----- Original Message -----
From: Lynn Marshall
To: Steve Baird ; Tim Kilby ; Mits Kachi (work) ; Lynn Marshall at Carleton ; Lynn Marshall ; Louise Hayes ; Kristi Dean (home) ; Heather McBurney (home) ; Claudia Cronin-Schlote ; Blake Christie ; Danny Finch
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 9:22 AM
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #115

Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #115                    Sunday, April 24th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Fall/Winter 2004/2005 plus "Alumni":  High Intensity (10 members), 6:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (44 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (26 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps (93 addresses), Nightcaps (38 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (13 members).

(Note that this is an extra long newsletter as it contains the end of term summary!)

Pool Shutdown
The Winter Masters sessions have ended (Thu Apr 21st and Fri Apr 22nd were the last workouts).  The pool is closed for annual maintenance from Sat Apr 23rd through Sun May 8th, inclusive.  There will be no $3 workouts during this time as there will be no water in the pool ;-) !  Note that the facility (weight room, etc.) is open Sat Apr 23rd to Fri Apr 29th, but the entire facility is closed Sat Apr 30th through Sun May 8th.
Places to Swim
Several of you have asked for suggestions on pools to swim at during the Carleton shutdown.  There are lots of other pools in Ottawa, though some are very warm.  Both the Champagne and Ottawa U pools are reasonable temperatures, and I'm sure there are others that are ok, too.
The list of City of Ottawa pools, prices, and public swim hours can be found here: http://www.ottawa.ca/city_services/recreation/swimming/index_en.shtml.
The Ottawa U pool schedule is available at: http://www.uottawa.ca/sports/english/recreational/swim_montpetit.html (note the schedule changes May 2nd).
Finally, if you'd prefer to train with another Masters team for the two weeks, a list of Ottawa area Masters teams and contacts is available here: http://www.mastersswimmingontario.ca/clubs/placesottawa.htm.
Spring/Summer Sessions
The Spring Masters sessions will start on Mon May 9th.  Details and prices are below, on the Masters web site: http://carletonmasters.tripod.com, and on the Carleton Athletics web site: http://www.carleton.ca/athletics.  Spring/summer workout themes will be posted on the web site before the next session starts.  Registration is open for both May-June and July-August.  Note that we have separated registration for May/June and July/August this year so that you can more easily join Masters for just May/June, just July/August, or switch groups between May-June and July-August.  Please note the new Saturday morning time for July/August.  You will be able to register on-line for the programs, but memberships must be purchased through the Athletics office, now on the main floor, next to the new Tuck Shop (520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F).  Please make an effort to register before the next session starts to guarantee your spot and to ensure that the coaches have up to date class lists.  (The office is open during the pool/facility shutdown.)
6:30am Earlybirds: MWF 6:30-7:30am, and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (May/June); Sat 10-11am (Jul/Aug)
7:30am Earlybirds:
MWF 7:30-8:30am, and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (May/June); Sat 10-11am (Jul/Aug)
8:30am Earlybirds (Spring Only): MWF 8:30-9:30am, and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am
Spring Session: Monday, May 9th to Wednesday, June 29th; Members Only: Cost $70 + $4.90GST = $74.90
Summer Session: Monday, July 4th to Friday, September 2nd; Members Only: Cost $82 + $5.74GST = $87.74
Whitecaps: MTuTh 6-7:10pm, and Sat 8-9am OR 9-10am (May/June); Sat 10-11am (Jul/Aug)
Spring Session: Monday, May 9th to Thursday, June 30th; Members Only: Cost $72 + $5.04GST = $77.04
Summer Session: Monday, July 4th to Thursday, Sept 1st; Members Only: Cost $84 + $5.88GST = $89.88
Child Safety Supervision:
M/Tu/Th 6:00-7:10 pm (May-August), and Sat 9-10am (May/June only) (6-12 children)
Spring Session: Monday, May 9th to Thursday, June 30th; Members Only: Cost $62 (no GST)
Summer Session: Monday, July 4th to Thursday, September 1st (evenings only, no Saturday safety supervision offered); Members Only: Cost $56 (no GST)
Spring/Summer Cancellations (all groups): No workouts Saturday, May 21st (Earlybird Triathlon), Monday, May 23rd (Victoria Day); Friday, July 1st (Canada Day); Saturday, July 2nd (Canada Day Weekend); Monday, August 1st (Civic Holiday); Saturday, September 3rd (Labour Day Weekend); Monday, September 5th (Labour Day). Also note that the Saturday schedule is 8-9am OR 9-10am May/June and 10-11am ONLY July/August.
Spring/Summer Athletics Facility Changes
Several changes are planned at Carleton Athletics for May-August.  Full details can be found at: http://www.carleton.ca/athletics/programs/summer_programs/.  Here's a summary.  Carleton students who swim with Masters, please note the first bullet.
  • Students not taking a spring or summer course must purchase a membership to use the Athletics facilities from May-August. Cost of this student four month membership is $69.42 + GST.
  • The fitness centre will open at 8am on Sundays for May-August (instead of 11am).
  • ID must be shown to access the fitness centre.
  • The field house is closed May-August, except for rentals and sports camps.
  • The new cardio room is closed May-August (cardio machines are available in the fitness centre).
  • Evening and weekend pool hours for July-August have changed slightly.
    Thu Apr 21st End of Session Dinner / Program Evaluation Focus Group
    Thanks to the 20 swimmers at the end of session dinner who provided input to Jim Lee's draft questionnaire.  The full questionnaire will be made available via the web in late May or June.
    Swimmer Notes 
    Band Concert:  The National Capital Concert Band presents its Spring Concert on Wed May 4th at Brookfield High School Auditorium.  The concert starts at 8:00 pm.  Admission: $8.00, Students/Seniors: $5.00.  The band will perform works by Weber, Holst, Milhaud, Dvorak, Gounod, Elgar and a concerto for clarinet by Artie Shaw.  Peter Frayne (x-Whitecaps) plays 2nd French Horn in this band.
    Theatre Outing:  Susan M (7:30am Earlybirds) and Lynn (Whitecaps "A") (along with some non-swimmer friends!) are planning to attend GCTC's "The Last Liberal" at 8:30pm on Sat May 7th.  This production is directed by GCTC's Managing Director Charles McFarland (also a 7:30am Earlybirds swimmer).  Information on the production is available at: http://www.gctc.ca/seasons/04-05/liberal.html, and box office information at: http://www.gctc.ca/boxoffice.  If anyone else is interested in joining us, you are most welcome.  As it's unlikely we'll all be sitting together, we're also planning to go for dinner before the show, likely to Dar Tajine.  Let Lynn know if you are interested.
    Orpheus Choral Group Performance:  Sean Kelly (6:30 Earlybirds) and Ursula Scott (Whitecaps "B") are performing in the Orpheus Choral Group's Fundraiser "Broadway and Beyond, Act III - A Cabaret of Orpheus Performers" on Wed May 18th, 7:30pm at Centrepointe Theatre. Tickets are $18 and are available from the Centrepointe Theatre Box Office (580-2700).  
    Earlybird Triathlon:  The annual Early Bird Triathlon is hosted by Somersault at Carleton University every May.  This year the date is Sat May 21st.  Note that Masters will be cancelled that morning due to the triathlon, so if you want to swim, you'll have to do the triathlon!  Full details at: http://www.somersault.ca/2may21.html.
    Carleton Summer Waterpolo League:  This mixed league is open to all.  It includes skill development sessions, informal scrimmages and league games. No water polo experience is necessary, however participants must be strong swimmers. 
    Times: Sun 4:30-6:30pm, and Wed 6-8pm
    Dates: Sunday, June 26th to Wednesday, August 31st; Cost $50 + $3.50GST = $53.50.
    Cancellations: Sunday, July 2nd (July 1st Weekend) and Sunday, July 31st (Civic Holiday Weekend)
    Carleton Swim Suits:  Some polyester TYR Carleton suits are still available.  Men's suits are $24.50 and women's are $47.  They will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so let me know if you are interested, along with your suit size.  Here's what's left: women's: 28, 30, 34, 36; men's 30, 32, 38.
    Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
    Winter Session Summary
    Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Winter session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 

