Nariman Mani PhD , Electrical and Computer Engineering
Information |
(September 2009- May 2015) PhD Candidate of Systems and Computer
Engineering at Carleton University, Department of Systems and Computer
Engineering , Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. • (January
2007- December 2008) M.Sc. Software Engineering at University of
Calgary, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. |
URL: http://www.sce.carleton.ca/~nmani/
of Systems and Computer Engineering 1125
Colonel By Drive Ottawa,
Ontario K1S 5B6
Canada |
- Catia Trubiani, Antinisca Di Marco, Vittorio Cortellessa, Nariman
Mani, Dorina Petriu,
" Exploring Synergies between Bottleneck Analysis and Performance Antipatterns ” Published in the Proceedings of
the 5th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'14)
, Research Papers Track ,Dublin, Ireland, 2014 (March 22 to March 26, 2014) (Acceptance Rate : 30%) -
Mohammad Moshirpour, Nariman
Mani, Armin Eberlein, and Behrouz
H. Far, "Model Based Approach to Detect Emergent Behavior in
Multi-Agent Systems” Published in the Proceedings of the Twelfth
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent
Systems (AAMAS2013) , Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2013 (6th - 10th May 2013) (Acceptance Rate: 23%) - Nariman Mani, Dorina Petriu , and Murray Woodside,
" Propagation of Incremental Changes to Performance Model due to SOA
Design Pattern Application” To appear in the Proceedings of the 4th
ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'13) ,
Research Papers Track ,Prague, Czech Republic, 2013 (April 21 to April 26,
2013) - Nariman Mani, Dorina Petriu , and
Murray Woodside, " Studying the Impact of Design Patterns on the
Performance Analysis of Service Oriented Architecture” in the Proceedings
of the 37th Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications , Model-Based Development, Components
and Services (MOCS) track ,Oulu, Finland, 2011 (August 30 to September 2,
2011) (Acceptance Rate : 30%) - Nariman Mani, Dorina Petriu , and Murray Woodside , “Towards Studying the
Performance Effects of Design Patterns for Service Oriented Architecture” in
the Proceedings of 2nd ACM/SPEC International Conference on
Performance Engineering (ICPE'11) , Karlsruhe, Germany , March 14-16 , 2011
Publisher : ACM New York, NY, USA - Nariman Mani, Vahid Garousi, and Behrouz H. Far,
"Runtime Monitoring of Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Deadlock
Detection Based on Models" in the 21st IEEE International Conference
on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 09), Newark, New Jersey, USA,
2008 (2-4 November 2009) (Acceptance Rate : 26%) - Nariman Mani, Vahid Garousi, and Behrouz H. Far,
"A UML-Based Conversion Tool for Monitoring and Testing Multi-Agent
Systems," in the 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with
Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 08), Dayton, Ohio, USA, 2008, pp. 212-219 (Acceptance Rate : 29%) - Nariman Mani, Vahid Garousi, and Behrouz
H. Far, "Testing Multi-Agent Systems for Deadlock Detection Based on
UML Models," in the 14th International Conference on Distributed
Multimedia Systems (DMS 08), Boston, USA, 2008, pp. 77-84. - Nariman Mani, Vahid Garousi, and Behrouz H. Far, "Monitoring Multi-agent Systems
for Deadlock Detection Based on UML Models," in the 21st IEEE
Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 08) -
Computer Systems and Applications, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2008, pp.
1611-1616. |
Nariman Mani, Vahid Garousi,
Behrouz H. Far, “Search-based Testing of
Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Deadlock Detection Based on UML Models”,
Special issue of the International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), pp. 417-437, vol. 19, no. 4, August 2010
Interests |
• Software
Performance Engineering • Model
based software development methodologies |
in Refereed Conferences: • Title:
“Propagation of Incremental Changes to Performance Model due to SOA Design
Pattern Application” Time:
April 21st , 2013 • Title:
“Studying the Impact of Design Patterns on the Performance Analysis of
Service Oriented Architecture” • Title:
“Runtime Monitoring of Multi-Agent Manufacturing Systems for Deadlock Detection
Based on Models”
PhD: • Performance
Analysis of SOA •
Tractability links in SoaML • Studying
Change Propagation due to application of Design Patterns in the SOA (Designed
using SoaML) • Studying
the impact of design patterns on performance analysis of service
oriented architecture • Propagation
of design pattern changes with Incremental Transformation from Design Model
to Performance Model • Design
and development of service oriented web application using .NET and J2EE to be
used as the case study for performance analysis research • Worked
with techniques for design and analysis of performance model of service
oriented systems using Layered Network Queuing Solver (LQNS) tool M.Sc. : |
© 2013, Nariman Mani
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
Carleton University