Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #111                     Sunday, March 6th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Fall/Winter 2004/2005 plus "Alumni":  High Intensity (10 members), 6:30am Earlybirds (22 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (42 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (94 addresses), Nightcaps (38 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (9 members).

Workout Cancellation: Sat Mar 12th
Please note that on Sat Mar 12th there will be no Masters swim workouts (8-9am OR 9-10am) due to the annual Canoe show at Carleton. 
Winter Program Registration
If you are planning to swim and haven't yet registered, please do so as soon as possible.  Whitecaps is now full, but there is room in all other programs.  Note that the 6:30am Earlybirds started on February 23rd. Details on the Masters programs offered are given both on our web site: and on the Athletics web site at: (bottom of page).  You can register on-line by following the links from:, or you can drop by or call (520-4480) the 2nd floor Athletics office during business hours: 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.
Swimmer Notes
More Lane 2 Pregnancies!:  Congratulations to Fiona H (Whitecaps "B", lane 2) due in August, and Sarah F (7:30am Earlybirds, lane 2) due in September, joining Tamara (due June) and Dawn W (due July) both in 7:30am Earlybirds, lane 2.  This is baby #2 for Fiona, and #1 for Sarah, Tamara and Dawn.  It seems like lane 2 is the place to be if you want to expand your family (and belly)!
Swim Meet Photos:  Thanks to George (photographer), Jose (scanner), and Francois A (photo editor) for some recent swim meet photos (January Technosport meet and February Winterlude meet) which have been put up on-line at:  Francois also sent an additional photo showing good lane etiquette (although I think there may be some drafting going on!).
Carleton University Magazine:  Renee Robert (8:30am Earlybirds) is featured in the Winter 2005 Carleton University Magazine in an article on "Women in the Weight Room".  Renee is an avid triathlete and has been lifting weights since 1976, when it was very rare to see women working out.  Check out the article at:
Zone Sports Interview:  Sheila Kealey (Whitecaps "A") is interviewed in the March 2005 Zone Sports News (p.14) on her skiing and other sports, including swimming.  She mentions how handy the Masters Child Safety Supervision is for parents who want to keep fit as well as encourage their children to do the same.  Check it out at: 
Runners Web Interview:  Jamie Stephenson (High Intensity 1), who won the Triathlete award at the recent Ottawa Sports Awards, was interviewed recently on the Runners Web.  Jamie mentions how much he enjoyed training with the Varsity Team this season:    
Swimming and Sports Psychology:  Here are some interesting articles on swimming sports psychology (lots!): and
Carleton Swim Suits:  Some polyester TYR Carleton suits are still available.  Men's suits are $24.50 and women's are $47.  They will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so let me know if you are interested, along with your suit size.  Here's what's left: women's: 28, 30, 34, 36; men's 30, 32, 34, 38.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Heartwood House Fundraiser:  Nightcaps coach Louise is selling tickets to Heartwood House's annual fundraising concert featuring the Barra MacNeils and the Sue Fay Healy Irish Dancers which will be held at Centrepointe Theatre on Thursday March 17, 2005 at 7:30pm.  Tickets are $40 and the seats being sold are the best in the House.  Heartwood House, located at 153 Chapel street houses various non-profit organizations, including Frontier College (a literacy organization, where Louise works).  Anyone interested in tickets (they make great Christmas gifts!) can e-mail her at or talk to her on deck. 
Apartment for Rent in Sandy Hill:  Quiet triplex, large, 1 bedroom, den, bright, hardwood floors, parking. 3
blocks from the University of Ottawa and the transitway. Available May 1st $885 plus hydro.  Contact Tarek Raafat (Whitecaps "A" / Varsity Coach): e-mail:; phone: 298-2603.   

Winter Session Information
The workout themes are posted on the web site (, as are some workout abbreviations that may be useful for new swimmers.  If you have any questions about the program, please ask your coach or me.
Here are the attendance statistics for the first 9 weeks of the term (first 1.5wks for 6:30am Very Earlybirds).  Note that attendance is not taken on Saturday morning.  Congratulations to the 12 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance to date! 
