Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #117                    Sunday, May 29th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter/Spring/Summer 2005 plus "Alumni": 6:30am Earlybirds (41 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (48 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (23 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (49 addresses),  6pm Whitecaps "B" (34 addresses), Nightcaps (29 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (35 members).

Masters Swimming Feedback Questionnaire
Thanks to Jim Lee (7:30am Earlybirds), who is taking a graduate course in program evaluation, we have an on-line survey set up that we'd like everyone to fill in.  We are asking for your input in the areas of workout scheduling, goal setting, stroke development, and the Carleton facility.  You can fill in the survey any time up to and including Wed Jun 15th.  You are welcome to fill in the questionnaire even if you are not currently swimming with Carleton Masters, as your comments will still be useful if you have swum with us in the past.  Your input will be used to make improvements to the programs offered.  Note that you can fill in the survey just once from any given computer.  However, you can go back at any time before the deadline and add to or change your answers, as long as you use the same computer.  Here is the link to access the survey:
Masters Swimming Feedback Focus Group Sat Jun 11th
Along with the survey (details above), Jim is also conducting a focus group to help us get additional input from you about Carleton Masters.  The focus group will be held over brunch 10:45am-noon Sat Jun 11th at the Greek Souvlaki House.  All are welcome! 
Name the Morning Mascot
You may have seen our frog mascot and assistant coach(!), donated by Margaret King (8:30am Earlybirds).  The frog is usually sitting on top of the blackboard at the morning workouts.  Here are the names submitted.  Please send me an e-mail with a vote for your favourite name by Sat Jun 11th.  The person suggesting the winning name will get a small prize.  Here are the selections (in alphabetical order):
1. Froglegs
2. Kaeru Kaeru ["returning frog" in Japanese]
3. Max
4. Oscar
5. Sapo ["frog" or "toad" in Spanish]
Volunteers Needed
For the fourth (I think!) year, I will be coordinating the swim portion of the Kids of Steel triathlon to be held at the Uplands Base the morning of Sun Jul 10th.  I need two or three more volunteers to help with lining the kids up, counting lengths (no advanced mathematical skills needed as the majority of the kids swim less than 200m!), and (most importantly) encouraging them.  It's a fun morning and volunteers get a T-shirt and refreshments after the race.  (Thanks to those who have already volunteered!)
Competitions For All
While most Masters competitions are open only to those registered with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO), there are some upcoming events open to everyone.  There is a beginners only meet at St. Laurent pool on June 5th (entry due May 31st), two Meech Lake open water swims open to all swimmers and triathletes (but if you wear a wetsuit you are considered "exhibition"!), a 3k on July 16th and a 4k on August 20th, and a postal 1500m and 1 hour swim.  Details in the "Masters Swimming Competitions" section below.
Spring/Summer Masters Registration, Admittance to the Facility, and Facility Changes
This information (from the previous newsletter) can be found near the end of the newsletter under "Reminders".
Swimmer Notes 
Please Shower:  The pool staff request your cooperation in showering before your workout.  If you like to stretch on deck before Masters, there is a shower right by the deep end in the Alternate Needs Change Room that is available for use.
Scented Products:  As you may have noticed, the scent of products used in the showers is very noticeable on deck.  Due to many swimmers having sensitivities to these products, your cooperation in using unscented or lightly scented products is appreciated.  Signs will be posted in the showers once they have been ordered and made (paper signs are no longer permitted!!).
Pace Clock Update:  The old shallow end pace clock could not be repaired, so a new one has been ordered.  With any luck it should arrive within a few weeks.
