Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #121                   Sunday, July 17th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)

Bcc: Those Registered for Winter/Spring/Summer 2005 plus "Alumni": 6:30am Earlybirds (44 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (51 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (22 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (52 addresses),  6pm Whitecaps "B" (36 addresses), Nightcaps (29 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (36 members).

Summer Session Workout Reminders
Don't forget that for July/August only the Saturday swims are 10am-11am.  Also, there are no 8:30-9:30am MWF workouts until the Fall session.  Finally, on Mon Aug 1st (Civic Holiday) there will be no Masters workouts, but the pool is open for a public swim from 11:45am-3:30pm.
Faculty/Staff/Students Please Note September Membership Change
As announced in the July 11th "Today @ Carleton" (see:, faculty, staff and students will not be considered Full Athletics Members starting in September, 2005.  While faculty, staff and students will continue to be admitted free of charge to public swims and the weight room upon showing their staff/student card, they must pay full price (the non-member rate) for all programs unless they pay a "bump up" fee of $50/term for a "Gold Membership" which will give a 25% discount on most programs, and access to members only programs.  As the Masters programs are members only programs, any faculty, staff or students who wish to swim with Masters must pay this "bump up" fee of $50/term.  The Gold Membership will also give access to the cardio room.  Faculty, staff and students who do not want to purchase a Gold Membership can get a cardio room pass for $25/term. 
Fall Session Details and Registration
Full details on the new Membership categories and Fall/Winter Masters Programs will be available July 25th.  This information will be summarized in the next newsletter (July 31st), and registration for Fall will start on Tue Aug 2nd.
Masters Swimming Feedback Questionnaire
Here is some more information from the recent e-survey.  As noted in the last newsletter, the summer session swimmers have the option of filling in a feedback request form where they can specify their priorities as to feedback and ensure their coach is aware of the areas they are focusing on.  If this works well, we will continue this in the Fall.  Thanks again to Jim Lee (7:30am Earlybirds) for his help with the survey!
Stroke Improvement:
Have your strokes improved this year?: some basic improvement 38%; fine tuning 27%; no change 23%; significant improvement 11%; great improvement 6%; one person noted that their strokes are getting worse (do ask your coach for help if this is the case!)
What has helped you improve?: drills 73%; workouts 63%; poolside coaching 62%; stroke clinics 17%; reading 17%; tips from other swimmers 13%; videos 7%; several swimmers said that more tips from the coach during workout would be appreciated
Do you participate in clinics, camps, private lessons?: no 59%; yes 20%; haven't heard about these 11%
Are you comfortable asking your coach for individual attention?: somewhat 45%; very 44%; no 11%; several swimmers mentioned that the coach seems too busy -- please fill in a feedback request form!
Are stroke drills helpful at the beginning of the session?: very 47%; yes 45%; no 8%; comments included that more feedback during the drills and on whether the drills are carrying through to the stroke would be helpful
Do you seek stroke improvement help on Saturday morning?: I don't attend 39%; no 35%; sometimes 26%
Would an extra coach on deck at certain times of year help?: definitely 42%; somewhat 31%; present situation fine 23%
Would you pay extra for this?: no 44%; yes 33%; maybe 32%
Are you aware of semi-private / private lessons available?: yes 85%; no 6%
General Comments:  Lots of requests for more personal feedback.  If this interests you, please fill in a feedback request form, so that your coach is aware of your interest in correction (not everyone is interested!) and your priorities.
What are your thoughts on the new change rooms? (Note: they were renovated Summer 2004): new set up is great 36%; there are some problems 34%; new set up is disappointing 23%
What are your thoughts on the new showers?: great 38%; some problems 25%; disappointed 33%
Pool maintenance?: well maintained 77%; occasional problems 16%; dissatisfied 3%
Pool equipment?: satisfied 77%; occasional problems 13%; dissatisfied 5%
Are complaints addressed in a timely manner?: don't know 39%; yes 28%; somewhat satisfied 17%; dissatisfied 8%
Do you know how to get complaints addressed?: not sure (would tell the coach) 48%; yes 28%; no 17%
Note: A summary of the suggestions for improvement for the facility and overall comments will be included next time.