    The term ended with 5 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance!!  Congratulations to Alan H (8:30am Earlybirds), Cam and Joanne D (both Whitecaps "A"), Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds), and Tom S (7:30am Earlybirds).  There were also 5 swimmers who missed just 1 workout: Anna P (Nightcaps), Brad W (Nightcaps), Don W (Whitecaps "A"), Joanie C (Nightcaps), and Tony P (Nightcaps).
    6:30am Earlybirds (Feb 23-Apr 22nd; 25 workouts; range 9-18; avg. 13.3)
    Missed 2: Leslie H
    Missed 3: Andy J
    Missed 4: Sean K
    Missed 6: Mits
    7:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3-Apr 22nd; 47 workouts; range 9-22; avg. 16.3)
    Perfect: Tom S
    Missed 5: Leona
    8:30am Earlybirds (Jan 3-Apr 22nd; 47 workouts; range 9-16; avg. 12.9)
    Perfect: Alan H, Margaret K
    Missed 3: Penny
    Missed 5: Susan N-Y
    6pm Whitecaps "A" (Jan 3-Apr 21st; 48 workouts; range 15-36; avg. 25.0)
    Perfect: Cam, Joanne D
    Missed 1: Don W
    Missed 4: Pete L
    6pm Whitecaps "B" (Jan 3-Apr 21st; 48 workouts; range 8-25; avg. 17.7)
    Missed 5: Ursula

