Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #118                    Sunday, June 12th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter/Spring/Summer 2005 plus "Alumni": 6:30am Earlybirds (42 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (49 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (22 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (49 addresses),  6pm Whitecaps "B" (34 addresses), Nightcaps (29 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (35 members).

Last Chance!!  Masters Swimming Feedback Questionnaire
Please give us your feedback if you haven't already done so -- you can help make the Carleton Masters program better.
Thanks to Jim Lee (7:30am Earlybirds), who is taking a graduate course in program evaluation, we have an on-line survey set up that we'd like everyone to fill in.  We are asking for your input in the areas of workout scheduling, goal setting, stroke development, and the Carleton facility.  You can fill in the survey any time up to and including Wed Jun 15th.  You are welcome to fill in the questionnaire even if you are not currently swimming with Carleton Masters, as your comments will still be useful if you have swum with us in the past.  Your input will be used to make improvements to the programs offered.  Note that you can fill in the survey just once from any given computer.  However, you can go back at any time before the deadline and add to or change your answers, as long as you use the same computer.  Here is the link to access the survey:
Masters Swimming Feedback Focus Group Sat Jun 11th
Thanks to those who participated in the focus group.  A summary of these results along with those of the survey will be included in future newsletters. 
Upcoming Cancellations
The Spring session ends Wed Jun 29th / Thu Jun 30th, and the Summer session starts Mon Jul 4th.  So, please note that there are no workouts Fri Jul 1st or Sat Jul 2nd.  There is just one public swim on Jul 1st: 11:45am-3:30pm, but public swims run as usual on Sat Jul 2nd.
End of Term Morning Coffee
All Earlybirds are invited for coffee at Treats on Wed Jun 29th -- the last 8:30am workout until September.  (The 8:30am group does not run in July/August due to Sports Camps.)  Meet by the Control Desk after workout, around 10am.
Name the Morning Mascot
The morning mascot's name is Sapo.  Thanks to all those who contributed names and voted.  Chia (8:30am Earlybirds) picked the winning name, and will receive a prize!
Volunteers Needed
For the fourth (I think!) year, I will be coordinating the swim portion of the Kids of Steel triathlon to be held at the Uplands Base the morning of Sun Jul 10th.  I need two or three more volunteers to help with lining the kids up, counting lengths (no advanced mathematical skills needed as the majority of the kids swim less than 200m!), and (most importantly) encouraging them.  It's a fun morning and volunteers get a T-shirt and refreshments after the race.  (Thanks to those who have already volunteered!)
Competitions For All
While most Masters competitions are open only to those registered with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO), there are some upcoming events open to everyone.  There are two Meech Lake open water swims open to all swimmers and triathletes (but if you wear a wetsuit you are considered "exhibition"!), a 3k on July 16th and a 4k on August 20th, and a postal 1500m and 1 hour swim.  Details in the "Masters Swimming Competitions" section below.
Lane Etiquette and Arriving Late
I've had a request to remind everyone about lane etiquette when you arrive late at workout.  In a perfect world, we'd all be on time, but life does interfere with swimming sometimes.  If you arrive late, swim about 200m and then join in with your lane-mates at whatever point they are in the warm up.  (If they are already on the main set, just swim easy at the back of the lane until you are warmed up.)  To make it easier for those who arrive late to join in, please swim in a circle until the end of warm up.  Then, if there is enough space in your lane, you may choose to swim side by side.  Do not switch from circle swimming to side by side (or vice versa) without ensuring that everyone in the lane understands!  (Head on collisions are painful!!)
Swimmer Notes 
Wed 6:30am Volunteer Coach:  As part of his Triathlon Level 1 coaching certification, Koert Winkel is doing 8hrs of volunteer coaching with us on Wednesday mornings from 6:30-7:30am.  Feel free to ask us both for stroke tips!
Dorothy G Update:  Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds) was recently talking to x-8:30am Earlybird, Dorothy, now living in Vancouver.  Dorothy is doing well and is keeping up with her swimming!
Open Water Swim Weekends:  Oannes Swims is hosting two open water swimming weekends near Gravenhurst featuring coach Kim Lumsden (marathon swimmer).  Sessions will be held June 17-19th and Sept 16-18th.  Full details at:
Carleton Summer Waterpolo League:  This mixed league is open to all.  It includes skill development sessions, informal scrimmages and league games. No water polo experience is necessary, however participants must be strong swimmers. 
Dates/Times: Sun 4:30-6:30pm, Wed 6-8pm, June 26-Aug 31st (except July 2nd/31st).  Cost: $50+GST
Carleton Swim Suits:  Carleton swim suits (in a range of sizes) will be available in the October time frame.
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Spring Session Information
The workout themes for the Spring/Summer sessions are posted on the web site for those who like to know ahead of time what the main set theme will be. 
The Spring Session time trials are coming up soon!  On Tue Jun 14th or Wed Jun 15th, everyone will have a chance to do a timed 1500m swim (800m for those slower than 2:10 per 100m).  Then from Jun 16-28th, you have the opportunity to be timed in as many other shorter events as you'd like.  Wed Jun 29th and Thu Jun 30th will be the last workouts of the Spring session.  Your coach will plan an "even more fun than usual" workout and your suggestions are welcome!  (The summer session starts Mon Jul 4th.)
Here's the attendance summary for the first three weeks of the summer session (weekdays only).  Congratulations to the 13 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance to date.
6:30am Earlybirds (May 9-June 10th [14 workouts]; range: 17-29; avg: 23.3)
Perfect Attendance: Francois A, John B, Sean K
Missed 1 Workout: Andy J, Dave B, Debi P, Leslie H, Mary-Lou, Stefani K