Musica Ebraica Concert:  Musica Ebraica will present its closing concert of the season on Sun May 29th at 7pm at Temple Israel, 1301 Prince of Wales drive.  The chamber choir, in its fourth year, specializes in bringing interesting and beautiful Jewish music to its audiences.  This  concert, titled 'Ki Eshmera Shabbat' Songs of the Sabbath, will feature the beautiful melodies of Shabbat table songs and prayers from across the lands where Jewish people have lived.  Canadian composers such as Srul Irving Glick, Ben Steinberg and Eyal Bitton along with Solomone Rossi and David Burger will be featured.  Lisa Hans (Whitecaps "A") is a member of this choir.  Tickets are $15 and $10 for students/seniors.  Please call 731-9278 or 224-7073 to reserve.
Barbara Ann Allen Update: Here's a note from Barb (7:30am Earlybirds Fall 2004) who moved to the UK early this year (from TriRudy):
   Hi to all, just wanted to write a quick note to catch up with some of you. I moved to Birmingham UK a few months ago and it has been quite a whirlwind. I was welcomed by an active, and relatively new, but already very accomplished triathlon club called the BRATS (Birmingham Running and Triathlon Club). They have grown very quickly over the past couple of years and have a number of members doing their first ironmans this summer, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and the first IM UK. Some very talented people taking on the long-distance world. The long distance group is expanding, and the short distance group... well, no shortage of FAST people in this gang.
   The UK is growing hotbed of triathlon races and clubs, and very club-oriented. The BRAT club has practices of various sorts in various places in the city - hardest part is choosing what to go to!! A very dedicated group of organizers and coaches - they hope to win the club championships this August. Check out  With my move over, job etc. I hope to get in a couple of Olympic distance races later in the summer, no IM this year that's for sure.
   Birmingham is a great city and links to everywhere super. So far so good. Now that I'm looking over the proper shoulder on my bike I should be able to focus more on what I'm doing rather than not getting run over in the traffic. 20 mins from the University area and one is in the countryside, not too bad at all!
   That's all for now, and come visit!
Open Water Swim Weekends:  Oannes Swims is hosting two open water swimming weekends near Gravenhurst featuring coach Kim Lumsden (marathon swimmer).  Sessions will be held June 17-19th and Sept 16-18th.  Full details at:
Carleton Summer Waterpolo League:  This mixed league is open to all.  It includes skill development sessions, informal scrimmages and league games. No water polo experience is necessary, however participants must be strong swimmers. 
Dates/Times: Sun 4:30-6:30pm, Wed 6-8pm, June 26-Aug 31st (except July 2nd/31st).  Cost: $50+GST
Carleton Swim Suits:  Some polyester TYR Carleton suits are still available.  Men's suits are $24.50 and women's are $47.  They will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis, so let me know if you are interested, along with your suit size.  Here's what's left: women's: 28, 30, 34, 36; men's 30, 32, 38.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Spring Session Information
The workout themes for the Spring/Summer sessions are posted on the web site for those who like to know ahead of time what the main set theme will be. 
We are nearing the end of the stroke drills, with this coming week being butterfly.  Over the following weeks, if you want help on any skills (e.g. turns, starts), or have questions about stroke technique, just ask your coach.
Towards the end of the Spring session we will have some time trials (to give you a bench mark of where you are at).  On Tue Jun 14th or Wed Jun 15th, everyone will have a chance to do a timed 1500m swim (800m for those slower than 2:10 per 100m).  Then from Jun 16-28th, you have the opportunity to be timed in as many other shorter events as you'd like.  Wed Jun 29th and Thu Jun 30th will be the last workouts of the Spring session.  Your coach will plan an "even more fun than usual" workout and your suggestions are welcome!  (The summer session starts Mon Jul 4th.)
Here's the attendance summary for the first three weeks of the summer session (weekdays only).  Congratulations to the 22 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance to date, especially to Francois A who is registered in two groups and has perfect attendance in both!
6:30am Earlybirds (May 9-27th [8 workouts]; range: 20-29; avg: 24.6)
Perfect Attendance: Andy J, Dave B, Francois A, John B, Leslie H, Maritia, Mary-Lou, Mits, Sean K, Stefani K

