem->prev = NULL; // Mainlist update if (listsize == 0) { // empty list head = newelem; head->prev = NULL; tail = newelem; tail->next = NULL; } else { //non-empty list // insertPos can not be NULL because at least one element exists if(compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) > 0) { // after insertPos while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) > 0) { insertPos = insertPos->next; } if(insertPos==NULL){ // tail reached newelem->prev = tail; tail->next = newelem; tail = newelem; newelem->next = NULL; } } else { // before insertPos while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) <= 0) { insertPos = insertPos->prev; } if(insertPos == NULL){ // head reached newelem->next = head; head->prev = newelem; head = newelem; newelem->prev = NULL; } else { //insertPos != NULL insertPos = insertPos->next; } } } //end non-empty list // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertPos != NULL ){ newelem->next = insertPos; newelem->prev = insertPos->prev; insertPos->prev->next = newelem; insertPos->prev = newelem; } // if (listsize == 0) { // head = newelem; // tail = newelem; // currentPos = NULL; // // just in case // findPos = NULL; // } // else { // bool done = false; // while (done == false) { // if (compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) >= 0) { // if (insertPos == tail) { // insertPos->next = newelem; // newelem->prev = insertPos; // tail = newelem; // done = true; // } // else { // insertPos = insertPos->next; // } // } // // if it's not greater equal, it must be less... // // else if (compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) < 0) { // else { // if (insertPos == head) { // insertPos->prev = newelem; // newelem->next = insertPos; // head = newelem; // done = true; // } // else if (compare(newelem->object, insertPos->prev->object) >= 0) { // newelem->next = insertPos; // newelem->prev = insertPos->prev; // insertPos->prev->next = newelem; // insertPos->prev = newelem; // done = true; // } // else { // insertPos = insertPos->prev; // } // } // } // while // } // else size > 0 insertPos = newelem; listsize++; } // return element at the currentPos pointer template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList< Element >::get() const { Element *retval; if(currentPos == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { retval = currentPos->object; } return retval; } template inline Element* SortedList::peekPrev() const { if (currentPos == NULL || currentPos->prev == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return currentPos->prev->object; } } template inline Element* SortedList::peekNext() const { if (currentPos == NULL || currentPos->next == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return currentPos->next->object; } } // delete element pointed to by currentPos from the queue template < class Element> inline Element* SortedList < Element >::removeCurrent() { return remove(currentPos); } template < class Element> inline Element* SortedList < Element >::removeFind() { return remove(findPos); } template < class Element> inline Element* SortedList < Element >::remove(Container * delptr) { register Container* prevptr; register Container* nextptr; Element *retval; if (delptr == NULL) { cerr << "ERROR: SortedList::remove--can't remove NULL elements!" << endl; retval = NULL; } else { if (delptr == head) { //1> remove the FIRST element in the list nextptr = delptr->next; if (nextptr == NULL) { // list has only 1 element head = NULL; tail = NULL; insertPos = NULL; currentPos = NULL; findPos = NULL; } else { // list has at least 2 elements nextptr->prev = NULL; // new head head = nextptr; if (insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = head; //insertPos is removed, go to the next one (the new head) } if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = NULL; //findPos is removed, set to NULL } if (currentPos == delptr) { currentPos = head; //currentPos is removed, go to the next one (the new head) } } } else if (delptr == tail) { //2> remove the LAST element in the list prevptr = delptr->prev; if (prevptr == NULL) { // list has only 1 element head = NULL; tail = NULL; insertPos = NULL; currentPos = NULL; findPos = NULL; } else { // list has at least 2 elements prevptr->next = NULL; // new tail tail = prevptr; #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = tail; //findPos is removed! } #else //Jacky: if findPos is removed, set it to NULL! if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = NULL; //findPos is removed, set it to NULL } #endif if (insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = tail; //insertPos is removed, go to the previous one (the new tail) //Jacky: insertPos moves backward if it points to the last one and gets removed!!! } if (currentPos == delptr) { currentPos = NULL; //currentPos is removed, set to NULL //Jacky: currentPos can only move forward!!! } } } else { // 3> deleting from the middle prevptr = delptr->prev; nextptr = delptr->next; prevptr->next = nextptr; nextptr->prev = prevptr; if (insertPos == delptr) { insertPos = prevptr; } #ifndef JACKY_REVISION if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = prevptr; } #else //Jacky: if findPos is removed, set it to NULL! if (findPos == delptr) { findPos = NULL; } #endif if (currentPos == delptr) { currentPos = nextptr; //Jacky: if currentPos is removed, it advances to the NEXT one!!! } } retval = delptr->object; delete delptr; //Jacky: delete the container listsize--; } findPos = NULL; //Jacky: always set findPos to NULL after removal return retval; } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList< Element >::findBackwards(Element *element, Container *startFrom, findMode_t mode) { Container < Element > *current; current = startFrom; if (current == NULL) { // cerr << "SortedList::findBackwards--list is empty! (size = " << listsize // << ")" << endl; findPos = NULL; } else { //current != NULL if( compare(current->object, element ) >= 0 ) { // the current is greater than or equal to the element we're // looking for - go left.. while((current != NULL) && (compare(current->object, element) >= 0)) { current=current->prev; } // kludge alert... The case stuff (below) needs to be fixed instead // of the following 6 lines... I'l do it later... if(current == NULL) { current = head; } else { current = current->next; } } else { // the current is less than the element we're looking for... while( (current !=NULL) && compare(current->object, element ) < 0 ) { current=current->next; } } // current is now either the first listelem equal to element (if it // exists), or the first listelem greater than element (if there is // no equal in the list). switch (mode) { case LESS: if (current == NULL) { // at end of list findPos = tail; } else { findPos = current->prev; } break; case LESSEQUAL: if (current == NULL) { // at end of list findPos = tail; } else if (compare(element, current->object) == 0) { findPos = current; } else { findPos = current->prev; } break; case EQUAL: if (current == NULL) { findPos = NULL; } else if (compare(element, current->object) == 0) { findPos = current; } else { // element is greater; so, nothing was found. findPos = NULL; } break; case GREATEREQUAL: if (current == NULL) { findPos = NULL; } else { findPos = current; } break; case GREATER: // Adjust the list to skip over all list elements equal to element while ((current != NULL) && (compare(current->object,element) == 0)) { current = current->next; } if (current == NULL) { findPos = NULL; } else if (compare(current->object, element) > 0) { findPos = current; } else { findPos = NULL; } break; default: cerr << "ERROR: SortedList::findElement--invalid find mode" << endl; exit(-2); break; } //end switch } //end if current != NULL if (findPos == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return findPos->object; } } // Accepts an Element with whatever key the compare function needs filled in. // Returns the first occurrence of an element in the list with that key, // or NULL, if that key isn't in the list. template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList < Element >::find(Element *element, findMode_t mode) { if( findPos == NULL ) { return findBackwards(element, tail, mode); } else { return findBackwards(element, findPos, mode); } } // Accepts an Element with whatever key the compare function needs filled in. // Returns the first occurrence after the findPos pointer of an element // in the list with that key, or NULL, if that key isn't in the list. template < class Element> inline Element* SortedList < Element >::findNext() { Element *retval; // start at list head, if no valid find ptr if (findPos == NULL) { retval = NULL; } else { // if findPos->next is the time we're looking for, return it if (findPos->next == NULL) { findPos = NULL; retval = NULL; } else if (compare(findPos->object, findPos->next->object) == 0) { findPos = findPos->next; retval = findPos->object; } else { findPos = NULL; retval = NULL; } } return retval; } // template < class Element > // ostream& // operator<< (ostream& os, const SortedList& sl) { // Container *ptr; // unsigned i; // i = 0; // if (sl.listsize == 0) { // os << "List = (NULL)\n"; // } // else { // for (ptr = sl.head; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { // os << "List[" << i << "] = " << ptr->object << " " // << *(ptr->object) << "\n"; // i++; // } // } // if(sl.currentPos) { // os << "currentPos : " << sl.currentPos->object << " " // << *(sl.currentPos->object) <object << " " // << *(sl.insertPos->object) <object << " " // << *(sl.findPos->object) < inline void SortedList < Element >::print(ostream& outFile) const { Container *ptr; unsigned i; i = 0; if (listsize == 0) { outFile << "List = (NULL)\n"; } else { for (ptr = head; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next) { outFile << "List[" << i << "] = " << ptr->object << " " << *(ptr->object) << "\n"; i++; } } if(currentPos) { outFile << "currentPos : " << currentPos->object << " " << *currentPos->object <object << " " << *insertPos->object <object << " " << *findPos->object << endl; } outFile << "-----\n" << endl; } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList < Element >::setCurrentToInsert() { currentPos = insertPos; if (currentPos == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return currentPos->object; } } template < class Element > inline Element* SortedList < Element >::setCurrentToFind() { currentPos = findPos; if (currentPos == NULL) { return NULL; } else { return currentPos->object; } } #endif