BASELINE(1) Baseline Reference Manual BASELINE(1)


baselinedistributed versioning control system


baseline [add [file or dir]] [branch -c | -l | -s] [cat -c] [commit -m] [diff] [help] [init] [log -c | -f | -n] [ls -c | -R] [version]


The baseline utility provides a command line interface to create or update a baseline repository. baseline is yet another open-source distributed versioning control system, modeled after git. baseline was made to be so simple following a suckless KISS design, and a clean KNF codebase. baseline is available under the terms of ISC, a permissive free software licence.


when baseline needs to launch a text-editor and the default editor is not specified in the repository configuration file, baseline will then look if the EDITOR environmental variable is set and or not, and if it is set baseline will attempt to use it.


This file contains the configuration options for a baseline repository.


The baseline utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


To find out which version of baseline is installed:
$ baseline version

To create a new repository in the current working directory:

$ baseline init

To add a specific file or directory to your staging area:

$ baseline add <filename>
Or, to add all files and directories to your staging area:
$ baseline add .

To commit your staged changes:

$ baseline commit -m 'my commit message'
If the -m flag was omitted, baseline will:

To display a diff or generate a patch between a commit and its parent:

$ baseline diff <commit id>
To display a diff between any two commits:
$ baseline diff <commit A id> <commit B id>

To list all commits:

$ baseline log
To list all commits starting from a specific commit:
$ baseline log -c <commit id>
To limit the number of commits being displayed:
$ baseline log -n <number of commits>
To format the output of log command:
$ baseline log -f <format>
Currently the log command supports the following specifiers for each commit:

To list files and directories:

$ baseline ls
To recursively list files and directories:
$ baseline ls -R
To list file and directories for a specific commit:
$ baseline -c <commit id>

To get the content of a certain file written to the stdout:

$ baseline cat </path/to/file>
You can easily redirect the output to any other file:
$ baseline cat </path/to/file> > myfile.txt
To get the content of a certain file within a certain commit:
$ baseline cat -c <commit id> </path/to/file>

To find the name of the current branch:

$ baseline branch
To list all the available branches:
$ baseline branch -l
To create a new branch from the current branch:
$ baseline branch -c <branch name>
To switch branches:
$ baseline branch -s <branch name>


The baseline utility was written by Mohamed Aslan <maslan [at]>.


baseline is currently in pre-alpha status, thus far from having any usefulness. That means you can play with it at your own risk.
December 4, 2014 OpenBSD 5.6