From: Lynn Marshall []
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 10:09 AM
To:;;;;; Kristi Dean (home);; Lynn Marshall at Carleton;;;;
Subject: Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #139


Carleton Masters Swimming Newsletter #139                          Sunday, March 19th, 2006


To:  Carleton Coaches (11 addresses)


Bcc: Those Registered for Fall 2005 / Winter 2006 and Alumni: High Intensity (4 addresses), 6:30am Earlybirds (13 addresses); 7:30am Earlybirds (36 addresses), 8:30am Earlybirds (23 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "A" (55 addresses), 6pm Whitecaps "B" (40 addresses), Nightcaps (40 addresses), Masters "Alumni" (41 members).



6:30am Earlybirds Started

The 6:30am Earlybirds program started on Mon Mar 6th.  There is still space in this group.  If you wish to join, you can register on-line or through the Customer Service centre.



Easter Cancellation

There will be no Earlybirds workouts (6:30am, 7:30am or 8:30am) on Fri Apr 14th, due to the Good Friday holiday.  There will be just one public swim offered at Carleton that day from 11:45am-3:30pm.  Masters runs as usual on Sat Apr 15th and Mon Apr 17th



End of Winter Session / Start of Spring/Summer Session

The Winter session ends Thu Apr 20th / Fri Apr 21st for all groups.  The pool is closed Apr 22nd through May 7th for annual maintenance (no $3 workouts as there will be no water in the pool!!).  The Spring session starts Mon May 8th.  Details on programs offered will be available soon.  Registration for Spring/Summer will start Wed Apr 5th.



Jim Lee Update

It was great to see Deb and Jim Lee at the pool on Fri Mar 10th.  Jim is looking great and was at Carleton to use the treadmill – the only exercise permitted to date after his January stroke.  Jim is now home but goes to rehab three days per week where he is focusing on reading and speaking – skills he needs to perfect before resuming his job as a United Church minister.  We all hope that Jim will be allowed back in the pool soon, but it is up to his neurologist and, of course, best to err on the side of caution!



Postal Meet Open to All

1000 Islands Y is hosting a postal swim meet (mail in your times) that is open to everyone (you do not need to be registered with MSO).  To enter you need to be timed by two people in 50fl, 50bk, 50br, 50fs and 100IM any time in April (not all on the same day), and send in your results by May 10th.  It costs $15 and you get a T-shirt.  Let me know if you want an entry form.  This is not a sanctioned “meet” so times do not count towards club records or Ontario/Canada 2006 statistics.  However, as long as your coach is one of your two timers, your times will count towards the end of term time trials!



Swimmer Notes   


Some Interesting Articles:  Did you know that swimming and cycling do little for your bones?  Read about this and some suggestions at:  Thanks to Cam D (Whitecaps “A”) for bringing this to my attention.

   Interested in learning more (and some new information) about lactic acid, lactate, and acidosis (muscle burn)?  Check out this article:  Brought to my attention by Albert Guite, a TriRudy contributor.


Pool Notes:  Pace Clock Synchronization and Early Morning Smokers:  Just a couple of updates for those who have complained about the cigarette smoke smell early in the morning and questioned the pace clock synchronization… 

   First, we believe that it is the overnight cleaning staff that has been smoking in the building, causing a strong smell on the pool deck early in the morning which has negatively impacted the early morning swims.  Administration is following up, and we hope this has been eradicated! 

   Secondly, when we are doing short distances that involve stopping at both ends, it’s crucial that the seconds hands be synchronized on the pace clocks.  This is pretty easy to do, by stopping any offending clock(s) and restarting in line with the others.  Unfortunately, one pace clock is now losing a few seconds per day so this is being done more frequently than usual.  In addition, only the pace clocks with multi-coloured hands have adjustable minute hands.  For the other pace clocks, the only way to re-synch the minute hands is to turn them off for (almost) an hour!  Thus, if you need to know the “real” time, ask the coach or check a pace clock with multi-coloured hands!  Our apologies for the inconvenience.


