Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #133                 Tuesday, December 20th, 2005
To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)
Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2005 and Alumni: High Intensity (16 addresses), 7:30am Earlybirds (35 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (18 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (44 addresses),  6pm Whitecaps "B" (34 addresses), Nightcaps (25 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (42 members).
End of Fall Session / Start of Winter Session
The Masters / High Intensity Fall session ended Sat Dec 17th.  The Masters / High Intensity Winter session starts the evening of Tue Jan 3rd
Interim $3 Masters Workout Schedule
Please note that the interim workouts are open only to those with a valid Gold membership who have already registered for Masters for Winter 2006 or who are currently registered with High Intensity.  Please bring $3 (exact change appreciated) and pay the coach on deck before workout.  All interim workouts are half pool with no child safety supervision.
Here is the schedule:
Mon Dec 19th: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Mon Dec 19th: 6:00-7:10pm (Coach: Mits)
Tue Dec 20th: 6:00-7:10pm (Coach: Mits) ** note that this workout only is free of charge to replace the Tue Nov 15th workout that ended at 6:35pm due to the power failure**
Wed Dec 21st: 7:30-8:30am (Coach: Lynn)
Tue Dec 27th: 3:30-5:00pm (Coach: Mits)
Thu Dec 29th: 3:30-5:00pm (Coach: Mits)
In addition, all faster Masters swimmers (who can repeat 100s free on 1:45 or better and 100s choice on 2:00 or better) may attend any of the Carleton Varsity workouts between Dec 19th and 23rd.  There is a $3 cost per workout for Masters swimmers but they are free for High Intensity swimmers (to replace the Fall cancellations):
Mon Dec 19th 6:00-7:30am and 7:15-9:00pm
Tue Dec 20th 7:30-9:30am
Wed Dec 21st 6:00-7:30am and 6:00-7:40pm
Thu Dec 22nd 7:30-9:30am
Fri Dec 23rd 9:30-11:30am and 3:30-5:30pm
Public Swim Times over the Holidays
Please note that the Athletics facility is closed Dec 24-26th, Dec 31st and Jan 1st.  On Dec 23rd and Dec 27-30th the building is open 8am-8pm only and there is just one public swim per day: 11:45am-3:30pm.  Regular hours resume Mon Jan 2nd, except that for Jan 2nd-6th the late afternoon swim will be 4:30-6pm (not 4-6pm) due to a Kids Sports Camp.
Winter Term Registration
Please register for the Winter term as soon as possible, to ensure that the coaches have up-to-date class lists.  You can register on-line 24 hrs/day at, or by phone (520-4480) or in person (main floor) from 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.  Note that those registered in the current High Intensity groups are paid up until February.  All other groups require re-registration for January.  You can also register now for the 6:30am Earlybirds (starting in March).  The workout themes for Winter 2006 are posted on the web site:
Swimmer Notes   
Bikini Workout:  The 8:30am women decided to celebrate summer on the last day of the Fall term by wearing their bikinis to workout.  Check out the photo:
Kick Challenge:  Congratulations to Nicole D for winning the 400m kick challenge (and cup!) on Mon Dec 12th before the Whitecaps workout.  Stephane R is going to work on his kick some more and try to win the cup back!  In the meantime, if anyone else wants to challenge Nicole, feel free!  Thanks to Francois P for refereeing this battle.
Carleton Masters Christmas Party:  A big thank you to Joanie Conrad (Whitecaps "A"/Nightcaps), Don Wells (Whitecaps "A"), and Sam and Ben (Safety Supervision) for hosting the Dec 10th Christmas Party.  It was an enormous feast (as usual!) and we hope that Joanie and Don enjoy their night out at the Keg, their gift from the Whitecaps for hosting the party for so many years.
Swimmers in the News:
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Member:  I'm a bit behind on this announcement, but Karen Jensen (Nightcaps) was appointed to this tribunal in April, see:
2005 CanWest Spirit Award for the Ottawa Region:  Congratulations to Louise Rachlis (x-6:30am Earlybirds) on this well deserved award:
   CanWest will issue a $1000.00 donation to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.
   Louise is an amazing, energetic and multi-talented person, who has touched the lives of many in the Ottawa community because she makes the time to share her talents and her passions with those around her. She is active in so many areas; it is difficult to cover them all. But here are a few of the ways she contributes to our community.
   Louise is the founding editor of "Challenge Life with Cancer," the semi-annual publication of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation. Since 1996, Louise has been volunteering time to put out this magazine which provides education and support to cancer patients and their families. The magazine won the 1998 Association of Health Care Philanthropy Award. She also is on the board of the Ottawa Jewish Bulletin newspaper, as well as writing for the Mainstreeter, a community newspaper for Ottawa East.
