Class simu.test.TestCommunicator
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Class simu.test.TestCommunicator


public class TestCommunicator
extends Object
1.0 20-Mar-97
Andre Campeau

The TestCommunicator class is a test harness for the Communicator class. Testing of both sending and receiving capabilities of the Communicator is done.

See Also:
Communicator, TestSCPCommunicator

Constructor Index

 o TestCommunicator()

Method Index

 o main(String[])
The main method executes a number of test scenarios.
 o Send(int, String, String[])
The Send method connects with a dispatcher on the local host that is listening on a well-known port, receives the new anonymous port from the dispatcher, and finally opens another connection on this anonymous port to send data (and possibly receive a reply).


 o TestCommunicator
  public TestCommunicator()


 o Send
  public static void Send(int port,
                          String sendData,
                          String receiveData[])
The Send method connects with a dispatcher on the local host that is listening on a well-known port, receives the new anonymous port from the dispatcher, and finally opens another connection on this anonymous port to send data (and possibly receive a reply).

This method exercises the dispatcher connection and send capabilities of the Communicator class.

Preconditions: A dispatcher on the local host is listening on a well-known port.

Postconditions: Data is sent (and any reply is received) to the remote object over the socket connection.

port - The well-known port that the dispatcher is listening on.
sendData - The data to send to the remote end.
receiveData[] - Any received data. This is an array of size 1.
 o main
  public static void main(String args[])
The main method executes a number of test scenarios. These scenarios are:
  1. Create a Communicator listener daemon thread and verify that it can receive data and update a local Hashtable. After the last test is executed, the contents of the local Hashtable are printed to the standard output to verify its contents.
  2. Send the data "SHIP LINKS SNE1 SNE2 UP" to the SCP and verify that the data is entered into the SNED.
  3. Send the data "RECEIVE LOCAL SNE1 simIP" to the SCP and verify that a reply is received by printing the simIP to the standard output.
  4. Send the data "RECEIVE LINKS SNE1 SNE2" to the SCP and verify that a reply is received by printing the link status to the standard output.

This method exercises the dispatcher connection and send capabilities of the Communicator class (by calling the Send method), as well as the listener daemon capability of the Communicator class.

Preconditions: The Simulator Control Program (SCP) is running on the local host with its Dispatcher listening on a well-known port.

Postconditions: The operation of the Communicator class is verified. The operation of the Dispatcher and SCPCommunicator classes is also verified indirectly.

args[] - The listener port for the Communicator listener daemon and the port that the SCP's Dispatcher is listening on.

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