This is a simple web application example to show how ASP .Net works.
This description is also available in plain text file here.

Development Environment: Microsoft ASP .Net Web Matrix / Window XP

Development Language: VB, C#

Function Description:
User can log in the system using UserID and password. New userID can be created by registration. After log in, user can browse project information, submit and retrieve files to and from existing projects. User with administrator position can create new projects.

Platform and Tools Installation:
(following operations are suitable for windows XP. Please note the order of installation is important. Midorder can result failure in the application)

  1. install IIS
  2. Control Panel -> add or remove programs, choose add/remove windows components. In Windows Components Wizard window, check Internet Information Services and then follow the wizard. (Windows XP CD or any disks contain I386 directory is needed.)
  3. install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package
  4. It can be downloaded here
  5. *install Web Matrix
  6. (This installation is optional. It is only useful if you want to modify or develop the source code by yourself. ) It can be downloaded here.

Download and install "File Management" web application

  1. download file, unzip it to any directory, e.g. C:\myWeb.
    A subdirectory named "fileManagement" will be created automatically. In the following we willuse %unzippath% denote the unzip directory. i.e. here %unzippath% = "C:\myWeb"
  2. modify the web.config file.
    You can find this file under %unzippath%\fileManagement. Open it using notepad. Modify the value of key "fileManagementRootPath" to %unzippath%\fileManagement\

          <add key="fileManagementRootPath" value="E:\dotNetSpace\fileManagement\"/>
    in the file web.config, change it to
            <add key="fileManagementRootPath" value="C:\myWeb\fileManagement\"/>
    save the file and close it.

  3. Publish the web application:

  4. After publishing, you can find a sub Web named fileManagement under Default Web Site right click fileManagement, choose Properties. In the file Properites window, in tab Virtual Directory, be sure both Read and Write boxes are checked. Under Documents tab, check Enable Default Document box, add "login.aspx" into default documents. Click ok to close it. In IIS window, choose Default Web Site, stop and restart it.

Now you can access your web site at http://localhost/fileManagement on your local machine or at http://yourhostIP//fileManagement from other computer.
