Workshop on Case-Based Agents

23rd International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
September 28, 2015
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Schedule ||
Papers ||
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Submission ||
Dates ||
Organizers ||
Program Committee
Schedule - Monday, September 28, 2015
Time |
Presentation |
9:00-9:15 |
David Aha and Michael Floyd
9:15-9:35 |
Flexible Plan-Subplan Matching for Plan Recognition in Case-Based Agents
Keith Frazer, Swaroop Vattam and David Aha
9:35-9:40 |
Transition between speakers
9:40-10:00 |
Predicting the Outcome of Small Battles in StarCraft
Antonio A. Sánchez-Ruiz
10:00-10:05 |
Transition between speakers
10:05-10:25 |
A CBR Approach to the Angry Birds Game
Adil Paul and Eyke Huellermeier
10:25-11:00 |
Coffee Break
11:00-11:35 |
Invited Talk
Hector Munoz-Avila
11:35-11:55 |
A Case-Based Framework for Task Demonstration Storage and Adaptation
Tesca Fitzgerald and Ashok Goel
11:55-12:15 |
Case-based Local and Global Percept Processing for Rebel Agents
Alexandra Coman, Kellen Gillespie and Hector Munoz-Avila
12:15-13:45 |
Lunch Break
13:45-14:05 |
Multi-Agent Case-Based Diagnosis in the Aircraft Domain
Pascal Reuss, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Alexander Hundt, Wolfram Henkel and Matthias Pfeiffer
14:05-14:10 |
Transition between speakers
14:10-14:30 |
Case Based Disruption Monitoring
Joseph Kann, Matthew Molineaux and Bryan Auslander
14:30-14:35 |
Transition between speakers
14:35-14:55 |
I Know What You're Doing: A Case Study on Case-Based Opponent Modeling and Low-Level Action Prediction 
Thomas Gabel and Eicke Godehardt
14:55-15:00 |
Workshop Closing
David Aha and Michael Floyd
Accepted Papers
- I Know What You're Doing: A Case Study on Case-Based Opponent Modeling and Low-Level Action Prediction - Thomas Gabel and Eicke Godehardt
- Case-based Local and Global Percept Processing for Rebel Agents - Alexandra Coman, Kellen Gillespie and Hector Munoz-Avila
- Predicting the Outcome of Small Battles in StarCraft - Antonio A. Sánchez-Ruiz
- Multi-Agent Case-Based Diagnosis in the Aircraft Domain - Pascal Reuss, Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Alexander Hundt, Wolfram Henkel and Matthias Pfeiffer
- A Case-Based Framework for Task Demonstration Storage and Adaptation - Tesca Fitzgerald and Ashok Goel
- Case Based Disruption Monitoring - Joseph Kann, Matthew Molineaux and Bryan Auslander
- A CBR Approach to the Angry Birds Game - Adil Paul and Eyke Huellermeier
- Flexible Plan-Subplan Matching for Plan Recognition in Case-Based Agents - Keith Frazer, Swaroop Vattam and David Aha
Agents are autonomous, heterogeneous, persistent, computing entities that interact with the environment through sensing, effecting, and communicating. Situated agents must not only cope with limited computational resources, but also plan and act with incomplete models of an environment that is dynamic, partially-observable, and non-deterministic. Case-based reasoning (CBR) emphasizes reasoning effectively in complex situations using imperfect knowledge of the world by leveraging past experiences and learning from history. There exists a natural synergy between these two disciplines (i.e., agents and CBR). Both have witnessed tremendous progress in the recent past, but there have been few dedicated meetings on their intersection. The objective of this workshop is to engender cross-fertilization of ideas between these two topics and highlight recent advances that are of mutual interest.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- CBR and agent architectures
- Models of agency
- Reactive and deliberative approaches
- Agent development methodologies and frameworks
- Evaluation of agent architectures
- CBR and agent reasoning
- Integrated planning and acting
- Goal reasoning for agents with changing goals
- Plan recognition and theory of mind
- Metacognition
- Recovery from failure
- CBR and agent communication and coordination
- CBR for dynamic multi-agent environments
- Case-based teamwork and coordination
- Case-based negotiation and collective decision-making
- CBR and agent learning
- Self-improving CBR agents
- Case-based learning by observation/demonstration
- CBR and reinforcement learning
- CBR and multi-strategy learning
- Applications: CBR and...
- Robotics
- Virtual agents (e.g., Game AI, simulation and training environments, interactive story-telling)
- Web agents (e.g., recommender agents)
- Intelligent decision aids
This workshop will be held on 28 September 2015 as part of the ICCBR 2015 workshop series in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This workshop is open to all interested conference participants, but may be limited by available room facilities.
We plan to invite some senior members of the CBR community to discuss their work on this topic. Potential attendees are encouraged to submit papers (based on the guidelines below) but we also welcome attendance of those who do not wish to submit a paper. The Organizing Committee will select a subset of the submitted papers for oral presentation and, possibly, poster presentation. In addition, we will arrange a panel that addresses popular interests among the participants. Time for discussion sessions devoted to specific topics of interest will also be reserved, as will time for brief demonstrations.
Please contact the workshop co-chairs with any specific questions.
Paper submissions should be formatted according to the ICCBR 2015 Conference instructions (using the Springer LNCS formatting guidelines). The following submissions are accepted:
- Full papers: maximum 10 pages in length
- Short papers (preliminary work): maximum 5 pages in length
- Position papers: maximum 5 pages in length
- Demonstration papers: maximum 8 pages in length
All papers will be reviewed by qualified reviewers drawn from our Workshop PC.
To submit a paper, please use with the EasyChair system. Please ensure you submit to the CBA Workshop submission site and not the general ICCBR 2015 submission site.
Important Dates
June 26, 2015 July 10, 2015: Paper submissions due
July 26, 2015 August 12, 2015: Acceptance decisions announced
- August 25, 2015: Camera-ready submission due
- September 28, 2015: Workshop (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Program Committee
- Klaus-Dieter Althoff, University of Hildesheim, Germany
- Daniel Borrajo, University of Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
- Sutanu Chakraborti, IIT Madras, India
- Alexandra Coman, Ohio Northern University, USA
- Amélie Cordier, Claude Bernard University of Lyon 1, France
- Santiago Ontañón, Drexel University, USA
- Miltos Petridis, University of Brighton, UK
- Jonathan Rubin, Palo Alto Research Center, USA
- Swaroop Vattam, Naval Research Laboratory, USA