7:30am Earlybirds (May 9-27th [8 workouts]; range: 12-20; avg: 16.3)
Perfect Attendance: Francois A, Leona, Tiffany

8:30am Earlybirds (May 9-27th [8 workouts]; range: 12-14; avg: 13.3)
Perfect Attendance: Alan H, Laurie O, Margaret K

Whitecaps "A" (May 9-26th [8 workouts]; range: 20-33; avg: 26.5)
Perfect Attendance: Cam, Joanne D, Jose, Pat B, Pete L
Whitecaps "B" (May 9-26th [8 workouts]; range: 15-21; avg: 17.5)
Perfect Attendance: Katie S, Rod H

Masters Swimming Competitions
You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Contact Lynn for full details (cost is $26 for registration up to Dec 31/05).  
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
Sun June 5th Beginner Swim Meet at St. Laurent Pool (MSO Registration not required).  Meet runs: noon-5:00pm.  Events 25yd fly, 25yd back, 25yd breast, 25yd free, rescue tube race, 50yd fly, 50yd back, 50yd breast, 50yd free, relays.  Cost: $20 (no event limit; includes BBQ).  Fax form at: to 742-5231 attn. Daniel Berube by Tue May 31st.
Sat July 16th Technosport 3k Swim (Meech Lake).  Note this is not a sanctioned event and is open to everyone (MSO registration not required).  Check in / Warm up: 7:30am at Blanchet Beach.  Start: 8am.  Cost $30.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at: (also e-mail due to occasional on-line registration glitches) by Wed Jul 6th.
July 22 - 31st World Masters Games, Edmonton.  Full details at:
Sat Aug 20th Technosport 4k Swim (Meech Lake).  Note this is not a sanctioned event and is open to everyone (MSO registration not required).  Check in / Warm up: 7:30am at Blanchet Beach.  Start: 8am.  Cost $30.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at: (also e-mail due to occasional on-line registration glitches) by Wed Aug 10th.
Sun Sept 11th  Twentieth Annual Ontario Provincial Masters 5k Swim Championships, St Marys (near Stratford).  Details and entry form at:  Entry deadline: Sun Aug 28th.
Mon Sept 12th  Deadline to enter postal (actually postal or e-mail) 1500m, 1 hour, and 1 hour relay (4-16 swimmers) swims in association with Latin Caribbean Championships (MSO Registration not required).  Details at:  Swims can be done any time in 2005, up to the deadline.  Note that entry is free, but swims must be done no more than 2 per lane, swimming straight (not in a circle), and split times are needed for each 100m, along with signatures of timer and starter/referee.
Oct 10 - 15th Latin Caribbean Championships (open to all North American Swimmers), Sao Paola, Brazil.  Full details at:
Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:
Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
Sat May 7th: Technosport Sprint Meet (Long Course)
George (Whitecaps "B"), Francois A (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds), Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds), Esther (8:30am Earlybirds), Lynn (Whitecaps "A"), and Danny (Whitecaps "A", swimming for Technosport) competed.  Results are still not available.  A team photo of the five Carleton swimmers, courtesy of Francois, is posted at:
Fri May 20 - Mon May 23rd: Masters National Championships, Etobicoke
George (Whitecaps "B") was the only Carleton representative, with coach Danny (Whitecaps "A") competing for Technosport.  They both came home with lots of hardware!  Full results at:
George (80-84): 1st: 50bk, 50br; 2nd: 200fs, 100bk, 100br, 200br
Danny (35-39): 1st: 1500fs, 200br, 200IM, 400IM; 2nd: 200bk, 100br; 4th: 200fs
Here's George's summary:
   Just came back from Toronto and I thought I would give you a brief summary of what transpired.
The meet was the usual well attended affair - some 936 swimmers in all - quite a few from the States, even one from Bermuda. A lot of people noticed your absence and inquired about you.  In spite of the crowd the meet run very smoothly.
   As I had figured out from the heat sheets, I ended up with 4 silver and 2 golds, mostly due to the absence (or presence) of suitable competition. Only one gold - at the 50 breast - was well deserved, requiring an extra effort on my part. Nothing spectacular about my times, more or less what I had entered.
Sat May 21st: Early Bird Triathlon, Carleton (500m swim, 22.2k bike, 5k run; 344 competitors)
Quite a few Carleton swimmers participated and the weather was reasonably cooperative!  Full results at  Here are the Carleton results (let me know if I missed anyone!):
J-P T (x-7:30am Earlybirds): 13th overall and 5th in his age group in 1:05:49
Chris M (x-Whitecaps "B"): 16th overall and 3rd in his age group in 1:06:53
Chris C (Varsity): 38th overall and 5th in his age group in 1:12:25
Jenn E (6:30am Earlybirds): 110th overall and 4th in her age group in 1:21:23
Mike Sims (6:30am Earlybirds): 118th overall and 21st in his age group in 1:21:55
Natalie A (8:30am Earlybirds): 145th overall and 6th in her age group in 1:24:38
Liz S (6:30am Earlybirds): 182nd overall and 8th in her age group in 1:27:39
Andrea M (Whitecaps "B"): 189th overall and 4th in her age group in 1:28:07
Brenda K (6:30am Earlybirds): 211th overall and 9th in her age group in 1:29:58
Renee (8:30am Earlybirds): 225th overall and 3rd in her age group in 1:31:21
Krista B (Pool Staff): 253rd overall and 7th in her age group in 1:34:17
Robin V (Whitecaps "B" / Pool Staff): 271st overall and 10th in her age group in 1:36:49
Louise R (6:30am Earlybirds): 332nd overall and 1st in her age group in 1:59:04
Here's Andrea's race report (from TriRudy):