   This year Louise combined two of her loves - running and writing - in a short motivational book on running which she produced to raise funds for the Ottawa Hospital. The Citizen agreed it was a great project and published the book, called "20 Steps." Its subtitle, "Twenty Steps to Keep You Going When You Think You Couldn't Possibly- In Running and In Life" says a lot about Louise's philosophy.
   Louise is also a role model for many in Ottawa's running and triathlete communities and a tireless promoter of active living. She took up running after turning 50 and eight years later completed her eleventh marathon in October, 2005. She also decided to conquer her fear of swimming a few years ago, started classes and is now competing in triathlons. She has championed slow runners and late-comers to active living in many articles published in running magazines and The Citizen. She wrote a short book, "A
Matter of Dreams" which profiles how some of Ottawa's top triathletes keep motivated as a 2003 fund-raiser for the "" triathlete community.
   Louise is also an acrylic and watercolour artist, who sells her work professionally but also generously, donates it to help charitable groups raise funds. The Juvenile Diabetes Association, REACH, the Ottawa-Carleton Immigrant Services Organization, Friends of the Farm, the Women's Business Network and others have benefited from her donations.
   In her work as the Citizen's advertising features editor, Louise has also found ways to reach out, motivate and encourage others. Her interest in running sparked the Citizen's annual National Capital Race Weekend series. Her flair for writing led to an annual Halloween story contest, sponsored by Rogers Pumpkin Patrol. It gets kids from around the region involved in the fun of creative writing.
   The many ways Louise finds to get involved in our community makes it difficult to generalize about her volunteer activities. But it is that gift of sharing her talents and passions in every area of her life with those around her, that I believe makes her such an outstanding example to us all.
Looking for a Candidate who is "Fit to Represent You"? David Chernushenko, spouse of Marie-Odile Junker (8:30am Earlybirds), is the Green Party candidate in Ottawa Centre and Deputy Leader of the party. David is a strong advocate of improving the health of Canadians through health promotion: more physical education in schools, better access to recreational facilities and funding for programs, communities safe for cycling, cleaner air and water and healthier food. David is an environmental advisor to the International Olympic Committee, the founder of Clean Air Champions, and the author of Greening Our Games David would love to hear from Masters Swimmers about your views on important federal issues, and to tell you more about his platform and party. and 860-1330.
Carleton Swim Suits:  Price is $70 for the women's suits ($55 for girl's) and $35 for the men's (cash or cheque payable to "Carleton University").  The men's suits range from size 28 to 38.  The women's suits range from girl's size 22 to women's size 40.  If you would like a suit, please e-mail me at least a day in advance to arrange a time (preferably when I am coaching) so that I can have the suits ready for you. 

Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.
Fall Session Summary
Here's the summary of the attendance and time trials for the Fall session.  If you notice any errors or omissions, please do let me know. 

The term ended with just 2 swimmers with perfect weekday attendance!!  Congratulations to Leona (7:30am Earlybirds) and Colette K (8:30am Earlybirds).  Six swimmers missed just 1 weekday workout: Gwen (7:30am Earlybirds), Alan H, Margaret K, Natalie A, and Penny (all 8:30am Earlybirds), and Francois P (Whitecaps "B").
7:30am Earlybirds (Sept 14-Dec 16th; 40 workouts; range 7-24; avg: 18.6)
Perfect Attendance: Leona
Missed 1 Workout: Gwen
Missed 2 Workouts: Barb P, Blair G

8:30am Earlybirds (Sept 14-Dec 16th; 40 workouts; range 10-17; avg: 13.4)
Perfect Attendance: Colette K
Missed 1 Workout: Alan, Margaret K, Natalie A, Penny
Missed 2 Workouts: Susan N-Y
Whitecaps "A" (Sept 13-Dec 15th; 40 workouts; range 13-29; avg: 22.4)
Missed 1 Workout: Francois P
Missed 2 Workouts: Cam, Kathryn P
Missed 4 Workouts: Joanne D
Whitecaps "B" (Sept 13-Dec 15th; 40 workouts; range 12-25; avg: 19.4)
Missed 2 Workouts: Suzanne L
Missed 3 Workouts: George
Missed 4 Workouts: Marg E
Nightcaps (Sept 13-Dec 15th; 28 workouts; range 7-20; avg: 13.9)
Missed 4 Workouts: Joanie
High Intensity (Sept 13-Dec 17th; 39 workouts (28 HI 2); range 5-15; avg: 9.9 [excluding Varsity])
Missed 2 Workouts: Dave S
Missed 4 Workouts: Francois A (HI 1)
Time Trial and Relay Summary:
The information below on most improved and fastest swimmers is taken from the time trials done at the end of the Fall session, and includes the relay splits from the end of term relays.  Times done in competitions are not included.  If your times are not listed here and you're curious, just e-mail me for details.  (I have all time trial times since May 2001.)
