
Book Chapter

  1. Bieszczad, A., White, T., Mobile Agents for Network Management, in The Fundamentals of Network Management, eds. R. Glitho, S. Aidarous, Plenum books, 1999.


  1. White T., Pagurek B., and Bieszczad A., Network Modeling For Management Applications Using Intelligent Mobile Agents, accepted for publication in a special issue on Mobile Agents of the Journal of Network and Systems  Management to be published in September, 1999.
  2. White, T., Mann, J., and Smith G.D., Genetic Algorithms and Network Ring Design, Annals of Operational Research 86 (1999), pp. 347-371.
  3. Bieszczad, A., White, T., Pagurek, B., Mobile Agents for Network Management. In IEEE Communications Surveys, September, 1998.


  1. White, T., Pagurek, B., Distributed Fault Location in Networks using Learning Mobile Agents. To be presented at PRIMA '99.
  2. Tang, J., White, T., Pagurek, B., Glitho, R., Advanced Mobile Agent Architectures for H.323 IP Telephony.  To be presented at MATA '99.
  3. Raza, S.K., Pagurek, B., White, T., Plug and Play Network Service Configuration using CORBA. To be presented at SMARTNET '99.
  4. Boyer, J., Pagurek, B., White, T., Methodologies for PVC Configuration in Heterogeneous ATM Environments Using Intelligent Mobile Agents. To be presented at MATA '99.
  5. White T. and Pagurek B., Emergent Behaviour and Mobile Agents. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Mobile Agents in Coordination and Cooperation at Autonomous Agents '99, Seattle, May 1st-5th, 1999.
  6. White T. and Pagurek B., Application Oriented Routing with Biologically-inspired Agents. In Banzhaf, W., Daida, J., Eiben, A. E., Garzon, M. H., Honavar, V., Jakiela, M., & Smith R. E. (eds.).  GECCO-99: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, July 13-17, 1999, Orlando, Florida USA. San Francisco, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
  7. White T., Bieszczad A., Pagurek B., Sugar G. and Tran X., Intelligent Network Modeling using Mobile Agents. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM '98,  November 8th-12th, 1998, pp. 1082-1087.
  8. White T., Pagurek B., and Oppacher, F., Connection Management using Adaptive Agents. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'98), July 12th-16th, 1998, pp. 802-809.
  9. White T., Bieszczad A., Pagurek B., Distributed Fault Location in Networks Using Mobile Agents. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Agents in Telecommunications Applications (IATA '98), July 4th-7th, 1998, pp. 130-141.
  10. Bieszczad A., Raza S. K., Pagurek B., and White T., Agent-based Schemes for Plug-And-Play Network Components. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Agents in Telecommunications Applications (IATA '98), July 4th-7th, 1998, pp. 89-101.
  11. White T., Bieszczad A., Pagurek B., Sugar G. and Tran X., Intelligent Network Management using Mobile Agents. In Proceedings of the Second Canadian Conference on Broadband Research (CCBR '98), 22nd-24th June, 1998, pp. 376-384.
  12. White T., Pagurek B. and Oppacher F., ASGA: Improving the Ant System by Integration with Genetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of the Third Genetic Programming Conference (SGA '98), July, 1998, pp. 610-617.
  13. White T., Pagurek B., Towards Multi-Swarm Problem Solving in Networks. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS '98), July, 1998, pp 333-340.
  14. White T., Pagurek B., Oppacher F., Ant Search with Genetic Algorithms: Application to Path Finding in Networks, Combinatorial Optimization '98, Brussels, Belgium, April 15th-17th, 1998.
  15. White T., Mann J., and Smith, G., Visualization of Communities of Interest Using Genetic Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization '98, Brussels, Belgium, April 15th-17th, 1998.
  16. Abu-Hakima, S., Toloo, M. , White, T. . A multi-agent systems approach for fraud detection in personal communication systems. (Revision two.). Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97), Nagoya, Japan: pp. 1-8. August 23rd-29th, 1997.
  17. Suhayya Abu-Hakima, Mansour Toloo, and Tony White, A Multi-Agent Systems Approach for Fraud Detection in Personal Communication Systems (Revision 1), AAAI-97, Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Rhode Island, July 27th-31th, 1997, in print.
  18. Suhayya Abu-Hakima, Mansour Toloo, and Tony White, A Multi-Agent Systems Approach for Fraud Detection in Personal Communication Systems, Wireless'97, The Ninth Annual International Conference on Wireless Communications, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, July 9th-11th,1997, pp.399-408.
  19. Tony White and Niall Ross, An Architecture for an Alarm Correlation Engine, Object Technology 97, Oxford, April 13th-16th, 1997.
  20. White T., Ross, N., Fault Diagnosis and Network Entities in a Next Generation Network Management System, in Proceedings of EXPERSYS-96, Paris, France, October 21st-22nd, 1996, pp. 517-522.
  21. White, T., Mann, J., and Smith G.D., Genetic Algorithms and Network Ring Design, Symposium on Combinatorial Optimisation '96, London, March 27th-29th, 1996.
  22. White T., Ross, N., Virtual Entities and the Rainbow System Manager, in Proceedings of the Seventh BNR Design Forum, December 4th-5th, 1995 (won a best paper award).
  23. Mann, J., White, T., and Turner, J., Optimal Route Finding in ATM Networks Using Genetic Algorithms, in Proceedings of the Seventh BNR Design Forum, December 4th-5th, 1995.
  24. White, T. and Oppacher, F., Adaptive Crossover using Automata, Proceedings of the Third Parallel Problem Solving in Nature Conference (PPSN III), Jerusalem, October, 1994.
  25. Bieszczad, A. and White, T., Customization of Network Surveillance Expert Systems, In Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM'92, Orlando, FL, December, 1992, pp. 1250-1254.
  26. White, T., and Bieszczad, A., The Expert Advisor: An Expert System for Real Time Network Monitoring, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Real Time Expert Systems Technology, August, 1992.
  27. White, T., and Bieszczad, A., A Customization Environment for the Expert Advisor Network Management System, In Proceedings 9th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, May 11th-15th, 1992, pp. 82-89.
  28. Baird, C., and White T., A Real Time Network Monitor, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications, March, 1989, pp. 35-41.