Swimmers in the News:  Alan Hunt (8:30am Earlybirds) was on the TV news recently.  Alan is a sociologist at Carleton and was talking about similarities between humans and dogs.  His Portugese Water Dog was also featured!

   Also, Laurie O (8:30am Earlybirds) is prominently featured in Team Triumph’s web pages: N-Y (also 8:30am Earlybirds) is in the group shot, too.


Swimmer Moving to Brockville:  Kelly R (Whitecaps “A” / 7:30am Earlybirds) has found a planning position with the City of Brockville so will be leaving us (except for the occasional Saturday morning between now and the end of term).  She hopes to get a similar position in Ottawa in the not too far distant future and move back.  Our best wishes to Kelly in her new job!


Total Immersion Workshop:  An official Total Immersion Weekend is happening in Toronto at the John Inness Community Ctr (Queen and Sherbourne), Sat and Sun, March 25, 26, 2006.  Register online with ASAP.  Register by phone: 1 800 609 7946.  Cost: $445 US.  (For a much cheaper alternative, take lessons with Lynn – while not a qualified Total Immersion instructor, I have attended a Total Immersion Workshop and have adapted some of their drills! J )


Jazz on the Light Side:  Former 7:30am Earlybirds swimmer, Rob Burnfield, will be performing with the Cantata Singers of Ottawa in a concert of light jazz tunes (such as A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square and Tuxedo Junction), to be presented at the Glebe-St. James United Church (First & Lyon) at 8:00 PM on Sat Mar 25th.  Tickets are $15 for seniors and students and $20 for all others, with a $2 discount when purchased before the concert. Visit the web site for more information:


Gilbert and Sullivan:  Whitecaps “A” swimmer, Lisa Hans, will be performing in the Savoy Society’s “HMS Pinafore” to be presented at the Centrepointe Theatre Mar 31, Apr 1, Apr 2nd (matinee) and Apr 5-8th.  Tickets are $24.75 for adults, $14.75 for youth and students, and for the matinee for children 10 and under it is $11.25.  Groups of 10 or more get a $2 discount.  Talk to Lisa at the pool, or visit the web site to buy tickets on-line:


BIG Swim for Arthritis: This swim for arthritis (promoting the benefits that swimming has for those with arthritis) is being held April 20-23, 2006 at pools across Canada. For more information visit or call 1-877 BIG SWIM.  Volunteers and swimmers needed!

   Melanie Scantland (Whitecaps “B”) is participating in this event by doing the 5000m swim.  She is collecting pledges at the pool or you can contact her via e-mail:

   Margaret King (8:30am Earlybirds) is planning to do a swim for Arthritis at Carleton on Apr 21st.   

   Also, for those of you who know Vincent Richer (Technosport), he is going to swim 40km (two 5km swims each day) over the four days in support of this cause.  Check out his web site at:  As each 5k swim is going to take him 3 hours (he’s a steady but certainly not fast swimmer!), this quite an undertaking.


Support Cancer Research and Coach Kristi:  On July 21-23, 2006, Kristi Dean will be participating in a very special event called The Weekend to End Breast Cancer.  She'll walk 60 kilometres over the course of one weekend with thousands of other women and men. The net proceeds will support breast cancer research, and services through the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.  She has agreed to raise at least $2,000, but has set her personal goal at $3,500.  More info at:


Carleton Swim Suits:  Price is $70 for the women's suits ($55 for girl's) and $35 for the men's (cash or cheque payable to "Carleton University").  The men's suits range from size 28 to 38 (no 36s left).  The women's suits range from girl's size 22 to women's size 40 (no 24, 30, 36 or 38 left).  If you would like a suit, please e-mail me at least a day in advance to arrange a time (preferably when I am coaching) so that I can have the suits ready for you. 

Nose Clips for Sale:  Cost $5.  Contact Lynn if you are interested.



