Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference (ASTC 2000)


Preliminary Program


Symposium Details for the 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium



33rd Annual Simulation Symposium
Chair: Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thelssaloniki


Session Index

Symposium Keynote
Session 1: Parallel and Distributed Simulation I
Session 2: Network Modeling and Simulation
Session 3: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments I
Session 4: Simulation Based Performance Analysis I
Session 5: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments II
Session 6: VLSI Circuit Simulators
Session 7: Animations/Virtual Reality
Session 8: Parallel and Distributed Simulation II
Session 9: Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
Session 10: Simulation Based Performance Analysis II
Session 11: Simulation Languages, Tools and Environments III



Monday 10:30 - 11:30
Keynote Address
Modeling and Analysis of Software Aging and Rejuvenation
Professor Kishor S. Trivedi

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Monday 11:30 - 12:30
Session 1: Parallel and Distributed Simulation I
Chair: Teo Yong Meng, National University of Singapore

Grid-Based Data Management in Distributed Simulation
Rassul Ayani, Gary Tan, YuSong Zhang, Farshad Moradi, Nat’l Univ of Singapore, Singapore
State-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Time Warp Synchronization
Francesco Quaglia, Univ di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy

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Monday 1:30 - 3:00
Session 2: Network Modeling and Simulation
Chair: Karen Lentz, Tufts University

On QoS Multicasting Performance in Wide Area Networks
Tawfig Al Rabiah, Taieb F. Znati, Univ of Pittsburgh, USA
Optimal Resource Allocation for Multi-Service Networks
Robert Simon, B. Jukic, W. Sun Chang, George Mason University, USA
Modeling and Simulation of a Fault Tolerant ATM Switching Architecture
Muhammad Anan, Spring Telecommunications Company, USA
Mohsen Guizani, Univ of West Florida-Pensacola,USA

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Monday 3:30 - 5:30
Session 3: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments I
Chair: Robert Simon, George Mason University

DSPTune: A Performance Evaluation Toolset for the SHARC Signal Processor
David R. Kaeli, Suleyman Sair, Jose Fridman, Northeastern University, USA
Using the DEVS Paradigm to Implement a Simulated Processor
Gabriel A. Wainer, Alejandro Troccoli, Zlotnik Sergio, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Specifying Truck Movement in Traffic Models Using Cell-DEVS
Gabriel A. Wainer, Davidson Alejandra, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
An Environment for Formal Modeling and Simulation of Control Systems
Bernardo Copstein, M da Costa Mora, L. Ribeiro, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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Tuesday 8:30 - 10:00
Session 4: Simulation Based Performance Analysis I
Chair: David Kaeli, Northeastern University

Scheduling Strategies for Multitasking in a Distributed System
Helen Karatza, Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki, Greece
Discrete-Event Simulation of Timed Petri Net Models
W.M. Zuberek, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland, Canada
A Comparitive Evaluation of Sorted Priority Algorithms and Class Based Queueing Using Simulation
Phyllis Callinan, Mehdi Witwit, Frank Ball, Oxford Brookes University, UK

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Tuesday 10:30 - 12:30
Session 5: Simulation Languages, Tools, and Environments II
Chair: Wlodek M. Zuberek, Memorial University of Newfoundland

IRLSim: A General Purpose Packet Level Network Simulator
Andreas Terzis, Konstantinos Nikoloudakis, Lan Wang, Lixia Zhang, UCLA, USA
PUMP: A Program Understanding Tool for MODSIM Programs
Louis G. Birta, A.S. Bhullar, Univ of Ottawa, Canada
Simulation of a Telecommunication system Using SimML
Leonardus Budiman Arief, N.A. Speirs, Univ of Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Exploring CORSIM Runtime Characteristics: Profiling a Traffic Simulator
Marc Bumble, Lily Elefteriadou, Penn. State Univ., USA

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Tuesday 1:30 - 3:00
Session 6: VLSI Circuit Simulators
Chair: Taieb Znati, University of Pittsburgh