Competitions For All
While most Masters competitions are open only to those registered with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO), there are some upcoming events open to everyone.  A 4k Meech Lake open water swim open to all swimmers and triathletes (but if you wear a wetsuit you are considered "exhibition"!) on August 20th, and a postal 1500m and 1 hour swim.  Details in the "Masters Swimming Competitions" section below.
Thanks to KOS Volunteers
Last weekend was the weekend of triathlons being changed to duathlons.  While Saturday's OAC triathlon's bike portion was cancelled due to wet conditions, the Sunday Uplands Kids of Steel race became a duathlon (run, bike, run) due to a high bacteria count in the outdoor pool.  The swim volunteers instead helped out with the Fun Du for age 5 and under (some as young as 3!), and with the run course and transition zone for older kids.  Thanks very much to Brenda K, Chad, Jason D, Jess R and Meyer for their help!  Results can be found at:
Swimmer Notes  
Engagement:  On July 1st, Steve Morton (Whitecaps "A", formerly Nightcaps) asked his long-time girlfriend, Beth Marshall, if she'd marry him and spend the rest of their lives together, and she said "yes". No wedding date has been set -- though the wedding will likely be in the spring -- they're just enjoying being engaged.  Congratulations to Steve and Beth!
Pre-Wedding Celebration:  All are welcome to an informal get together to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Jeff McGrath and Jackie Brunetta (both Winter Whitecaps "A").  It will be held on Sat Aug 6th at 6pm, at the Royal Oak (Echo Drive at Pretoria Bridge)   An envelope will be passed around for those interested in making a contribution.  For more details contact Jennifer "Frankie" Hampton at
Uncle Mits:  Congratulations to Mits (6:30am Earlybirds and Whitecaps "B" Coach) who became an uncle for the first time on Wed Jul 13th at 4:31pm when Miya Faith Kachi was born to his brother Nanao and his wife Lisa.  A photo of his niece can be seen at:
Mascot Photo:  A photo of the morning mascot, Sapo, with Chia (8:30/7:30am Earlybirds) who won a nose clip for suggesting the winning name can be seen at:  Thanks very much to photographer Margaret K (8:30/7:30am Earlybirds).
Smart Goggles:  Check out this latest invention: goggles that will time you and count your lengths:  Thanks to Shirley B (6:30am Earlybirds) for bringing this to my attention.
Pool Chemical Incidents:  A couple of recent news articles may be of interest, especially to anyone with a backyard pool.
1. Barrie YMCA swimming pool chemical problems lead to hospital visits for 20 swimmers, see:
2. Pennsylvania woman in critical condition after pool chemical explosion, see:
Wet Suit for Sale:  Used Sleeveless recreational wetsuit for sale: Made by Bare. Small size. Approx. 125-140 lbs. $45.00. Call: 730-0422 (Renee, 8:30am Earlybirds).
Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Carleton Swim Suits:  Carleton swim suits (in a range of sizes) will be available in the October time frame.
Summer Session Information
Here are the attendance statistics for the Summer session.  To date there are 22 swimmers with perfect attendance, 11 of those from Whitecaps "A"! 
6:30am Earlybirds (July 4-15th [6 workouts]; range: 11-20; avg: 13.5)
Perfect Attendance: Darcia, Glenn, John B

7:30am Earlybirds (July 4-15th [6 workouts]; range: 14-18; avg: 15.8)
Perfect Attendance: Francois A, Isla, Sarah F, Suraya, Tom S

Whitecaps "A" (July 4-14th [6 workouts]; range: 17-22; avg: 20.5)
Perfect Attendance: Cam, Debby W, Don W, Isabelle, Jeff B, Joanie, Joanne D, Nicole D, Pete L, Stephane, Veronica
Whitecaps "B" (July 4-14th [6 workouts]; range: 13-18; avg: 15.3)
Perfect Attendance: Francois P, George, Kai
Masters Swimming Competitions
You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Contact Lynn for full details (cost is $26 for registration up to Dec 31/05).  
Here's a summary of upcoming local, nearby and championship meets.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
Sat Aug 20th Technosport 4k Swim (Meech Lake).  Note this is not a sanctioned event and is open to everyone (MSO registration not required).  Check in / Warm up: 7:30am at Blanchet Beach.  Start: 8am.  Cost $30.  You can pay on the day.  Register on-line at: (also e-mail due to occasional on-line registration glitches) by Wed Aug 10th.
Sun Sept 11th  Twentieth Annual Ontario Provincial Masters 5k Swim Championships, St Marys (near Stratford).  Details and entry form at:  Entry deadline: Sun Aug 28th.
Mon Sept 12th  Deadline to enter postal (actually postal or e-mail) 1500m, 1 hour, and 1 hour relay (4-16 swimmers) swims in association with Latin Caribbean Championships (MSO Registration not required).  Details at:  Swims can be done any time in 2005, up to the deadline.  Note that entry is free, but swims must be done no more than 2 per lane, swimming straight (not in a circle), and split times are needed for each 100m, along with signatures of timer and starter/referee.
Oct 10 - 15th Latin Caribbean Championships (open to all North American Swimmers), Sao Paola, Brazil.  Full details at:
Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:
Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
Sat May 7th: Technosport Sprint Meet (Long Course)
George (Whitecaps "B"), Francois A (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds), Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds), Esther (8:30am Earlybirds), Lynn (Whitecaps "A"), and Danny (Whitecaps "A", swimming for Technosport) competed.  Results are still(!!) not available, but should eventually be posted at
Sat Jun 25th Kluane Chilkat International 245k Bike Race
Leslie H (6:30am Earlybirds) participated in this event.  It's a bike race from Haines Junction, Yukon to Haines, Alaska, that can be done solo, or in teams of 2, 4 or 8.  The website with all the details and results is at:  More details next time, as I don't know Leslie's team name!
Fri Jul 1st HBC Canada Day 5k Run, Kanata
Congrats to Francois A (6:30 & 7:30am Earlybirds) who finished 10th overall, 9th man and 3rd in Men's 40-49 in 18:59.4.  Full results at
Sat Jul 9th OAC Triathlon [Duathlon!], Meech Lake (1.2k/0k/9.6k; 160 individuals and 36 teams)
The bike portion was cancelled due to wet roads and the run was lengthened!  Full results at
Jamie S (High Intensity): 1st overall, 1st man, 1st in men's 30-34 in 51:51
Blair C (Whitecaps "A"): 5th overall, 1st in men's 35-39 in 55:49
James Y (6:30am Earlybirds): 8th overall, 3rd in men's 40-44 in 57:27
Sheila K (Whitecaps "A"): 14th overall, 1st woman, 1st in women's 40-44 in 1:00:15
Chad C (7:30am Earlybirds): 35th overall, 8th in men's 30-34 in 1:03:32
Alice N (6:30am Earlybirds): 66th overall, 3rd in women's 20-24 in 1:08:37
Anita P (7:30am Earlybirds): 72nd overall, 4th in women's 35-39 in 1:09:45
Liz S (6:30am Earlybirds): 107th overall, 9th in women's 30-34 in 1:15:52
Natalie A (8:30am Earlybirds): 109th overall, 10th in women's 30-34 in 1:16:47
Mike Sims (6:30am Earlybirds): 119th overall, 22nd in men's 35-39 in 1:19:31
Shirley B (6:30am Earlybirds): 123rd overall, 8th in women's 40-44 in 1:20:09
Robin V (Whitecaps "B"): 143rd overall, 5th in women's 20-24 in 1:25:37
Veronica (Whitecaps "A") did the swim on the 1st women's team (2nd overall team) in 57:04.  [Sue S (Whitecaps "A") was the cyclist on the team, so she didn't get to participate!]
Sun Jul 10th Peterborough Half Ironman Triathlon (2k/90k/21.1k; 545 competitors)
Full results at  This was a very tough race due to the heat!
Susanne R (6:30am Earlybirds): 49th overall and 3rd women's pro in 5:01:56
Sun Jul 10th Utica (NY) Boilermaker 15k Run (9415 competitors)
Louise R (6:30am Earlybirds) participated and placed 7853rd and 51st out of 90 in women's 55-59 in 1:40:48.  Full results are at:
Here is Louise's Race Report ("Boiling Good Time in Utica, N.Y."), reprinted from
- A crashing cannon boom (at the start)
- Fighter planes overhead (at post race party)
- Fireworks from the beer factory rooftops
- Huge American flags
   It's not War of the Worlds; It's the Utica Boilermaker, the largest 15 K in North America, 11,000 runners - from Kenyans at the front to party-ers at the back.
