Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #11                        Sunday, July 22nd, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (44 addresses); Whitecaps (39 addresses)
Men's Locker Room Break-Ins: Saturday July 21st
During Masters on Saturday morning, several lockers in the men's change room were broken into.  The thief (thieves?) took a credit card, while leaving the rest of the wallet intact (money and other credit cards)!  Luckily, the missing credit card was noticed and reported before any charges were put on it, so the only loss was several damaged locks.  (The break-ins were reported to Carleton security.)  As we're normally the only group at the pool on Saturday mornings, bringing your valuables on deck may be safer.  At busier times, choose a locker in a high-traffic area to make it more difficult for thieves.
Stretching and Injury Prevention Clinic: Monday August 13th 7:30pm
There will be a stretching and injury prevention clinic held at Carleton University Athletics after Monday evening Masters on Monday August 13th at 7:30pm (Room TBA) for members of Carleton Masters.  There is a $5 cost for this clinic and we will have two speakers: Dr. Patrick Faloon (Chiropractor) and Bill Rhodenizer (Physiotherapist).  Please let your coach know ASAP if you would like to attend as the session will be rescheduled if fewer than 15 swimmers can make it on that date.
Update Mini-Swim Camp: Weekend of August 11-12th or 18-19th 
There has been some interest in a weekend mini-swim camp/clinic, on either the weekend of August 11-12th or August 18-19th.  The plan is two 2hr sessions, one on Saturday from 10am to noon (after Masters), and one on Sunday from 9:15-11:15am.  Cost for registered Carleton Masters would be $20 for one session and $30 for both ($25/$40 for Carleton Athletics members/students who are not registered with Masters, and $30/$50 for non-members).  A minimum of 15 participants is required for this to go ahead, and we'll pick the weekend that the highest number can attend.
So far we have 5 people who are interested in August 11-12th (Tamsin, George, Isla, Evelyn, and one non-Carleton person), and 7 who are interested in August 18-19th (Tamsin, George, Lisa H, Deb O, Mihkel, Dave B and one non-Carleton person).  Please help the coaches by ensuring your lane mates are aware of the proposed camp (as some people miss the announcements, and not everyone has e-mail).
We'll ensure a good student to coach ratio.  Interested coaches include Masters Head Coach Kristi, Varsity Head Coach John, Claudia and myself.  The tentative outline for the sessions is:
Session 1: freestyle technique
Session 2: more freestyle technique (if required), freestyle skills (open and flip turns), backstroke/breaststroke technique (as time permits)
Session 1: freestyle technique and skills (open and flip turns, racing starts, open water sighting), and if time permits, backstroke technique and skills (turns, starts)
Session 2: backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly technique and skills (turns, starts)
Advanced/Varsity: If there is the space and the interest, we will also offer two long workouts (at a reduced cost [free to Varsity swimmers!] as there would be less one-on-one interaction): 
Session 1: long workout: distance or sprint session
Session 2: long workout: sprint or distance session
Please let me know by August 1st (by phone, e-mail or in person) if you are interested in participating, your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), what you want to improve/learn, which session(s) you are interested in, and which of the two weekends (or both) that you're available. We will announce by August 4th if the camp is a "go" and the dates.  If we don't get enough interest for August we'll organize something in the fall.
Private Masters Lessons
Several people have requested private Masters coaching, so Steve Baird has put together a summer schedule (thanks, Steve!) with me (Lynn) as the coach.  If you are interested, please talk to me for details and/or book through the Athletics Office (520-4480).
Times available (Sunday, July 22nd to Sunday, September 2nd):
Day       Time        Pool Space
Monday    6:30-7:30am Deep
Tuesday   7:30-8:30am Shallow
Wednesday 6:30-7:30am Deep
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm Shallow (not July 25th)
Thursday  7:30-8:30am Shallow
Friday    6:30-7:30am Deep
Sunday    5:00-6:00pm Shallow
Sunday    6:00-7:00pm Shallow
Fees for Carleton Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions   Members     GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $35.00    $2.45    $37.45    $35.00+GST
2           $65.00    $4.55    $69.55    $32.50+GST
3           $90.00    $6.30    $96.30    $30.00+GST
4          $112.00    $7.84   $119.84    $28.00+GST
5          $132.00    $9.24   $141.24    $26.40+GST
Fees for Non-Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions  Non-Members  GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $50.00    $3.50    $53.50    $50.00+GST
2           $85.00    $5.95    $90.95    $42.50+GST
3          $115.00    $8.05   $123.05    $38.33+GST
4          $142.00    $9.94   $151.94    $35.50+GST
5          $162.00   $11.34   $173.34    $32.40+GST
(Note that times and costs will be reviewed in September.)
