====== File Contents ====== Besides the general description found on these pages, each file contains is a detailed description. All of the sample files include the following: //FileName.MA//: The model description file //FileName.EV// (optional): external events file //FileName.LOG// (optional): A log file generated by the simulator //FileName.DRW// (optional): A file generated by the DRAWLOG tool, where the results can be seen in a matrix (only available with some cellular models) //FileName.VAL// (optional): A file with initial values for the model //FileName.BAT//: A script used to run the simulation with the correct parameters (Windows platforms only, but it can be simply modified to be used under other platforms). Generates a LOG file. //FileNameDRW.BAT// (optional): A script used to generate the .drw file \\ \\ DEVS models are written in C++, and they include: //NAME.CPP//: The C++ source code file of the NAME model. This file is needed to recompile the simulator properly (Download an example here!) //NAME.H//: The C++ header file of the NAME model. This file is needed to recompile the simulator properly Detailed information about how to create and modify new models can be found here.\\ [[http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4SKPB_enCA312CA312&num=100&q=%22Discrete-Event+Modeling+and+Simulation%3A+A+Practitioner%27s+Approach%22+&meta=|NEW Book on Modeling and Simulation]]