6:30am Earlybirds (Feb 23-Mar 4th; 5 workouts; range 10-16; avg. 13.0)
Perfect: Andy J, Sean
Missed 1: Jennifer E, Larry, Leslie, Mits, Ray A
7:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3-Mar 4th; 27 workouts; range 10-22; avg. 16.7)
Perfect: Leona, Tom S
Missed 3: Mary-Lou
Missed 4: Heather S
8:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3-Mar 4th; 27 workouts; range 10-16; avg. 12.9)
Perfect: Alan H, Margaret K
Missed 1: Susan N-Y (I said that she'd missed 2 last time, but that was my error -- sorry, Susan!)
Missed 2: Penny
6pm Whitecaps "A" (Jan 3-Mar 3rd; 27 workouts; range 18-36; avg. 25.7)
Perfect: Cam, Don W, Joanne D
Missed 3: Pete L
Missed 4: Jose, Pat B
6pm Whitecaps "B" (Jan 3-Mar 3rd; 27 workouts; range 11-25; avg. 18.9)
Missed 1: Ursula
Missed 4: Francois P, Marg E

8pm Nightcaps (Jan 6-Mar 3rd [excludes Jan 4th]; 17 workouts; range 9-20; avg. 13.3)
Perfect: Anna P, Brad W, Tony P
Missed 1: Joanie C
Missed 3: Jessica K
Missed 4: Eric I
Masters Swimming Competitions
If you want to compete in the 2004-2005 Masters Swimming season, contact Lynn for full details.  Your MSO (Masters Swimming Ontario) registration is good until December 31st, 2005. 
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
Fri Apr 1 - Sun Apr 3rd Masters Provincial Championships, Sault-Ste-Marie.  Full details at:
Fri Apr 15 - Sun Apr 17th Quebec Masters Provincial Championships, Trois-Rivieres.  Contact:
Sat Apr 9th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa.  Warm up: 7:45am.  Meet runs 8:30-10:30am followed by free breakfast.  Events: relay, 400fs, 200IM, 100fl, 50bk, 200fs, 50br, 50fs, 100br, 100fs, 50fl, 100bk, relay.  Cost $25 (unlimited events).  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at by Wed Mar 30th.
Sat May 7th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa (Long Course = 50m pool).  Warm up: 7:45am.  Meet runs 8:30-10:30am followed by free breakfast.  Events: relay, 50fl, 100fs, 200IM, 100bk, 50fs, 100br, 50bk, 100fl, 50br, 200fs, relay.  Cost $25 (unlimited events).  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at Wed Apr 27th.
Fri May 20 - Mon May 23rd Masters National Championships, Etobicoke.  Full details at:
Sat May 28th Technosport Distance Meet, U of Ottawa (Long Course = 50m pool).  Warm up: 7:45am.  Meet runs 8:30-10:30am followed by free breakfast.  Events: relay, 800fs OR 1500fs, relay.  Cost $25 (unlimited events).  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at by Wed May 18th.
July 22 - 31st World Masters Games, Edmonton.  Full details at:
Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
Sat Feb 5th: Winterlude Triathlon
Apologies to Vincent S (7:30am Earlybirds) who I missed last time.
Vincent S: 43rd in men's 40-49 and 125th overall in 1:05.30
Fri Feb 11th - Sun Feb 13th: OUA (Ontario University) Swim Championships
Coach Louise participated in this competition, completing her 5th (and final) year of eligibility.  She swam well in all her events, including a lifetime best 200m fly!  She was also a member of two relays (4x50MR and 4x200FR) that placed very well and were close to all-time Carleton Varsity records.
Sat Feb 19th: Rideau Speedeaus Meet
Five Carleton swimmers participated: Bill C, Aaron, Lynn, Chris H, Francois A, as did coach Danny (swimming for Technosport).  Here's how everyone did:
Francois A (Earlybirds; 45-49) 1st: 200fs (2:21.63), 1500fs (19:50.59), 200br (2:51.11) -- all club records and PBs! (5th in age group)
Bill C (Whitecaps "B"; 40-44): 3rd: 200br (PB); 4th: 50bk; 5th: 100br; 6th: 50br; 11th: 100fs (PB); 13th 50fs (PB) (14th in age group)
Chris H (7:30am Earlybirds; 30-34): 1st: 50bk, 50br, 50fl, 100IM; 2nd: 50fs (1st in age group)
Aaron M (Whitecaps "A"; 25-29): 1st 50fl, 100IM (8th in age group)
Lynn (Whitecaps "A"; 40-44): 1st: 200fs, 400fs, 1500fs, 200bk, 200br, 400IM (1st in age group and overall for women)
Danny (Whitecaps "A"; 35-39): 1st: 100fs, 400fs, 800fs (swimming IM!), 200bk, 200br, 400IM (1st in age group and tied for 1st overall for men)
Carleton placed 5th overall out of 14 teams.  The updated club records have been posted on the web site and on the bulletin board.  Full results of the meet are at:
Sat Feb 19th - Sun Feb 20th: LaSalle Masters Meet
Lina V participated in this meet.  She won all her events and all in great times for this point in the season, especially in the 200br which was just outside her club record set 3 years ago!