    8pm Nightcaps (Jan 6-Apr 14th [excludes Jan 4th, Apr 12, 19, 21st]; 28 workouts; range 9-20; avg. 12.5)
    Missed 1: Anna P, Brad W, Joanie C, Tony P
    Missed 3: Elizabeth P, Jessica K
    Time Trial and Relay Summary:
    The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done at the end of the Winter session, and includes the relay splits I have (and was able to figure out with reasonably accuracy!).  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here and you're curious, just e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001.)
    The coaches are pleased to report that 20 women and 22 men improved in at least one event!  Lisa O (Whitecaps "B") had the biggest improvement of 14.4sec/100m in her 1500fs -- just over 3.5 minutes!  (Lisa was also in the top 3 of the most improved in the Fall!)  Others improving by over 10sec/100m were Heather McB (Whitecaps "A"/Coach) 13.7/100m in 1500fs, Victoria (Nightcaps) 12.5/100m in 1500fs, Louise R (Whitecaps "B") 11.8/100m in 800fs, and Laurie O (8:30am Earlybirds) 10.2/100m in 1500fs.  Most improved on the men's side was Alan H (8:30am Earlybirds) with 6.4sec/100m in his 100fs.  Congratulations to all those who improved, especially those improving in multiple events!
    The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 20 women (16 non-Varsity/Coach) and 26 men (15 non-Varsity/Coach) scoring 400 points or above in at least one event.  Top Masters performers were Lauren F (6:30am Earlybirds) in 1500fs (685pts), followed very closely by Steve Morris (Whitecaps "A") in 50fs (684pts).  Others scoring over 600 were Veronica (Whitecaps "A") 650pts in 50bk, Blair C (Whitecaps "A") 633pts in 50fl, Aaron M (Whitecaps "A") 621pts in 50fs, and Crystal C (Whitecaps "A") 614pts in 50br.      
    The top 3 improvements and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 
    VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, PS = Pool Staff  (Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
    Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
    Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 
    Women: (20)
    1.  Lisa O       14.4/100m (WCB):   1500fs
    X.  Heather McB  13.7/100m (WCA):   1500fs
    2.  Victoria     12.5/100m  (NC):   1500fs
    3.  Louise R     11.8/100m (WCB):    800fs
    4.  Laurie O     10.2/100m (EB2):   1500fs
    5.  Heather A     9.4/100m (VEB):     50fs
    6.  Andrea M      8.5/100m (WCB):    800fs
    7.  Colette K     7.6/100m (EB2):     50fs
    8.  AnhThu        6.8/100m (VEB):    100fs
    9.  Debbie G      6.3/100m (VEB):   1500fs
    10. Cheri R       5.4/100m (WCA):     50fl
    11. Chia          4.9/100m (EB2):   1500fs
    12. Leona         4.6/100m (EB1):    100fs
    13. Jocelyn L     4.0/100m (WCA):   1500fs
    14. Natalie A     3.1/100m (EB2):    200fs
    15. Nicole D      3.0/100m (WCA):     50bk
    16. Debby W       2.6/100m (WCA):     50fs
    17. Jen L         2.2/100m (EB2):     50fs
    18. Susan N-Y     1.0/100m (EB2):     50bk
    19. Elizabeth P   0.5/100m  (NC):   1500fs
    Men: (22)
    1.  Alan H        6.4/100m (EB2):    100fs 
    2.  Mike D        6.0/100m (EB1):    200fs  
    3=. Larry D       5.0/100m (VEB):     50fs
    X=. Andy J        5.0/100m (VEB):     50fs
    4.  Sebastien     4.1/100m (EB2):   1500fs
    5.  Steve Morris  4.0/100m (WCA):     50fs
    6=. Jose          3.9/100m (WCA):   1500fs
    6=. Chris H       3.9/100m (EB1):   1500fs
    8.  Aaron M       3.7/100m (WCA):   1500fs
    9.  Tom S         3.6/100m (EB1):   1500fs
    10. Mike S        3.3/100m (EB1):   1500fs
    11=.Eric T        3.2/100m (WCA):     50fs
    X=. Tim K         3.2/100m (WCA):     50fl
    12. Pete L        2.5/100m (WCA):    100IM
    13=.Dave B        2.0/100m (VEB):    100fs
    13=.Matt T        2.0/100m (EB1):     50fs
    X.  Keegan        1.3/100m (VEB):   1500fs
    X.  Tarek         1.2/100m (WCA):   1500fs
    15. Don W         1.0/100m (WCA):    800fs
    16. Tony P        0.8/100m  (NC):   1500fs
    17=.Cam D         0.2/100m (WCA):     50fs
    17=.Rich I        0.2/100m (WCA):     50fs
    Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
    All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.
    Women: (20)
    1.  Lauren F (VEB)    1500fs    19:29: 685 points
    2.  Veronica (WCA)      50bk     34.1: 650 points
    X.  Heather Macd (V)    50fs     30.4: 645 points
    3.  Crystal C (WCA)     50br     38.9: 614 points
    4.  Susanne R (VEB)     50fs     32.9: 532 points
    X.  Paola O (V)         50fs     33.1: 524 points
    5.  Jocelyn L (WCA)   1500fs    22:15: 495 points
    X.  Heather McB (WCA) 1500fs    22:20: 490 points
    6.  Sheila K (WCA)     100fs   1:15.2: 475 points
    X.  Barb P (VEB)        50fs     34.5: 470 points
    7.  Marie R (WCA)       50fs     34.7: 463 points
    8.  Debby W (WCA)       50fs     35.0: 453 points
    9.  Lina V (WCA)        50br     44.5: 435 points
    10=.Jen L (EB2)         50fs     35.7: 429 points
    10=.Margie B (WCA)      50fs     35.7: 429 points
    10=.Natalie A (EB2)     50fs     35.7: 429 points
    13. Lisa O (WCB)        50fs     35.8: 426 points
    14=.Chia (EB2)          50fs     35.9: 422 points
    14=.Nicole D (WCA)      50fs     35.9: 422 points
    16. Elaine Y (WCA)      50fs     36.0: 419 points
    Men: (26)
    X.  Tarek (WCA)         50fs     25.2: 739 points
    X.  Keegan (VEB)        50fs     25.4: 726 points
    1.  Steve Morris (WCA)  50fs     26.1: 684 points
    2.  Blair C (WCA)       50fl     29.0: 633 points
    3=. Aaron M (WCA)       50fs     27.2: 621 points
    X=. Brandon V (V)       50fs     27.2: 621 points
    X.  Greg M (V)          50fs     27.7: 653 points
    X.  Mark B (EB1)       800fs   9:56.2: 595 points
    4.  Matt T (EB1)        50fs     28.0: 593 points
    X.  Bob F (V)           50br     35.5: 579 points
    5.  Chris H (EB1)       50fs     28.7: 545 points
    X.  Tim K (WCA)       1500fs    19:37: 544 points
    X.  John W (WCA)        50fs     28.8: 540 points
    X.  Nathan (VEB)        50fl     31.0: 537 points
    6.  Don W (WCA)        800fs    10:28: 521 points
    7.  Rich I (WCA)        50fs     29.4: 512 points
    8.  Jeff B (WCA)        50fs     29.5: 508 points
    9.  Francois A (EB12)  100br   1:22.0: 487 points
    X.  Andy J (VEB)        50fs     30.0: 486 points
    10. Sebastien (EB2)     50fs     30.1: 482 points
    11=.Pete L (WCA)        50fs     30.2: 478 points
    X=. Andras S (WPC)      50fs     30.2: 478 points
    12. Brad W (NC)         50fs     30.3: 474 points
    13. Mike D (EB1)        50fs     31.7: 419 points
    14. Eric T (WCA)        50fs     31.9: 412 points
    15. Tom S (EB1)         50fs     32.0: 408 points
    (For point scores, see: http://www.swimnews.com, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
    Top 3 Swimmers Improving in Each Event:
    Minutes and/or seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.  The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who improved in that event. 
           Women                              Men
    50fs   1. Heather A   4.7  (9.4/100m) VEB 1=.Larry D      2.5  (5.0/100m) VEB
    (9/12) 2. Lisa O      3.9  (7.8/100m) WCB X=.Andy J       2.5  (5.0/100m) VEB
