Hi, all:
This e-mail is being sent to the Early Bird Masters group.  To be added to or removed from this e-mail list, just let me know (lynnmarshall@sympatico.ca).  I plan to send out e-mails approximately once per week with general program information and updates.
Welcome to the Early Birds group!  I look forward to working with you this summer.
Thanks to those who have submitted their questionnaires (Andy, David, Alan, Katie, Will, Bernie and Penny).  If you have not yet completed a questionnaire and prefer an electronic version, let me know and I'll send you one.  In any case, please return the questionnaire to me on Friday or early next week.
As I believe that everyone needs to set goals to improve, I have asked you to pick one or two events to focus on for the first seven weeks (until June 22nd).  For those who will be continuing on in July and August, we will then have another ten week cycle.  If you are also working towards any other competitions, let me know.
You will be doing a "time trial" in your chosen event(s) on Monday (May 14th) or Wednesday (May 16th) next week.  If you are not able to make those dates, you can do your time trial this Friday (May 11th).  You'll then do a second time trial for the same event(s) during the week of June 18-22nd.  If you'd like to use the starting blocks, please arrive 10min early to help set them up, and stay after practice to remove them! 
Here's a list of events chosen so far:
Andy: 50 breast and 100IM
David: 50 free and 50 back
Alan: 1500 free
Katie: 50 free and 50 fly
Will: 50 free and 50 breast
Bernie: 100 breast and 100IM
Penny: 400 free and 200IM
And some other information from the forms received to date:
Number one reason for swimming with Masters:
  General fitness: 4 people
  Keep fit for Varsity: 2 people
  Fun/Social aspects of training with a coached group: 1
Number one thing to work on this session:
  Endurance: 3
  Speed: 1
  Freestyle technique: 1
  Fly technique: 1
  Everything(!): 1
Some people have expressed interest in swimming in Masters competitions (in pools and open water).  Lots of information can be found at: http://www.sentex.net/mso/, or ask me for details.
There is some interest in special clinics and open water swims.  I'll pass along more details in early June.
Some of you have asked about occasionally attending different Masters workouts from those you've signed up for (due to conflicts, etc.).  Feel free to swim at 8:30am instead of 7:30am or vice versa.  There's also no problem with attending the occasional evening workout (6:00-7:10pm Mon, Tue, Thu), but please let me know so that I can ensure the evening coaches are in the loop.
Please note the following cancellations: Monday May 21st (Victoria Day) and Saturday May 26th (pool booked for a triathlon).  Renee, Penny and Brooke (and perhaps others?) will be competing in the triathlon -- go, Carleton, go!!
Good luck to Will who will be competing in the National Underwater Hockey championships in Edmonton over the May long weekend!  I'll be in Calgary that weekend for the Masters Nationals, so Carleton will be well represented in Alberta!
I will be away from May 18th-May 25th.  Sharon Yake will be coaching those morning workouts.  You'll be in good hands!  When I return on May 28th, we'll start doing more specific training related to your chosen event(s). 
I've set up a (really really) basic web page at http://lynnmarshall.tripod.ca/index.html, and any suggestions for additions/improvement are most welcome.
If you have anything you'd like me to include in the Early Birds e-mails, just send it in.
That's it!  See you at the pool.