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start [2010/01/19 04:44]
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gwainer old revision restored
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-In this webpage you'll find different models developed using the [[http://cell-devs.sce.carleton.ca|CD++ toolkit]]. You will be able to download all files including simulation results of those models, allowing to visualize them on-line using [[cd_ Modeler:start]] or our [[visualization_applet:start]] applet.+In this webpage you'll find different models developed using the [[http://cell-devs.sce.carleton.ca|CD++ toolkit]]. You will be able to download all files including simulation results of those models, allowing to visualize them on-line using [[cd_ Modeler:start]] or our [[visualization_applet:start| visualization applet]] applet.
 You can also download the manuals and samples from our repository. You can also download the manuals and samples from our repository.
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 </html> </html>
 +Further details on the models can be found in this book.
start.1263876247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/19 04:44 by gwainer