There were 24 women and 25 men who improved in at least one event!  Flo (8:30am Earlybirds) had the biggest improvement of 19.8 sec / 100m in her 50bk.  Second for the women was Jen E (8:30am Earlybirds) with 10.8 sec / 100m in her 50fs, and third was Marie-Odile (also 8:30am Earlybirds) with 8.1 sec / 100m in 100fs.  On the men's side Ray A (High Intensity 1) had the biggest improvement of 11.5 sec / 100m in 100fs.  Second was Mark Hynes (Nightcaps) with 9.7 sec / 100m in 100fs, and third was Sean K (High Intensity 1) with 8.2 sec / 100m in 100br.  Congratulations to all those who improved, especially those improving in multiple events!
The International Point Scores (link to web page below) are used to determine the best swims.  There were 20 women (14 non-Varsity/Coach) and 27 men (16 non-Varsity/Coach) scoring 400 points or above in at least one event.  Top Masters were Ben D and Blair C (both Whitecaps "A") who raced to a tie in 100fs earning 648 pts each.  Top Masters woman was Barb P (7:30am Earlybirds) with 625 pts in 50fs. Third for the men was Jamie S (High Intensity 1) with 605 pts in 50fs followed closely by Steve Morris (High Intensity 1) scoring 603 pts in 100fs.  Second woman was Kelly R (7:30am Earlybirds) with 581 pts in 100fs, just edging out Laura S (Whitecaps "A") with 580pts in 1500fs.  Great work!
Congratulations to Flo and Margaret (both 8:30am Earlybirds) for swimming some longer events that none of the younger Masters were willing to try (200bk for Flo, and 400IM for Margaret)!  Also, kudos to Jen E (8:30am Earlybirds) and Jocelyn L (Whitecaps "A") for participating in the time trials during their pregnancies and both placing in the top 3!
The top 3 improvements and the top 3 times for each event are also listed below, as are the results of the relays.  Thanks to all who participated! 
VEB = 6:30am Earlybirds, EB1 = 7:30am Earlybirds, EB2 = 8:30am Earlybirds, NC = Nightcaps, WCA = Whitecaps "A", WCB = Whitecaps "B", HI = High Intensity, V = Varsity Swimmer, WP = Varsity Waterpolo Player, VC = Varsity Swim Coach, WPC = Varsity Waterpolo Coach, MC = Masters Coach, PS = Pool Staff  (Varsity, Staff and Coaches are considered "exhibition" [X] in the standings below)
Most Improved Swimmers (best event for each person):
Note that only those who have swum time trials previously with Carleton Masters are eligible. 
Women: (24)
1.  Flo           19.8/100m (EB2):   50bk
2.  Jen E         10.8/100m (EB2):   50fs
3.  Marie-Odile    8.1/100m (EB2):  100fs
4.  Nicole D       7.5/100m (WCA): 1500fs
5.  Victoria       5.3/100m  (NC):  100fs
6.  Colette K      5.0/100m (EB2):   50fs
7.  Jen L          4.7/100m (EB1):  100IM
8=. Joanie C       4.0/100m  (NC):  100fs
X=. Robin (PS)     4.0/100m (WCA): 1500fs
9.  Natalie A      3.9/100m (EB2):  100fs
10. Leona          3.2/100m (EB1):   50fs
11. Susan N-Y      2.8/100m (EB2):  100fs
12. Joanne D       2.6/100m (WCA):  100fs
13. Ursula         2.4/100m (WCB):  800fs
14. Renee          2.2/100m (EB2):   50fs
15. Barb P         2.0/100m (EB1):   50fs
16. Margaret K     1.9/100m (EB2):  200fs
X.  Heather M (V)  1.8/100m   (V):   50fs
17. Mary-Lou       1.5/100m (EB1): 1500fs
18. Sue S          1.0/100m (WCA):  100fs
19=.Cheri R        0.9/100m (WCA):  100IM
19=.Sarah D        0.9/100m (EB1): 1500fs
20. Laurie O       0.4/100m (EB2):  100fs
21. Meghan H       0.3/100m  (NC): 1500fs
Men: (25)
1.  Ray A         11.5/100m (HI1):  100fs 
2.  Mark Hynes     9.7/100m  (NC):  100fs
3.  Sean K         8.2/100m (HI1):  100br  
4.  Dave B         7.8/100m (EB1):  100fs
5.  Dave S         7.2/100m (HI1): 1500fs
6.  Julian L       6.6/100m (EB1):   50fs
X.  Greg M (V)     6.4/100m   (V):   50fl
7.  Gi             6.0/100m (WCB):   50fs
8.  Francois P     5.8/100m (WCA):   50br
9.  Jamie S        3.8/100m (HI1):   50fl
10. Chris H        3.7/100m (EB1):  100fs
11=.Cam D          3.3/100m (WCA):  100fs
11=.Steve Morton   3.3/100m (WCA): 1500fs
X=. Keegan (V)     3.3/100m   (V):  100fs
13. Mike L         2.9/100m  (NC): 1500fs
X.  Brandon (V)    2.6/100m   (V):   50bk
X.  Tim K (MC)     2.4/100m (WCA):  100fs
X.  Mits K (MC)    2.2/100m (HI1):  100fs
14. Rich I         1.6/100m (WCA):   50fs
15. Brad W         1.3/100m (NC):   100fs
16. Francois A     1.2/100m (HI1):  100br
17=.Blair C        1.0/100m (WCA):   50fs
X=. Mike P (V)     1.0/100m   (V):   50fs
18. Pete L         0.8/100m (WCA): 1500fs
19. Steve Morris   0.3/100m (HI1):  100br
Fastest Swimmers (best event for each person):
All those scoring 400 or more points are shown.
