Carleton Masters Weekly Newsletter #14                        Thursday, August 9th, 2001
To: Carleton Coaches
Bcc: Early Birds (45 addresses); Whitecaps (44 addresses)
Upcoming Events:
Stretching and Injury Prevention Clinic: Monday August 13th 7:30-9pm
There will be a stretching and injury prevention clinic held at Carleton University Athletics after Monday evening Masters on Monday August 13th from 7:30-9:00pm (Room 303A) for members of Carleton Masters.  There is a $5 cost for this clinic (pay at the door) and we will have two speakers: Dr. Patrick Faloon (Chiropractor) and Bill Rhodenizer (Physiotherapist).  See you there!
Carleton Mini-Swim Camp: Weekend of August 18-19th 
We now have 26 people confirmed for the August 18-19th swim camp!   If you have registered, please provide a cheque for $30 (both days) or $20 (one day) payable to "Carleton Masters Swim Club" by August 10th.  If you have not yet registered, please let me know ASAP as we can accommodate a maximum of 30 people.  Camp times are Saturday, August 18th 10am-noon and Sunday, August 19th 9:15-11:15am.  The five coaches (all with competitive swimming and coaching experience) confirmed to date are: John Waring, Louise Hayes, Alex Hayes, Maurice Gibbs and myself.  E-mail me for more details.
Technosport Open Water Swim Mini-Camp: August 16th
The Technosport Masters club is offering a free open water mini-camp at Meech Lake on Thursday, August 16th at 6:15pm.  Duane Jones welcomes members of Carleton Masters to attend (although it does conflict with our normal Thursday evening workout at Carleton, which will go ahead as normal).  Goals of the mini-cam are to: "Learn the principles of sighting, stroke analysis for open water swimming, handling the waves, handling the crowd, pre race nutrition and recovery."  If you are interested, contact Duane at

Fall Session and "Toonie" Workouts
The summer Masters session ends Friday, August 31st.  The fall session begins Monday, September 17th.  The Fall Program Guide will be available shortly and will contain all the details.  Just to summarize, we will have the same four Masters groups running as last year (2 Early Bird groups, Whitecaps and Nightcaps).
For those who would like to train during the first two weeks of September, we will be offering "Toonie" workouts to all those who have registered for the fall session (in any group).  For the "toonie" workouts, you just bring $2 to each workout and pay the coach on deck.
We will definitely hold "toonie" workouts in the normal Whitecaps times, and Saturday from after Labour Day until the fall session starts.
If there is enough interest (we'd need to average 10 people per workout), we will also offer "toonie" workouts in the 7:30-8:30am MWF morning slot.
Thus, there will definitely be "toonie" workouts:
Tuesday, September 4th: 6-7:10pm
Thursday, September 6th: 6-7:10pm
Saturday, September 8th: 9-10am
Monday, September 10th: 6-7:10pm
Tuesday, September 11th: 6-7:10pm
Thursday, September 13th: 6-7:10pm
Saturday, September 15th: 9-10am
The additional proposed "toonie" workouts are:
Wednesday, September 5th: 7:30-8:30am
Friday, September 7th: 7:30-8:30am
Monday, September 10th: 7:30-8:30am
Wednesday, September 12: 7:30-8:30am
Friday, September 14th: 730-8:30am
If you would like to attend any of these "Early Bird" workouts, please let me know approximately how many you would attend.
Volunteers Needed!  On the morning of Sunday, August 26th, a Kids-of-Steel triathlon (age 7 to 18) is being held at CFB Ottawa near the Aviation Parkway and Hemlock Road area.  Kristi is one of the race directors and I am the swim coordinator.  The swim will be held in the base 4 lane 25yd outdoor pool.  We will need 10-12 volunteers to help with the swim (you'd need to be there by 8:30am).  Duties will involve counting lengths (you get a paper and pen, unlike in workout!), and general organization (ensuring kids are in the right place for their swim start, checking names/numbers, explaining safety rules, etc.).  Lots more volunteers will be needed in the transition zone, and on the bike and run courses.  Volunteers will get a free meal after the race.  Carleton Masters volunteers will also receive a $5 rebate on the 2-day fee for the August 18-19th swim camp.