           3. Colette K   3.8  (7.6/100m) EB2 2. Steve Morris 2.0  (4.0/100m) WCA
                                              3. Sebastien    1.9  (3.8/100m) EB2
    100fs  1. AnhThu      6.8  (6.8/100m) VEB 1. Alan H       6.4  (6.4/100m) EB2
    (5/3)  2. Colette K   5.8  (5.8/100m) EB2 2. Dave B       2.0  (2.0/100m) VEB   
           3. Laurie O    5.3  (5.3/100m) EB2 3. Tom S        1.4  (1.4/100m) EB1
    200fs  1. Colette K  15.0  (7.5/100m) EB2 1. Mike D      12.0  (6.0/100m) EB1
    (2/1)  2. Natalie A   6.1  (3.1/100m) EB2 
    800fs  1. Louise R   1:34 (11.8/100m) WCB 1. Don W        :08  (1.0/100m) WCA
    (3/1)  2. Lisa O     1:18  (9.8/100m) WCB 
           3. Andrea M   1:08  (8.5/100m) WCB   
    1500fs 1. Lisa O     2:55 (14.4/100m) WCB X. Andy J      1:13  (4.9/100m) VEB
    (11/12)X. Heather McB2:06 (13.7/100m) WCA 1. Sebastien   1:01  (4.1/100m) EB2
           2. Victoria   1:58 (12.5/100m) NC  2. Jose         :59  (3.9/100m) WCA
           3. Laurie O   1:39 (10.2/100m) EB2 3. Chris H      :58  (3.9/100m) EB1
    50bk   1. Nicole D    1.5  (3.0/100m) WCA
    (2/0)  2. Susan N-Y   0.5  (1.0/100m) EB2
    50br   1. Laurie O    1.3  (2.6/100m) EB2 1. Mike D       2.7  (5.4/100m) EB1
    (1/4)                                     2. Eric T       0.9  (1.8/100m) WCA
                                              3. Pete L       0.5  (1.0/100m) WCA
    50fl   1. Cheri R     2.7  (5.4/100m) WCA X. Tim K        1.6  (3.2/100m) WCA
    (1/2)                                     1. Chris H      0.5  (1.0/100m) EB1
    100IM  1. Cheri R     4.0  (4.0/100m) WCA 1. Pete L       2.5  (2.5/100m) WCA   
    Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
    The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If times are really close, more than 3 swimmers are included.
              Women                        Men         
    25fs      1.   18.1 Joanne D (WCA)     1.   14.5 Mark Hinds (WCA)  
    (4/1)     2.   20.7 Debbie L (EB1)       
              3.   22.5 Margo (EB1)      
    50fs      X.   30.4 Heather Macd (V)   X.   25.2 Tarek (WCA)  
    (41/46)   1.   30.5 Veronica (WCA)     X.   25.4 Keegan (VEB)
              2.   32.3 Crystal C (WCA)    1.   26.1 Steve Morris (WCA)
              3.   32.4 Lauren F (VEB)     2=.  27.2 Aaron M (WCA) 
                                           X=.  27.2 Brandon V (V)
                                           X.   27.7 Greg M (V)
                                           3.   28.0 Matt T (EB1)
                                           4.   28.1 Blair C (WCA)
    100fs     1. 1:09.8 Lauren F (VEB)     X.   59.7 Keegan (VEB)
    (27/16)   2. 1:12.5 Susanne R (VEB)    X. 1:12.3 Andy J (VEB)    
              3. 1:15.2 Sheila K (WCA)     1. 1:12.9 James Y (VEB) 
                                           2. 1:13.9 Tom S (EB1)
                                           3. 1:14.1 Mike D (EB1)
    200fs     1. 2:48.0 Sheila K (WCA)     X. 2:12.7 Keegan (VEB)      
    (18/7)    2. 2:56.2 Chia (EB2)         X. 2:33.3 Nathan (VEB)
              3=.2:58.6 Jen L (EB2)        X. 2:35.9 Andy J (VEB)
              3=.2:58.6 Sandy L (EB1)      1. 2:40.2 Mike D (EB1)
                                           2. 2:40.4 Chris H (EB1)
                                           3. 2:49.4 Tom S (EB1)
    400fs                                  X. 4:36.7 Keegan (V)      
    800fs*    1. 16:22  Andrea M (WCB)     1. 15:58  Iyad A (NC)       
    (10/9)    2. 17:57  Penny E (EB2)      2. 15:59  Derek B (WCB)
              3. 18:03  Jocelyn Z (WCB)    3. 16:49  Bill C (WCB) [breaststroke!]
    (*excludes those who also swam the 1500, or can repeat 100s free under 2:00)
    1500fs    1. 19:29  Lauren F (VEB)     X. 18:02  Keegan (VEB)
    (36/24)   2. 21:25  Crystal C (WCA)    X. 19:14  Tarek (WCA)
              3. 22:15  Jocelyn L (WCA)    X. 19:37  Tim K (WCA)
              X. 22:20  Heather McB (WCA)  1. 19:59  Steve Morris (WCA)
                                           2. 20:39  Pete L (WCA) 
                                           3. 20:41  Francois A (EB12)
    25bk      1.   21.1 Sarah F (EB1)   
    (3/0)     2.   31.2 Debbie L (EB1)        
              3.   43.5 Flo (EB2)        
    50bk      1.   34.1 Veronica (WCA)     X.   32.1 Brandon V (V)
    (13/10)   2.   42.0 Jen L (EB2)        X.   34.0 Keegan (VEB)
              3.   43.0 Marie R (WCA)      1.   35.2 Blair C (WCA)
                                           X.   39.3 Jeff M (WCA)
                                           2.   40.6 James Y (VEB)
                                           3.   41.0 Dave B (VEB)
    100bk     1. 1:30.2 Jen L (EB2)        1. 1:21.0 Chris H (EB1)   
    200bk                                  1. 3:26.0 Ray A (VEB)    
    25br      1.   44.5 Margaret K (EB2)      
    50br      1.   38.9 Crystal C (WCA)    X.   32.5 Keegan (VEB)
    (11/11)   2.   44.5 Lina V (WCA)       1.   35.1 Steve Morris (WCA)
              X.   45.1 Heather McB (WCA)  X.   35.5 Bob F (V)
              3.   46.5 Elaine Y (WCA)     2.   37.8 Jeff B (WCA)
                                           3.   39.8 Pete L (WCA)
    100br     1. 1:48.4 Fiona H (WCB)      1. 1:17.9 Steve Morris (WCA) 
    (2/2)     2. 2:05.0 Bozena (WCB)       2. 1:22.0 Francois A (EB12)
    200br     1. 3:57.5 Susan M (EB1)      1. 3:58.0 Bernie (EB1) 
    25fl      1.   20.3 Joanne D (WCA)     X.   17.1 Andras S (WPC) 
    50fl      1.   32.3 Veronica (WCA)     X.   28.0 Tarek (WCA) 
    (9/12)    X.   34.1 Heather Macd (V)   1.   29.0 Blair C (WCA)
              2.   34.2 Lauren F (VEB)     2.   30.5 Steve Morris (WCA)
              3.   36.3 Susanne R (VEB)    X.   31.0 Nathan (VEB
                                           3.   31.1 Aaron M (WCA)  
    100IM     1. 1:31.7 Jen L (EB2)        1. 1:11.1 Steve Morris (WCA)       
    (7/3)     2. 1:35.2 Cheri R (WCA)      2. 1:13.8 Matt T (EB1)
              2. 1:38.1 Natalie A (EB2)    3. 1:17.0 Pete L (WCA)
    200IM     1. 2:50.9 Crystal C (WCA)    X. 2:50.1 Nathan (VEB)       
    (2/5)     2. 4:25.7 Penny (EB2)        1. 2:55.7 Matt T (EB1)
                                           2. 3:50.2 Jim L (EB1)
                                           3. 3:51.4 John B (EB1)   
    Fun Relays (Thu Apr 21st / Fri Apr 22nd)
    Remember that if your team didn't do as well as you hoped, it's my fault for making up unfair teams!!
    4 x 50 Freestyle Relay
    6pm Whitecaps "A" (WCA):
    1. 2:07.5: WCA Team #0: Heather McB, Andras, Blair, Joanne D, Mark Hinds
    2. 2:09.7: WCA Team #3: Meyer, Eric, Veronica, Tim
    3=.2:10.6: WCA Team #5: Pete L, Lina, Debby W, Rich M
    3=.2:10.6: WCA Team #2: Steve Morton, Nicole D, Crystal, Steve Morris
    5. 2:14.0: WCA Team #4: Marie R, Elaine Y, Jocelyn L, Aaron
    6. 2:15.3: WCA Team #1: Jeff M, Jose, Margie, John W
    7. 2:16.3: WCA Team #6: Isabelle, Cam, Jeff B, Tarek
    6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
    1. 2:17.3: VEB Team #4: Susanne R, Leslie H, Sean K, Keegan
    2. 2:27.6: VEB Team #1: James Y, Brenda K, Violaine, Andy J
    3. 2:28.9: VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary-Lou, Heather A, Lauren F
    4. 2:31.5: VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Ray A, Larry D, Heather Macd