Winter Session Information

This is where the winter attendance stats are listed along with information on upcoming special workouts (e.g. time trials).  The regular workout themes are posted on the web site.  Coming up soon will be the end of term time trials.  Everyone will have the opportunity to swim a timed 1500 (800 for those who take over 2:10/100m) on Thu Apr 6th / Fri Apr 7th.  Between then and the end of the session, you also have a chance to do some shorter timed swims – ask your coach for more details.  As usual, for the last day of the session (Thu Apr 20th / Fri Apr 21st) there will be a “fun” set – feel free to give input to your coach!


Congratulations to the six swimmers with perfect attendance since January, plus the additional six 6:30am Very Earlybirds with perfect attendance to date (2 weeks):


6:30am Earlybirds (Mar 6-17th; 6 workouts; range 10-16; avg: 12.8)

Perfect Attendance: Blair G, Dave S, Francois A, Ian L, Sean K, Ursula


7:30am Earlybirds (Jan 4-Mar 17th; 32 workouts; range 10-22; avg: 15.0)

Perfect Attendance: Leona

Missed 1 Workout: Francois A


8:30am Earlybirds (Jan 4-Mar 17th; 32 workouts; range 8-18; avg: 13.5)

Missed 1 Workout: Alan H


6pm Whitecaps “A” (Jan 3-Mar 16th; 32 workouts; range 19-38; avg: 25.6)

Perfect Attendance: Don W, Francois P, Gi, Joanne D

Missed 2 Workouts: Pete L


6pm Whitecaps “B” (Jan 3-Mar 16th; 32 workouts; range 14-26; avg. 20.0)

Missed 1 Workout: Christiane W

Missed 2 Workouts: George, Suzanne L


8pm Nightcaps (Jan 3-Mar 16th; 22 workouts; range 10-22; avg. 15.8)

Perfect Attendance: Elizabeth P



Update from MSC / MSO (Masters Swimming Canada / Ontario):

Masters Swimming Canada and Masters Swimming Ontario are looking for some good people to act on behalf of all registered swimmers. Information and nomination forms can be found on the following web sites.

1. MSC is in need of board members and the deadline for MSC Board nominations has been extended to March 24, 2006Nominations to be sent to: Juanita Prebble:

2. MSO needs a representative on the "Council of Provinces" at the MSC board meetings. There is no deadline for the Provinces to name their delegate. If you are interested please contact any MSO board member.

3. A request has come from Ted Hayes (from Swim Ontario) to have a rep replace Claus Koch. It seems they really would like to have someone on board for their meeting on the weekend of April 28-30.

4. Timers and officials are still needed for the Ontario Provincials.  Contact the organizers if you can help.


Masters Swimming Competitions

You must register annually with Masters Swimming Ontario (MSO) if you want to compete in Masters Swimming competitions.  Cost is $26 for a registration good until Dec 31/06.  Contact Lynn for details.  Note that you must register with MSO at least 3 weeks before your first competition. 


Some preliminary information on upcoming local and championship meets for the season is given below.  Full details on all Ontario Masters competitions can be found at:  For Quebec competitions see (Masters meets are shaded grey). 



Fri Mar 31 - Sun Apr 2nd  Ontario Provincial Championships (St Catharines).  Full details at:  Entry deadline: Fri Mar 10th.


Sat Apr 8th am  Technosport Sprint Meet (Ottawa U).  7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish.  Events: 200/400/800 relay, 400fs, 200IM, 100fl, 50bk, 200fs, 50br, 50fs, 100br, 100fs, 50fl, 100bk, 200/400/800 relay.  Cost: $25 (unlimited events; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed Mar 29th (late entries accepted!). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  If you can bring a timer (no experience necessary, free breakfast), please let Duane know.


Fri Apr 21 – Sun Apr 23rd  Quebec Provincial Championships (Montreal).  Full details at:  Entry deadline: Mon Apr 10th.