Handling Behavioral Components in Multi-Level Concurrent Fault Simulation
Karen Panetta Lentz, Jonathan B. Homer, Tufts University , USA
Field, Circuit, and Visualization Based Simulation Methodology for Passive Electronic Components
Benjamin Beker, George Cokkinides, Michael Sechrest, Univ of South Carolina, USA
Multiresolution Modeling of Power Converter Using Waveform Reconstruction
Enrico Santi, Yuwei Luo, Roger Dougal, Univ of South Carolina, USA

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Tuesday 3:30 - 5:30
Session 7: Animations/Virtual Reality
Chair: Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

A Methodology Centered on Modularization of QoS Constraints for the Development and Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Systems
Giancarlo Fortino, Libero Nigro, Univ della Calabria,Italy
Active Virtual Guide as an Apparatus for Augmented Reality Based Telemanipulation System on the Internet
Samir Otmane, M. Mallem, A. Kheddar, F. Chavand, Univ. of Evry Val-d’Essonne, France
Multiresolution Behavioral Modeling in a Virtual Environment
Veysi Isler, Gurkan Koldas, Middle East Tech University, Turkey
Approaches to Cognitive System Simulation Architectures and Animations
Kevin Reilly, Norman W. Bray, Michael K. Jackson, Univ of Alabama - Birmingham, USA

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Wednesday 8:30 - 10:00
Session 8: Parallel and Distributed Simulation II
Chair: Gary Tan, National University of Singapore

An Analytic Model for Predicting Simulation Parallelism
Teo Yong Meng, Wang Hong, Tay Seng Chuan, Nat’l Univ of Singapore, Singapore
On Learning Algorithms and Balancing Loads in Time Warp
Carl Tropper, M. Choe, McGill University, Canada
Efficient Distributed Simulation of Hierarchical DEVS Models: Transforming Model Structure Into a Non-Hierarchical One
Kihyung Kim, Kang, Sagong, Yeungnam University, Korea

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Wednesday 10:30 - 12:30
Session 9: Advances in Simulation Methodology and Practices
Chair: Stephen Morrisson, Tufts University

Mean Estimation Based on O-Mixing Sequences
E. Jack Chen, W. David Kelton, Univ of Cincinnati, USA
Sequential Dynamical Systems and Applications to Simulations
Stephan Kopp, C.L. Barrett, B.W. Bush, H.S. Mortveit, C.M. Reidys, LANL, USA
Simulation Optimization of Airline Delay Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Optimization
David W. Hutchison, Stacy Hill, Johns Hopkins University, USA
First Results on Formal Comparison of Several Stochastic Optimization Approaches
James C. Spall, David Stark, Stacy Hill, Johns Hopkins University, USA

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Wednesday 1:30 - 3:00
Session 10: Simulation Based Performance Analysis II
Chair: Carl Tropper, McGill University

Simulation-Trace-Based Component Performance Prediction
J. Jenny Li, J.R. Horgan, Telcordia Tech, USA
Development of an Object Oriented Simulation Engine for On-Line Simulation and Optimization
Appa Iyer Sivakumar, Chin Soon Chong, Gintic Inst., Singapore
Modeling and Simulation of a Network of Worstations with Wormhole Switching
Javier Molero, F. Silla, V. Santonja, Univ. Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

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Wednesday 3:30 - 5:30
Session 11: Simulation Languages, Tools and Environments III
Chair: Mohsen Guizani, University of West Florida

Integrating Discrete and Continuous Phenomena Models Into Practical Advanced User Interface Specifications
Stephen A. Morrison, Tufts University, USA
MICA: A Memory and Interconnect Simulation Environment for Cache-Based Architectures
Hung-Chang Hsiao, Chung-Ta King, Nat’l Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan
Performance Analysis of Multiprocessor Architectures Via Analytical Simulation
A.A. Veglis, A.S. Prombortsis, Aristotle Univ Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Dual Neural Network Models in Acoustic Propagation
Daniel C. Chin, Albert Biondo, Johns Hopkins Univ, USA

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