//-*-c++-*- #ifndef FILEQUEUE_CC #define FILEQUEUE_CC // Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ohio Board of Regents and the University of // Cincinnati. All Rights Reserved. // // BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY // FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT // PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE // PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME // THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. // IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING // WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR // REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR // DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM // (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED // INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF // THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER // OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // $Id: FileQueue.cc,v 2007/03/15 15:45:06 rmadhoun Exp $ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "FileQueue.hh" #include "../../../JackyDebugStream.h" //for jacky-debug-mode #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG #include #endif int FileQueue::standardOut = -1; FileQueue::FileQueue() : outFile(NULL), outFileName(NULL) { setFunc( FileDataCompareTime ); outFile = new ofstream(); statusBit = 0; } FileQueue::FileQueue(const char* fileName) { statusBit = 0; setFunc( FileDataCompareTime ); outFileName = new char[strlen(fileName)+1]; strcpy(outFileName, fileName); outFile = new ofstream(); ((ofstream *)outFile)->open(fileName, ios::out); if (!outFile->good()) { cout << "FileQueue: error opening file " << fileName << "\n"; exit(-41); } } FileQueue::FileQueue(int ): outFileName(NULL) { // We instantiate a out file queue for writing output to stdout. This // is done as follows: FileQueue is newed with the constructor having // the argument FileQueue::standardOut. This tells the file queue to // output all the data that it recieves to stdout and not to a file. // The file id is also accessed as FileQueue::standardOut. statusBit = 1; setFunc( FileDataCompareTime ); outFile = &cout; if (!outFile->good()) { cout << "FileQueue: error opening standard out " << "\n"; exit(-41); } } FileQueue::~FileQueue() { gcollect(PINFINITY); if(statusBit == 0){ // outFile->close(); delete outFile; delete [] outFileName; } } void FileQueue::close() { gcollect(PINFINITY); if (statusBit == 0) { ((ofstream *) outFile)->close(); // delete outFile; // delete [] outFileName; } } void FileQueue::open(const char* fileName) { outFileName = new char[strlen(fileName)+1]; strcpy(outFileName, fileName); statusBit = 0; outFile = new ofstream; ((ofstream *)outFile)->open(fileName, ios::out); if (!outFile->good()) { cout << "FileQueue: error opening file " << fileName << "\n"; exit(-41); } } void FileQueue::open(const char *fileName, ios::open_mode _mode) { outFileName = new char[strlen(fileName) + 1]; strcpy(outFileName, fileName); statusBit = 0; outFile = new ofstream; ((ofstream *) outFile)->open(fileName, _mode); if (!outFile->good()) { cout << "FileQueue: error opening file " << fileName << "\n"; exit(-41); } } void FileQueue::insert(FileData* newdata) { if (outFileName == NULL && outFile != &cout) { cout << "FileQueue error: writing data to an unopened file!" << "\n"; exit(-41); } #ifdef SEQUENTIAL // We don't need to insert and stuff in sequential. Just write it straight // to the file and get out. if (statusBit == 0) { outFile->seekp(0, ios::end); } *outFile << newdata->line << flush; delete newdata; #else //non-sequential ----------------------------------------------------------- register Container< FileData >* newelem = NULL; newelem = new Container; newelem->object = newdata; // Initialization necessary here since it is removed from Container() newelem->next = NULL; newelem->prev = NULL; // Mainlist update if (listsize == 0) { // empty list head = newelem; head->prev = NULL; tail = newelem; tail->next = NULL; } else { //non-empty list // insertPos can not be NULL because at least one element exists //A> newelem->object >= insertPos->object if(compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) >= 0) { // after insertPos // two cases to consider here //[a] newelem has to be inserted after insertPos as compare // returned value > 0 //[b] compare returned 0. In this case, we have to search // for the first element with the same id and time while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) >= 0) { insertPos = insertPos->next; } //now, insertPos is NULL if tail is reached (case 1); OR //it is the 1st element greater than the newelem (case 2) if(insertPos==NULL){ // (case 1) newelem->prev = tail; tail->next = newelem; tail = newelem; newelem->next = NULL; } } else { //B> newelem->object < insertPos->object while(insertPos != NULL && compare(newelem->object, insertPos->object) < 0) { insertPos = insertPos->prev; } //now, insertPos is NULL if head is reached (case 1); OR //it is the LAST elem <= the newelem (case 2) if(insertPos == NULL){ // case 1 newelem->next = head; head->prev = newelem; head = newelem; newelem->prev = NULL; } else { insertPos = insertPos->next; } } } // insertPos is pointing to NULL if tail or head // and otherwise it is pointing to the element behind insertion point if( insertPos != NULL ){ newelem->next = insertPos; newelem->prev = insertPos->prev; insertPos->prev->next = newelem; insertPos->prev = newelem; } insertPos = newelem; listsize++; /* #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //=========================================================== ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); string filename_string(outFileName); jacky_os << endl << "##### FILEQUEUE: insert into file [" << filename_string << "] fileQ size = " << listsize << " #####" << endl << flush; jacky_os << "\tinserting data: " << (*newdata) << endl << flush; printFileQ(jacky_os); jacky_os << "##################### fileQ END ######################" << endl << flush; #endif //====================================================================== */ #endif //end SEQUENTIAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- } //[2006-03-20] //this function is called in TW::outputGcollect(gtime, outputQptr[i]), which, in turn, is called //by GVTManager::gcollect() void FileQueue::gcollect(const VTime& gtime){ FileData *delptr; delptr = seek(0, START); //Jacky: go from the head of the FileQueue while(delptr != NULL && delptr->time < gtime) { //jacky: for all FileDate with time < gtime, remove the data from the fileQ, // and flush its content to the output files, and finally delete the data delptr = removeCurrent(); outFile->seekp(0, ios::end); *outFile << delptr->line << flush; delete delptr; delptr = get(); // get next element in the queue } if (delptr == NULL) { currentPos = NULL; } } void FileQueue::rollbackTo(const VTime& rollbackToTime){ FileData *delptr; #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //=========================================================== ostream& jacky_os = JackyDebugStream::Instance().Stream(); string filename_string(outFileName); /* jacky_os << "##### FileQ[" << filename_string << "]::rollbackTo(" << rollbackToTime.asString() << ") called, current file content is --->" << endl << flush; printFileQ(jacky_os); jacky_os << "##################### current fileQ END ######################" << endl << flush; */ #endif //====================================================================== delptr = seek(0, END); while(delptr != NULL && delptr->time >= rollbackToTime) { #ifdef FILEDBG cout << "FileQ: rollbackTo--deleted " << delptr << endl; #endif delptr = removeCurrent(); delete delptr; delptr = seek(0, END); // reset current to end of list } #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG //=========================================================== jacky_os << "##### FileQ[" << filename_string << "] after rollbackTo(" << rollbackToTime.asString() << "), new content is ===>" << endl << flush; printFileQ(jacky_os); jacky_os << "##################### after rollback fileQ END ######################" << endl << flush; #endif //====================================================================== } #ifdef JACKY_DEBUG string FileQueue::getOutFileName() const{ string filename(outFileName); return filename; } void FileQueue::printFileQ(ostream& os){ Container* pelement; unsigned i; i = 0; if (size() == 0) { os << "FileQ = (NULL)\n"; } else { for (pelement = getHead(); pelement != NULL; pelement = pelement->next) { FileData* dataptr = pelement->object; os << "fileQ[" << i << "] -> " << (*dataptr) << endl << flush; i++; } } } #endif //JACKY_DEBUG #endif //end FILEQUEUE_CC