7:30am Earlybirds (May 9-June 10th [14 workouts]; range: 12-22; avg: 16.8)
Perfect Attendance: Leona, Tiffany
Missed 1 Workout: Francois A

8:30am Earlybirds (May 9-June 10th [14 workouts]; range: 9-15; avg: 12.8)
Perfect Attendance: Alan H, Laurie O, Margaret K
Missed 1 Workout: Renee, Susan N-Y

Whitecaps "A" (May 9-June 9th [14 workouts]; range: 20-33; avg: 25.9)
Perfect Attendance: Cam, Joanne D, Jose, Pat B
Missed 1 Workout: Nicole D, Pete L
Whitecaps "B" (May 9-June 9th [14 workouts]; range: 15-21; avg: 17.9)
Perfect Attendance: Rod H
Missed 1 Workout: Katrina

Masters Swimming Competitions
You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Contact Lynn for full details (cost is $26 for registration up to Dec 31/05).  
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
Sat July 16th Technosport 3k Swim (Meech Lake).  Note this is not a sanctioned event and is open to everyone (MSO registration not required).  Check in / Warm up: 7:30am at Blanchet Beach.  Start: 8am.  Cost $30.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at: (also e-mail due to occasional on-line registration glitches) by Wed Jul 6th.
July 22 - 31st World Masters Games, Edmonton.  Full details at:
Sat Aug 20th Technosport 4k Swim (Meech Lake).  Note this is not a sanctioned event and is open to everyone (MSO registration not required).  Check in / Warm up: 7:30am at Blanchet Beach.  Start: 8am.  Cost $30.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at: (also e-mail due to occasional on-line registration glitches) by Wed Aug 10th.
Sun Sept 11th  Twentieth Annual Ontario Provincial Masters 5k Swim Championships, St Marys (near Stratford).  Details and entry form at:  Entry deadline: Sun Aug 28th.
Mon Sept 12th  Deadline to enter postal (actually postal or e-mail) 1500m, 1 hour, and 1 hour relay (4-16 swimmers) swims in association with Latin Caribbean Championships (MSO Registration not required).  Details at:  Swims can be done any time in 2005, up to the deadline.  Note that entry is free, but swims must be done no more than 2 per lane, swimming straight (not in a circle), and split times are needed for each 100m, along with signatures of timer and starter/referee.
Oct 10 - 15th Latin Caribbean Championships (open to all North American Swimmers), Sao Paola, Brazil.  Full details at:
Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:
Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
Sat May 7th: Technosport Sprint Meet (Long Course)
George (Whitecaps "B"), Francois A (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds), Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds), Esther (8:30am Earlybirds), Lynn (Whitecaps "A"), and Danny (Whitecaps "A", swimming for Technosport) competed.  Results are still not available, but should eventually be posted at  A team photo of the five Carleton swimmers, courtesy of Francois, is posted at:
Sat May 28th - Sun May 29th: National Capital Race Weekend
There were lots of Carleton swimmers participating.  My apologies if I missed you!  Full results at
2k (May 29th; 1432 participants)
Laurie O (8:30am Earlybirds) and her kids, Stefanie and Kyle (both 9 & Under) finished in 14:30  
10k (May 28th; 5678 participants)
Jamie S (High Intensity, Men's 30-34) 54th overall, 49th man and 9th in his age group in 34:08.9 (34:07.5)
Francois A (Earlybirds, Men's 45-49) 151st overall, 128th man and 6th in his age group in 39:32.9 (39:29.0)
John B (6:30am Earlybirds, Men's 30-34) 488th overall, 405th man and 60th in his age group in 46:28.2 (45:40.3)
Susan N-Y (8:30am Earlybirds, Women's 40-44) 705th overall, 126th woman and 19th in her age group in 49:03.2 (48:38.4)
Alice N (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 20-24) 1058th overall, 224th woman and 25th in her age group in 51:53.6 (50:27.1)
Lisa H (Whitecaps "A", Women's 35-39) 2145th overall, 662nd woman and 115th in her age group in 59:00.8 (56:42.9)
Stephane R (Whitecaps "A", Men's 30-34) 2202nd overall, 1508th man and 206th in his age group in 59:19.3 (56:00.1)
Stefani K (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 35-39) 2580th overall, 909th woman and 159th in her age group in 1:01:16.7 (59:41.8)
Jose (Whitecaps "A", Men's 45-49) 3687th overall, 2046th man and 206th in his age group in 1:07:37.6 (1:05:19.5)
Jackie L (Whitecaps "B", Women's 40-44) 3756th overall, 1683rd woman and 248th in her age group in 1:08:03.5 (1:04:21.8)