   Far from a party animal, and allergic to beer, it took my friend Lynn Campbell to talk me into joining her gang heading down to the Boilermaker, which she said was their favorite race. They'd all done it up to seven times before. Since this seems to be my year for non-traditional distances, I agreed to add it to my tally.
   Lynn was introduced to the world of running races by those friends, Terry Vivyurka and Peter Davies of Ottawa, David Baird of Arnprior and Valerie Kirkpatrick.
   Valerie, 66, distinguished our crew by coming third in her 60 plus age category and winning $100 U.S. in a time of 1:19. Valerie started running at 59 - a long time after growing up in a little English village where her mother didn't think it was ladylike to run or even wear shorts.
   Running Boston is to the Boilermaker as cycling Rideau Lakes is to the MS Cycle Tour - something to offer less talented athletes a bit of the same flavor.
   This was my first race with seeding - the embarrassment of wearing your slow predicted time on your bib color for all to see.
   We stayed at Lake Chalet Campground and Motel in Bridgewater, N.Y., some of us at each, and it was very pleasant. . Utica is four hours from Ottawa.
   The race course is a scenic point to point through Utica's best green boulevarded neighborhoods, with a long uphill around the golf course. Spectators, music and cheering the whole way. More waterstations than any other race, almost continuous, with popsicles and ice in between. I stuck a bag of ice under my cap for the second half of the race.
   Lynn and I had agreed to run together and seeded ourselves way back. As it turned out, we did a lot of passing and dodging the entire race. It took 10 minutes to get to the start line, because we were the second last corral of numbers. It was a novel experience for me to be surrounded by fellow runners - and spectators, bands, bagpipers, a leprechaun, 2 guys dresses as Blues Brothers, and other fun, the whole time.
   A highlight of the weekend for us was: While having a post-race self-congratulatory lunch at Delmonico's Italian Steakhouse in Utica, the manager came out and told us each year during the Boilermaker Weekend a table is chosen at random to have their meal paid for. We didn't have to pay a cent for wine, beer, steaks, dessert, tip, anything. And the food was excellent. Delmonico's at 147 N. Genessee Street. They're great. Everyone go there.
   Finishers received pins not medals, and you had to buy a souvenir shirt if you wanted one, but you don't feel shortchanged. Everyone downing the unlimited cups of beer at the finished seemed very happy.
Sat Jul 16th: Technosport 3k Swim, Meech Lake
Quite a few Carleton swimmers participated.  Results next time!
Sun Jul 17th: Graham Beasley Triathlon, Carleton Place
Results will be posted on, and Carleton swimmers will be listed in the next newsletter.
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  What swim suit materials are resistant to chlorine damage and how should I care for my swim suit?  Worn Out Suit Owner
Dear W.O.S. Owner:  Polyester is the longest lasting material in chlorine.  Polyester suits will last at least ten times as long as lycra.  A slightly stretchy polyester material has been developed in the past few years so polyester suits are more comfortable than they used to be.  The Carleton suits (available in October) are polyester.  As for suit care, rinse your suit with soap or shampoo after you wear it to get the chlorine out.  Expensive suit rinses are also available.  Note that if you have an expensive racing suit with a special coating, you should avoid using soap/shampoo and wringing the suit as it will remove the coating.
Dear Coach:  Can you remind me again of the difference between build and descend in a set?  Forgetful Swimmer
Dear F. Swimmer: Build within a repeat (e.g. 200 build) means start at a moderate pace and gradually speed up.  Build within a set (e.g. 50, 100, 150, 200, building through the set) is normally used for repeats of different distances and it means that the first repeat is at a moderate pace, the next slightly faster, ... the last the fastest pace.  Descend within part of a set (e.g. 3 x 100 desc 1->3) is normally used for repeats of the same distance and means that each repeat should be faster than the one before.
Dear Coach:  I feel like I'm getting slower in workout.  Any suggestions?  Swimmer In A Rut
Dear S.I.A. Rut:  We often tend to swim at the same speed all the time in workout.  When that happens, we stop improving or may even get slower, especially if we miss some workouts.  The best way to "shock" your body into adapting to something new and getting faster, is to do some very hard sprints (health permitting!), e.g. the lactate tolerance option that is sometimes offered.  Ask your coach to suggest a set.