Sat May 13th am  Technosport Sprint Meet (Ottawa U; LC).  7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish.  Events: 200/400/800 relay, 50fl, 100fs, 200IM, 100bk, 50fs, 100br, 50bk, 100fl, 50br, 200fs, 200/400/800 relay.  Cost: $25 (unlimited events; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed May 3rd (late entries accepted!). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  If you can bring a timer (no experience necessary, free breakfast), please let Duane know.


May 19-22nd, 2006  National Championships (Calgary).  Full details at:  Entry deadline: Fri Apr 28th.


Sat Jun 3rd am  Technosport Distance Meet (Ottawa U; LC).  7:45am warm up, 8:30am start, 10:30am finish.  Events: 200/400/800 relay, 800fs, 1500fs, 200/400/800 relay.  Cost: $25 (cannot swim both 800 and 1500; can pay on the day).  Deadline: Wed May 24th (late entries accepted!). Register on-line at: (or follow links from: and e-mail: to confirm that your entry was received.  If you can bring a timer (no experience necessary, free breakfast), please let Duane know.


Aug 4-11th, 2006  XI FINA World Masters Championships, Stanford, California, USA.  Details at:  Entry deadline: Sat Jun 3rd.



Race Results: (Please send in your results!!)


Sat Mar 11th Technosport Arthur Inglis Invitational Swim Meet (Ottawa U) 

There were eleven Carleton swimmers at this meet.  Ten were swimming for Carleton: George, Bozena, Andrew P and Chad (Whitecaps “B”); Gi (Whitecaps “A”); Elizabeth and Anna P (Nightcaps); Margaret K (8:30am Earlybirds); Rob T (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds & Nightcaps), and Lynn (Coach).  Larry (8:30am Earlybirds) also competed for the Ottawa Y Masters.  Official results will eventually be available at:  In the meantime, here’s a quick summary…

George (80-84) set a club record in 200fs (4:19)

Margaret (75-79) set 5 club records in her new age group: 50fs (1:21), 100fs (2:58), 200fs (6:15), 50bk (1:42), 50br (1:53)

Larry (65-69) swam three events (50bk, 50br, 50fl).  He wasn’t happy with his times, we all thought he did well!

Andrew (55-59) swam his usual breast, fly and IM and is looking forward to the Ontario Provincials

Bozena (50-54) set a club record in 100fl (2:05) and also did a PB in 50fl

Rob T (50-54) set two club records: 50fs (32) and 200fs (2:54)

Lynn (45-49) set a club record in 50fs (29.40), an Ont record in 100fs (1:03.6) and a Nat record in 200IM (2:34.8) [and many close misses: 0.04 outside the Ont record in 50fs, 0.05 outside the club record in 50br, 0.2 outside the Nat record in 200fs, and 0.8 outside the World record in 200IM!]

Chad (35-39), Elizabeth (30-34) and Anna (25-29) were all participating in their first Masters meet.  They all swam well, looked good, and had fun!

Gi (18-24) did a PB in 50fl and a short course PB in 50fs (keep working on those turns!)

The updated club records (without the 10ths and 100ths of seconds, as we don’t yet have the official times) have been posted on the web site.


Sat Mar 18th Dollard-des-Ormeaux (Montreal) Swim Meet

Rob T (6:30/7:30am Earlybirds / Nightcaps) and Lynn (Coach) were the two Carleton swimmers at this meet.  The third Ottawa swimmer was Marty Raymond (Orleans Masters) who many of you know as he used to swim for Carleton.  Although Marty is concentrating on triathlon and is considering doing the Hawaii Ultraman yet again, he’s doing some pool racing to test his swim fitness.  Official results aren’t yet available, but here’s how we did (approximately):
Rob T (50-54): Just outside his club records in all 4 events: 50fs (33), 100fs (1:19?), 200fs (2:57), 100IM (1:29)

Lynn (45-59): Made up for some of the near misses from last weekend doing season bests in all 5 events: 50fs (29.03 – Ont record), 100fs (1:02.2 – Ont record), 400fs (4:36 – Nat record), 100IM (1:13.3 – Ont record), 200IM (2:33.2 – World record)



Ask the Coach


Dear Coach:  I get a sore lower back when we do pull.  What am I doing wrong?  Sore Puller


Dear S. Puller:  First, ensure that you have a pull-buoy appropriate for your size.  If you are light you want to use a smaller pull buoy as you need less floatation to keep your legs up than a heavier person.  Secondly, ensure that you keep your abs slightly engaged to avoid arching your back.  If neither of these helps, you can always do pull without a pull buoy (just don’t kick!).