   I enjoyed reading Isabelle's report yesterday on the Early Bird Tri and I am very sympathetic to things that don't go the way you expect. This was my second sprint tri, the first one being last September where I placed third in my age group. I was hoping to improve this time, especially since I move up an age category this year (45-49). I can tell you those 40-44 year olds are tough!
   My swim was fine, no one passed me, I didn't pass anyone, but the jump from the timing mat to the pool was really awkward since you were not allowed to dive. I emailed Lynn Marshall and asked her for tips. She said that you should jump off the mat from a standing position, knees bent, arms out over your head, so that you land in the water horizontally and can straighten your legs out to effectively push off the wall. [I'm going to try this at the Earlybird Camp in Perth, Rudy.]
   I felt incredibly fast on the bike (passing most people like they were standing still). I guess it helps when you have a nice bike. If I wrote a book it would be called "It's about the bike". Unfortunately the bike doesn't have an autopilot - the problem is the rider. As I approached the end of lap 1 there was a sign that said 'turn here'. I knew I had to do 2 laps but this sign was at an intersection where you could also turn left. So I asked a course marshall if this was the turnaround point. He said 'yes, go that way' and pointed me to turn left towards Carleton U. I wasn't sure this was correct and I should have got off my bike and talked to him further to clarify his direction, but I was flying. I realized I had made a mistake when I got boxed in those little orange cones and found myself approaching the dismount line. When I got there I told a course marshall that I had not done my second lap. She was very sympathetic and let me stay on the bike and turn around in the dismount zone to go back to complete the second lap.
AAAAWWWWWWW MAN - how do I manage to screw up like this?
   So, after getting caught behind slower riders on the way out and again on the way back - there was no room in the cones to pass and I was not sure if you are allowed to go out into the oncoming lane to pass (people were anyway), I did 25.5 km to everyone else's 22.5!
   The run was fine. I knew it would be the worst of the three as I haven't really started run training yet, but I did not have to walk or slow my pace.
   The hard part (and this will take a while to get over) is that after screwing up I still placed fourth in my age category. The difference between myself and the first place finisher was two minutes and change. So, if I hadn't wasted 5 or 6 minutes off the course I would have been in first and I could have retired. (Just kidding - I'm looking forward to trying again at the Riverkeeper).
Sat May 28th - Sun May 29th: National Capital Race Weekend
Results to be included next time.  Please let me know if you or any of your lane-mates participated!  Full results at
Sat May 28th - Sun May 29th: Cabot Trail Relay, Cape Breton
Results to be included next time.  Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds) is participating.  Full details at:
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  Can you let swimmers know that a limited range of Speedo prescription goggles are available at Elgin Sports (Bank st just north of Laurier)?  Ellen B (Whitecaps "B")
Dear Ellen: Done!
Dear Coach:  What is going on with the pool temperature these days?  It's been all over the place since the pool reopened?  Puzzled Swimmer
Dear P. Swimmer:  Over the shutdown, some new pool "plumbing" was installed.  The Carleton steam room was having problems regulating the temperature for the first two weeks, but now has it under control! 
Dear Coach:  Swimming sometimes makes my eczema flare up.  What do you recommend?  Itchy Swimmer
Dear I. Swimmer:  For any new rash, you should consult a dermatologist to determine exactly what it is.  If you have eczema, your doctor will likely recommend cortisone cream.  Recommendations I was given to avoid eczema and/or reduce the incidence were to shower as soon as possible after swimming in warm (but not too hot) water.  Avoid putting soap on the skin (as it dries it out), and pat dry with your towel, rather than rubbing.  As soon as your skin is dry apply moisturizer.  If your eczema is flaring up, apply cortisone cream in the affected areas before the moisturizer.  If anyone has any other suggestions, do let me know.
Dear Coach:  What chemicals are used in the Carleton pool?  Curious Swimmer
Dear C. Swimmer:  The Carleton pool chemicals are: Chlorine gas, Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda), Calcium Hypochlorite, Muriatic Acid, and Calcium Chloride.  The pool readings are kept in the following ranges:
pH 7.4 - 7.6
FC 1.5 - 3ppm (free chlorine)
TC 1.5 - 3ppm (total chlorine)
TA 80 - 110ppm (total alkalinity)
CH 200 - 250ppm (calcium hardness)
CC 0.4  (combined chlorine)
Dear Coach:  I have trouble getting water out of my ears after swimming.  What do you suggest?  Plugged Ears
Dear P. Ears:  I recommend a mixture of 90% rubbing alcohol / 10% vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.  More or less the same content as the ear products you can buy at the pharmacy, but much cheaper!  Put a few drops in each ear after workout and let sit a few seconds.  The rubbing alcohol causes the water to evaporate and the vinegar / peroxide changes the pH, so that bacteria won't grow (i.e. no infections!).
Dear Coach:  Do you know the course and speed of the participants in the 3k and 4k Meech Lake Swims?  Open Water Newbie