Women: (20)
X.  Heather M (V)       50br     35.9: 729 points
X.  Paola O (WCA/V)   1500fs    18:57: 725 points
1.  Barb P (EB1)        50fs     30.8: 625 points
2.  Kelly R (EB1)      100fs   1:09.4: 581 points
3.  Laura S (WCA)     1500fs    20:51: 580 points
X.  Erika F (V)         50fs     31.8: 578 points
X.  Louise H (WCA/MC)  100IM   1:21.9: 525 points
4.  Sue S (WCA)       1500fs    21.46: 521 points
X.  Jessie M (V)        50fs     33.6: 503 points
X.  Emma G (V)          50fs     33.7: 499 points
5=. Linda VDM (WCB)     50fs     34.0: 488 points
5=. Sarah D (EB1)       50fs     34.0: 488 points
7.  Kathryn P (WCA)     50fs     34.5: 470 points
8.  Elaine Y (WCA)      50fs     35.0: 452 points
9=. Jen E (EB2)         50fs     35.1: 449 points
9=. Natalie A (EB2)     50fs     35.1: 449 points
11. Jen L (EB1)        100IM   1:27.0: 448 points
12. Nicole D (WCA)    1500fs    23.24: 430 points
13. Debby W (WCA)       50fs     36.0: 419 points
14. Margie B (WCA)      50fs     36.1: 415 points
Men: (27)
X.  Greg M (V)          50fs     25.4: 726 points
X.  Keegan (V)         100fs     56.4: 709 points
X.  Mike P (V)          50fs     26.7: 649 points
1=. Ben D (WCA)        100fs     58.7: 648 points
1=. Blair C (WCA)      100fs     58.7: 648 points
X=. J-F J (V)           50fs     26.8: 643 points
X=. Trevor (V)          50fs     26.8: 643 points
X.  Brandon (V)         50fs     27.0: 632 points
3.  Jamie S (HI1)       50fs     27.5: 605 points
4.  Steve Morris (HI1) 100fs   1:00.5: 603 points
X.  Francis (V)         50br     34.6: 590 points
X.  Majed (V)          100fs   1:01.6: 577 points
5.  Francois A (HI1)    50br     36.4: 558 points
6.  Pete L (WCA)      1500fs    19:28: 554 points
7.  Rich I (WCA)        50fs     28.6: 549 points
X.  Nathan C (V)        50fl     30.8: 544 points
8.  Blair G (EB1)      100fs   1:03.2: 541 points
9.  Chris H (EB1)      100fs   1:03.4: 537 points
10. Don W (WCA)       1500fs    20:19: 497 points
11. Dave S (EB1)       100br   1:22.0: 486 points
12. Dave B (EB1)        50fs     30.3: 474 points
13. Brad W (NC)        100fs   1:08.0: 447 points
X.  Tim K (WCA/MC)     100fs   1:08.2: 444 points
14. Bryan M (HI1)       50fs     31.1: 442 points
15. Francois J (EB1)   100fs   1:09.0: 430 points
X.  Mits (EB1/MC)      100br   1:26.2: 425 points
16. Mike S (EB1)       100fs   1:09.5: 421 points 
(For point scores, see:, click on "IPS Calculator" and enter the information requested; note that SCM = short course meters [25m pool].)
Top 3 Swimmers Improving in Each Event:
Minutes and/or seconds improved and sec/100m improvement are both listed.  The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who improved in that event. 
