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Advanced IDE for Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Event Systems

Matias Bonaventura, Gabriel Wainer and Rodrigo Castro

Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (DEVS'10) (DEVS 2010)
Orlando, ON, April 11-15 2010


Creating models and analyzing simulation results can be a difficult and time-consuming task, especially for non-experienced users. Although several DEVS simulators have been developed, the software that aids in the modeling and simulation cycle still requires advanced development skills, and they are implemented using non-standard interfaces, which makes them difficult to extend. The architecture and design of CD++Builder we present here can simplify the construction and simulation of DEVS models, facilitate model reuse and promote good modeling practices by allowing enhanced graphical editing and integration of tools into a single environment. The Eclipse-based environment includes graphical editors for DEVS coupled models, DEVS-Graphs and C++ atomic models (including code templates that are synchronized with the graphical versions). Integration with Eclipse also allows extensibility while simplifying software development, installation and updates.

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