Dear Coach:  I sometimes feel dizzy during workout.  Any suggestions?  Head Spinning


Dear H. Spinning:  First, ensure that you have eaten something before workout (especially if you swim in the morning).  Keeping well hydrated (bring a water bottle) is also a good idea.  Some swimmers do find that they get dizzy / nauseous from certain strokes (usually backstroke) or turns (usually flip turns).  On backstroke, try to keep your head still and your eyes focused on a spot straight above you.  For flip turns, some swimmers do find that, especially as they get older, flip turns cause too much dizziness to be worth the effort.  If you are new to flip turns, then try avoiding unnecessary head movement, and have your coach look at your turn and give pointers.


Dear Coach:  At my first swim meet I noticed that some swimmers finish their race and jump right out of the water, while others stay in the water until the whole heat is finished.  Which is best?  New Racer


Dear N. Racer:  It is good etiquette and polite to remain in the water until the entire heat has finished.  You can actually be disqualified for leaving the water before everyone is done!  It’s also good to remain in the water after a hard effort as standing up right away can cause you to become light-headed, not to mention that it’s easier to climb out of the pool once your heart rate is a bit lower!  At some swim meets, to save time, the referee will actually ask that all swimmers remain in the water until the next heat has started.


Dear Coach:  You always tell me to touch the wall with both hands on a breast stroke turn.  What about the breast stroke finish – is one hand ok?  Another New Racer


Dear A.N. Racer:  The rules for each stroke apply to the finish as well as the turn.  In other words, on fly and breast you must finish with both hands.  In freestyle and backstroke you can finish with any part of your body (one hand is recommended but not required!), and in backstroke you must be on your back when you finish.


Dear Coach:  Can you remind me of the new breast stroke pull-out rules?  A Breaststroker


Dear A. Breaststroker:  For those who are really interested in the full details of the rules, check out:  The only differences for Masters swimming are found at:  Here’s the breast stroke turn rule:

“During each complete cycle, some part of the swimmer's head shall break the surface of the water. After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely back to the legs. The head must break the surface of the water before the hands turn inward at the widest part of the second stroke. A single downward dolphin kick followed by a breaststroke kick is permitted while wholly submerged. Following which, all movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and in the same horizontal plane without alternating movement.

      Interpretation: A dolphin kick is not part of the cycle and is only permitted at the start and turn whilst the arms are pulling back to the legs or after the arm pull whilst wholly submerged followed by a breaststroke kick.”

While officials are still arguing over this rule, to be on the safe side, ensure that your heels do not break the surface during the dolphin kick (see “wholly submerged” above), and don’t do the dolphin kick before you start your underwater pull (see “Interpretation” above).


Dear Coach:  How important is it to breathe on both sides in freestyle?  A Freestyler


Dear A. Freestyler:  From both symmetry (good technique) and avoiding injury perspectives breathing on both sides is important.  While we do see some elite swimmers breathing on only one side at the World Championships and on TV, for many of these it was quite obvious that they were asymmetrical.  For the large majority of us who are swimming for fitness and plan to keep swimming for many years, developing asymmetries is likely to lead to injury (I’ll bet many of these elite swimmers do have shoulder problems, or don’t always breathe only on one side!).  For open water swimmers and triathletes, as you have no control over the wind and waves, being able to breathe on both sides is important.  While it’s ok to breathe only on one side when you race or for the small part of workout when you are going above 85-90% effort, for the remainder of the time, breathing on both sides is a good idea.  You don’t have to breathe every 3 if that doesn’t work for you.  You can breathe every 2 or 4 and alternate sides by 25 or by 50, or you can breathe more on your weak side in warm up / warm down to compensate for the extra strokes you took on your good side in the hard part of the workout. 