Weekly Carleton Masters Social Events:  Those new to Masters may not know of the two weekly Masters social (eating) events.  On Thursday evenings after Masters a group goes for dinner at a nearby restaurant (meet by the Tuck Shop around 7:45pm to decide on venue).  On Saturday mornings after Masters a group goes for brunch, normally at the Greek Souvlaki House at Prince of Wales and Baseline (meet by the Tuck Shop around 10:30am for a head count).  All are welcome!
Informal Meech Lake Swim: An small informal group will swim at Meech Lake (Blanchet Beach) this Sunday, August 12th at 8:30am. Please note that this is in no way affiliated with or supported by Carleton Athletics or Carleton Masters Swim Club.  You swim at your own risk!!  Please e-mail me for more details.
Race Reports (as usual, please let me know if I've missed anyone or any races!):
Sunday, August 5th was a great day for Carleton Masters!
Congratulations to Isla Paterson (Early Birds) on 5 gold medals in her age group in her first ever Masters swim meet on August 5th in Binghamton, New York (50fs, 100fs, 400fs, 50br and 100br).  Her Aunt Alice (a more experienced Masters swimmer) also participated and won 5 golds in her age group.
Congratulations also to Rudy Hollywood (Whitecaps) for his 34th place overall out of 164 competitors (and first in his 55-59 age group) at the Kingston Long Course triathlon on August 5th.  He completed the 2k swim, 56.5 bike ride and 15k run in 3:29:01, and to Tom McGee who finished 4th overall out of 171 competitors (and first in his 40-44 age group) in the Ste Agathe, Quebec, triathlon also on August 5th.  Tom's time for the 1k swim, 35k bike and 8k run was 1:49:32.
Ask the Coach
No questions this week.
Early Birds (Morning Group) Summer Session Notes
Just over one week until we start the end of session time trials!  You can do your time trials anytime between Monday, August 20th and Wednesday, August 29th.  If none of these dates are convenient, let me know and we'll make alternate arrangements.  (The last workout of the session, Friday August 31st, will be a fun session with some optional relays.) 
If you are interested in "toonie" workouts during the first two weeks of September (see above), please e-mail me letting me know how many you would attend.  
Private Masters Lessons
Here is the summer schedule for private coaching.  If you are interested, please talk to me for details and book through the Athletics Office (520-4480).
Times available (Sunday, July 22nd to Sunday, September 2nd):
Day       Time        Pool Space
Monday    6:30-7:30am Deep    (not August 6th)
Tuesday   7:30-8:30am Shallow
Wednesday 6:30-7:30am Deep
Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm Shallow (not July 25th)
Thursday  7:30-8:30am Shallow
Friday    6:30-7:30am Deep
Sunday    5:00-6:00pm Shallow
Sunday    6:00-7:00pm Shallow
Fees for Carleton Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions   Members     GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $35.00    $2.45    $37.45    $35.00+GST
2           $65.00    $4.55    $69.55    $32.50+GST
3           $90.00    $6.30    $96.30    $30.00+GST
4          $112.00    $7.84   $119.84    $28.00+GST
5          $132.00    $9.24   $141.24    $26.40+GST
Fees for Non-Members:
# of 1 Hour     
Sessions  Non-Members  GST     Total    Cost / Session
1           $50.00    $3.50    $53.50    $50.00+GST
2           $85.00    $5.95    $90.95    $42.50+GST
3          $115.00    $8.05   $123.05    $38.33+GST
4          $142.00    $9.94   $151.94    $35.50+GST
5          $162.00   $11.34   $173.34    $32.40+GST
(Note that times and costs will be reviewed in September.)
General Information
Program information, old newsletters and the Carleton Masters records can be viewed at:
Please remember that for the rest of the summer, the Early Birds (MWF morning group) will run from 7:30-8:30am ONLY.  The 8:30-9:30am group will recommence September 17th.
Your input to this weekly newsletter is most welcome, especially for the race results and "Ask the Coach" sections!  To be added or removed from the receiver list, just let me know (
See you at the pool!