Dear Coach:  You told me to breathe less than normal in a 25m freestyle sprint.  Can you explain why?  New Sprinter
Dear N. Sprinter:  In a short swim (e.g. 25-50m), you don't need much oxygen as you will be finished before you get into oxygen debt.  Breathing causes extra resistance and slows you down, especially on your push off the wall.  Thus for a short swim, you want to just "put your head down and go" and breath as little as possible.  Ideally you should always take at least one stroke before your first breathe after each push off / turn, but it is especially important to avoid breathing after your push off / turn in a sprint.  It's also even more important than usual to accelerate your arms through the stroke and push extra hard at the back of the stroke when sprinting for extra propulsion.
Dear Coach:  I find I run out of breath when I flip turn.  What am I doing wrong?  New Flip Turner
Dear N.F. Turner:  First you want to make your flip as quick as possible so make sure you pull up hard with both arms to flip over.  While you do need to blow air out of your nose during the turn to avoid water going in, there is still time to push off and take a stroke before breathing.  As you are going longer without air than with an open turn, your body will need some time to adapt.  Basically, just keep working at it, and it will slowly become easier for you.
Dear Coach:  When I push off the wall should I be on the surface or submerged?  Working On My Turns
Dear W.O.M. Turns:  If we didn't need to breathe (and if the rules allowed it) we'd stay under water all the time as it is more efficient to be completely under the water.  Thus you should always (in all strokes, including backstroke) push off the wall completely submerged and aim to go 5-10m underwater in a streamlined position before coming to the surface and starting to swim.
Dear Coach:  Results of a recent triathlon showed that someone who is the same speed as me in a pool was significantly faster in open water.  Why would this be?  Just Wondering
Dear J. Wondering:  Many factors come into play in an open water swim in a triathlon.  As previously discussed, wet suits make much more difference for some swimmers than for others.  Also, the "line" you follow in open water isn't as obvious as in the pool, so you may not have swum the same distance as your friend.  In addition, as drafting is legal, if your friend was drafting and you weren't, that could make a 10% difference.  Also, as you were in different heats, conditions (wind, sun, etc.) could have changed slightly.  On top of that, some people are better morning swimmers than others, not to mention that we all have good days and bad days!
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
The following 2 days/times are available for August swim lessons:
Mon Aug 8th 7:15-8:15pm
Wed Aug 24th 7-8pm
Prices for private lessons for Carleton Members are $36.75 for 1 hour, $68.25 for 2, $94.50 for 3, $117.60 for 4 and $138.60 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Private lessons are also available to non-Members at a higher cost ($52.50, $89.25, $120.75, $149.10 and $170.10, all plus GST, for 1-5 hours, respectively).

For those who want to take semi-private lessons (2-3 students), the cost per student for Carleton Members is $22.05 for 1 hour, $40.95 for 2, $56.70 for 3, $70.56 for 4, and $83.16 for 5 hours, all plus GST.  Semi-private lessons for non-Members cost (per person) $31.50 for 1 hour, $53.55 for 2, $72.45 for 3, $89.46 for 4, and $102.06 for 5 hours, all plus GST. 

Contact Lynn for availability and bookings.

Spring/Summer Sessions
The Summer Masters sessions started on Mon Jul 4th.  Details and prices are on the Masters web site:, and on the Carleton Athletics web site: that we have separated registration for May/June and July/August this year so that you can more easily join Masters for just May/June, just July/August, or switch groups between May-June and July-August.  Please note the new Saturday morning time for July/August is 10-11am only.  You can register on-line for the programs (, but memberships must be purchased through the Athletics office, now on the main floor (520-4480 8:30am-4:30pm M-F), next to the new Control Centre. 
XI FINA World Championships, Montreal, July 16-31st
While competing in this meet is for the super-elite only (Michael Phelps was recently in Montreal promoting the meet), anyone can attend to watch the five disciplines (swimming, water polo, diving, synchronized swimming, and open water swimming) taking place on Iles Ste-Helene and Notre-Dame.  The Cirque du Soleil performed at the opening ceremonies ($150 & $175!), but ticket prices for some of the other sessions are more affordable (e.g. $10 for the open water swimming, $20 for the cheapest seats for the swimming heats, etc.).  The pool swimming events start July 24th.  Full details on the meet web site:
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm
Saturday Brunch (after 10-11am workout): Meet by the Tuck Shop around 11:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!