Dear O.W. Newbie:  The July 3k is 4 loops from Blanchet beach and around the small island.  The August 4k is a point to point from Blanchet to O'Brien beaches.  There is a huge range of ability and speed.  Anyone who swims with Carleton Masters would do fine in these races.
Dear Coach:  Is a wetsuit allowed in the 3k and 4k Meech Lake races?  A Triathlete
Dear A. Triathlete:  To be considered an "official" participant you may not wear a wetsuit, but you can compete as an "exhibition" swimmer in a wetsuit.  (Note that drafting is not permitted.)
Dear Coach:  What's the best way to enter the water in the Early Bird Tri, when you are not allowed to dive?  Another Triathlete
Dear A. Triathlete:  From a standing start you jump in (feet first) leaning slightly forward and raising your arms so that as you go down your feet end up on the wall about 3-4ft under water and you're horizontal with your knees bent and arms forward.  You then push off just like you would from the wall on an in water start or a turn.  (This should only be done in deep water to avoid hitting your knees on the bottom!)  If the description doesn't make sense, ask me to show you sometime.
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
The following days/times are available for swim lessons for May-August (note that there is now one evening time available in June, due to a cancellation):
Mon/Fri 9:45-10:45am Jun
Mon/Tue 3:30-4:30pm May/Jun
Wed 6-7pm Jun 8 / Aug
Wed 7-8pm Aug
Thu 7:15-8pm Jul 28
Mon/Tue/Thu 7:15-8:15pm Aug
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Spring/Summer Sessions
The Spring Masters sessions started on Mon May 9th.  Details and prices are on the Masters web site:, and on the Carleton Athletics web site: is open for both May-June and July-August.  Note that we have separated registration for May/June and July/August this year so that you can more easily join Masters for just May/June, just July/August, or switch groups between May-June and July-August.  Please note the new Saturday morning time for July/August is 10-11am only.  You can register on-line for the programs (, but memberships must be purchased through the Athletics office, now on the main floor (520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F), next to the new Control Centre. 
Athletics Admittance and Program Registration
Many of you will have noticed the new check in procedures.  You now keep your card with you when using all facilities except the pool, as you may be asked for it at any time.  If you have a towel card, you will be asked to leave another piece of ID at the desk. 
   Athletics is being very strict on admittance, and you must always show your membership card.  If you forget your card, it will cost $9 to get in (no exceptions!), and this money is not refundable.  Students taking spring/summer courses must have their fees processed (this can take up to 48 hours) before their student cards will provide admittance to the facilities, and students not taking spring/summer courses must purchase an Athletics pass for May-August (see "changes" below). 
   As well as ensuring that your membership is up to date, please also register for Masters immediately, if you have not already done so, as periodic audits will take place.  Those in the building without a valid membership or participating in a program for which they have not registered will be asked to leave by Athletics staff.  Your cooperation in following these new rules is greatly appreciated! 
Spring/Summer Athletics Facility Changes
Full details can be found at:  Here's a summary. 
  • Students not taking a spring or summer course must purchase a membership to use the Athletics facilities from May-August. Cost of this student four month membership is $69.42 + GST.
  • The fitness centre will open at 8am on Sundays for May-August (instead of 11am).
  • Your membership card must be carried with you at all times, except in the pool.
  • The field house is closed May-August, except for rentals and sports camps.
  • The new cardio room is closed May-August (cardio machines are available in the fitness centre).
  • Evening and weekend pool hours for July-August have changed slightly.
    XI FINA World Championships, Montreal, July 16-31st
    While competing in this meet is for the super-elite only (Michael Phelps was recently in Montreal promoting the meet), anyone can attend to watch the five disciplines (swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, and open water swimming) taking place on Iles Ste-Helene and Notre-Dame.  The Cirque du Soleil is performing at the opening ceremonies ($150 & $175!), but ticket prices for some of the other sessions are more affordable (e.g. $10 for the open water swimming, $20 for the cheapest seats for the swimming heats, etc.). 
    Details on prices at:
    Full details on the meet web site:
    A cheaper way to see some of the events would be by volunteering, details at:
    Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
    Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

    Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

    Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
    Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
    Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

    Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

    General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

    Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

    Happy lengths!