  1. White, T., Deugo, D. and Ulvr, J., Object Transfer between Smalltalk VMs, Smalltalk Report, August, 1994.
  2. White, T., Swarm Intelligence and Problem Solving in Telecommunications, Canadian Artificial Intelligence Magazine, Spring, 1997.


  1. Pagurek, B., and White, T., A Quick Evaluation of H.323/H.450, Technical Report SCE-99-02, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, April, 1999.
  2. White, T., Routing with Swarm Intelligence. Technical Report SCE-97-15, Systems and Computer Engineering Department, Carleton University, September, 1997.

In preparation

  1. Raza, S.K., White, T., Pagurek, B., Network Service Configuration with Jini: A Plug and Play Approach. Under review.
  2. Raza, S.K., Pagurek, B., White, T., Distributed Computing for Plug and Play Network Service Configuration, Submitted to NOMS '00.
  3. Pagurek, B., Wang, Y., White, T., Integration of Mobile Agents with SNMP: How and Why. Submitted to NOMS '00.
  4. Tang, J., White, T., Pagurek, B., Glitho, R., Advanced Service Architecture for H.323 Internet Protocol Telephony, Submitted to INFOCOM '99.
  5. Ning, F., Ao, G., White, T., Pagurek, B., Dynamic Upgrading of Network Management Software by Software Hot-Swapping, Submitted to NOMS '00.
  6. White T., Evolving Optimally Reliable Networks by Adding an Edge.
  7. Bieszczad, A., Pagurek, B., White, T., Schramm, C., and Susilo, G., Programmable Networks and their Management using Mobile Code.