Half Marathon (May 29th; 6823 participants)
Rich I (Whitecaps "A", Men's 35-39) 147th overall, 138th man and 32nd in his age group in 1:30:32.7 (1:30:30.1)
Susanne R (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 35-39) 178th overall, 12th woman and 2nd in her age group in 1:32:08.4 (1:32:04.8)
Andy J (6:30am Earlybirds, Men's 30-34) 211th overall, 193rd man and 41st in his age group in 1:33:32.1 (1:33:09.3)
Jenn E (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 30-34) 242nd overall, 26th woman and 7th in her age group in 1:34:30.5 (1:34:23.8) [still recovering from Boston!]
Lauren F (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 20-24) 1985th overall, 625th woman and 72nd in her age group in 1:59:24.4 (1:58:39.0)
Renee (8:30am Earlybirds, Women's 50-54) 4313rd overall, 2049th woman and 59th in her age group in 2:19:36.2 (2:13:54.4)
Heather A (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 40-44) 5401st overall, 2838th woman and 486th in her age group in 2:32:00.6 (2:29:37.7)
Marathon (May 29th; 3307 participants)
Mike Stashin (6:30am Earlybirds, Men's 40-44) 1684th overall, 1284th man and 287th in his age group in 4:05:33.4 (4:01:56.3) [training run!]
Nathalie A (8:30am Earlybirds, Women's 30-34) 1953rd overall, 532nd woman and 113th in her age group in 4:15:25.0 (4:13:05.4)
Louise R (6:30am Earlybirds, Women's 50-54) 3021st overall, 1126th woman and 22nd in her age group in 5:13:23.7 (5:09:38.7)
Sat May 28th - Sun May 29th: Cabot Trail Relay, Cape Breton
Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds) was a member of the Road Side Attractions who finished 32nd out of 60 teams in 24:12:37.  Colette did the challenging 10th leg (14.7k) and finished 37th in 1:21:31, racing against mostly men.  Full results at:
Fri Jun 3rd - Sun Jun 5th Tier II National Water Polo Championships, Montreal
Congrats to Blake (Coach / 8:30am Earlybirds), Andras (Whitecaps "A"), and J-F J (7:30/8:30am Earlybirds) whose Ottawa team placed 3rd overall.
Sat Jun 4th Technosport Distance Meet (LC)
There were four Carleton swimmers at this meet: Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds), Bozena (Whitecaps "B"), Francois A (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds) and Lynn (Coach/Whitecaps "A").  Danny F (Coach/Whitecaps "A") competed for Technosport.  Three of the Carleton swimmers set records (I was the only one who didn't :-( ).  Congratulations to Francois on his first Ontario record, as well as to Margaret for 3 Club Records, and Bozena for one!
Francois A (Men 45-49): 1500fs: Ontario Record (20:42:19).  The old record Dave Legallois: 21:29.84 was from 1988!!Margaret (Women 70-74): 800fs: Club Records: 200fs (6:11.32), 400fs (12:57.89), 800fs (26:46.74)
Bozena (Women 50-54): 1500fs: Club Record (33:08.10)
Lynn (Women 40-44): 200bk (0.6 outside the Ont/Nat record), 800fs
Danny (Men 35-39): 1500fs (4 seconds outside the Ont/Nat record in 18:20) 
Full results will eventually be posted at
Sun Jun 5th Perth Triathlon (500m/16k/3.2k; 138 competitors)
Congrats to the Carleton swimmers who participated. Full results can be found at:   
Susan N-Y (8:30am Earlybirds): 50th overall, 16th woman and 3rd in women's 40+ in 56:51.2
Andrea M (Whitecaps "B"): 63rd overall and 19th woman in 57:58.0
Laurie O (8:30am Earlybirds): 64th overall, 20th woman and 5th in women's 40+ in 58:03.1
Katie Y (Susan's daughter): 93rd overall, 33rd woman in 1:04:25.0
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  Here are some suggestions for the swimmer suffering from eczema:  No scented products. Less is more – use only soap sparingly and moisturiser. Like you said, only soap the necessary areas and try to keep the skins natural oils on the rest (hard to do when immersed in chlorinated water but good advise for the rest of the time). My dermatologist recommended “Glaxal Base’ cream, a neutral cream that pharmacists use as a base for mixing other creams. Use everywhere and cortisone only on affected areas. Glaxal Base works wonders for me, is very gentle but effective, especially after a swim. I find it’s cheapest at Costco. Sun and summer also helps. Too much sun is dangerous but a few minutes a week may help. The hot, humid weather usually offers relief after a long, dry winter.  Good luck to ‘itchy swimmer’!  Fiona (Whitecaps "B")