Lina V (Whitecaps "A"; 50-54): 1st: 50fs, 50br, 100br, 200br, 50fl, 100IM
Sat Feb 19th - Sun Feb 20th: Keskinada Ski Loppet
I hope I have everyone this time.  If I missed you, let me know!  Full details at: and results only at: http://www.sportstats.caSheila has written a race report available at:
25km Classic:
Jo-Ann H (8:30am Earlybirds): 290th overall, 87th woman and 15th in her age group in 2:24
Lisa O (Whitecaps "B"): 358th overall; 115th woman and 5th in her age group in 2:43
50km Classic:
Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds): 281st overall; 37th woman and 12th in her age group in 4:46
28km Free:
Margie B (Whitecaps "A"): 225th overall; 55th woman and 9th in her age group in 2:11
Andre M (Whitecaps "B"): 285th overall; 209th man and 39th in his age group in 2:31
Natalie A (8:30am Earlybirds): 298th overall; 77th woman and 14th in her age group in 2:32
Jose (Whitecaps "A"): 297th overall; 215th man and 41st in his age group in 2:37
50km Free:
Jamie S (High Intensity 1): 37th overall; 37th man and 11th in his age group in 2:35:39.0
Sheila (Whitecaps "A"): 58th overall; 2nd woman and 1st in her age group in 2:41:40.0
Vincent S (7:30am Earlybirds): 399th overall; 358th man and 68th in his age group in 4:22
Sat Feb 26th: American Birkibeiner (World Ski Loppet Series)
Congratulations to Sheila (Whitecaps) who placed 12/525 in the women at this super fast elite event (just 6 days after the Keskinada).  Sheila's race report is available at:
Sat Feb 26th: Defiboreal 100km Skate Ski; Forestville, QC
James Y (6:30am Earlybirds) and Tom M (x-Whitecaps "A") participated in this gruelling event.  Tom finished 8th in 6:20:42 and James was 12th in 6:44:08.  Congratulations, guys!  Full details at: wrote a very long race report, which is available on TriRudy.
Sun Feb 27th: Peterborough 1/2 Marathon
Debbie G (6:30am Earlybirds) participated in this, her first 1/2 Marathon.  Out of 541 competitors, Debbie placed 402nd.  She was the 104th woman and 23rd in her age group in 2:06.26.  Congratulations, Deb!! Here's her inspiring race report (from TriRudy):
It is safe to say that I could not have run any harder than I did in the race. To start with, the sun was shining and although it was about -8 to -10 degrees, I was still able to run with no gloves on.
The first 1 mile I was rocking and feeling good. My HR was at 183, which is almost Z4 and I was worried that I would be hurting the latter part of my run by going so fast now. But, I was feeling so good and strong - I wanted to see how long I could keep it up. I drove the course the day before so I knew kilometres 3-11 were all hills and some of them pretty steep (although none were more than 150m). So my strategy was to go slow up the hills and then use the momentum to sprint down them. It worked well. The last 1-2 hills started to get pretty tough though and I was happy when 11 km was behind me. (I did my first 10km in 59min - they had a clock up at the 10km mark).
The next 5km (11-16km) was a slight incline and things started to get hard. I managed to keep my HR at high Z2, but not much Z3 (so around 174-178). The run was gorgeous, so that kind of helped and I managed to pass a number of people along the way and that gave me confidence (I have never passed anyone in a race before).
I did not bring water on me, so relied on the aid stations. I took Gatorade at 4km, but spilled it all over me and it got sticky, so I decided to stick to water. I ate breakfast at 9:30am (a big one) and then started the race at 12:30pm. So, I had a gel at 3km, 8km, 11km and 16km. The last gel was hard to get down and my stomach did not like it. I do not think that I could have taken a 5th gel without getting a stomach ache.