Runners Needed!  Kristi and Mits are going to be participating in the Labatt's Blue 24 Hour Relay (running not swimming!) to raise money for the Royal Ottawa Hospital and the Rehab Centre. Their team is looking for runners between 6:00 and 10:00am on Sunday, August 19th.  Please email Kristi at if you are interested in helping out (they welcome anyone who is willing to go around the 3.2km track).
Volunteers Needed!  On the morning of Sunday, August 26th, a Kids-of-Steel triathlon (age 7 to 18) is being held at CFB Ottawa near the Aviation Parkway and Hemlock Road area.  Kristi is one of the race directors and I am the swim coordinator.  The swim will be held in the base 4 lane 25yd outdoor pool.  We will need 10-12 volunteers to help with the swim (you'd need to be there by 8:30am).  Duties will involve counting lengths (you get a paper and pen, unlike in workout!), and general organization (ensuring kids are in the right place for their swim start, checking names/numbers, explaining safety rules, etc.).  Lots more volunteers will be needed in the transition zone, and on the bike and run courses.  Volunteers will get a free meal after the race.  Carleton Masters volunteers will also receive a $5 rebate on the 2-day fee for the August swim camp (if it goes ahead).
Weekly Carleton Masters Social Events:  Those new to Masters may not know of the two weekly Masters social (eating) events.  On Thursday evenings after Masters a group goes for dinner at a nearby restaurant (meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm to decide on venue).  On Saturday mornings after Masters a group goes for brunch, normally at the Greek Souvlaki House at Prince of Wales and Baseline (meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am for a head count).  All are welcome!
A few summers ago, a group of us went swimming regularly at Meech Lake at 8:30am on Sunday mornings.  If there is any interest in starting this up again or arranging a session for open water beginners, let me know.
Triathlon Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Graham Beasley Triathlon, Carleton Place, Sunday July 15th (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run): 117 competitors
Charles Shadeed (Whitecaps): 19th overall and 2nd in men's 45-49: 2:24:06
Renee Robert (Early Birds): 107th overall and 2nd in women's 45-49: 3:08:28
Carleton "Alumni":
Andy Robert: 103rd overall and 4th in men's 50-54: 3:05:47
ITU World Triathlon Championships, Edmonton, Saturday July 22nd (1500m swim, 40k bike, 10k run):
Rudy Hollywood (Whitecaps): 10th in men's 55-59 (2nd Canadian): 2:21:18 (way to go, Rudy!)
Carleton "Alumni":
Marc Pelletier: 5th in men's 40-44 (2nd Canadian): 2:01:27
You may be interested in checking out Rudy's website:, which will allow you to register (it's free!) to receive a daily e-mail on multi-sport and triathlon in the Ottawa area, including inspiring race reports, as well as classifieds and a training log.
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  I'd like to keep track of my workouts and progress.  Is there an on-line tool you'd recommend?  Want a High-Tech Log Book
Dear W. H. T. Log Book:  Rudy's website, (mentioned above), has a basic swim (and bike and run) training log.  It's free to sign up, but will only track total distance (not the workout details).  You can also sign up for the kilometer club at Carleton, and record your daily distance in a book at the pool.  You then get awards when you reach certain milestones.  I think the one-time cost is around $15.  I prefer to use a notebook (non-electronic!) to record the actual workout with pace times and my swim times, as well as total distance.  Does anyone know of any other (on-line) tracking tools?
Swimming Gear
Bernie Sloan (Early Birds) was in Montreal last weekend and picked up Diffusion Aquasport's summer catalog, which is now posted on the Masters bulletin board.  Diffusions Aquasport carries a wide range of bathing suits and goggles.  Thanks, Bernie!
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes
Congratulations to all who have done time trials over the past two weeks!  We'll be re-doing the time trials at the end of August, and hoping for some improvement.  If you didn't get a chance to do your time trials yet, or will be away at the end of August, please let me know and we'll work out alternate arrangements.
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence September 17th.
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
Happy Laps!