Email: hussein@sce.carleton.ca |
Research Interests:
Thesis Description Optimal Packet Scheduling in Emerging Wireless Networks. A dynamic programming approach is used to find the optimal code allocation policy for 3G wireless packet network. The system was modeled by a Markov Decision Process (MDP), then solved using value iteration. Two main performance measures were taken into account: Overall system throughput and Fairness (in terms of average delay experienced by each user). The optimal policy was found to be of threshold type. A heuristic approach is devised and used to develop a heuristic policy that has near optimal performance with extremely low computation complexity as compared to the optimal policy determination. Simulations were conducted to evaluate the performance of this policy and to compare it to the optimal one. Theoretical proof of the policy type and behavior is also investigated using coupling argument and stochastic dominance techniques. To this end, we recently managed to proof a very interesting result that might have a significant impact on the dynamic resource allocation and scheduling in emerging wireless networks. We identified and provided a mathematical characterization of the class of optimal policies (MB policies) in a multi-server system of parallel queues with independent random queue-server connectivity. We proved the optimality of these policies theoretically using Dynamic coupling argument and stochastic dominance. We also provided a feasible practical implementation for such policy, namely the LCSF/LCQ policy. We provided an implementation algorithm for this policy. We also conducted performance evaluation of such policy and compared it to other policies using simulation. For more information about this problem please refer to my publications list. Biography Hussein got his B.Sc. (with honors) and his M.Sc. from the University of Technology-Electrical Engineering department-Baghdad and majored in Communication Engineering. He was a faculty member in Al-Mansour College University from 1995 to 1997. From 1997 to 2001, he was a faculty member at the Faculty of Engineering at Hoon - Tahaddi University. In 2002 he moved to Canada and started his second M.Sc. at Carleton University - Ottawa in 2004 and majored in Broad-Band Communication Networks. In summer 2005, he was upgraded to a PhD program. Now he is a post-doctoral fellow at Carleton University conducting research in the area of stochastic modeling and optimization in wireless networks, learning many modeling and analysis techniques such as Queuing Theory, Markov Decision Process, Dynamic Coupling methods, Sample Path Analysis, Fluid-Based Analysis, Stochastic Dominance, and many other techniques. § The Minister of Higher Education prize, for ranking the 2nd of 73 graduates in a 4 years B.Sc. program, University of Technology, Baghdad. § NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2 years, 2010. One of 285 awarded across Canada in Science & Engineering. § NSERC Visiting Fellowship, Defense R&D Canada, 2009. § NSERC-summer program in Taiwan, 2009. One of 8 awarded across Canada in Science & Engineering. § Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), held at Carleton University, 2008-2009. § Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Science and Technology (OGSST) Twice, 2005 and 2006. § Dr. Roger Kaye Memorial Award twice, 2007 and 2008, Carleton University. § Domestic Tuition Scholarship-Carleton University, for 4 years.