       Women                              Men
50fs   1. Jen E       5.4 (10.8/100m) EB2 1. Julian L     3.3  (6.6/100m) EB1
(9/13) 2. Colette K   2.5  (5.0/100m) EB2 2. Gi           3.0  (6.0/100m) WCB
       3. Leona       1.6  (3.2/100m) EB1 3. Dave B       2.1  (4.2/100m) EB1
100fs  1. Marie-Odile 8.1  (8.1/100m) EB2 1. Ray A       11.5 (11.5/100m) HI1
(11/11)2. Nicole D    6.4  (6.4/100m) WCA 2. Mark Hynes   9.7  (9.7/100m) NC
       3. Victoria    5.3  (5.3/100m) NC  3. Dave B       7.8  (7.8/100m) EB1 
200fs  1. Natalie A   5.5  (2.8/100m) EB2
(3/0)  2. Colette K   4.4  (2.2/100m) EB2
       3. Margaret K  3.7  (1.9/100m) EB2
800fs  1. Flo        2:15 (16.9/100m) EB2
(2/0)  2. Ursula       19  (2.4/100m) WCB   
1500fs 1. Nicole D   1:43  (7.5/100m) WCA 1. Dave S      1:48  (7.2/100m) HI1
(8/8)  X. Robin (PS) 1:00  (4.0/100m) WCA 2. Steve Morton  49  (3.3/100m) WCA
       2. Colette K    30  (2.0/100m) EB2 3. Mike L        43  (2.9/100m) NC
       3. Mary-Lou     22  (1.5/100m) EB1 4. Chris H       42  (2.8/100m) EB1
       4. Jen L        20  (1.3/100m) EB1
50bk   1. Flo         9.9 (19.8/100m) EB1 X. Brandon      1.3  (2.6/100m) V
100bk                                     1. Rich I       1.5  (1.5/100m) WCA
   1. Laurie O    0.2  (0.4/100m) EB2 1. Dave B       3.8  (7.6/100m) EB1
(1/4)                                     2. Francois P   2.9  (5.8/100m) WCA
                                          3. Sean K       0.4  (0.8/100m) HI1
100br  1. Victoria    5.2  (5.2/100m) NC  1. Sean K       8.2  (8.2/100m) HI1
(1/4)                                     2. Mark Hynes   3.8  (3.8/100m) NC
                                          3. Francois A   1.2  (1.2/100m) HI1
50fl   1. Natalie A   1.3  (2.6/100m) EB2 X. Greg M       3.2  (6.4/100m) V
(1/3)                                     1. Jamie S      1.9  (3.8/100m) HI1
                                          2. Rich I       0.6  (1.2/100m) WCA
100IM  1. Jen L       4.7  (4.7/100m) EB1 X. Mits (MC)    2.0  (2.0/100m) HI1  
(2/1)  2. Cheri R     0.9  (0.9/100m) WCA    
Fastest Three Times in Each Event:
The numbers in parentheses below the event indicate the number of women and men, respectively, who swam at least one time trial in that event.  If times are really close, more than 3 swimmers are included.
          Women                        Men         
25fs      1.   36.0 Margaret K (EB2)         
50fs      X.   29.2 Heather M (V)      X.   25.4 Greg M (V)  
(38/35)   1.   30.8 Barb P (EB1)       X.   25.8 Keegan (V)
          X.   31.8 Erika F (V)        X.   26.7 Mike P (V)
          2.   32.0 Kelly R (EB1)      X=.  26.8 J-F J (V) 
          X.   33.6 Jessie M (V)       X=.  26.8 Trevor (V)
          X.   33.7 Emma G (V)         X=.  27.0 Brandon (V)
          3.   34.0 Linda VDM (WCB)    1=.  27.0 Ben D (WCA)
          3.   34.0 Sarah D (EB1)      2.   27.5 Jamie S (HI1)
                                       3.   27.6 Blair C (WCA)
                                       X.   28.4 Francis (V)
                                       4.   28.6 Rich I (WCA)
100fs     1. 1:09.4 Kelly R (EB1)      X.   56.4 Keegan (V)
(30/26)   2. 1:10.3 Barb P (EB1)       1=.  58.7 Ben D (WCA)     
          X. 1:12.9 Erika F (V)        1=.  58.7 Blair C (WCA) 