    7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
    1. 2:24.0: EB1 Team #2: Leona, Vincent S, Tom S, Matt T
    2. 2:24.9: EB1 Team #1: Deb L, Margo, Sarah F, Mike D, Chris H
    3. 2:28.6: EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, John B, Jim L, Francois A

    8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
    1. 2:37.1: EB2 Team #1: Margaret K, Flo, Natalie A, Chia
    2. 2:48.7: EB2 Team #3: Laurie O, Alan H, Susan N-Y, Francois A
    3. 3:00.9: EB2 Team #2: Penny, Renee, Sandy L, Sebastien
    Varsity (VAR):
    1. 1:56.9: VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    2. 2:02.6: VAR Team #2: Keegan, Paola, Nathan, Keegan
    X. 1:56.9: VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    X. 2:02.6: VAR Team #2: Keegan, Paola, Nathan, Keegan
    1. 2:07.5: WCA Team #0: Heather McB, Andras, Blair, Joanne D, Mark Hinds
    2. 2:09.7: WCA Team #3: Meyer, Eric, Veronica, Tim
    3=.2:10.6: WCA Team #5: Pete L, Lina, Debby W, Rich M
    3=.2:10.6: WCA Team #2: Steve Morton, Nicole D, Crystal, Steve Morris
    5. 2:14.0: WCA Team #4: Marie R, Elaine Y, Jocelyn L, Aaron
    6. 2:15.3: WCA Team #1: Jeff M, Jose, Margie, John W
    7. 2:16.3: WCA Team #6: Isabelle, Cam, Jeff B, Tarek 
    8. 2:17.3: VEB Team #4: Susanne R, Leslie H, Sean K, Keegan
    9. 2:24.0: EB1 Team #2: Leona, Vincent S, Tom S, Matt T
    10.2:24.9: EB1 Team #1: Deb L, Margo, Sarah F, Mike D, Chris H
    11.2:27.6: VEB Team #1: James Y, Brenda K, Violaine, Andy J
    12.2:28.6: EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, John B, Jim L, Francois A 
    13.2:28.9: VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary-Lou, Heather A, Lauren F
    14.2:31.5: VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Ray A, Larry D, Heather Macd 
    15.2:37.1: EB2 Team #1: Margaret K, Flo, Natalie A, Chia
    16.2:48.7: EB2 Team #3: Laurie O, Alan H, Susan N-Y, Francois A
    17.3:00.9: EB2 Team #2: Penny, Renee, Sandy L, Sebastien
    4 x 50 Medley Relay
    6pm Whitecaps "A" (WCA):
    1. 2:26.5: WCA Team #3: Veronica, Eric, Tim, Meyer
    2. 2:28.6: WCA Team #2: Nicole D, Crystal, Steve Morris, Steve Morton
    3=.2:33.7: WCA Team #5: Debby W, Lina, Pete L, Rich M
    3=.2:33.7: WCA Team #0: Blair, Heather, Joanne D, Andras, Mark Hinds
    5. 2:37.0: WCA Team #4: Marie R, Elaine Y, Aaron, Jocelyn L
    6. 2:38.0: WCA Team #1: Jeff M, Jose, John M, Margie
    7. 2:39.6: WCA Team #6: Cam D, Jeff B, Tarek, Isabelle
    6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
    1. 2:45.5: VEB Team #4: Leslie H, Keegan, Susanne R, Sean K
    2. 2:48.2: VEB Team #1: James Y, Violaine, Andy J, Brenda K
    3. 2:53.2: VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Larry D, Heather Macd, Ray A
    4. 2:54.4: VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary Lou, Lauren F, Heather A

    7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
    1. 2:45.2: EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, Jim L, Francois A, John B
    2. 2:49.8: EB1 Team #2: Vincent S, Leona, Tom S, Matt T
    3. 2:56.1: EB1 Team #1: Sarah F, Deb L, Mike D, Chris H, Margo

