{{keywords>Gabriel_Wainer, Gabriel_A._Wainer, Wainer_Gabriel, Embedded_systems, Modelling, Modeling, Real_time_systems, real_time, Realtime, Embedded, simulación, DEVS, Cell_DEVS, Simulation, Discrete_event_simulation, computer_simulation, parallel_simulation, cellular_automata, cellular_models}} {{:gw.jpg?150|Gabriel Wainer}} **One funded PhD position is available in the area of Modeling and Simulation. Masters positions are available for Domestic students** **Research Interests**\\ - DEVS formalism\\ - Real-Time modelling\\ - Cellular models\\ - Modelling and simulation methodologies and tools\\ - Parallel/distributed/Web-based simulation\\ - Prof. Wainer is [[https://speakers.acm.org/speakers/wainer_14789 | Distinguished Speaker of ACM]] - Prof. Wainer is a Keynote Speaker at [[http://ds-rt.com/2022/keynote.html | IEEE DS-RT, Alès, France]] Follow @ARSLab_CU