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model_samples:start [2019/06/11 23:14]
model_samples:start [2019/08/13 23:09] (current)
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 | Flocking behavior Of Crowds (FlockingBehaviorOfCrowds_Videos.zip) | Simulation results for the flocking behavior Of Crowds with a processing-based simulator. {{:model_samples:flockingbehaviorofcrowds_videos.zip|Download videos}} ★|| | Flocking behavior Of Crowds (FlockingBehaviorOfCrowds_Videos.zip) | Simulation results for the flocking behavior Of Crowds with a processing-based simulator. {{:model_samples:flockingbehaviorofcrowds_videos.zip|Download videos}} ★||
 | Building Cell-DEVS Model using Triangular and Hexagonal Meshes (Hexagonal-Triangular Meshes.zip) | A model to simulate various physical systems in triangular and hexagonal meshes.{{:model_samples:hexagonal-triangular_meshes.zip| Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| | Building Cell-DEVS Model using Triangular and Hexagonal Meshes (Hexagonal-Triangular Meshes.zip) | A model to simulate various physical systems in triangular and hexagonal meshes.{{:model_samples:hexagonal-triangular_meshes.zip| Download model and sample simulations}} ★||
-| Hydraulic Fracturing using Lopez CellDEVS simulator (Hydraulic_Fracturing_Model.zip) | This model is developed towards implementing model that mimics the propagation of hydraulic fracturing in the near wellbore region. {{:model_samples:hydraulic_fra{{:model_samples:smog_model.zip|}}cturing_model.zip| Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +| Hydraulic Fracturing using Lopez CellDEVS simulator (Hydraulic_Fracturing_Model.zip)|This model is developed towards implementing model that mimics the propagation of hydraulic fracturing in the near wellbore region. {{:model_samples:hydraulic_fracturing_model.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
-| Information impact (Informationimpact.zip) | A CELL-DEVS model of information impact on individuals in social network. {{:model_samples:informationimpact.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +|Information impact (Informationimpact.zip)|A CELL-DEVS model of information impact on individuals in social network. {{:model_samples:informationimpact.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
-| Packing and shipping (packingAndShipping.zip) | A model to simulate product packing and shipping. {{:model_samples:packingandshipping.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +|Packing and shipping (packingAndShipping.zip)|A model to simulate product packing and shipping. {{:model_samples:packingandshipping.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
-| Protein folding (proteinFolding.zip) | A model to simulate protein folding in a two dimensional hydrophobic polar model where amino acids are classified to be either a hydrophobic amino acid or a polar amino acid. {{:model_samples:proteinfolding.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +|Protein folding (proteinFolding.zip)|A model to simulate protein folding in a two dimensional hydrophobic polar model where amino acids are classified to be either a hydrophobic amino acid or a polar amino acid. {{:model_samples:proteinfolding.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
-| Simulation of Corrosion (rust.zip) | The model has to simulate the 3-D corrosion growth on metal. {{:model_samples:rust.zip|Download model and sample simulations}}★|| +|Simulation of Corrosion (rust.zip)|The model has to simulate the 3-D corrosion growth on metal. {{:model_samples:rust.zip|Download model and sample simulations}}★|| 
-| Smog model-Lopez (Smog Model.zip) | M&S of smog over north-west India {{:model_samples:smog_model.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +|Smog model-Lopez (Smog Model.zip)|M&S of smog over north-west India {{:model_samples:smog_model.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
- | Salt and Pepper Noise Filtering (spNoise.zip) | A model to study how the Salt and Pepper noise is detected and removed from the image. {{:model_samples:spnoise.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| +|Salt and Pepper Noise Filtering (spNoise.zip)|A model to study how the Salt and Pepper noise is detected and removed from the image. {{:model_samples:spnoise.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
- +|Sympatric Speciation (Sympatric Speciation.zip) | The model has to simulate the process of sympatric speciation with 400 cells over different configurations of landscape and considering four types of individuals according to their genotypes. {{:model_samples:sympatric_speciation.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
- +| Water Level Indicator (WLI.zip) | A model for Water Level Indicator that measures the level of water in overhead tanks, wells or standpipes. {{:model_samples:wli.zip|Download model and sample simulations}}★|| 
- +| 1D Particle Filter Localization (1d_ParticleFilter_Localization2.zip) | A model of a particle filter based localization to observe and test localization strategies and different sensors.{{:model_samples:1d_particlefilter_localization2.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| Avian Flue (Avain_Influenza.zip) | Cell-DEVS models of the spread of Avian flu. {{:model_samples:Avain_Influenza.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| Crime Drug (CrimeDrugModel.zip) | Cell-DEVS model of drug usage, addiction, and related crimes in a high-risk community. {{:model_samples:CrimeDrugModel.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| Colonel Growth (GandR.zip) | Cell-DEVS of the relationship between colonel growth and genet survival under spatially localized disturbances. {{:model_samples:GandR.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| 5 Input Majority Gate (5Input_MajorityGate.zip) | 5 inputs and one output. The inputs take values 1 or -1 and the output is dependent on the majority inputs.{{:model_samples:5input_majoritygate.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| Agricultural Farm (Agricultural Farm.zip) | An agricultural farm model with three growing fields and rotating crops.{{:model_samples:agricultural_farm.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| 3D Pinball (3D PINBALL.zip) | A VISUALIZATION OF CELL DEVS MODEL – 3D PIN BALL.{{:model_samples:3d_pinball.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★|| 
 +| Assignment Submission Checker (AssignmentSubmissionChecker.zip) | Checks the validity of the submitted assignment by checking the submission time, possible plagiarism and Email ID the assignment is submitted to.{{:model_samples:assignmentsubmissionchecker.zip|Download model and sample simulations}} ★||
 ** [[http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/wainer/wbgraf/samples/search.php |   ** [[http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/wainer/wbgraf/samples/search.php |  
 Do a quick search on the file contents in this list]] ** Do a quick search on the file contents in this list]] **
model_samples/start.1560294881.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/11 23:14 by labstudents