    8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
    1. 3:09.0: EB2 Team #3: Alan H, Laurie O, Francois A, Susan N-Y
    2. 3:13.1: EB2 Team #2: Renee, Penny, Sandy L, Sebastien
    3. 3:16.2: EB2 Team #1: Flo, Margaret, Chia, Natalie A
    Varsity (VAR):
    1. 2:11.6: VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    2. 2:18.5: VAR Team #2: Keegan, Keegan, Nathan, Paola
    X. 2:11.6: VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    X. 2:18.5: VAR Team #2: Keegan, Keegan, Nathan, Paola
    1. 2:26.5: WCA Team #3: Veronica, Eric, Tim, Meyer
    2. 2:28.6: WCA Team #2: Nicole D, Crystal, Steve Morris, Steve Morton
    3=.2:33.7: WCA Team #5: Debby W, Lina, Pete L, Rich M
    3=.2:33.7: WCA Team #0: Blair, Heather, Joanne D, Andras, Mark Hinds
    5. 2:37.0: WCA Team #4: Marie R, Elaine Y, Aaron, Jocelyn L
    6. 2:38.0: WCA Team #1: Jeff M, Jose, John M, Margie
    7. 2:39.6: WCA Team #6: Cam D, Jeff B, Tarek, Isabelle
    8. 2:45.2: EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, Jim L, Francois A, John B
    9. 2:45.5: VEB Team #4: Leslie H, Keegan, Susanne R, Sean K
    10.2:48.2: VEB Team #1: James Y, Violaine, Andy J, Brenda K
    11.2:49.8: EB1 Team #2: Vincent S, Leona, Tom S, Matt T
    12.2:53.2: VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Larry D, Heather Macd, Ray A
    13.2:54.4: VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary Lou, Lauren F, Heather A 
    14.2:56.1: EB1 Team #1: Sarah F, Deb L, Mike D, Chris H, Margo
    15.3:09.0: EB2 Team #3: Alan H, Laurie O, Francois A, Susan N-Y
    16.3:13.1: EB2 Team #2: Renee, Penny, Sandy L, Sebastien
    17.3:16.2: EB2 Team #1: Flo, Margaret, Chia, Natalie A
    4 x 25 Kick Relay
    Only the order of finish of the teams is given (no times were taken)!
    Note that team members are not necessarily listed in order that they swam.
    6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
    1. VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary Lou, Lauren F, Heather A
    2. VEB Team #4: Leslie H, Keegan, Susanne R, Sean K
    3. VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Larry D, Heather Macd, Ray A
    4. VEB Team #1: James Y, Violaine, Andy J, Brenda K

    7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
    1. EB1 Team #2: Vincent S, Leona, Tom S, Matt T
    2. EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, Jim L, Francois A, John B
    3. EB1 Team #1: Sarah F, Deb L, Mike D, Chris H, Margo

    8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
    1. EB2 Team #2: Renee, Penny, Sandy L, Sebastien
    2. EB2 Team #3: Alan H, Laurie O, Francois A, Susan N-Y
    3. EB2 Team #1: Flo, Margaret, Chia, Natalie A
    Varsity (VAR):
    1. VAR Team #2: Nathan, Keegan, Paola, Nathan 
    2. VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    4 x 25 Innertube Relay
    Only the order of finish of the teams is given (no times were taken)!
    Note that team members are not necessarily listed in order that they swam.
    6:30am Very Earlybirds (VEB):
    1. VEB Team #1: James Y, Violaine, Andy J, Brenda K
    2. VEB Team #3: Dave B, Mary Lou, Lauren F, Heather A
    3. VEB Team #4: Leslie H, Keegan, Susanne R, Sean K
    4. VEB Team #2: Jenn E, Larry D, Heather Macd, Ray A

    7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
    1. EB1 Team #2: Vincent S, Leona, Tom S, Matt T
    2. EB1 Team #3: Dawn W, Jim L, Francois A, John B
    3. EB1 Team #1: Sarah F, Deb L, Mike D, Chris H, Margo