Dear Coach:  Sometimes I cannot get the water out of my ears after swimming and it drives me crazy!  What can I do?  Hopping on One Foot


Dear H.o.O. Foot:  Well, hopping does sometimes get the water out, but not always.  You can buy ear drops that will help get the water out at the drug store (e.g. Burosol).  They are a bit expensive but some in a convenient plastic squeeze bottle.  Once the bottle is empty you can make your own drops by mixing mostly rubbing alcohol (which gets any leftover water to evaporate) with some vinegar or hydrogen peroxide (which changes the Ph of your ear so that bacteria is unlikely to form and thus help avoid ear infections).



Private and Semi-Private Masters Swim Lessons

(Spring/Summer availability coming soon!)

Winter Availability:

Mon 9:45-10:45am: Feb-Apr

Mon 3-4pm: Feb-Apr

Tue/Thu 7:30-8:30am **NEW**: Mar-Apr

Wed 8-9pm: Mar-Apr

Fri 9:45-10:45am: Feb-Apr


2005-2006 Prices:
Non-Members: $55 for 1 hour, $100 for 2, $140 for 3, and $180 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
Semi-Private (2-3 swimmers; per swimmer):
Non-Members: $35 for 1 hour, $65 for 2, $90 for 3, and $115 for 4 hours, all plus GST.
(Carleton Members get a 25% discount on the above prices.)
Contact Lynn for bookings.





Winter Term Registration: If you have not yet done so, please register for the Winter term as soon as possible, to ensure that the coaches have up-to-date class lists.  You can register on-line 24 hrs/day at, or by phone (520-4480) or in person (main floor) from 8:30am-4:30pm M-F.  Note that those registered in the current High Intensity groups are paid up until February.  All other groups require re-registration for January.  Whitecaps is full for the Winter term, but all other groups have space.  You can also register now for the 6:30am Earlybirds (starting in March).  The workout themes for Winter 2006 are posted on the web site:


Web Site Links and Newsletter Archive: Some swimmers reported that they had problems viewing some of the recent photos.  It's sometimes easier to access the web site pages, by going to the main page ( and then clicking on the link of interest (e.g. recent photos). 

Also, if your copy of the newsletter does not arrive or is accidentally deleted, you can view all the old newsletters on the web site.


Newsletter: An e-newsletter (like this one) is sent out about every two weeks.  If you have new lane-mates, please mention to them that they should give their e-mail address to their coach if they'd like to receive it.


Suggestions for Workouts or Interested in Making up a Workout or a Set?: If you have suggestions for the workouts (something you like that we never do, or something you dislike that we do too much!), or if you'd like to try making up a workout or a set in a workout, just talk to your coach. 

Interested in Copies of the Workouts?: Are you interested in getting copies of Lynn's workouts ahead of time?  Let me know.  I usually e-mail out two week’s worth of workouts on alternate Sundays.  (Note that these are only the workouts that Lynn coaches.  If Lynn is not your coach, the workouts will be different from the workouts your coach gives you!)

Weekly Social Events: All swimmers are invited to join us for:

Thursday Dinner (after Whitecaps workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 7:45pm

Thursday Drinks (after Nightcaps workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 9:30pm

Saturday Brunch (after 9-10am workout): Meet by the Control Desk around 10:30am

Triathletes: Check out Rudy Hollywood’s website: and subscribe to the daily tri-news e-mail.

General Information: Program information, photos, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records, among other things, can be viewed at:

Your input to this newsletter is most welcome, especially for the Swimmer Notes, Race Results and Ask the Coach sections!  To be added to or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (

Happy lengths!

Lynn (or for quicker response:

Club website: