Constructing a Mobile Agent

Created by Tony White


This page deals with the construction of a mobile agent. It is intended to provide sufficient information such that a reader, along with the mobile code toolkit (MCT), can construct a class that, when instantiated, allows a mobile agent to migrate from one mobile code daemon to another. This is not a reference manual.

Text in red on this page relates to MCT or Java code; e.g. mct.users.SuperNetlet or onInit(java.util.Properties).

Table of Contents

The following sections are defined:
  1. Where to start
  2. Communicating between mobile agents
  3. Event management
  4. Migration

Where to start...

The MCT has been constructed with a large number of interfaces. However, wading through all of them, and implementing them correctly, takes quite some time. You are interested in getting that first mobile agent moving through the network! In that case, two classes should be consulted: mct.users.SuperNetlet and mct.users.SuperVirtualManagedComponent. In order to have your mobile code do something useful, it should minimally: and optionally: [Return to Table Of Contents]

Communicating between mobile agents

Mobile agents generally need to coordinate their activities, and will do so by passing messages between them. Inter-agent communication is supported in a location-transparent way. Agents need only know the identifier of the agent with which they wish to communicate; e.g. Barney[PUBLIC]@mct.examples.MyNetlet. Location-transparent inter-agent communication is supported by the configuration of a regional mediator. The mediator is notified of changes in location of mobile agents in order that it can advise the local communication facilitator of where to send a message. Both the mediator and communication facilitator  use mobile code directories for the storage of mobile agent location information.

Synchronous and asynchronous communication between mobile agents is supported. If communication activity is planned, the onMessage() callback should be implemented within the mobile agent class.

If a mobile agent is to support inter-agent communication, the following communication API, defined by the mct.users.MessagingAccess interface, must be supported:

mct.mediator.Message receive()

This method obtains a message for the mobile agent, waiting for one to arrive if one is not available. Note: there is no timeout on the receive() method, and the agent will wait forever for a message to arrive. Use receive(long) if your agent should not wait forever.
mct.mediator.Message receive(long)
This method obtains a message for the mobile agent, waiting for one to arrive for up to long msecs if one is not available. If zero msecs is used, the mobile agent will wait forever for a message to arrive.
mct.mediator.Message[] receiveAll()
This method obtains all messages that are currently waiting for the mobile agent, waiting for one to arrive if one is not available. Note: there is no timeout on the receiveAll() method, and the agent will wait forever for a message to arrive. Use receiveAll(long) if your agent should not wait forever.
mct.mediator.Message[] receiveAll(long)
This method obtains all messages that are currently waiting for the mobile agent, waiting for up to long msecs if one is not available. If zero msecs is used, the mobile agent will wait forever for a message to arrive.
boolean send(mct.mediator.Message)
This method sends a message to a mobile agent (the destination is stored within the Message object). The send is synchronous, the sending mobile agent waiting until the destination mobile agent reads the message. The sending mobile agent will wait forever for the destination agent to read the message; there is no timeout. The boolean return value of this method indicates whether the Message was successfully delivered.
boolean sendAsync(mct.mediator.Message)
This method sends a message to a mobile agent (the destination is stored within the Message object). The send is asynchronous, the sending mobile agent waiting until the message has been delivered to the mailbox of the destination mobile agent. The boolean return value of this method indicates whether the Message was successfully delivered.
boolean hasMessages()
This method returns true if a mobile agent has messages waiting for it, false otherwise.
mct.mediator.Message peek()
This method peeks at the mailbox, returning the first Message object should one be present. The Message object is not removed from the mailbox. If no message is present in the mailbox, null is returned. This method does not wait for an message activity on the mailbox; i.e. it is non-blocking.
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Event management

A local event management service is provided within the MCT through an event multicast mechanism, similar to that provided by the java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster. In later releases, region-wide event notification may be supported. A netlet must implement the mct.users.MCDInterface interface in order to be able to access the mct.admin.MCTEventMulticaster. Both the mct.users.SuperNetlet and mct.users.SuperVirtualManagedComponent provide this interface. The event multicaster is obtained using the getEventDispatcher() method. If security is enabled, a check on whether the netlet is allowed access to the event dispatcher is performed. Consult the security section of the mobile code daemon's properties file for information on how to set up a netlet trusted to access the event multicaster.

Two types of event notifications are supported:

Internal events relate to the lifecycle of a netlet. They capture the creation, destruction and migration of a mobile agent, along with callback-related events such as starting, stopping, suspending or resumption of a mobile agent's thread. The user definable events allow application-specific event notifications to be constructed. These interfaces do not use hard-coded callbacks, but use the reflective facilities provided in Java 1.1.*. Please consult java documentation on the java.lang.reflect package for more information on the reflective facilities provided in Java 1.1.*.

How to listen for netlet initialization, start, stop, suspend and resume events:

A netlet must register with the event multicaster for events of the class mct.users.CallbackEvent and must implement the interface mct.users.CallbackEventListener. The following table gives a mapping of netlet event to listening mobile code callback:
netlet initialization netletInitialized(mct.users.CallbackEvent)
netlet resumed netletResumed(mct.users.CallbackEvent)
netlet started netletStarted(mct.users.CallbackEvent)
netlet stopped netletStopped(mct.users.CallbackEvent)
netlet suspended netletSuspended(mct.users.CallbackEvent)

Registration for notification of  these events is via: addCallbackEventListener(mct.users.CallbackEventListener)
Deregistering for notification of these events is via: removeCallbackEventListener(mct.users.CallbackEventListener)

NOTE: deregistration for events occurs automatically when a netlet is destroyed, or migrates.

How to listen for netlet creation or destruction events:

A netlet must register with the event multicaster for events of the class mct.users.MCEvent and must implement the interface mct.users.MCEventListener. The following table gives a mapping of netlet event to listening mobile code callback:
netlet created addMobileCode(mct.users.MCEvent)
netlet destroyed removeMobileCode(mct.users.MCEvent)

Registration for notification of  these events is via: addMCEventListener(mct.users.MCEventListener)
Deregistering for notification of these events is via: removeMCEventListener(mct.users.MCEventListener)

NOTE: deregistration for events occurs automatically when a netlet is destroyed, or migrates.

How to listen for migration events:

A netlet must first register with the event multicaster for events of the class mct.users.MigratableEvent and implement the interface mct.users.MigratableEventListener. The following table gives a mapping of netlet event to listening mobile code callback:
netlet migration migrated(mct.users.MigratableEvent)

Registration for notification of  these events is via: addMigratableEventListener(mct.users.MigratableEventListener)
Deregistering for notification of these events is via: removeMigratableEventListener(mct.users.MigratableEventListener)

NOTE: deregistration for events occurs automatically when a netlet is destroyed, or migrates.

How to listen for user-definable events:

This facility provides the most general mechanism for local event agent-to-agent notification. A netlet must first register with the event multicaster for events of the class mct.users.MCTGenericEvent. Generic events can be injected into the system using the mct.admin.MCTEventMulticaster call notify(mct.users.MCTGenericEvent). Registration for notification of  these events is via: addGenericEventListener(mct.users.MCTGenericEventListener). Deregistering for notification of these events is via: removeGenericEventListener(mct.users.MCTGenericEventListener).

NOTE: deregistration for events occurs automatically when a netlet is destroyed, or migrates.

A mct.users.MCTGenericEventListener object allows the user to specify the object and method to be invoked when an event of interest is injected into the system. An event is of interest to a listener when the two events are equal; i.e. the method equal(mct.users.MCTGenericEvent) returns true. Two contructors are provided:

MCTGenericEventListener(mct.users.MCTGenericEvent, java.lang.Object, String, Class[])
mct.users.MCTGenericEvent The event of interest 
java.lang.Object The object to be notified when the event is of interest
java.lang.String The name of the method to be invoked when event is of interest
Class[] The types of the arguments associated with the above method name

MCTGenericEventListener(mct.users.MCTGenericEvent, mct.users.Receiver)
mct.users.MCTGenericEvent The event of interest 
mct.users.Receiver The receiver to be invoked when an event of interest occurs.

NOTE: while the mct.users.MCTGenericEvent is not an abstract class, it is intended that subclasses of it provide a useful implementation of the equals(mct.users.MCTGenericEvent) method as the implement provided merely tests the equality of the source attribute with that of the source attribute of the argument.

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There are essentially two forms of migration for a mobile agent:
  1. default
  2. user specified
With default migration, the mobile agent uses the method migrate(MobileCodeObject, boolean). The first argument is generally this, and the second, true. Using these arguments, the calling mobile agent will be migrated to the default destination as specified in the and statements of the mobile code daemon properties file. All of the examples in the demonstration use this form of migration.

User specified migration involves the mobile agent using the method migrate(MobileCodeObject, InetAddress, MCIdentifier). The first argument is generally this, the second is the IP address of the host to which the mobile agent wishes to migrate and the third is the identifier of the mct.admin.RemoteMigrationFacilitator installed on a mobile code daemon running there.

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