    8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
    1. EB2 Team #3: Alan H, Laurie O, Francois A, Susan N-Y
    2. EB2 Team #2: Renee, Penny, Sandy L, Sebastien
    3. EB2 Team #1: Flo, Margaret, Chia, Natalie A
    Varsity (VAR):
    1. VAR Team #2: Paola, Keegan, Nathan, Paola
    2. VAR Team #1: Brandon, Bob, Heather Macd, Greg M
    Masters Swimming Competitions
    You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Contact Lynn for full details (cost is $26 for registration up to Dec 31/05).  
    Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at: http://www.mastersswimmingontario.ca/competition/schedule01.htm.  For Quebec competitions see http://www.fnq.qc.ca/calendrier.html (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
    Sat May 7th Technosport Sprint Meet, U of Ottawa (Long Course = 50m pool).  Warm up: 7:45am.  Meet runs 8:30-10:30am followed by free breakfast.  Events: relay, 50fl, 100fs, 200IM, 100bk, 50fs, 100br, 50bk, 100fl, 50br, 200fs, relay.  Cost $25 (unlimited events).  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at http://ca.geocities.com/technosport@rogers.com/series/series.htm by Wed Apr 27th.
    Fri May 20 - Mon May 23rd Masters National Championships, Etobicoke.  Full details at: http://www.cmsc2005.ca/.
    Sat May 28th Technosport Distance Meet, U of Ottawa (Long Course = 50m pool).  Warm up: 7:45am.  Meet runs 8:30-10:30am followed by free breakfast.  Events: relay, 800fs OR 1500fs, relay.  Cost $25.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at http://ca.geocities.com/technosport@rogers.com/series/series.htm by Wed May 18th.
    July 22 - 31st World Masters Games, Edmonton.  Full details at: http://www.2005worldmasters.com/.
    Oct 10 - 15th Latin Caribbean Championships (open to all North American Swimmers), Sao Paola, Brazil.  Full details at: http://www.latycar.org
    Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
    Sat Apr 9th: Technosport Sprint Meet
    Ten Carleton swimmers participated in this meet, despite the 7am start!  Those participating were: George, Margaret K, Bozena, Francois A, Lynn, Bill, Mits, Brad, Steve Morris and Esther. Danny also competed for Technosport.  Unofficially, there were quite a few PBs, and club records were set by Bozena (100fl, 400IM), Francois A (400fs), and Lynn (200bk, also Ont and Nat Rec).  Full results are still not available, and will be included next time.  Thanks to Francois A for his help with George's photos, which are now much improved: http://carletonmasters.tripod.com/aphoto.html.
    Fri Apr 15 - Sun Apr 17th: Quebec Masters Provincial Championships, Trois-Rivieres
    Congratulations to Lina (Whitecaps "A") and Violaine (6:30am Earlybirds) for their great results at this meet, and also to Danny F (Coach) who competed for Technosport.  Violaine set no fewer than 6 club records, while Lina set three!  Here's a summary:
    Violaine (Women's 45-49): 2nd: 1500fs 26:42.80 (club record), 200fl 4:22.45 (club record), 400IM 7:45.07 (PB, club record); 3rd: 200fs (PB); 4th: 400fs 6:48.42 (PB, club record), 200br; 5th: 100br.  Violaine's 800fs split in her 1500: 14:04.44 was a club record, as was her 100fl split in her 400IM: 2:01.44!
    Lina (Women's 50-54): 1st: 100fs, 200br 3:31.77 (club record), 100IM 1:28.99 (club record); 2nd: 50fs, 50fl; 3rd: 50br, 200IM 3:22.50 (club record)
    Danny (Men's 35-39):  1st: 400fs (PB), 800fs 9:10.92 (PB, Ont Rec, Nat Rec), 200bk, 200br, 200fl, 200IM, 400IM 4:50.86 (PB, Ont Rec, Nat Rec)
    Mon Apr 18th: Boston Marathon
    Congratulations to Jennifer Eberman (6:30am Earlybirds) and Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds) on their great results!  Both Jenn and Colette were very happy with their times and made the Ottawa Citizen as they were in the top 10 Ottawa women.  Vincent S (7:30am Earlybirds) wasn't so happy with his results, but did well under challenging circumstances.  Congrats also to Jackie L (Whitecaps "B")'s husband, who also competed and finished in 3:42.  And also to Chris M (x-Whitecaps "B") who finished in under 3 hours.  The full information on Colette, Jenn and Vincent follows:
    Vincent S (7:30am Earlybirds) 2144th overall, 1979th man, and 549th in his age group in 3:19:34 (3:15:39)
    Jenn Eberman (6:30am Earlybirds) 2241st overall, 175th woman, and 134th in her age group in 3:20:24 (3:14:15)
    Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds) 6394th overall, 1199th woman, and 223rd in her age group in 3:49:31 (3:39:49)
    Here's Vincent's report from TriRudy:
       Not sure what’s up with the lack of Boston reports, so I guess I’ll post one. Hopefully there are a few others today. I think it’s a good experience to share, and would be interested in other stories (especially since mine is a bit whiny, still suffering a bit, and despite my attempted positive mental attitude in general, the following is not as happy of a story as it could be).
       So a few of the high (and low) lights of Monday's 109th Boston marathon. To put it in perspective, I’ll back it up a year. Last year I went, and it was a shocker - 2nd hottest day in recorded history, close to 30 degrees. After the first mile or two, you threw away the pace bands and figured just finishing was the best case scenario. A friend who I started with, and finished within a minute or so of, pointed out likely the only consolation - that we passed close to 4,000 odd runners on that day (and finished 20 min+ slower than our qualifying runs). So last year, we felt the pain, the down hill impacts on the quads, a tough run... Managed to re-qualify late last year, so it was back to Boston.
       This year, I was hoping for a much better day. Training included a lot of hills – up and down, and hopefully enough volume. After a number of months training, a bit of a challenge with a work related trip out to BC last week. Not a good idea – never adjusted to the time change, a few short night sleeps... came back, burnt out and picked up a slight cold. Not too extreme, just enough to stuff up my nose, introduce a bit of a bad mood, and make me not want to fly. Suffice it to say, I took it easy during that last week, missed a few training runs... wrote it off as tapering... Got to Boston Sunday around 2 PM to find it way too hot. Maybe I wasn’t used to it, but it felt like it was well into the 70’s. Decided to walk over to pick up my race kit. Too long of a walk, got a bit lost, decided to also go to the Pasta dinner - what a long line-up! In general, too long on my feet and another challenge in getting there.
       But next morning, we got there. Still a challenge or two. Thought I was a bit better off with my positioning - 6333, so in theory I could go to the buses to take you out to Hopkinton a bit later - an apparent advantage. In the end, I think it meant you just got to stand in line longer (it seems most people don’t really pay much attention to the instructions. I don’t blame them a lot... getting there for 7 or 7:30 for a 12:00 race start...). Hopkinton was ok, but you have to wonder as you wait around for a few hours, as the cool morning fades into the hot day... can’t this start earlier. With that being said, I don’t envy the job of moving 20,000 people 26 miles out of the city – it is a well tuned machine.
       Race time came, and we got in our corals. I was one further ahead this year (7718 last year), and I was hoping to have a much better race. Getting psyched now... Started ok... tried to go out slow... missed the first mile marker, by the second realized I was close to 7 min miles. I had my pace band on - should have been closer to 7:15... continued to try to slow down, my heart rate was too high - at one point even put myself behind runners to slow down. Still was doing 7 min miles most of the time... with the downhill at the start, I knew I wasn’t going to be doing a negative split, so I guessed it was ok. Tried to keep good form down the hills to avoid the destroying the quads again. I felt great through the half - a few minutes in the bank, had tried to grab water and Gatorade at every mile.. tried to pay attention to the heat which was feeling quite strong (someone told me it got to the high end of the 70’s, but I can't find anyone else saying it got that hot). Through! the half I started to dream of a really good time... started planning on how long to hold off before pushing hard. And it was so much easier in the States – only have to push your watch for lap times 26 times... so much easier than 42 ;-) Life was good...