          3. 1:15.6 Kathryn P (WCA)    3. 1:00.5 Steve Morris (HI1)
                                       4=.1:01.6 Jamie S (HI1)
                                       X=.1:01.6 Majed (V)           
200fs     1. 2:59.4 Natalie A (EB2)              
(3/0)     2. 3:06.8 Colette K (EB2)
          3. 6:21.8 Margaret K (EB2)                                 
800fs     1. 16:50  Melanie S (WCB)    1. 18:54  Andre (EB1)       
(12/4)    2. 17:08  Ursula (WCB)       2. 19:12  Mark Hynes (NC)  
          3. 17:40  Christiane W (WCB)   
Note: Those capable of under 2:00/100m are excluded from the Top 3 of the 800m
1500fs    X. 19:57  Paola (WCA/V)      X. 17:51  Keegan (V)
(35/26)   1. 20:14  Barb P (EB1)       1. 18:36  Blair C (WCA)
          2. 20:51  Laura S (WCA)      2. 19:13  Jamie S (HI1)
          3. 21:01  Kelly R (EB1)      3. 19:24  Ben D (WCA)
                                       4. 19:28  Pete L (WCA)     
50bk      X.   38.8 Jessie M (V)       X.   30.8 Brandon (V)
(10/5)    X.   40.1 Erika H (V)        X.   32.5 Trevor (V)
          1.   40.6 Jen L (EB1)        1.   35.3 Don W (WCA)
          2.   43.0 Jocelyn L (WCA)    2.   38.7 Blair B (EB1)
          3.   44.4 Nicole D (WCA)     3.   39.9 Bryan M (HI1)        
100bk     1. 1:34.6 Jocelyn L (WCA)    1. 1:13.3 Rich I (WCA)       
(4/4)     2. 1:48.0 Elizabeth P (NC)   2. 1:14.0 Don W (WCA)
          3. 1:57.0 Anna P (NC)        3. 1:14.6 Steve Morris (HI1)  
200bk     1. 7:09.9 Flo (EB2)        
25br      1.   53.4 Margaret K (EB2)        
50br      X.   35.9 Heather M (V)      X.   33.1 Keegan (V)
(7/7)     1.   46.5 Elaine Y (WCA)     X.   34.6 Francis (V)
          2.   47.8 Margie B (WCA)     1.   36.4 Francois A (HI1)
          3.   48.0 Anna P (NC)        2.   42.1 Sean K (HI1)
                                       3.   42.6 Dave B (EB1)
                                       4.   43.5 Francois P (WCA)
100br     X. 1:21.8 Heather M (V)      1. 1:17.6 Steve Morris (HI1) 
(5/10)    1. 1:40.0 Anna P (NC)        2. 1:19.9 Francois A (HI1)
          2. 1:42.0 Elizabeth P (NC)   3=.1:22.0 Dave S (HI1)
          3. 2:06.0 Lucille P (NC)     3=.1:22.0 Jamie S (HI1)
50fl      1.   37.8 Linda VDM (WCB)    X.   28.7 Greg M (V) 
(9/8)     2.   40.3 Kathryn P (WCA)    1.   29.5 Blair C (WCA)
          3.   44.1 Jen L (EB1)        X.   30.2 Trevor (V)
          4.   44.3 Natalie A (EB2)    X.   30.4 Mike P (V)
                                       X.   30.8 Nathan C (V)
                                       2.   31.7 Jamie S (HI1)
                                       3.   32.7 Rich I (WCA)
100fl     1. 1:38.0 Joanie C (NC)      X. 1:09.6 Majed (V)   
(2/1)     2. 1:47.5 Megan L (EB2)                                   
100IM     X. 1:14.2 Heather M (V)      1. 1:11.2 Jamie S (HI1)   
(20/5)    X. 1:21.9 Louise H (WCA/MC)  2. 1:21.8 Bryan M (HI1)
          1. 1:27.0 Jen L (EB1)        X. 1:23.3 Mits (HI1/MC)
          2. 1:32.5 Jen E (EB2)        3. 1:31.7 Francois J (EB1)
          3. 1:34.3 Cheri R (WCA)
400IM     1.16:10.4 Margaret K (EB2)      
Fun Relays (Thu Dec 15th / Fri Dec 16th)
Your coach did a better job than usual of making up fair teams, but you can still blame her if your team didn't win!!
4 x 50 Freestyle Relay
6pm Whitecaps (WCA/B):
1. 2:15.2: Whitecaps Lane 3: Steve Morton, Nicole D, Margie, Rich I
2=.2:17.4: Whitecaps Lane 4: Ben D, Kathryn, Francois P, Nicole G
2=.2:17.4: Whitecaps Lane 2: Cam, Gi, Linda VDM, Don W
4. 2:18.5: Whitecaps Lane 5: Jocelyn L, Debby W, Elaine Y, Blair C
6am Varsity / High Intensity (V/HI1):
1. 1:59.0: High Intensity Lane 2: Erika F, Sean K, J-F J, Greg M
2. 2:00.3: High Intensity Lane 3: Bryan, Francois J, Francois A, Jamie

7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:18.8: 7:30am Lane 2: Dave B, Jen L, Rob S, Dave B
2. 2:28.4: 7:30am Lane 3: Tom S, Leona, Blair G, Tom S
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 2:49.2: 8:30am Lane 3: Laurie, Megan L, Susan N-Y, Natalie A
2. 2:49.6: 8:30am Lane 4: Margaret K, Renee, Laura J, Colette
2pm Fri Varsity (V):
1. 1:53.1: Varsity pm Lane 4: Keegan, Emma, Trevor, Keegan
2. 1:55.6: Varsity pm Lane 3: Brandon, Majed, Nathan, Heather
3. 1:56.0: Varsity pm Lane 5: Mike P, Jessie, Francis, Mike P
X. 1:53.1: Varsity pm Lane 4: Keegan, Emma, Trevor, Keegan
X. 1:55.6: Varsity pm Lane 3: Brandon, Majed, Nathan, Heather
X. 1:56.0: Varsity pm Lane 5: Mike P, Jessie, Francis, Mike P
X. 1:59.0: High Intensity Lane 2: Erika F, Sean K, J-F J, Greg M
X. 2:00.3: High Intensity Lane 3: Bryan, Francois J, Francois A, Jamie
1. 2:15.2: Whitecaps Lane 3: Steve Morton, Nicole D, Margie, Rich I
2=.2:17.4: Whitecaps Lane 4: Ben D, Kathryn, Francois P, Nicole G
2=.2:17.4: Whitecaps Lane 2: Cam, Gi, Linda VDM, Don W
4. 2:18.5: Whitecaps Lane 5: Jocelyn L, Debby W, Elaine Y, Blair C
5. 2:18.8: 7:30am Lane 2: Dave B, Jen L, Rob S, Dave B
6. 2:28.4: 7:30am Lane 3: Tom S, Leona, Blair G, Tom S
7. 2:49.2: 8:30am Lane 3: Laurie, Megan L, Susan N-Y, Natalie A
8. 2:49.6: 8:30am Lane 4: Margaret K, Renee, Laura J, Colette
4 x 50 Medley Relay
6pm Whitecaps (WCA/B):
1. 2:35.5: Whitecaps Lane 5: Jocelyn L, Elaine Y, Blair C, Debby W
2. 2:36.6: Whitecaps Lane 2: Don W, Cam, Linda VDM, Gi
3. 2:38.4: Whitecaps Lane 4: Nicole G, Francois P, Kathryn, Ben D
4. 2:39.5: Whitecaps Lane 3: Nicole D, Margie, Rich I, Steve Morton
6am Varsity / High Intensity (V/HI1):
1=.2:20.5: High Intensity Lane 3: Bryan, Francois A, Jamie, Francois J
1=.2:20.5: High Intensity Lane 2: Erika F, Sean K, Greg M, J-F J
7:30am Earlybirds (EB1):
1. 2:47.2: 7:30am Lane 3: Blair G, Leona, Tom S, Blair G
2. 2:49.6: 7:30am Lane 2: Jen L, Dave B, Jen L, Rob S
8:30am Earlybirds (EB2):
1. 3:17.3: 8:30am Lane 4: Laura J, Margaret K, Renee, Colette
2. 3:22.6: 8:30am Lane 3: Susan N-Y, Laurie, Megan L, Natalie A
2pm Fri Varsity (V):
1. 2:08.2: Varsity pm Lane 3: Brandon, Heather, Nathan, Majed
2. 2:10.6: Varsity pm Lane 4: Trevor, Keegan, Trevor, Emma
3. 2:15.4: Varsity pm Lane 5: Jessie, Francis, Mike P, Francis
X. 2:08.2: Varsity pm Lane 3: Brandon, Heather, Nathan, Majed
X. 2:10.6: Varsity pm Lane 4: Trevor, Keegan, Trevor, Emma
X. 2:15.4: Varsity pm Lane 5: Jessie, Francis, Mike P, Francis
X=.2:20.5: High Intensity Lane 3: Bryan, Francois A, Jamie, Francois J
X=.2:20.5: High Intensity Lane 2: Erika F, Sean K, Greg M, J-F J
1. 2:35.5: Whitecaps Lane 5: Jocelyn L, Elaine Y, Blair C, Debby W
2. 2:36.6: Whitecaps Lane 2: Don W, Cam, Linda VDM, Gi
3. 2:38.4: Whitecaps Lane 4: Nicole G, Francois P, Kathryn, Ben D
4. 2:39.5: Whitecaps Lane 3: Nicole D, Margie, Rich I, Steve Morton
5. 2:47.2: 7:30am Lane 3: Blair G, Leona, Tom S, Blair G
6. 2:49.6: 7:30am Lane 2: Jen L, Dave B, Jen L, Rob S
7 .3:17.3: 8:30am Lane 4: Laura J, Margaret K, Renee, Colette
8. 3:22.6: 8:30am Lane 3: Susan N-Y, Laurie, Megan L, Natalie A

Masters Swimming Competitions
You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Cost is $26 for a registration good until Dec 31/06.  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before your first competition. 
