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start [2010/01/18 16:20] gwainer created |
start [2013/02/03 04:29] (current) gwainer old revision restored |
In this webpage you'll find different models developed using the [[http://cell-devs.sce.carleton.ca|CD++ toolkit]]. You will be able to download all files including simulation results of those models, allowing to visualize them on-line using [[CD++ Modeler]] or our [[Web-Based Graflog]] applet. | In this webpage you'll find different models developed using the [[http://cell-devs.sce.carleton.ca|CD++ toolkit]]. You will be able to download all files including simulation results of those models, allowing to visualize them on-line using [[cd_ Modeler:start]] or our [[visualization_applet:start| visualization applet]] applet. |
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You can also download the manuals and samples from our repository. | You can also download the manuals and samples from our repository. |
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| <html> |
| <meta name=keywords |
| content="Embedded systems, Modelling, Modeling, Real-time systems, Real-Time, real time, Realtime, Embedded, simulacion, DEVS, Cell-DEVS , Simulation, Discrete event simulation, computer simulation, parallel simulation, cellular automata, cellular models"> |
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| <a href="http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCA312CA312&num=100&q=%22Discrete-Event+Modeling+and+Simulation%3A+A+Practitioner%27s+Approach%22+&meta="><v:shape id="_x0000_i1034" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:94.5pt;height:140.25pt'> |
| <img border=0 width=126 height=187 src="http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/wainer/index_files/image001.jpg" > |
| </a> |
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| Further details on the models can be found in this book. |
start.1263831604.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/18 16:20 by gwainer