       Soon after, reality set in. My 7:15’s became common. Soon after, they became a challenge. 7:30's... well I had a few 7:00’s, so that’s ok. 7:45... well, I’d better speed up. 8:00 min miles - speed up... soon after, it was getting to a point where I was going to just forget about it. Who cares about the time... it’s Boston! Then the hills came up... I noticed two (my watch said there were four in the 15 to 20 m range leading up to Heartbreak hill). I wasn’t really phased last year at Heartbreak hill. This time, I felt one before, and Heartbreak. I was getting close to toast. After Heartbreak, it was just ‘let’s just finish this running!’ It was now less than an hour - minutes away. I can do that. I felt terrible, was wondering why I ever started running marathons... Then at that point, I realized that a) I forgot to use the Bodyglide in one spot, b) maybe I shouldn’t be pouring all that water over my front, (partially trying to keep my core body temp down, partially spillage - and on a related note Gatorade does not feel good in the eyes... maybe next time I’ll walk a bit through the water stations), and c) maybe I shouldn’t of worn a white singlet... I’ll leave it at that at the risk of providing too much information. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t looking for any cameras by the end of the race. Three miles to go, feeling like crap, quads were toast despite my efforts to run down hill the right way - and I was toast. Time to add insult to injury – or more appropriately, injury to injury. Don’t ask me how, maybe it was uneven pavement, maybe I wasn’t paying attention – don’t know, but came down on my left ankle, foot sideways, twisted, legs buckled, went down hard on the pavement... it wasn’t pretty. And of course, enough people around to make this quite dramatic. Lots of fellow runners checking if I was ok, with my responding, ‘yes, keep going’ and trying to play it down... and having done this at least once or twice per winter, knowing! that if I don’t keep going, it just gets keeps hurting, swells up big ... Got up, started running taking as much weight off it as possible, cursing... But in a mile or so, it didn’t feel bad (suffice it say, I have a reasonably big, although not huge, ankle today). Went through hell for another two miles or so, swore off running several times, once again passed 4,000 odd runners throughout the race, and PB’ed in Boston re-qualifying for next year (Back to Boston – Part II ???). And of course, one of the good things about a day like that, is the next days are pretty good – no matter what! And who knows, maybe in a day or two, I’ll go for a short run...
       I also want to thank Gilles Lamenoise at the Ottawa Lions for his coaching assistance and support, and the rest of my training partners for being there and providing support... And of course, mention Chris Macknie’s great run in case he or someone else doesn’t – sub 3 hours on a day that I personally thought was far from ideal... great job Chris!
       Hope the next one, and your next ones... are all fun!
    Ask the Coach
    Dear Coach:  Why has the Saturday time changed for July - August?  In the past it was always 9-10am and now it's 10-11am.  Early Riser
    Dear E. Riser:  In an attempt to better manage the lifeguards shifts in July/August, Masters has been moved later and the public swim has been moved earlier.  This means that the lifeguards no longer have a 3hr break between Masters and public swim.
    Dear Coach:  Can I get a list of all my time trial times, and a list of all the 1500 times from this session's time trials so that I can do some statistical analysis of how I did?  A Statistician
    Dear A. Statistician:  I'm happy to send you a full list of all your time trials (since Summer 2001).  You can also have a list of all this term's 1500 times, but without the names attached (for privacy reasons). 
    Dear Coach:  I'm planning to switch to mornings for the summer.  Should I eat breakfast before workout?  Whitecaps Swimmer
    Dear W. Swimmer:  You should definitely eat and drink something in the morning before workout, as your body has been without food/water for many hours.  If you can't stomach a full breakfast, at least have a snack and ensure that you drink a lot of fluids before practice or bring a water bottle with you.  Remember that coffee is a diuretic!
    Dear Coach:  Why do we practice sculling?  It's So Slow!
    Dear I.S. Slow:  Sculling (propelling yourself forward while moving your arms left and right) lets you to experiment with the angle of your hand in the water for maximum forward propulsion while moving your hands from side to side.  This teaches you "feel for the water" which is a key part of becoming a fast swimmer. 
    Dear Coach:  Why has the cost for the Spring and Summer session increased so much compared to Fall/Winter?  On A Budget
    Dear O.A. Budget:  The Spring/Summer session is a week longer than the Winter term and several weeks longer than the Fall term.  Normally the cost increase from the previous year is about 5%.  Last May-August the cost was $140+GST.  The increase for May-August 2005 is thus 8.5% (mornings) or 11.4% (evenings) compared to last year.  I believe that this is due to Athletics drive to be more profitable, as seen in the cost saving measures for the Spring/Summer.  If you have specific concerns about program costs, contact Athletics at 520-4480 (8:30am-4:30pm M-F). 
    Dear Coach:  What is the purpose of the backstroke salute drill?  Improving Backstroker
    Dear I. Backstroker:  Many swimmers tend to place their hands in the water (above their heads) past the midline of the body.  It is more efficient and less likely to lead to injury if the hands enter the water at 11:00 and 1:00, rather than straight above the head.  The salute drill where you bend your arm and "salute" your chest (not your forehead like a proper soldier!) helps with a wider hand entry.  After touching your chest, you should "throw" your arm straight out to the side.  It will rise a bit, but it should be easier to have a hand entry at 11:00 while doing this drill, and thus get a feeling for what the proper hand entry feels like.
    Dear Coach:  Any news yet on the Varsity Swim Team coaches for next year?  Just Curious
    Dear J. Curious:  Yes.  As John Waring is moving to London, ON, I will be taking over as head coach.  Tarek Raafat, Claudia Cronin-Schlote and Alex Babaris will be the assistant coaches.  We will all miss John, but the new coaching staff is very excited about next season!
    Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
    The following days/times are available for swim lessons for May-August.  Note that the evening times are going quickly:
    Mon/Fri 9:45-10:45am May/Jun
    Mon/Tue 3:30-4:30pm May/Jun
    Wed 6-7pm May11/Jul6/Aug
    Wed 7-8pm May18/Jun/Aug
    Thu 7:15-8pm Jul14&28
    Mon/Tue/Thu 7:15-8:15pm Aug
    Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

    For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

    Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

    Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
    Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

    Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

    Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
    Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
    Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

    Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: http://www.trirudy.com and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

    General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at: http://carletonmasters.tripod.com.

    Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (lynnmarshall@sympatico.ca).

    Happy lengths!