Some preliminary information on upcoming meets for the season is given below.  Details on Ontario competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded yellow). 
Sat Jan 7th am Technosport Sprint Meet (U of Ottawa) 7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish, followed by free breakfast.  Events: 400FR, 50fl, 50bk, 100fs, 100IM, 50br, 100fl, 100br, 50fs, 100bk, 200IM.  Cost: $25 (unlimited events; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed Dec 28th.  Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  If you are planning to attend, please let Duane know via e-mail as he is already trying to estimate numbers.
Sun Jan 15th  1000 Island Y Masters Almost Serious Meet (Brockville)  8am warm up, 8:45am start, noon finish, followed by social.  Events: 200open, 4x25FR, 50 br, 4x25bk relay, 50fs, 4x25MR, 50bk, 4x25br relay, 100IM, 4x25fl relay, 100fs, 4x50FR women, 100bk, 4x50FR men, 100br, 4x25 T-shirt relay. Cost: $15 (unlimited events).  Deadline: Sat Jan 7th (by mail).  E-mail Lynn to get a copy of the meet package.
Sat Jan 28th am  Technosport Distance Meet (U of Ottawa) 7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 11am finish, followed by free breakfast.  Events: 400IM, 800fs, 1500fs.  Cost: $25 (unlimited events; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed Jan 18th. Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.
Sat Feb 11th pm  Nepean Winterlude Meet (Sportsplex; LC)
Sat Feb 18th  Rideau Speedeaus Meet (Ottawa U)
Sat Mar 11th am Technosport Sprint Meet (Ottawa U)
Fri Mar 31 - Sun Apr 2nd  Provincial Championships (St Catharines)
Sat Apr 8th am  Technosport Sprint Meet (Ottawa U)
Sat May 13th am  Technosport Sprint Meet (Ottawa U; maybe LC)
Sat Jun 3rd am  Technosport Distance Meet (Ottawa U; maybe LC)
Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:
Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)
Sat Nov 26th Technosport Sprint Meet 
Nine Carleton swimmers took part in this meet: George (WCB), Margaret K (8:30EB), Andrew (WCB), Bozena (WCB), Sean K (HI), Francois A (HI/EB), Dave S (HI/WCA), Katie S (WCB), Gi (WCB).  Official results will eventually be available at:  
Sat Dec 3rd Technosport Distance Meet
Blair C (Whitecaps "A") and Bozena (Whitecaps "B") were the only two Carleton swimmers to participate.  Both did very well.  Official results will eventually be available at:  
Ask the Coach
Dear Coach:  Can you explain the fly to back turn and the back to breast turn again?  Working on Turns
Dear W.o.Turns:  Sure, but it may be also be useful to ask your coach for a demo.  For the fly to back turn you finish the fly by touching the wall with both hands.  Note that you must not move your hands forward underwater in the fly, so keep your arms fully extended until they touch the wall.  You then drop one shoulder (turning about 45 degrees) and that hand goes under the water and points towards the other end of the pool.  The other hand goes over the water and joins the first one under the water in a streamlined position so that your ears are between your elbows (your head will now be underwater).  Push off underwater in a streamlined position (on your back) and start the backstroke.  For the back to breast turn, you must touch the wall with some part of your body (preferably your hand!) while still on your back, i.e. you cannot do a flip turn.  You spin on your back towards the hand that touched the wall, ideally with your lower legs and feet out of the water.  As you spin, you rotate so that you are looking towards the side wall nearest the hand that touched the end.  The hand that touched the wall goes over the water and the other stays in the water and you push off on your front in a streamlined position.
Dear Coach:  Why can't we do more freestyle workouts?  A Freestyler
Dear A. Freestyler:  Of the three weekday workouts, one is always free, one choice and one IM.  The Saturday workout is free or partly free about half the time.  Thus, if you choose to do free on choice days, you have the option for doing quite a lot of freestyle.  However, no matter what your specialty is, mixing up the strokes helps develop better balanced muscles, and avoids injury, not to mention gives more variety to the workouts.  (Of course, if there are strokes you should not do due to neck, back or knee problems, do ensure that your coach is aware.)  Don't forget that not everyone loves freestyle.  Believe it or not, there are quite a few people who prefer long distance IM days! 
Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons
Winter Availability:
Mon 9:45-10:45am: Jan-Apr
Mon 3-4pm: Jan-Apr
Mon 4-5pm: Apr 17
Wed 8-9pm: Mar-Apr
Fri 9:45-10:45am: Jan-Apr
2005-2006 Prices:
Non-Members: $55 for 1 hour, $100 for 2, $140 for 3, and $180 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer):
Non-Members: $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, and $115 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
(Carleton Members get a 25% discount on the above prices.)
Contact Lynn for bookings.
Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.
Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:
Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 7:45pm
Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 9:30pm
Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!