The last 5km of the race was a slight decline - but by then I was hurting a lot. I was in mid Z2 and I knew that I had slowed down. My legs were really sore, my feet hurt - but I was mentally prepared to feel that way because I knew that I was putting in a solid effort at the beginning of the race. I talked my way through it and then sprinted the last 400m (well, it felt like a print, but not sure I was actually sprinting!). I knew at the 10km mark that I would be able to finish close to 2:06 - which was my dream goal and I think that it what got kept through the latter half of the race.
So - after taking a photo of me kissing the medal they gave to all the people who completed the race - my next thought was: how fast can I do this next year?

Sat Mar 12th: Technosport Arthur Inglis Memorial Swim Meet
A large contingent of Carleton swimmers will be participating.  If you are looking for something to do given that there are no Masters workouts this date, spectators are most welcome!  The meet is at the University of Ottawa (Montpetit Hall) and will run from 8:30-10:30am.
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  My shoulders are very sore and, while I'm not sure if the original injury is from swimming, swimming certainly makes them worse.  Is it ok for me to swim?  Sore Shoulders
Dear S. Shoulders:  It's very important to have your injury diagnosed properly and to get advice from a qualified professional as to whether it's ok to swim, and whether there are certain strokes that should be avoided temporarily or permanently.  Until proper diagnosis has been made, avoid anything that causes pain!  The best shoulder guy I know in Ottawa is Brian Christie at the Ottawa Sports & Health Clinic, 31-2615 Lancaster Rd, 737-4742.  He's an Athletic Therapist which isn't covered by all medical plans, but his attitude is to get you better in the minimum number of visits and his prices are very reasonable.  He's great with shoulders, especially "Masteritis" -- his name for Masters swimmers with sore shoulders.  Note that his treatments can be quite painful, but they do really help.
Dear Coach:  Can you explain the timing of the arms in backstroke?  I'm having real problems coordinating the arms so that there isn't a break in propulsion after each arm pull.  Struggling Backstroker
Dear S. Backstroker:  Just like in freestyle, you want to swim a partial "catch-up" in backstroke.  This means that you always want to have one of your arms propelling you through the water, which won't work if your arms are 108 degrees away from each other.  Ideally you want the arm above your head to start its stroke only when the other arm is straight up (hand pointing at the ceiling) -- i.e. 90 degrees apart at that point in the stroke.  It helps if you move the arm in the air faster than the arm underwater.  You also need to ensure a good body roll on backstroke.  You can do a drill where you pause when your arms reach the 90 degree apart position described above.  When you pause, the shoulder of the arm pointing at the ceiling should be well out of the water.  Ask your coach to have a look at your stroke if this isn't clear!
Dear Coach:  What does "hypoxic" mean?  You mentioned this in the last newsletter, related to breathing patterns.  Just Curious?
Dear J. Curious:  It means "without oxygen".  Training where we are controlling the breathing through fairly high breathing patterns is called hypoxic training.  Note that holding your breath for very long periods of time while swimming is very dangerous and should be undertaken with great care! 
Dear Coach:  When I do flip turns, I start with one or both arms above my head.  In the last newsletter, you said I should start with both arms at my sides.  Does it really matter?  New Flipper
Dear N. Flipper:  While it is possible to do a flip turn starting with a breaststroke like motion of the arms above your head, the amount of speed you can get from this is pretty small and thus the turn will be very slow.  It's much quicker to start with the arms at your sides.  Ask your coach for help, if you're not sure how to do this.
Dear Coach:  Sometimes, due to reasons beyond my control, I'm very late arriving at the pool for workout.  Do you mind if I'm late?  Tardy Swimmer
Dear T. Swimmer:  Of course, while it's ideal to arrive a few minutes early for workout so that you have time for stretching and chatting, I realize that it's not always possible.  As long as you are happy to join a lane that has space (maybe not your usual lane), and you are able to warm up during the main set without interfering with the other swimmers, then it's not a big issue.  The key thing is to avoid disrupting those who are already swimming!
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
Available Lesson Slots in March/April:
Wed 3:30-4:30pm: Mar 16
Thu 7:15-8pm: Mar 17
Lesson slots for May/June will be announced soon.
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out the week’s workouts on Sunday.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!