Dear Fiona:  Thanks very much!
Dear Coach:  Where can I get prescription goggles, and how much do they cost?  Short-Sighted Swimmer
Dear S-S. Swimmer:  There are quite a few companies that make prescription goggles.  As per the last newsletter, Elgin Sports carries some Speedo prescription goggles.  The brand I like best can be found at  They come in a variety of prescriptions and colours and cost US$21.95 + tax/shipping.
Dear Coach:  Normally there is a Masters clinic in June, but I haven't seen it advertized.  Is it happening this year?  Masters Swimmer
Dear M. Swimmer:  While we often host a Masters stroke clinic in June, there won't be one this year.  For the time and effort involved in organizing it, we were not raising enough funds for the club to continue.  For the same cost, swimmers can instead take a couple of hours of private lessons and should get almost the same benefit (except that there's no underwater video taping).
Dear Coach:  Is it a problem if I occasionally miss a workout?  Busy Swimmer
Dear B. Swimmer:  You are welcome to attend as often or infrequently as your schedule permits!
Dear Coach:  What are your thoughts on wet suits?  I know they are not legal in "real" swimming, but how much do they help, if at all?  Do they allow you to swim in a wider range of temperatures than otherwise?  A Triathlete
Dear A. Triathlete:  Wet suits help men more than women and poor swimmers more than good swimmers.  Exactly how much it would help you is hard to predict!  They do allow you to swim in cold water, but most local triathlons take place in water that is certainly warm enough to swim in without a wet suit.  For some articles on wet suits (collected by a "real" long distance swimmer, so there is some anti-wet suit bias!), check out:
Dear Coach:  Is it worth getting in open water to warm up prior to a triathlon if the wait will be longer than an hour before the swim?  Another Triathlete
Dear A. Triathlete:  Probably not.  It's likely going to be better to do a warm up on land, nearer the time of your swim.  However, if it is a warm day (so you won't get chilled after exiting the water) and you are not familiar with the course, getting in early does allow you to check out the markers and figure out major landmarks to sight on.
Dear Coach:  How much space should there be between my fingers when I swim?  Does it make any difference if the fingers are close together or wide apart?  Curious Swimmer
Dear C. Swimmer:  It does make a difference as to how much water you can "catch" with your hand.  You want to have the fingers fairly close together, but relaxed.  You don't want to tire yourself by tensing the muscles too much.  However, if there are large gaps between the fingers, you won't "feel" the water as well.  Note that, to the best of my knowledge, the experts don't agree on whether the thumb should be in line with the fingers or not!
Dear Coach:  How many calories does a swimmer burn during workout?  Calorie Counter
Dear C. Counter: 
The number of calories burned, depends on many factors (your weight, efficiency, effort level, speed, etc.).  Here are some web sites that will give you an idea.  The 3rd one has a built in calculator that you can try.
Dear Coach:  Is it possible to improve and become a much better swimmer if I only started swimming seriously later in life?  Older Swimmer
Dear O. Swimmer:  Yes!  As swimming is very technique oriented, it is certainly possible to improve well into middle age.  The charts I've seen show a significant drop in performance only after age 70.
Dear Coach:  What should I do if I'm leading my lane and the pace time is up, but not everyone has finished yet?  Lane Leader
Dear L. Leader:  You should start the next repeat when your pace time is up, regardless of where everyone else is.  If, however, the coach has given you a pace time that is not working for the majority of the lane, let us know so that we can adjust the time.  Note that sometimes, there may be one or two swimmers struggling (we all have bad days and/or not so favourite strokes!), and it's ok for them to skip a 50 here and there to keep the lane together.  The goal is to have the lane stay together throughout the main set.  Note that if you continually get ahead of your lane-mates, it may be time to move up a lane.
Dear Coach:  What do I do if I end up too close or too far from the wall on my turns?  Wannabe Fast Turner
Dear W. F. Turner:  First you want to do your best to judge when you will be getting to the wall, and adjust your strokes slightly (longer or shorter) so that things work out right.  Ideally on the turns you want to be quite close to the wall (bent arms), while at the finish you want to be further (straight arms).  If it doesn't work out quite right, you can kick or glide into the wall.  Try to avoid doing a half stroke (e.g. in butterfly, it is illegal to move your hands forward under the water after you start moving them backwards).
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
The following days/times are available for swim lessons:
Mon 9:45-10:45am Jun 27
Tue 3:30-4:30pm Jun 14
Wed 6-7pm Aug
Wed 7-8pm Aug
Mon/Tue/Thu 7:15-8:15pm Aug
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Spring/Summer Sessions
The Spring Masters sessions started on Mon May 9th.  Details and prices are on the Masters web site:, and on the Carleton Athletics web site: is open for both May-June and July-August.  Note that we have separated registration for May/June and July/August this year so that you can more easily join Masters for just May/June, just July/August, or switch groups between May-June and July-August.  Please note the new Saturday morning time for July/August is 10-11am only.  You can register on-line for the programs (, but memberships must be purchased through the Athletics office, now on the main floor (520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F), next to the new Control Centre. 
Athletics Admittance and Program Registration
Many of you will have noticed the new check in procedures.  You now keep your card with you when using all facilities except the pool, as you may be asked for it at any time.  If you have a towel card, you will be asked to leave another piece of ID at the desk. 
   Athletics is being very strict on admittance, and you must always show your membership card.  If you forget your card, it will cost $9 to get in (no exceptions!), and this money is not refundable.  Students taking spring/summer courses must have their fees processed (this can take up to 48 hours) before their student cards will provide admittance to the facilities, and students not taking spring/summer courses must purchase an Athletics pass for May-August (see "changes" below). 
   As well as ensuring that your membership is up to date, please also register for Masters immediately, if you have not already done so, as periodic audits will take place.  Those in the building without a valid membership or participating in a program for which they have not registered will be asked to leave by Athletics staff.  Your cooperation in following these new rules is greatly appreciated! 
Spring/Summer Athletics Facility Changes
Full details can be found at:  Here's a summary. 
  • Students not taking a spring or summer course must purchase a membership to use the Athletics facilities from May-August. Cost of this student four month membership is $69.42 + GST.
  • The fitness centre will open at 8am on Sundays for May-August (instead of 11am).
  • Your membership card must be carried with you at all times, except in the pool.
  • The field house is closed May-August, except for rentals and sports camps.
  • The new cardio room is closed May-August (cardio machines are available in the fitness centre).
  • Evening and weekend pool hours for July-August have changed slightly.
    XI FINA World Championships, Montreal, July 16-31st
    While competing in this meet is for the super-elite only (Michael Phelps was recently in Montreal promoting the meet), anyone can attend to watch the five disciplines (swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, and open water swimming) taking place on Iles Ste-Helene and Notre-Dame.  The Cirque du Soleil is performing at the opening ceremonies ($150 & $175!), but ticket prices for some of the other sessions are more affordable (e.g. $10 for the open water swimming, $20 for the cheapest seats for the swimming heats, etc.). 
    Full details on the meet web site:
    A cheaper way to see some of the events would be by volunteering, details at:
    Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
    Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

    Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

    Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
    Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
    Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am

    Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

    General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

    Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

    Happy lengths!